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I finally solved a great mystery! I think I see now...

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posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:36 PM
Stone upon stone they raised it up
Till it towered above the sand;
And the walls were carved with symbols and signs
That none could understand.
Tis the book of life that was left on earth
For the time of the World’s rebirth,
When the centuries past
Shall have brought, at last
A Light that shall always glow,
‘Tis the task of four
To unlock the door
And allow the mist to rise;
When all shall see the Eternal tree
Spring upward before their eyes.
Strive on, my son, till thy work be done
And memories past shall rise,
That thine eyes may know as the past doth grow,
All the signs thou art left to devise;
So memory wake and unfold to thine eyes
All the secrets that once were thine,
That this rebirth may bless the Earth,
And remove the debts of time.
(The Teachings of Osiris – H.C. Randall-Stevens. 1927)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:38 PM

The Masons exist, the C. on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones, the Military Industrial Complex, The klan and local gangs ALL exist, but world domination and a NWO do not. A NWO would first have to take down the Current Order and that is no easy task

The NWO is the Artificial Intelligence of our world system; in a word it is greed.

Think of it as a computer program or video game. We created this greed machine ourselves. The power of our thoughts put it in motion. It is quite literally a "mind game" and it is now ruling our world. We have all become slave to it, even the organizations that you name are themselves under it undue influence. What you call "world domination" is not a future to fear, but a present reality to accept--it IS the Current Order as you called it.

The Global Artificial Intelligence has been programed by various regional Super Organisms. Like the corporation, none of these Super Organism require require oxygen to breath, yet they "reflect" the ego nature of their creators as if they were our very offspring--which they are. Think of it this way, the programmer who created the game built in certain boundaries, rules and conditions for the game play. As the player (our ego) makes choices within the game, those rules may change accordingly; this gives the game infinite possibilities and keeps the player from losing interest. This dynamic programming of our AI creates the player’s Virtual Reality in accordance with our level of of awareness and game rules (like our genetic code, family history, enviroment, education, etc).

This is a useful analogy of the so-called “real world” in which the we find ourselves.

Beyond both our individual Virtual Reality and the collective AI that influences our experience, there still is the present moment. This “space” is outside of memory and therefore outside the programmed rules of our Virtual Reality. We might also say it is beyond time—at least our normal experience of time. In this space labeled “the now” we find ourselves on the outer most limits of the "consciousness" construct. When we slow down time and enter the present moment we can objectively look at our Virtual Reality and see the shadow of the hologram.

In this mystical 'space of grace' we are free.

While engrossed in the game play, as we often are, we are not cognizant of our Virtual Reality as the time-based illusion that it is. Seeing our ego-fabricated construct requires a higher awareness not unlike that of a third-party or outside witness. However, it would be wrong to suggest that an individual cannot experience the present moment from within this Virtual Reality, or that some spiritual discipline is required to rise above the mundane. In point of fact, people gain entrance or glimpses into what the mystics call the “eternal-timeless now” on a rather routine basis, and the do so without framing the occurrence as a religious experience. Take for example how some people describe being in “the zone” while engaged in a sporting activity. Who can deny that is a very real “now” moment. If asked to explain that experience, the language used will often come very close to describing a spiritual experience, as if they were stepping outside of the Virtual Reality. We see this illustrated in the Matrix movie when Neo can move faster then the Agents (& the running scene in Animatrix).

As long as we caught up in the illusion of our time-based Virtual Reality, we are slave to our programing. If our experience of now is merely doing what it takes to rack up a high score within this video game, then we only conforming to the rules of the Virtual Reality and not rising above them. When one takes a hard look at their own life experience, it quickly become apparent that we cling to memory and in so doing become caught up with various delusions. We are preoccupied with thoughts from the past which we then project them into the future as fear—the effect is to wipe out the experience of the now. When we are not entertaining ideas of guilt or fear, we breathe life back into past experiences by thinking about them. Because the mind functions like a magnet, as we think about the pleasure and the pain from the past we unwittingly invite those experiences back into our lives. In this way we literally manifest repeating patterns according to the rules of the game. As long as this cycle remains unbroken we are little more than unconscious programs, mere subroutines, not self-realized sentient beings.

