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Greece to Leave Euro Zone on June 18

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posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

I know that sounds like I am throwing you a life raft that cannot be inflated you do research constantly have all the demographics and teams working always on process and understanding trends etc.

Well you have to do something while we build the trade route and fix it for you.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Ohhh you wanted to know WHY I wanted you to do pure research or to invest in R&D.

Its part of our 'talk a lot about everything, but do as little as possible', government strategy for allowing capitalism to seek its own level through supply and demand. Yes I was Clinton's chief economic advisor but I never introduced him to Monica Lewinski, however that alone, that distraction from the real world of watching every tick of a ticker tape machine, by government mostly, is often enough to build a huge surplus because there are people in the system who are really good at their job, if you will let them do it. And that extends to the media, and the markets and in banking. But without direction they can't do their job. Thats where the International community, that mysterious force of educated people work together to direct them and to also do problem solving like we do here in ATS.

I think Angela is doing a great job. I am glad Greece is still in the union but we would have made it all work either way. Our way is towards eudaimonia, not, eudaimoning.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Thats my speech for the G20 sorry for talking your ears off. I hope you got some good ideas from it.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

"G20 summit: Fractious talks resume amid debt crisis"

On Monday, many world leaders expressed alarm in Los Cabos at what they saw as a lack of progress in dealing with the eurozone crisis.

I was a little late getting that speech out because I had to listen to what Greece had to say and they just had their elections. (I should have been a politician instead of an economist)

I think I will keep a low profile today and if it seems like I am just pumping this thread it is so that I can share whats going on in a low key manner. And make the information easy to find. There were people complaining that not everyone CAN access ATS well thats not an issue everyone will get the info through various means. I need to use ATS because its a great forum that is well run with great rules for conduct that are enforced.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So then when I say talk about everything but do nothing, what I mean to say is be sure to tell anyone you have interest in, for future meetings that you are very interested in pursuing things. You know, you will want to hand documents over to your underlings and THEY can do things.

Any trade deals you can get going for sure pursue those.

So where should East Meet West? Should it be a trade route from Asia to Israel? Should it be a trade route Greece?

You see we can assume that you will have an opportunity to mark things up where East Meets West.

Lebanon deals in parts so they have their networks set up. They have people in many countries who have immigrated there so thats at the point of sale. Then you have the people manning the phones in Lebanon.

So then with 'just in time' economics the seller can do the drop shipping.

You see they don't need to move parts to Lebanon and then from there to the consumer, they can have the manufacturer do the shipping they just place the orders.

So where is the advantage for the consumer? Well they don't have to learn Chinese and try to read a Chinese phone book. Lebanon has the contacts already, and so then the consumer if he is looking for a part, he might use a business that is in Lebanon, simply because the guy at the desk is hunting for suppliers and has a reliable list of suppliers and already has his shipping streamlined so he can within reason guarantee a price and a delivery time.

And things will arrive 'just in time' and no need for warehousing huge inventories.

The G20 ministers should not think I am talking down to them here since of course they know all this.

So then why not have the trade route come to Syria?

Then from there to Israel and Greece?

You see we can at this point shape Syria a bit and mold it into that trade center. As long as when they build, they do not build on archaeological sites. Or agricultural land.

Gaza has only sand and rock I think so you can build anywhere there and so then from GAZA you can go to Turkey. Instead of Greece. Then from Turkey to Europe.

Or from Greece to Europe.

Or from Israel to America.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So we are all about 'just in time' economics. And I don't think we need to discuss the dangers of just in time economics since we should know those, but for those who don't, the danger is that since you have no inventory if the trade route is disrupted then you have big problems really quickly.

So security is important. So to insure the trade route stays open, we have the S.C.O.

They can go around embargoes.

America is often not able to prevent big business inside of it from steering the nation into situations where they can try to control trade. The big business interests will place embargoes and use all sorts of strong arm tactics as a tool of business.
We like hardball but we need our goods on time at a reasonable price.

