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ATS 1 Year Anniversary

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posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 01:59 PM
Fellow ATS/BTS Members, Mods, Super Mods and Admin-

I joined ATS exactly one year ago today. I never made a formal introduction. I just dived right in. In my opinion, there is no need for a introduction at this point. But I'd like to reflect upon my life here at ATS within the past year.

When I came here on that oh-so-faithful day one year and three (or four? days ago), I originally came here looking for infomation upon the conspiracy of the Kennedy Assassination for my US History class. Little did I know, that reading the posts and hearing people's opinions here got me hooked. I found what I needed and left. Then the next day, I came back. I also came back the following day. Then, on 9/30/03, I joined the ATS Community.

At the time of my joining, I was quite the "n00b" to forums. If any of you read my old threads, you can see that.
As I kept coming back, I realized that a more civil mind is needed in such a place as ATS. So I cooled down and got serious, but not TOO serious....

...that is, until the opening of BTS grew onto me quickly. The amount of topics available to talk about was amazing. From conspiracy discussion on ATS to laid back, hang-out style discussion on BTS, it kept me coming back.

There have been little perks and additions along the way that made ATS worth coming to. The points system is great, and the atmosphere is nothing to put down. Everyone here is nice, order is kept well by the Mods and powers above them.

This is the only message board that I've checked everyday since joining. ATS has even inspired me to create my own message board (not up yet) and have similar discussion and topics.

I just want to say thanks to everyone, great and small, new and old. Everyone of us makes ATS what it is. People who used to be here such as THENEO, who was very much involved in the boards when I got here, is no longer here. New fresh faces make ATS a fun place because there are always fresh (and sometimes) repetitive viewpoints to be tossed around.

Thanks for making me come back day after day, and I hope to make another post here in a year!



posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:07 PM
Congrats on your first year of great posts mike. I also just celebrated my 1 year ATS anniversary. I hope you stick around for a long time.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:14 PM
Someone else can bring the ice cream. Happy ATS birthday PM.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 10:10 PM
Thanks a lot, guys. It means a lot to me that you all are my family on this channel. Thanks for the cake, Intrepid. It was pure ownage. I'm still looking for the ice cream and gifts... but it's ok. The real gift is being a part of this community. Thank you all for making my year here a comfortable one.


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