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10-year-old deaf girl hears herself for the first time-Must See!!

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posted on May, 29 2012 @ 09:39 PM
My thoughts..

This video makes me optimistic about the future of humanity.

Some of the comments on here make me pessimistic.

Considering only about 10 percent of news is optimistic, pessimism wins. Unfortunately by a very wide margin.

That is all.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
Amazingly moving video.
I don't know but the girl does not
seem all there. Maybe an underlying
aspergers or mild autism.

Is the family getting a government check
and will she be on government disability
her whole life>?
Amazingly moving video.
If this implant can help her work
in the future then I would have no problem
with government money going to fund it..
If she has an underlying issue though is this
really going to make her a more productive citizen?
edit on 29-5-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

reply to post by popsmayhem

deny ignorance pops,

o nevermind!
edit on 29-5-2012 by elitegamer23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
I think people are misunderstanding whats going on here though. This girl has been using hearing aids to be able to hear since she was a baby. Its not like she had been living life totally without sound though the hearing aids dont pick up sound as well as the new device.

I've had hearing aids for seven and a half years," Sammie said after learning that her surgery had been moved up from May 25 to April 13. "I know all about them, but this is something completely different."

Now she has had a different type of hearing aid called a cochlear implant which is buried inside her ear so for the first time since she was a baby she can also hear herself breath as the ear / nose and throat are all connected up together.

Its still great news that she has a working cochlear implant

edit on 29-5-2012 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

The glass is always half full for some people. Thanks for your input.....
edit on 29-5-2012 by mandella1099 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

I saw an adult male had that thing on his head the other day when i went to the scienceworks. I didn't know what was that so came back for doing some research about it. Tho it is a quite amazing tech to helping deaf people hear things a bit more clear than the old tech does. But the quality of sound is just ok. It might be helpful to both deaf kids and adults, still not everyone can have that successfully.

Here's some reasons it might be failed:
1.The skin flap can become infected.
2.The body can reject the implant (as happened with the child above)
3.Head trauma
4.The implant receiver can extrude.
5.The electrode array can get damaged or the electrodes were not put in right. Or the electrode array can migrate out of place.
6. The implant simply does not work right.

I haven't seen any report of how much does it cost to get a Cochlear Implant. Does anyone know anything about it? And also does it need to be replaced after a period of time?
edit on 29-5-2012 by Cordyceps because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 10:57 PM
You might like this video too.
Its not related directly but its such a powerful vid.
Its about a litle girl with harelips who sees herself after the surgery.
The most beautiful eyes i've ever see.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:26 PM
precious little girl... oh, that made me cry, too!!!!! seeing and hearing, the tecnology is out there, let the ones have it who want it...

those that don't want it, don't have it....don't make other people feel guilty because they don't think the same and want
to have this technology used on them.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

People need to post more stuff like this. I'm tired of hearing about people eating people's faces and what not.
They should have a forum dedicated to "Good News". Thanks for sharing this, pretty awesome stuff.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Cordyceps

It costs around fifty thousand dollars, ballpark. Yeah, I know, expensive, and in some states Medicare will cover it. I know folk who had it done and regretted it, and "explants" (removing them) can cost a fortune as well.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
Amazingly moving video.
I don't know but the girl does not
seem all there. Maybe an underlying
aspergers or mild autism.

Is the family getting a government check
and will she be on government disability
her whole life>?
Amazingly moving video.
If this implant can help her work
in the future then I would have no problem
with government money going to fund it..
If she has an underlying issue though is this
really going to make her a more productive citizen?
edit on 29-5-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

Based on that comment I think it is you who are not all there.
Where did you even pull that crap from?? How did you come to the conclusion that she has autism or aspergers?
And what if she did have such a condition? Then she does not deserve a implant?? Just because it would be paid with your tax money?? Wow...

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by juleol

Originally posted by popsmayhem
Amazingly moving video.
I don't know but the girl does not
seem all there. Maybe an underlying
aspergers or mild autism.

Is the family getting a government check
and will she be on government disability
her whole life>?
Amazingly moving video.
If this implant can help her work
in the future then I would have no problem
with government money going to fund it..
If she has an underlying issue though is this
really going to make her a more productive citizen?
edit on 29-5-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

Based on that comment I think it is you who are not all there.
Where did you even pull that crap from?? How did you come to the conclusion that she has autism or aspergers?
And what if she did have such a condition? Then she does not deserve a implant?? Just because it would be paid with your tax money?? Wow...

Yeah, kinda pulled that out of nowhere, ehh? And from the other videos it's clear that shes just a regular kid. Awkward on camera sometimes, but all kids are like that. Don't know what he's basing that on.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Alexander the Great
reply to post by Nspekta

People need to post more stuff like this. I'm tired of hearing about people eating people's faces and what not.
They should have a forum dedicated to "Good News". Thanks for sharing this, pretty awesome stuff.

This - I cannot agree more.
You know, on this site it seems that the world is a violent, depressing, natural disaster, ridden hell hole.
Yet the truth is it is full of good people, good deeds, but we seem to have got away from seeing it...wrapped up in misery and suffering like a drug.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 09:32 PM
Guys, stop wasting your time with Pops, He's known in the 9/11 board to be quite narrow minded.
Watch my vid instead, few post up, full of positivity there.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 10:14 PM
Thought that comment was kind of bad really?

Hopefully health care rationing never comes
to america, those very questions may be asked with a socialized healthcare
system then it will be a reality..
Can't answer the question only
futile attacks? What good would it do society as a whole
remember we all must sacrifice, to have a very expensive procedure done if this person
can never contribute to society?

The idea of an omnipotent board that makes unpopular decisions on access and price isn't a new construct. It's a European import. In countries such as France and Germany, layers of bureaucracy like health boards have been specifically engineered to delay the adoption of new medical products and services, thus lowering spending.
Medicare can already be painstakingly slow. Appealing to it takes patients an average 21 months according to a 2003 Government Accountability Office report (17 months involve administrative processing). Layers of commissions and health boards would delay access still further.

When asked to judge the constitutionality of the Senate HELP committee proposal, there's a reason why the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service said that the proposed Medical Advisory Council "raises potentially significant constitutional concerns." Our Founders thought politicians should be accountable when it comes to citizens' right to life, liberty and the pursuit of heart surgery.

Healthcare rations.

Of course no one could think outside the box.
I don't really mind if little suzie gets some ear implants
but what if the governments got something to say about it?

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