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Paul Watson Of The Sea Shephard Has Been Arrested In Germany

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by OccamAssassin

Actually, these causes are very worthy. The ocean ecology is already strained and sharks play a huge role in the balance.

Have you actually seen shark finning? 100-200 million sharks are killed each year for soup. They are yanked into the boats, their fins sliced off, then thrown back into the ocean to sink to the bottom and suffocate.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Yes, horrible stuff. It is probably a lot more productive to donate to people that are out to educate people of this kind of garbage. When stuff like this is not profitable, people will not be doing it to make a living anymore.

There is all kinds of messed up stuff out there, fish in danger of extinction, due to people poaching fish hoping to get some pregnant ones. Caviar is big money.

Lots of things are big money, maybe it won't be if it wasn't so profitable. The only way to make it not profitable, is to educate people about it, and offer some profitable alternatives to people just trying to earn some money to feed their families. Without some real solutions to those two things, nothing will change.

When a man has the choice:
1) Starve and let his family die with him
2) Get on a boat and kill a whale, fin some sharks, name whatever attrocity

Most will choose the second option. That is really the choice a lot of people are faced with.

For me, wolves have been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember. I have been involved both financially and personally with wolf sanctuaries and saving wolves. If it came down to a choice between my family, and wolves? I will choose my family every time. I would slaughter my favorite animal, if that was what I had to do to put food on my table.
edit on Fri, 18 May 2012 21:47:49 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:28 PM
Here are a couple of links that tell a much different story than the Sea Sheppards. Of particular interest is the Greenpeace thread. Its about 10 years old and is of interest because Paul Watson and an ex-member are having it out. It offers an interesting perspective...

The allegations made by Nyles Bauer are false and quite frankly - ridiculous.
The fact is that Mr. Bauer attempted to distort money from me and threatened me that if he did not he would publish this nonsense. I told him to go ahead.
There were twenty crewmembers on that voyage. He has not gotten one of them to attest to his allegations.
He accuses me of trading weapons in the Caribbean for black coral that I supposedly smuggled into the U.S. He then states that I ran down baby seals in the ice and dismissed them as otters and muskrats. He then states that I and my crew ate steak while he went on a hunger strike. He also asserts that the only women on the crew had to sleep with me first. (Perhaps if this is true, the female crewmember or members involved may want to speak up.).....


If I post a picture of the Sea Shepherd with a dead baby harp seal in front of its bow from being hit by the ship would that at least settle that part of our disagreement?

If I post an affidavit from the first mate of the Sea Shepherd in effect stating that you stole money from me,would that settle that part of our disagreement?
(well this IS posted on my site , why don't you read it Paul?)

In fact why don't you respond item by item about my accusations?
I told you I'd give you equal time on my page, but you keep dismissing everything based on it being exaggerations....
Re: The Sea Shepherd - Paul Watson Movie (from crewmem

Much of the crew was not properly trained for this trip. Upon arriving early at the helm for his watch one night, he looked out the window to see harp seal pups being killed in mass from being driven under the Canadian Ice Flows, or being thrown up in the air, as the Sea Shepherd moved “full steam ahead.”

After reporting to the duty watch that they were obviously entering the first of the harp seal calving grounds and needed to proceed at the slowest speed possible to avoid killing even more seals. One person on duty for that watch replied they were proceeding full ahead because they thought they were only muskrats or otters, neither of which would be found in this area.

Paul Watson has used his aggressive and illegal tactics to further other political causes. In 1992, replicas of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria retraced Columbusâ?? voyage on its 500th anniversary.

Watson, with Canadian Aboriginals aboard his ship, confronted the Spanish fleet and demanded a written apology threatening to sink the Santa Maria if the Spaniards didnt comply. Watson received his written apology from the terrified captain.

A detailed account of Watson’s behavior was formerly displayed on a website called . The site, now linking to the SSCS official website, was owned and operated by Nyles Bauer, former helmsman for the SSCS.