And this world conference is designed for the second world. You notice its G20 not G7.

This is an opportunity for the second world, lets say GDP per capita that is similar to Iran and Lebanon working with countries which have a very low GDP per capita of around than $5,000 .

So there is still a gap there between Iran and lets say Syria or Egypt or Iraq as an example.
But its not insurmountable. Its actually advantageous.

The next jump which is to the first world, well we are just in another league and the monetary amounts would be hugely differential. Canada 50,000 GDP per capita, America 48,000, Norway? Don't even look at Norway. 85,000 or something.

We are interested in point of sale. We want next day delivery from anywhere in the world of course.
And we want quality. And we want a good price. But a good price to us, is not the same price that Iraq could afford from the same manufacturer. But the manufacturer can still sell more products if he taps the Iraq market too.
And if he finds that the market is larger and easier to deal with, he might favor doing business with Iraq rather than do business with America lets say. And just because Iraq's GPD per capita is 4,800 does not mean that in that country there isn't a market where they are making much more than that. So they could be making a huge profit even a first world country if within that country there is still a good market.

They might even be a second stage middle man. Where it has gone to Syria been marked up then gets to Iraq and is marked up again, but when it gets to the first world, it is still a good price to us.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So then fortunately I am experienced with hands on commerce with China, and their shipping. And well we might need some warehousing in the Middle East. Or somewhere perhaps South America or Central America, like Mexico, so that this will speed up customs. When you place an order you want it delivered fast, and waiting for parcels to clear Chinese customs can hold up shipping during busy times like Christmas when they can get backlogged just like any other busy country.

So you see thats a huge issue for just in time.

Its much easier to be like Lebanon and not warehouse goods but merely be a middle man.

Let me show you a success story while we are looking at the region...

Alibaba dot com.

Hangzhou China.

Its a Chinese company yet it looks like a Middle East company doesn't it?

Lets not forget this is the space age and with the Internet trade is a different kettle of fish.

So the kinds of goods that need a physical trade route to the Middle East are probably perishable products mostly.
And natural resources but as you know China imports natural resources and exports finished goods as does the rest of Asia and India.
But there are resources in Afghanistan, but you know thats going to go to Asia and India where they can make finished goods. And so the stans and Russia they supply China and India but also the demand is so big they have to go to Canada and South America to get resources.

So you have a huge cheap labor force that supplies the modern world. And so it will be supplying Europe as well. And to get goods there it makes sense to send things to the Middle East.
Shipping in the Mediterranean, well Greece some people may remember when Greece was a major shipping country.
Onassis does anyone remember him?

What about Druse? He was also a huge shipping tycoon. I knew him personally. And he hated the water, but had to have a big yacht because all his friends had one. By big I mean big and have a huge crew sail it around and he never got on it.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Too many posts and too many words.
I didn't read any of them.

It's knid of like when the wife gets on a roll over something. On and on, bla bla bla. Not a word registers unitl she says what do think. Then it's a simple 'Yea I see your point'. Then I change the channel.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So the Greece with a history of shipping and trade is ideally suited for an East Meets West commercial trade center.

But what if as a consumer you went to Turkey for the same goods that came to Turkey through Syria, to Gaza, would the consumer getter a better price?

You can assume you would get a better price for the same goods. However for whatever reason, you may prefer to deal with Greece and pay a few dollars more.

Since the culture of Turkey may be foreign to you.

So I will keep it simple, so that we can all work together.

We should encourage goods to come from Asia and India that region, to be middled by those commercial geniuses in the Middle East who are exceptionally good at price negotiations and organizational trade related personal associations.

Then from there to European markets and markets world-wide. And lets not confuse strategy with control.

If you pressure google to control trade markets, by controlling the search engine, then you are acting exactly, as we would expect opportunists in a position of power to act.

