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Girl, 16, Kills Herself After Researching 2012 Doomsday Threads...

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:04 PM
It is really a shame that this happened. Most doomsday posters are cowards. As an individual you need to determine in your own mind that you will not give in to fear. We live in an era when the information we have available to us exceeds our ability to absorb it. The lesser of our society armed with minimal intellect grasp threads of information and gain power through fear, Bloggers who spend their days fortelling doom and gloom are the non thinkers. Their approach is base. Walmart Theory. Cowards caused a young person to do something horrible.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by definity
ah well if you kill yourself then its obvious that the gene pool doesn't want you to procreate.

The gene pool is a fetid stinking cesspool full of organisms that will eat you as soon as screw you.

I wont procreate, that's for sure. What a gift to a child... the legacy we leave.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Theycallmetatersalad

Once again you start out with name calling, making your message once again come across as childish.

As far as what is lacking in your life, i have no clue. Never stated that i did. Me im just a humble man trying to make my way through life.

I was not calling into question the fact that you had friends, i was making a statement that if you think i am a large pile of biological waste, yet still refer to me as a friend what would that spell for all your other friends. I am sure that you most likely have some very lovely friends.

Now as far as my friends i have enough to make me happy, not too many not too few. I see or talk to most of my friends on a regular basis.

Though you possibly are older than i, i would really appreciate you not calling me "son" because in fact i am not your son, and since i happen to like my father, i feel that your comment in some way degrades the man.

I also happen to live in the real world, its amazing is it not??? I live in a world that in the last 12 months i have had 2 good friends die, my wifes grandmother who was like a grandmother to me passed and a very close friend of mine had a sever stroke. I have lost my job, and thought that i had a liver disease. (all signs have cleared up ) So yeah i know what its like to be down, i know what it feels like to not have a path. But guess what im still breathing, I had and have the courage to keep fighting on trying to make the best out of this life i have.

oh compassion i have that in spades, i have compassion for the people that the cowards who took it upon themselves to end there life left behind, i have compassion for the people that are broke and beaten down. BUT I DO NOT HAVE ONE OUNCE OF COMPASSION FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SO AFRAID OF LIVING THAT THEY KILL THEMSELVES.

Now please feel free to attack me again at your leisure, I'm a big boy in a big real world i know i can take it... untill then good day to you sir.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:07 PM
Ive not had time to read everyone's reply, so if this was already said or covered, then this can affirm those thoughts.

Suicide is not something someone jumps into over 1 thing in general. I do not think the information about 2012 was the straw that broke the back of this young girl. I happen to think there is a whole bunch of skeletons in the closet from sexual abuse, to seeing this world in such a grim light.

I think many of us are 3 bad days away from a total melt down. For them to blame this on some research is really kind of fishy if you ask me.
Its like saying the kid killed themselves because they listened to some heavy metal music.

No, I think a lot was brewing under the surface and its easy for parents or others to point the blame elsewhere.
I would not be so sure it was the research or the knowledge that killed her.. It was much deeper than that.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by mainidh

Originally posted by definity
ah well if you kill yourself then its obvious that the gene pool doesn't want you to procreate.

The gene pool is a fetid stinking cesspool full of organisms that will eat you as soon as screw you.

I wont procreate, that's for sure. What a gift to a child... the legacy we leave.

It's sad that I'm starting to feel the same way.. I always wanted to be a father.. it was a huge deal for me, but now I just see things and wonder why? why would I do that to my kids?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by EvanB

A teenager hanged herself after becoming convinced the world would end in 2012 after researching doomsday scenarios on the internet, an inquest heard. Schoolgirl Isabel Taylor, 16, turned to Buddhism after becoming fed up with the 'complications and injustice' of the modern world. But while searching for answers she began researching doomsday scenarios - becoming convinced a nuclear reactor meltdown would end civilisation in the coming months

'She read articles on all different types of things which could make the world end, she read about 15 to 20 articles over the course of 2011 with her best friend. 'The most recent one she read was on sun spots and how if they went wrong it could cause a nuclear reaction.' Increasing numbers of websites devoted to 2012 doomsday scenarios have sprung up online, centred on claims the Mayans believed this is the year the world will end. In France a tiny village named Bugarach has seen visits from doomsday devotees, claiming it will survive any apocalypse event

Link to source

I thought this was worth bringing to attention the dangers of taking these theories to the extreme.

I have been guilty of going online and researching these things and have even had a very strong urge or even addiction to the doom on the net.

Fact is that it does indeed affect your real offline world.. I found myself getting anxious, moody and thinking what the point of it all was, then finding a way to feed more doom into my life, and still come here every day to get my news, but I learnt after doing my own research, not to take these things too seriously..

RIP Isabel... Your heart was too beautiful for this world..


I did notice in the comments section of the article the way that conspiracy theorists was given the blame for this girls death.. And the comments were quite vehement...

Truth is no conspiracy theorist put the rope around this girls neck.. She did it herself and her family.. But still, a shame... She may even have had an account here..
edit on 18-5-2012 by EvanB because: (no reason given)

This is not about the theories from my point of view. This is about how crapy this world can be viewed as and her wanting it to change drasticly. For me it was that she did not want to live in this world and feeling trapped by it. Put the blame where it belongs on all humans on this planet that are living in these stupid systems and complying with em. We did not create this crap but hope that we are the ones that ends this insanety.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by sirric

Your avatar is not a relation to this guy is he?