 Bauer, now suffering medical issues due to a hunger strike he took part of while in prison blames Watson, who had abandoned the ship, and most of the crew, the night before in an effort to try and save himself. He describes Watson as not taking part of the hunger strike with the rest of the crew and instead gorging on steak, borrowing and never repaying him $2000.00 cash his parents had sent for bail
, along with another $1700.00 he had personally loaned Watson for lubrication oil for the the ship. Mr. Watson, after seeing Mr. Bauer’s website, replied to him with hate mail, called him out on the green peace web forum, and threatened to peruse legal action.

Paul Watson/Debunking the Animal Rights Campaign of Misinformation

edit on 18-5-2012 by Drunkenparrot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by OccamAssassin

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot

There are two sides to that coin...

Nope. There is only one side.

You can't claim to do research by killing hundreds of whales each year. Then of course the carcass is sold to the markets.

You even claimed that "the research" was a loophole and I agreed. Forget already?

That argument may hold against the Japanese.

What about the other nations actively and openly whaling?

Norway, Iceland, Canada, etc..... all openly hunt whales. Are they exploiting a loophole?

I never claimed I was against whaling. You and your "hands off" approach followers keep putting words into peoples mouth. I only said whale sanctuaries should be respected by everyone and that serious research should be put in to monitoring current whale populations.

I also said overfishing of anything is bad. The japanese have a love affiliation with seafood. They steal tuna and swordfish from the north atlantic. Japanese crews have been spotted in the mediteranean sea fishing. These people are too obssesed with fishing to give a damm about anything other than money.

Norway, Iceland and Canada fish with moderation. They are not out to get the very last one! It is the excesses we need to get rid off and the world is not black and white. The biggest problem of all is that 7 bilion humans populate this planet and there are not enough resources to fully accomodate everyone, plus the greed factor with money and materialism. The best this and the best that! I am for a maximum 2 child policy in every country and with heavy taxation for those that want more. The chineese as dictatorial as they may seem to many have guts to go after criminals and do the right thing for nature. If only western governments had the balls to care and enforce.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by Golf66

Why would you need a license to protect the Earth's creatures? I don't require a license to help a child being harassed. Having the stones to do the right thing despite any laws (written by crooks and scumbags btw) is what makes a truly great man.

Cool, get a gun strap it on and go around town in a car zipping through traffic endangering people and enforce the laws without a badge and let me know how that works out for you. I'm sure all the other guys in jail will appreciate your stones for you.

I admire his zeal - I am just saying he is lucky one of these Japanese Captains hasn't invoked the law of the sea and killed him and his crew. I think they are the ones showing character. They would be well within thier rights to do so.

If he wants to die for the whales - more power to him.

What do guns have to do with anything I've said? And endangering people in traffic?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by OccamAssassin

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot

There are two sides to that coin...

Nope. There is only one side.

You can't claim to do research by killing hundreds of whales each year. Then of course the carcass is sold to the markets.

You even claimed that "the research" was a loophole and I agreed. Forget already?

That argument may hold against the Japanese.

What about the other nations actively and openly whaling?

Norway, Iceland, Canada, etc..... all openly hunt whales. Are they exploiting a loophole?

I never claimed I was against whaling. You and your "hands off" approach followers keep putting words into peoples mouth. I only said whale sanctuaries should be respected by everyone and that serious research should be put in to monitoring current whale populations.

I also said overfishing of anything is bad. The japanese have a love affiliation with seafood. They steal tuna and swordfish from the north atlantic. Japanese crews have been spotted in the mediteranean sea fishing. These people are too obssesed with fishing to give a damm about anything other than money.

Norway, Iceland and Canada fish with moderation. They are not out to get the very last one! It is the excesses we need to get rid off and the world is not black and white. The biggest problem of all is that 7 bilion humans populate this planet and there are not enough resources to fully accomodate everyone, plus the greed factor with money and materialism. The best this and the best that! I am for a maximum 2 child policy in every country and with heavy taxation for those that want more. The chineese as dictatorial as they may seem to many have guts to go after criminals and do the right thing for nature. If only western governments had the balls to care and enforce.

