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I keep seeing 11:11 and 22:22 pretty often.

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posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
Between these dates is 5 days, did you not look at a clock for 5 days?

I guess I did look at the clock but didnt see any of those 22:22, 11:11 etc numbers. So I saw only "regular" clock times in those days.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:30 PM
When this happens to me, a change of some sort is on its way. Things outside of your control, are moving and adjusting to manifest change in your life. It's usually a sign that a life adjustment is coming. But it's something that is for your own benefit. So it's always a good sign.

When I start seeing it mutliple times per day, I know that there is a manifesting wave coming.....

God/Universe is moving mountains for you at the moment. And the numbers you see, are like the hour glass on a computer desktop. The computer/God/Universe, is working on massive operations under the surface. Beyond the screen.
edit on 27-6-2013 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by RhinestoneCowboy

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
Are these just the numbers that have a pattern that you witnessed or did you see other times on the clock that aren't mentioned because there is no synchronizing numbers?

Ah yes, I saw lots of other clock times too. I only wrote it down when I saw something like 11:11 or 22:22 or 21:11 etc. So I didnt record for example 21:15 or 22:32

I guess I did look at the clock but didnt see any of those 22:22, 11:11 etc numbers. So I saw only "regular" clock times in those days.

well then that just makes everything quite normal then doesn't it.

How about for a month you list every time you see when you look at a clock and then get some percentages of or a ratio of how many times you see these synchronizing numbers and how many times you see just 9:28 or 16.59 meaning times where the numbers don't have any synchronization.

I would say with the lists supplied you had up to 10 times of seeing the pattern or synch of numbers but you probably looked at the clock in a 30 day period over 100 times easily so the percentage of times synchronized numbers are seen seems to fit what probability dictates.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:13 PM
Put some new batteries in that clock already or replace it with a clock that works properly

I woke up at 4:40 AM two days in a row now. It has something to do with the sunrise I guess. I suppose I should peak out and see where it is rising.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

There was a month that I seen the same thing. Every time I looked up, on the clock it read that. It sent me on a hunt for anything related, and it took me to some pretty weird spaces. What I found in the end? Nothing. Not one thing that spoke to me. Dont know if it was some weird spirtual thing or what, then after a while I stopped seeing it.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:26 PM
I have kept a journal now. Especially the day 20.7 was very weird cause my sister was supposed to arrive 11:00 and she was late and the doorbell rang 11:11


12.6 --- 1:11
14.6 --- 12:11, 12:12
17.6 --- 1:11
20.6 --- 11:11
26.6 --- 22:22
26.6 --- stopped a movie 2:11
27.6 --- came from my dog walk 3:11
27.6 --- 12:22
28.6 --- 12:12
3.7 --- 22:22
4.7 --- 11:12(came to computer from bed)
--- 11:22 (watched computer clock)
--- 21:11(came to computer from sauna)
5.7 --- 12:11 (woke up and came to computer)
--- 21:22 (stopped playing a game a returned to desktop)
6.7 --- 12:21 (woke up and came to the computer)
--- 22:12 (checked computer clock)
--- 1:21 (checked computer clock)
7.7 --- 21:22 (checked computer clock)
9.7 --- 22:22 (looked at my cell phone)
10.7 --- 00:11 (finished a movie)
11.7 --- 21:11 (watched computer clock between gaming)
--- 21:21 (watched computer clock)
12.7 --- 21:21 (watched computer clock)
--- 21:22 (watched computer clock)
13.7 -- 12:22 (watched cell phone clock at work)
14.7 --- 11:11 (woke up and watched owens clock)
--- 21:11 (watched computer clock)
15.7 --- 0:11 (finished a movie and watched at clock)
--- 22.11 (went to wc in middle of the movie and when came back watched clock)
17.7 --- 21:22 (came to my computer and watched clock)
20.7 --- 11:11 (my sister came to visit and rang doorbell precisely 11:11)
--- 21:21 (looked at clock)
24.7 --- 1:11 (watched my micro-owen time during heating food)
--- 11:11 (watched computer clock during a phone call)
25.7 --- 1:11 (listened youtube videos and watched computer clock)
--- 21:21 (listened music and watched computer clock)
26.7 --- 11:11 (took some coffee and sat on my computer and watched clock)
--- 22:11 (mader popcorn and watched micro-owens clock)
27.7 --- 21:11 (wathed computer clock)
28.7 --- 21:21 (made lunch and computer clock showed this when I returned)
--- 22:11 (paused a movie for toilet and clock showed this)
29.7 --- 21:22 (listened to music and watches computer clock)

edit on 29-7-2013 by RhinestoneCowboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

I have kept a journal now.

Of what?

All the times you looked or just the ones you wanted record that had 11:11 or what not?

Many of the times you say you were watching the clock.

So you think its out of the ordinary that if you are looking at a clock at 11.09 that only 2 min. later you would see 11.11?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
All the times you looked or just the ones you wanted record that had 11:11 or what not?

Many of the times you say you were watching the clock.

So you think its out of the ordinary that if you are looking at a clock at 11.09 that only 2 min. later you would see 11.11?

I just record the times when I see 11:11, 22:22 or the combinations of those. So yeah I just looked at the clock and it showed me 11:25 so I didnt log it into my epic journal.