Based on the forgoing, we must conclude that memory is the chief obstacle to our spiritual growth. If we wish to rise above the NWO (programming) and live our lives intentionally rather conditionally, we must learn to exit the video game from time to time. This process of "seeing" involves mind-training, conscious and focused observation, and meditation. Virtual Reality may be the effect and the Artificial Intelligence the cause, but for the “seer” the way to freedom is open.
edit on 9-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 06:39 PM
Nice post S&F

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
reply to post by wasaka

I've saved your points here in my "keeper bin." .

Thanks and dido. Your "Frenemies" term is right on target.

John Stewart's appearance was on crossfire when Tucker was on the right.
I meet Tucker once at a Ron Paul rally, we talked about 9/11 truth
and I kept asking him "where are the black boxes, Tucker?"

There are quasi "Al Qaeda groups" all over the place. Something called the "mech" in Iran is working against their government and guess who is funding it.... Likely the untimely demise of our momentary ally Kaddaffi was because he knew a lot of corroborating information about all those torture sites he set up for our Military to scurry away our "enemy non-combatants."

Kaddaffi was taken out for many reasons, chief among them the gold dinar

"If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or whatever else the country was selling on the global market and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world's central banks," Anthony Wile, founder and Chief Editor of the Daily Bell told Russia Today in an interview back in May 2011. "So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward from moving him from power."

The "mech" group you are thinking of is M.E.K. Five Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated since 2007. NBC News quoted two senior Obama Administration officials as confirming that the attacks were carried out by M.E.K. units that were financed and trained by Mossad. NBC further quoted the Administration officials as denying any American involvement in the M.E.K. activities. However, we know this is not true based on the reporting done by Seymour Hersh for the New Yorker, here is quote:

A retired four-star general, who has advised the Bush and Obama Administrations on national-security issues, said that he had been privately briefed in 2005 about the training of Iranians associated with the M.E.K. in Nevada by an American involved in the program. They got “the standard training,” he said, “in commo, crypto [cryptography], small-unit tactics, and weaponry—that went on for six months,” the retired general said. He also was told, he said, that the men doing the training were from JSOC, which, by 2005, had become a major instrument in the Bush Administration’s global war on terror.

There you have it, Muslim Brotherhood terrorist are being trained on US soil. The group has long been designated as a terrorist group by the United States, accused of killing American servicemen and contractors in the 1970s and supporting the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran before breaking with the Iranian mullahs in 1980. Then in the "war on terror" our government saw fit to fly them to Nevada to be trained for six months. Who is going this? Answer: JSOC

Created in 1980 but reinvented in recent years, JSOC has grown from 1,800 troops prior to 9/11 to as many as 25,000, a number that fluctuates according to its mission. It has its own intelligence division, its own drones and reconnaissance planes, even its own dedicated satellites. Obscurity has been one of the unit’s hallmarks. When JSOC officers are working in civilian government agencies or U.S. embassies abroad, which they do often, they dispense with uniforms, unlike their other military comrades. In combat, they wear no name or rank identifiers.

“Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State,” by Washington Post reporters Dana Priest and William M. Arkin, chronicles JSOC’s spectacular rise, much of which has not been publicly disclosed before. Two presidents and three secretaries of defense routinely have asked JSOC to mount intelligence-gathering missions and lethal raids, mostly in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also in countries with which the United States was not at war, including Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, the Philippines, Nigeria and Syria. “The CIA doesn’t have the size or the authority to do some of the things we can do,” said one JSOC operator.

Starting from Iran, protests and armed clashes inspired by the CIA/JSOC resulted in revolt in Tunisia, then uprising and demonstrations to Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Syria and Libya. On March 2, 2011, Yemen’s President Saleh, describing the role of CIA and Israeli Mossad, saying, “I am going to reveal a secret... there is an operations room in Tel Aviv run by the White House with the aim of destabilising the Arab world."

Today, under the new NDAA law the USA is now designated as
a battlefield which means the "chickens are coming home to roost"
as Malcom X once said.

edit on 9-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
reply to post by wasaka

Emmanuel Goldstein
...from what I can tell... there are probably more FBI agents pretending to be al Qaeda than actual Al Qaeda and it's all just an experiment for US security to pretend to be an adversary for the establishment. As soon as they can get some infiltrators in OWS -- they might criminalize this group as well, and have a permanent "security risk" which can succeed from time to time to keep dollars flowing for drones and jackbooted police officers with absolute power.