It kind of looks like you said the chinese are doing the right thing for nature? Like bile farms and traditional chinese medicine?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by Golf66

Why would you need a license to protect the Earth's creatures? I don't require a license to help a child being harassed. Having the stones to do the right thing despite any laws (written by crooks and scumbags btw) is what makes a truly great man.

Cool, get a gun strap it on and go around town in a car zipping through traffic endangering people and enforce the laws without a badge and let me know how that works out for you. I'm sure all the other guys in jail will appreciate your stones for you.

I admire his zeal - I am just saying he is lucky one of these Japanese Captains hasn't invoked the law of the sea and killed him and his crew. I think they are the ones showing character. They would be well within thier rights to do so.

If he wants to die for the whales - more power to him.

What do guns have to do with anything I've said? And endangering people in traffic?

Um, it’s a metaphor for your assertion that this Sea Sheppard jack ass having the right to enforce the laws of the sea without the endorsement of TPTB (whomever that may be). Basically saying there is a huge difference between helping someone if you happen upon a crime in progress and suiting up and appointing yourself to go out looking for criminals.

I am suggesting you try doing the same thing on land – appoint yourself a “patrol” and go out on the streets then follow people who are driving too fast and swerve in and out of traffic to cut them off at red lights so they can’t run them. Climb in their cars in an aggressive manner and present them with petitions reminding them of their crimes…

That is in effect what they do – they endanger everyone on each ship to prevent a law breaking incident…? This really makes sense to you?

It wouldn't fly if you did it in town - why would it fly on the sea.

While you would be right to protect the innocent when you happen to witness a crime - that is very different from going out on self appointed patrol to look for criminals.

He is creating a potentially worse scenario than he is preventing with his behavior. To risk dumping 50-60 humans into the icy water, sinking ships and hazarding those who might have to come to their rescue to save a whale seems to be counterintuitive.

I am sorry the gun word set off your hurt meter…it’s ok the word itself won’t hurt anyone.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by Golf66

Why would you need a license to protect the Earth's creatures? I don't require a license to help a child being harassed. Having the stones to do the right thing despite any laws (written by crooks and scumbags btw) is what makes a truly great man.

Cool, get a gun strap it on and go around town in a car zipping through traffic endangering people and enforce the laws without a badge and let me know how that works out for you. I'm sure all the other guys in jail will appreciate your stones for you.

I admire his zeal - I am just saying he is lucky one of these Japanese Captains hasn't invoked the law of the sea and killed him and his crew. I think they are the ones showing character. They would be well within thier rights to do so.

If he wants to die for the whales - more power to him.

What do guns have to do with anything I've said? And endangering people in traffic?

Um, it’s a metaphor for your assertion that this Sea Sheppard jack ass having the right to enforce the laws of the sea without the endorsement of TPTB (whomever that may be). Basically saying there is a huge difference between helping someone if you happen upon a crime in progress and suiting up and appointing yourself to go out looking for criminals.

I am suggesting you try doing the same thing on land – appoint yourself a “patrol” and go out on the streets then follow people who are driving too fast and swerve in and out of traffic to cut them off at red lights so they can’t run them. Climb in their cars in an aggressive manner and present them with petitions reminding them of their crimes…

That is in effect what they do – they endanger everyone on each ship to prevent a law breaking incident…? This really makes sense to you?

It wouldn't fly if you did it in town - why would it fly on the sea.

While you would be right to protect the innocent when you happen to witness a crime - that is very different from going out on self appointed patrol to look for criminals.

He is creating a potentially worse scenario than he is preventing with his behavior. To risk dumping 50-60 humans into the icy water, sinking ships and hazarding those who might have to come to their rescue to save a whale seems to be counterintuitive.

I am sorry the gun word set off your hurt meter…it’s ok the word itself won’t hurt anyone.

Your examples and analogies are absurd and your statements betray your spiteful nature. People on whaling ships know the risks involved in their illegal activities - and somehow you equate them with innocent motorists on a highway who probably haven't done anything to warrant putting their safety in jeopardy.

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