Parents don't see the warning signs because half of them are on face book. Gone are the days when it was kids on the computer and parents in the lounge playing poker. Now the kids are parents, and their kids are dumpties sat in front of an ipad googooing at colours, and then we all wonder why things have gone pear shaped when they are on the internet being bullied to suicide, reading doom porn, or on /b/ being a personal army.

If kids played chasey more, they wouldn't kill themselves. I can prove that as easily as I can prove that the internet kills more children than weed has ever done.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:19 PM
What you guys read is an example of the fruit of the 2012'er movement and other doomsday movements. These cults do nothing more than harm people spiritually and psychologically.

Shame on those who promote these lies.
Shame on those who spread information and don't research it thoroughly first.
Shame on those who are willfully ignorant of the blatant infiltration of the truth movement by cointelpro and Luciferic cults.

The 2012 movement will be a laughing stock in 2013, but like always, they'll come up with a new prediction and worship the [not so] coming doom.

This whole movement and movements like it are disgusting to me.

Her parents should of been more aware of what she was getting into. She's 16 years old. To me, that's still a little child.

edit on 18-5-2012 by netgamer7k because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by crimsongod21
reply to post by Parksie

Courage????? Really????? I think you are mistaken it takes being a gigantic coward to kill yourself. It is true most people in there life will think about doing it some multiple times but they don't because they are not flipping morons.

People who kill themselves are weak, they leave there family in friends with a terrible scar in there lives one that no amount of anything could ever remove.

keep revering these idiots for there courage to hurt other people .... ugh...

Do not call a person weak when you have no idea of what happens to the body when a person try to or commit suicide. The body screams in agony of wanting to be alive while the mind do not care and only wants release. If you call that weekness then you have no idea of what weekness is.
edit on 18-5-2012 by apushforenlightment because: spellchecking

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:29 PM
i wish people would stop saying that she dident belong here since she did that im finding that extreamly dissrespecting to her, the family and anyone else that has been put thru a simmiler sittuation...

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:41 PM
The saddest part: The world will not end in 2012. These alarmist, conspiratorial, crazies will project another date and another and another.... A confused impressionable kid is dead but these nutters will go on proclaiming their sick declarative hogwash until they one day stop breathing. The only thing you can do is educate your kids about the lunacy of such internet sites. This one included. You got to wade through a lot of bull# here to find anything substantive.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

you only assume i dont know what that feels like.

and let us both be honest we know what happens when you assume things.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by miniatus

Infinite love is the only truth in this world, the love you feel for your own child is such. I too once felt as you do. When you look into their eyes it all becomes so simple. Try it, you will see.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

Where were this child's parents?

I'm sure someone knew she was spending way too much time on-line. I'm sure she discussed theories, worries with someone. It should have at least raised a red flag.

But, let's face it, if you kill yourself over this, you have other serious issues going on....

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by crimsongod21

Not only do you lack the comprehension of compassion you also lack the comprehension of well comprehension in of itself. Save your pity party i.e everyone in my life dies and I have liver disease. Maybe its a sign karma is coming back to bite you in the arse? You know I dont sugar coat anything son and the fact you keep coming back for more is fascinating to me. When you realize the error of your ways I'll stop thinking of you as the turd you are. I call you son cause you have a lot to learn in this world and on this subject.

I can guarandamntee the people that take their lives have more courage than you ever will.
I hope someday in your future you'll realize the people that take their lives are far from cowards, they are in fact very brave for taking a chance on the unknown. I for one think that everyone goes to heaven and if I ever meet you there I would be the first person to pour you a beer.
I'm not here to insult you I'm just pointing out an error in your way of thinking. Like I said before "Only God can judge." And in the end who are you? Ponder over that and this my friend.

The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.

I just gave you wisdom money cant buy.

I want to give you some more wisdom about me---I view these posts whilst listening to the sands of time. I hope you do the same.

edit on 18-5-2012 by Theycallmetatersalad because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-5-2012 by Theycallmetatersalad because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-5-2012 by Theycallmetatersalad because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by crimsongod21
reply to post by apushforenlightment

edit on 18-5-2012 by apushforenlightment because: Bah.Who cares. Let the dreamers dream their insane dream, Seekers seek, and the true Children play with their hidden friends.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Trolloks

First of all she was 16 and most that age do not have perfected critical thinking skills which take time to develop. Just because she did not mature as fast as others does not give us the right to belittle her death which is very sad.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

A troll you suggest, well as i have been nothing but respectful to the people who have made comments to me, or in some cases about me i don't really think that the term troll fits. Maybe some one of a different opinion, or some one who you do not agree with but troll surely not.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 07:02 PM
People kill themselves daily by watching FOX news nightly!
What a farce.

Fact is, no one knows what's to be.
Well, except this man. Very interesting video!
Give it the entire 30 minutes!

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Theycallmetatersalad

I was not asking for pity, i was just explaining to you that i dont live in a sugar coated pixie and gumdrop world. Also if you would kindly go back and re-read my post i do not have liver disease there were some abnormal blood test that hinted to it but they have since normalized.

I keep coming back for more so hopefully if some young, dumb impressionable person happens to read this thread they dont get some suger coated load of BS about how people who commit suicide are brave noble people.

You sir are glorifying a terrible and selfish act,

You maybe correct they might have more courage than i ever will, i'm not going to say i'm courageous never have never will, but the act of suicide is not courageous by any means.

once again i am being told that i know nothing about this subject, i would really like to know how you people know me and what i have or have not done with my life, it baffles me that you can make a claim such as that without knowing me.

There is a reason money cant buy your wisdom, its because no one would or should buy it.
Facing death can be courageous but when it is brought about by your own hand it is not.

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