Yes, the OWS have already been targets. More to follow I'm sure.
This "war on terror" is turning inward on the American people and
the "domestic terrorist" is could be anyone they say it is.

I just read a story about the so-called "Occupy Cleveland Terror Cell"
who were arrested on May 1st in an alleged plot to blow up a bridge
by remote detonation using C-4 plastic explosives. It has also been
stated they is group planned to bomb the Federal Reserve bank in
downtown Cleveland. No details yet if this idea came from the
“anarchists” or their FBI inserted provocateur. Here is the report
on that you should read:

After recruiting five of the dumbest crack heads in the city of
Cleveland and convincing them to “blow up a bridge”, the FBI
halted the operation just in time — a move that wasn’t too difficult
considering the FBI plotted the whole thing to begin with. Court
records reveal that three of the five suspects suffer from mental
health problems. The story starts out with this opening statement:
"One week in February, police were talking a suicidal Brandon
Baxter off a bridge. The following week, federal authorities say
he joined a plot to blow one up." LOL

Here is another story from the New York Times from two weeks
ago titled "Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I." here is the link:

Yes, it seems the fraud of the system is revealing itself
but I'm not so sure we should be laughing just yet.

In the words of former CIA agent Robert Baer: "If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to disappear -- never to see them again -- you send them to Egypt." This was the program know as Extraordinary Rendition where foreign nationals suspected of terrorism or label as "belligerent" have been transported to secret detention and interrogation facilities in Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Diego Garcia, Afghanistan, Poland, Georgia and elsewhere. Today, under the new NDAA law American is designated as a "battlefield" which means natural-born American citizens can be label "belligerent" and given the Extraordinary Rendition treatment. “And when they say, 'I want my lawyer,' you tell them, 'Shut up. You don't get a lawyer.'”- US Senator Lindsey Graham.

Naomi Wolf recently wrote about this, in an article titled: "How Congress is Signing its own Arrest Warrants" - she writies: "US Congress people and Senators may think that their power protects them… [but] The moment they sign this NDAA into law, history shows that they themselves and their staff are the most physically endangered by it. … if history is any guide — [they will be] sadly but inevitably­, its very first targets."

The President claims he has the right to deny due process, disappear people, and assassination anyone he deems a "terrorist." While our soldiers are routinely exposed to DU on the battlefield, here on the "homeland" 30,000 drones will soon fill our skies, re-education camps being written about in 300 page Army manual and "leaked" to the public. ...I COULD GO ON AND ONE, BUT the bottom line is people think they see the big picture but they are still clueless... we are moving into the finial stage of a full blow tyranny.. and those who think this will not touch their life are pissing in the wind and think it is raining.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:20 PM
Hi, this would be probably my first proper post on ATS. I apologise for coming into this one as late as I am, however I feel that OP's dissection of things is accurate.

I believe in the similarities of The Pysical and The Spiritual - namely, that dualities are true for all.

OP defines three groups - the Unaware, the Seers, and The Powers That Be.

I fully accept this model, and appreciate the opposing conflicts and contempt the former two parties hold for one another.

But really, for as long as the Unaware outnumber the Seeing by at least a factor of 4, The Seeing will really have no influence.

Meanwhile, while things are as they are now, I can see that TPTB have no reason for concern about the Seeing.

I doubt most here are unaware of the show 'Futurama'. I personally love it, as its humor is often quite deep and multi-leveled, as well as hiding perhaps a few non-orthodox hypotheticals in amongst the entertaining plots.
Take the episode where 'they' all find themselves back in Roswell in the 1950's. Long story short, President Truman states:

"President Truman: Fellas, this visit's top secret, so no one is to know about it except the senior officers, scientists, and one conspiracy nut no one will believe."

I recon that line alone nails it. The Unaware, bless their cotton socks, are ones whom do not listen to much, let alone ideas expressed outside of their farmiliar Media Outlets (ie. the state of mainstream Australian newspapers these day, SHM...)

One personal belief I hold is that "Someone will not learn, if they do not wish to." You can scream and yell all that you wish, and people will no doubt HEAR the words, but its ultimately up to the listener to realise what those words MEAN.

And lets face it - how many of the said Unawaken that you PERSONALLY know are going to say "oh, I get it now!" the next time you talk to them? (WITHOUT slipping them '___'

I am young. At 22, I feel I am already more jaded that most of my peers. I watch around me as the generation following me is raised by shows like Jersy Shore, and the news reports consist of mainly Sport, 'Current Affairs', Celebrity reports, and ADVERTISMENTS, Christ Almighty....