Now stop and consider that last sentence because you the G20, will be required to solve this problem.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Rocketman7
We should encourage goods to come from Asia and India that region, to be middled by those commercial geniuses in the Middle East who are exceptionally good at price negotiations and organizational trade related personal associations.

Then from there to European markets and markets world-wide. And lets not confuse strategy with control.

If you pressure google to control trade markets, by controlling the search engine, then you are acting exactly, as we would expect opportunists in a position of power to act.

Now stop and consider that last sentence because you the G20, will be required to solve this problem.

Thaaaats correct. You may actually need trade agreements that include google.
And other search engines.

Does that mean we need to pass laws? Never pass a law you cannot enforce. Never do that.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So if you do not include search engines in your trade agreements, then search engines will be controlled as they are now by a power base of extremely wealthy power magnates. Dictators.

And then above them, controlled by a handful of oligarchs.

Which is ok we don't mind doing that but you will notice we don't want to spend all day doing that. So the choices are there in the search engine on page one or page two.

50 million search returns but you probably won't go past page 2.

You can. And if you are good at it, guess what? Well you will find incredible bargains won't you? In foreign countries and they have websites and if you were doing your GROUND work, in conferences, you would be getting website contacts and going around the search engines.

But then when YOU want to get your products to the consumer, once again you have to line up in google.
Even in the Western Market. Even in your own city. You will sooner deal with a large outlet that has actual stores, just because you are used to dealing with them. And returns are so easy.

Walmart. As a classic example of trade that works.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So then at this point, if you have a really good trade route that gets to Greece, Turkey, Israel, Syria, Gaza, that will create employment in Asia and India and the Middle East.

And increase their GDP.

So then what about Europe's unemployment problem? How can they afford goods that will arrive?

Well for one thing they will continue to eat and buy food. So the goods will flow regardless of the unemployment figures.

But for consumer goods and employment in a region where they manufacture finished goods, you see once you step into the modern world, you are now building high tech devices and robots and computer systems and you are making specific expensive goods for specific markets. So right there what does that tell you?

You need orders, then you make products as opposed to making products and then marketing them.

So the Modern World feeds on ideas, and the second world feeds. The first world grows.

That is to say that the things which are important to the modern world are usually expensive novel products.

The things that are important to the second world are food and military and survival based but also trade itself and middling goods.

Then the first world is bulk cheap goods and large scale manufacture of bulk cheap goods but with manufacture tied to the modern world, they become a separate building of a large corporation that spans the globe.

They just build a factory there or get China to build an Ipod according to their specs.

How does that help unemployment? Notice I said unemployment and not employment?

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Ok so that last post you would think well this is insurmountable. Companies will always go where labor is cheap.

And they will build factories there and they will put machinery in those factories and who will build the robots, and the computer systems and who will build those engineering projects and who has the expertise to consult in those areas and again you see as the third world which is not really the third world anymore emerges, so I am calling it the first world and the modern world is the G7.

So as it emerges they need novel expensive products which they get by placing orders.

You see this is complicated by the mergers of companies in Asia with America or Canada or Britain, because they just bypass the middleman.

Well that is something that everyone wants to do because then they get their markup. So we can't blame them for being good capitalists.

But we have to then counter that, through entrepreneurship.

That is where government comes in. They are there holding the doors open with their foot, while people can get in and make business deals just like it always has been, where you want to do some trade.

And they do that with trade junkets.

So as a business person, who wants to expand markets and build a business and make money create employment you cannot just sit there on the Internet. Why? Because it is controlled for the most part and the real opportunities are easier to find for small companies by doing a bit of leg work with associations.

edit on 19-6-2012 by Rocketman7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

A big problem right now for the G20 countries is quality control. Since they want to ship items directly to consumers, and yet returns are costly and time consuming.

So big problem = big opportunity.
edit on 19-6-2012 by Rocketman7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

As net citizens or netizens, you are required by the law of toyland to occasionally write a product review or do a youtube product review for your fellow cybernauts.

