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Georgia Officer Not Punished After Admitting He Kicked 9-Month Pregnant Woman In The Stomach!

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:35 PM
problem fixed....
edit on 20-5-2012 by Rustyk because: correcting a social faux pa

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:35 PM
double post
edit on 20-5-2012 by Rustyk because: double post

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:43 PM


posted on May, 20 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by timerty

No one wins when a segment of humanity views excessive force as being socially and/or professionally acceptable.

Perhaps this would be viewed differently if it held personal connotations.

edit on 5/20/2012 by LadyJae because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:29 PM

edit on 20-5-2012 by timerty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Jagermeister

Brilliant question... Doesn't seem like anybody noticed it, but I did.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by OhZone

In my opinion this sadistic miscreant should be executed. We do not need people who deliberately mistreat others.

Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, this is pot.

Let's kill a guy that kicked someone! JUSTICE!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by LadyJae
reply to post by timerty

No one wins when a segment of humanity views excessive force as being socially and/or professionally acceptable.

Perhaps this would be viewed differently if it held personal connotations.

edit on 5/20/2012 by LadyJae because: (no reason given)

Please do not twist my words. I never said anything about any "segment of humanity viewing excessive force as being socially and/or professionally acceptable."

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:50 PM
The pregnant woman totally deserves to be kicked for provoking the police officer by yelling at him and approaching him to do don't-know-what, after he was so fired up for dealing with her brother.
edit on 20-5-2012 by timerty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by timerty

I only see one dumb bitch here, and its not the pregnant woman in the op.

No pregnant woman deserves to be kicked in the stomach, you godamn lunatic. I have kids, and if you kicked my wife in the stomach you'd have 13 40 caliber rounds in your face.
edit on 20-5-2012 by becomingaware because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:35 PM
Ok...let's stick to civil discourse here on ATS. This topic is apparently subject to very heated discussion. While this is not bad, the personal attacks need to stop. Come at me and attack me if you so desire, your words are just that...words.
I wish to continue this discussion with dignity and lose the hate, as it isn't doing this thread any good.

With that, we DON'T know the exact circumstances, but we can debate over what we do know. My personal feelings are that the officer acted over-zealously and should be held accountable, this being his 3rd strike.
edit on 20-5-2012 by Rustyk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Rustyk
reply to post by timerty

I understand where you are coming from, but police are trained many take downs that are much more effective...Maybe he did think she was fat, does not matter. It is NOT the proper way to react.
Now I'm not saying your observations are without merit...I'm just saying it really should have been dealt with differently.

Would you kick a woman? My morals wouldn't allow me to...

The better question to ask is: would you have kicked a person if they where headed towards you and they seemed to be violent?

That seems to be what this police officer did, he kicked someone who was approaching him and seemed to be violent.

It is pretty obvious that many of the posters here chastising the police officer have never been in a situation that if wasn't controlled would mean your life was forfeit.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by timerty

Using her unborn child as a human shield? are you freaking kidding me dude? For saying, 'why did you tase my brother?' With that logic, i guess you assume that she should have known she would be kicked - PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED - by an officer of the law for using her right of free SPEECH? unborn child 9 months pregnant or not. do you see what's wrong with that statement? Of course not, because your the scum of this world just like this cop

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by becomingaware
reply to post by timerty

I only see one dumb bitch here, and its not the pregnant woman in the op.

No pregnant woman deserves to be kicked in the stomach, you godamn lunatic. I have kids, and if you kicked my wife in the stomach you'd have 13 40 caliber rounds in your face.
edit on 20-5-2012 by becomingaware because: (no reason given)

No he wouldn't have any rounds in his face because you would have been tasered an twitching on the ground.

Any pregnant woman who approaches a police officer who is in obvious distress and felling endangered for his life has a RIGHT to defend himself!

The police officer may have no idea that the person approaching hi was armed and attempting to harm him, so he kicked the person approaching him.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by 0subsZero13
reply to post by timerty

Using her unborn child as a human shield? are you freaking kidding me dude? For saying, 'why did you tase my brother?' With that logic, i guess you assume that she should have known she would be kicked - PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED - by an officer of the law for using her right of free SPEECH? unborn child 9 months pregnant or not. do you see what's wrong with that statement? Of course not, because your the scum of this world just like this cop

What is freaking wrong with you??? Go read every post I wrote before replying!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by 0subsZero13
reply to post by timerty

Using her unborn child as a human shield? are you freaking kidding me dude? For saying, 'why did you tase my brother?' With that logic, i guess you assume that she should have known she would be kicked - PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED - by an officer of the law for using her right of free SPEECH? unborn child 9 months pregnant or not. do you see what's wrong with that statement? Of course not, because your the scum of this world just like this cop

What is freaking wrong with you??? Go read every post I wrote before replying!

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by becomingaware
reply to post by timerty

I only see one dumb bitch here, and its not the pregnant woman in the op.

No pregnant woman deserves to be kicked in the stomach, you godamn lunatic. I have kids, and if you kicked my wife in the stomach you'd have 13 40 caliber rounds in your face.
edit on 20-5-2012 by becomingaware because: (no reason given)

Oh? Why would I want to kick your wife in the first place? Go kick her yourself, I have better things to do.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet

Originally posted by Rustyk
reply to post by timerty

I understand where you are coming from, but police are trained many take downs that are much more effective...Maybe he did think she was fat, does not matter. It is NOT the proper way to react.
Now I'm not saying your observations are without merit...I'm just saying it really should have been dealt with differently.

Would you kick a woman? My morals wouldn't allow me to...

The better question to ask is: would you have kicked a person if they where headed towards you and they seemed to be violent?

That seems to be what this police officer did, he kicked someone who was approaching him and seemed to be violent.

It is pretty obvious that many of the posters here chastising the police officer have never been in a situation that if wasn't controlled would mean your life was forfeit.

I agree to every point, Me personally....I never kicked an approaching assailant. I use/d Aikido techniques, which quite a few LEO's are trained in.
Please do not think that I feel the officer had no right to defend himself...his choice of technique is my problem with this WHOLE ordeal.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:04 AM
lol @ the cat angry at women...

yeah kicking 9 month preggo in the stomach is always justified...


obvious is obvious.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 02:33 AM
People just cannot understand the simple fact.

There is absolutely no law or any logic that says a pregnant woman cannot be aimed intentionally or unintentionally at her stomach if she threatens to hurt someone. The policeman can certainly defend himself any way he chose to. He should not be punished for defending himself.

This is why the woman was mindlessly stupid for threatening the safety of her unborn's life by attacking the policeman like an animals. She got what she risked for. The lesson she should learn as a responsible mother is to never put her child's safety at risk!

If anyone still needs to debate over this simplest fact, then they really are intellectually disabled and should not visit forums.

edit on 21-5-2012 by timerty because: (no reason given)

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