I doubt many would disagree or contest the agenda of creating a philistine society, though.

Digression, or Conclusion:

So what does it mean? Granted, Seers 'believe/see/accept/operate' on different levels of scope. But really, how does it affect all of us, and any one of us?

I am a long time ET-wishful, Fukashima-outcrier, Global-Warming-denier, NWO-seer... What I would like to know, is how others in this thread feel knowing what they do about what they do.

Do you feel like you could live in the New World, when it all comes crashing down?

Will you live your life differently when ET comes?

How will you resist combatance of Overpopulation? Economic Shutdown?

Justify yourselfs people...

, but only if you'd like to!

edit on 9-5-2012 by derpest because: I suck at proofreading

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:31 PM
I believe In Jesus Christ and God the father, I do it without the boundaries of religion but I am just a man and I am not immortal and I love all who are around me. I do my best to walk with God without being judgmental and pointing my finger and saying you are going to hell. I know some of you do not believe the word and some are offended when some believers come and talk to you and most of you will become what you say is holding us down, negative and hateful.

You make the bible true when Jesus said “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.

how many of you actually read the bible?

don't get angry at me, I'm just asking because love is what the bible talks about, there are bad people in the world and I know you are good people but you think God is vengeful and out to get you.
edit on 9-5-2012 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by wasaka


John Stewart's appearance was on crossfire when Tucker was on the right.

And the Medulla Oblongata of my brain thanks you ... Tucker is just another bow tie wearing douche who would be FOR or AGAINST whatever as long as he got invited to all the cocktail parties. Most of these boot polishers in the media are of this sort. You've got a few who fancy themselves intellectuals because some rich tycoon occasionally calls them up and tell them; "that was pure genius" and then call their accountants to calculate how much money that will make them on tax breaks.

Kaddaffi was taken out for many reasons, chief among them the gold dinar

Yes, if you had to pick ONE thing Kaddaffi screwed up -- that would be it. But it's the trifecta of errors; knowing too much about black sites, trading oil not in dollars, and having a huge deposit of oil found. The CIA thanks them for taking credit for the Lockerbie Scotland plane explosion when their timely warning of a privileged group to get off the airplane before it took off might lead people to ask too many questions... Saddam made the same mistake. The other was asking longtime Bush family gopher James Baker if it was OK to invade Kuwait to stop them from slant drilling.

The "mech" group you are thinking of is M.E.K.

Thanks -- I've gotten too lazy to track all my references, but it's good that there are a few people on the planet who can decipher them. I've used up too much real estate in my grey matter replacing "Bush crime family" trivia that isn't good for a Jeopardy contest when I could have been stuffing it with data on physics or iOS programming. Nothing is more official than a denial and a Mossad operation; units that were financed and trained by Mossad. NBC further quoted the Administration officials as denying any American involvement in the M.E.K. activities. The Mossad and APAK keep talking like NeoCons -- as if anything but the media and their own echo chambers actually believed a word they said. And because nobody fact checks the News -- it's easy to know it's a lie; he had been privately briefed in 2005 about the training of Iranians associated with the M.E.K. in Nevada by an American involved in the program. Heh. Took two years for the truth of a torture program to come out after the Iraq invasion -- and now two minutes to know they are lying about M.E.K. The CIA supports Al Qaeda all over the globe, Bush stops them by command decision at Tora Bora to hire Taliban to go after them, and you know, nowhere outside of a few meth addicts handled by the FBI -- are they a threat to Corporate interests. It's not like this stuff is SECRET -- it's just a "conspiracy theory" to everyone mesmerized by the status quo.

Once again, you've got another post that goes in the "keeper bin" and so far, that's only been about 10 articles this year. Here's the clincher where I learned new information;

“Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State,” by Washington Post reporters Dana Priest and William M. Arkin, chronicles JSOC’s spectacular rise...

I'd say you get my "best of ATS" so far this year.