We need reviews. We need to know if what we are buying on-line is what we need and want.

Check out newegg review process as an example of a reviewing system that works for consumers.

The tech industry really needs better quality control desperately. And I blame Japan for that.
Why? Oh just so I can blame someone. lol
I will shame them into providing better quality control methods for manufactures all over the world.
As a business opportunity for them.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

"You get what you pay for"

Sorry I couldn't quite hear what you said we seem to have a bad connection, I will have to put you on hold, but I can assure you that we have opened a case regarding your return we can assure you it is not a faulty product that is being recalled and it is not a refurbished product.


They love me in Japan. I'm big in Japan.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

I'm just going to let capitalism and entrepreneurship handle that issue.

And it includes a lot of area on the net which will be growing and prospering because on-line consumerism is the future.

Its competitive but its lucrative.

But its not the only game in town. IN fact, if you want to be noticed beside Alibaba good luck, they are a big conglomerate of companies and a network of on the ground small businesses where supply meets demand.
You can't even buy something there on their site. You have to order wholesale. Buy in quantity.

So where there are some good entrepreneurial opportunities are for small businesses with a low overhead to reach a market. But to do that effectively, you need to get in with associations.

See how well Amazon dot com does?

Well there are a lot of people who just don't like dealing with it because of their loose style and poor storefront.

Well now that I have said that watch them invest hundreds of millions in a new store front.

That is to be expected, and watch youtube stocks rise.

So ok lets suppose I was responsible for the creation of google and youtube, and they are almost monopolies aren't they? Yet they are free and were designed initially by me. And since I am not chasing money you see I had to give the technology to them. ( I gave the technology to youtube in a stock market forum because I wanted to boost the markets, and I gave the technology to google in a physics forum, because we needed a search engine that was not like a phone book which yahoo was)
So should I now be looking to split that monopoly up, for the sake of good capitalism?

You see right now I can say well you see we are still building infrastructure and infrastructure requires investment and return on investment. (I have no shares in either company BTW.)

Well in terms of capitalism, what are they doing that other companies like them are not doing?
What is causing this monopoly other than consumer choice?

edit on 19-6-2012 by Rocketman7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

So I am going to leave the rest of the discussion regarding Internet innovation for a upcoming tech conference.

But for physical trade which we are looking to increase to help employment, look at Alibaba. The Alibaba model which has an image of a middle man. A very important part of global trade.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Occasionally there are times when its good to be me even if I am not allowed to be infinitely wealthy.

Such as, since we are designing a trade route, should I now design it through Syria, set up the security forces, which I have been doing all week, and continue to plan that out until I have eradicated contraband?

You see the nice thing about being me is I can just say hey, thats not my job.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Its not my job to decide what contraband is, and etc.

My job is to create employment, create wealth, yes build bridges and mend fences and the usual.
Its not that I couldn't do it, its that I am an oligarch, not a monarch or a dictator.

The people decide what is contraband and what isn't through lobby of governments.

And laws are established to control trade goods and customs.

So where the economy benefits is from very little red tape. So when you look at this do so from a distance and don't interfere but just watch and take your time to see what is affected and see what social ills are created or social benefits. Is a drug a drug or a medicine? As an example.

IS that product contaminated? Fit for use? Radioactive jam? Consumers want consumer protection, so where supply meets demand, you have government inspection.

That is part of the system and should be run to protect the consumer because ONLY by protecting the consumer can you protect that market.

ANY big incident cripples the market and it dominoes to other products and then things get recalled, and then systems have to be redesigned and companies go out of business.
Even the company owners themselves if they are smart want to stop bad products from leaving their shops because they can get sued and go out of business.
Government inspectors are trustworthy.

So where you have warehousing like maybe Mexico will have warehousing for Chinese products, so they can ship by land to North America, or by air etc. and South America.
So then there is a place where you could set up some quality controls.

So far the system of food production import and export globally appears to be one thing humans are very good at.

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