I just wanted to test this and I engourage other people to do it too if it seems that they see lots of these numbers. Maybe then we could match them out and make conclusions in one way or another.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

I just wanted to test this and I engourage other people to do it too if it seems that they see lots of these numbers. Maybe then we could match them out and make conclusions in one way or another.

Without logging in every time you see when looking at a clock your not really testing anything and encouraging others to do the same

The conclusions for what your proposing are quite simple no matter how many people you try matching the results your only logging. It will be between not seeing the numbers to twice a day for a digital clock using a 12h cycle or just once a day on a digital clock using a 24h cycle.

Eventually you will program your mind like an alarm clock if you are simply looking to log these numbers your after and will see them every day because you set your internal alarm to see these times.

To do a complete data log of all the times you look at the clock will be able to give you a ratio of how many times you see numbers that synchronize against numbers that don't.

This is from the first page of your thread

I should have kept a diary of seeing the numbers a looooong time ago so I could give some statistics.

I have given you the stats if its only numbers that synch. your looking for,

If you want to compare stats you need to log all data not just the numbers you want log.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:25 AM
i talked to Doctor Who, he's on top of this. your minds have something in them syncing your attention controls to a time to express a thought from ...somewhere.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:05 PM
Ok, next month I try to log all the times when I look at the clock so it should show more detailed data. Thanks for the tips guys!

ps: I have no life LOL!

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by RhinestoneCowboy

ps: I have no life LOL!

at least we have ATS

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 01:56 PM
Think I'm gonna start writing down all these occurrences too, but it's not just 1111 or 2222, I see it will all numbers. I saw 1111 or 111 three or four times yesterday alone.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 03:01 PM
Wait till you start seeing 555, then really pay attention to what happens.
I get 11:11, 1212. 212, last year a lot of 1221's (very telling with the 12:21 as some of it is simply subconscious)
but the 555's....

Those are the ones that DO tell you something is about to occur.
edit on 30-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 07:05 PM
Hello ..

I have the same "thing" since i was a child ... Always the 22 : 11 ... clocks , in the street (door number) , so many ..

The weird thing .. In my family we have a big chain of people that born with 11 years of difference , i have 1 sister and 1 brother .. we all born at the day 22 .

I born 22/11/1979 ... I stop searching the meaning of all this , because one time i almost discover and it´s bigger than me , it´s bigger than us . And i was afraid .

I dont know if this help anyone .. but , i hope so.

Be well !

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 04:22 PM
Hello all,

I visited many sites to read about people's experiences after seeing these numbers, but I came across none so far. I like writing down my dreams, my experiences etc, so I also wrote about my 11:11 experiences. I first saw 11:11 in 2008. At the beginning I did not care so much, but later I realized always something bad (%90 financially) happened in the same day. I work in front of PC all the time, so I began to cover clock around 11:09 or 11:10 on a daily basis starting in 2011 out of fear. Let me give you 2 examples of my experiences;

On April 20th, 2012 I was going to a camera shop for censor cleaning. On the way to camera shop I checked my clock on my mobile phone and saw 11:11. The moment I saw it I knew something bad would happen. When I arrived the camera shop and took out my camera from its bag, I saw my lens was broken. Complaning about the fee for cleaning the censor, I ended up buying new lenses

On May 14th, 2012 I saw 11:11 on my mobile again and my cat disappeared. He was an indoor/outdoor cat and he was very timely. He never appeared since.

So, 11:11 has always given me hard time. Whenever I saw 11:11 (outside on boards, car plates, mobile phones etc) I began to pray silently because I strongly believed something bad would come that very day. And actually did. I began to pray in front of my desk even when my PC clock was covered. That became a habit. In 2014 I saw 11:11 two times. In the first I lost my cellular phone, but someone returned it to me 2 days after. And in the 5th of this month, I saw it again and I lost my wallet. I searched it everywhere but to my luck someone returned it to me again 2 days after. It seems like 11:11 is losing its power on me little by little. BUT now I began seeing 22:22 and I am totally new in this.

Seeing these numbers can be nothing to some, but I am quite experienced with 11:11 & I strongly believe I was disciplined by it. It is a good habit to write down these experiences and ask ourselves what we learned from all of these. I now never complain about money matters. The day I lost my wallet I wished someone needy found it because losing few dollars would not make a big change on my life. I also closed all my credit cards and I am totally debt free. Unlike 11:11, I don't make panic when I see 22:22 but I will keep alert & keep another journal for it.

Good Luck!

posted on May, 10 2014 @ 04:28 PM
Here is a picture that I caught speaking of these strange dates and numbers. When I saw this I had one of those funny number

It actually freaked me out.

edit on 10-5-2014 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 11:06 AM
I just can't believe.... I keep seeing 22:22 time often ... So I googled it to find and it directed me to this post ... Y is this keep happening .... Same timeline ...

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 12:55 PM
Since about 20 years I realized that I was seeing 11:11 as often to get notice of it... For me it's a way to tell me that I am ''connected'' in my life... That I'm doing right. For fun,at that time I decided to make a whish each time that I was seeing 11:11... Now, from a little time it seemed to be replaced by 22:22. The way I feel it is that everything is still ok... and I am now in another spiritual lever... I am interested a lot to spirituality... Yoga... Nutrition...etc. I always want to be a better person. So, for me 11:11, and now 22:22 are just communications to tell me that I am in the good way. When it happens I stop... Feel... Make a smile, and say thank you... À good occasion to feel the present time

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