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by wasaka

After recruiting five of the dumbest crack heads in the city of
Cleveland and convincing them to “blow up a bridge”, the FBI
halted the operation just in time — a move that wasn’t too difficult
considering the FBI plotted the whole thing to begin with. Court
records reveal that three of the five suspects suffer from mental
health problems. The story starts out with this opening statement:
"One week in February, police were talking a suicidal Brandon
Baxter off a bridge. The following week, federal authorities say
he joined a plot to blow one up." LOL

As soon as I heard the story about this "OWS / Al Qaeda cell" -- that was my first guess. It's good enough as a talking point for the protofascists to lambast Liberals as "dangerous" -- because they've been using the "Weather Underground" as a whipping horse for over 40 years and they only blew themselves up. It's not like the fascists actually CARE about anyone committing violence -- they at least respect the one who WON in a football game no matter how it was accomplished.

It's hard to even CARE about these terrorism alerts. I figure in another year or two, the FBI is going to have to let a few Terrorists succeed because the public is fickle and kind of board with this stuff. The soldiers of fortune who will read every magazine about the death punch and buy every do-it-yourself James Bond kit, are probably too busy running down to the Mexican border to shoo them some illegals.

However, it's been a while since I've talked to some of my Evangelical / Mormon friends, so I'm probably going to get every detail on how these people had a call from Obama minutes before, and only through waterboarding was some heroic Jack Bauer character able to stop a mushroom cloud.

Of course -- while North Carolina spends its FIRST Constitutional Amendment preventing gay marriage when it's already illegal -- the threat of the Fukishima nuclear power plant melt down being marginalized in the media only tells me that "security" of the public is merely a talking point.

If it were only FANS of this nonsense -- I might not be so worried. But my family, my kids, are growing up in a country where morons with access nod their heads while some master manipulator feeds them whatever crap sells an F22 for a few billion a pop or allows Fracking to ruin the drinking water for the 10 jobs it will create. Meanwhile, teachers who have the toughest job outside of scanning latrines for EIDs, have to cut their pension plans to pay for more gifts to the gifted.

Does it all make you want to scream - or do we adopt a zen like attitude and understand that life is a video game?

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:18 PM

Time for a rant, in the parlance of our times....

Big Lebowski: What in God's holy name are you blathering about?

The Dude: I'll tell you what I'm blathering about... I've got information man! New s**t has come to light! These TSA pricks are going to be out of work if that Ron Paul dude wins.

Walter: That's interesting man. The TSA are a bunch of pedophiles, like that sick Jesus F**k.

Donny: Pederasts

Walter: They just love to touch little childern... and give the green light to illegal aliens. Hell, they don't do any back ground check at all on these potbelly pedophiles…

Donny: Pederasts

Walter: Donny please. It reminds of Nam. The man in the black pajamas, now I'm telling you Dude. That was a worthy f**kin' adversary. Not like these perverts today.

Alex Jones: We have the documents. John Warner Defense Authorization Act, Military Commissions. Act, The Patriot Act, Operation Garden Plot, Rex-84, NDAA...

Donny: Who's in pajamas Walter?

Walter: Shut the f**k up, Donny. The name of the game is delegates .. they have underestimated Ron Paul. Hacking of the machines and missing votes didn't stop him and they didnt see that coming..

The Dude: I'm saying, no you know, and these , uh, uh, TSA clones .

Walter: Phucking clowns. If they touch my junk they are entering a world of pain. A world of pain. A world of pain. Am I the only one who give a good goddamn about the Constitution?

Big Lebowski: Who is this man. Do you have a job sir?

Walter: I'm drawing a line in the sand, man. Against this line you do not cross. I'm I the only one who cares about the f**kin’ Rule of Law! Posse Comitatus Act... Posse... f**kin' ...comitatus!

The Dude: I'm saying, no you know, and these , uh, uh, TSA clones ...they owes money all over town, including to known pornographers, and that's cool... that's, that's cool, I'm, I'm saying...

Walter: Look at this current resident in the White House. Resident Zero. I've seen a lot of birth certificates in my day. And this one is fake. And another thing...

Dude: This isn’t a birther thing, man…

Walter: Well, this talk about re-eductions camps...that was Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground plan...they wanted to incarcerate American citizens... that goddam communinist helped launch this Usurper political career... and he was born in Kenya.

Dude: This isn’t about Kenya or Weather Underground, Walter…

Walter: And let's not forget, keeping a rodent inside the . . . the oval office, for domestic... that ain't... hell give them that job... make the TSA scrap roadkill... if they will grope strangers, rip off an old man colostomy bag, and go inspecting a 86 year old woman’s depends diaper.... This aggression will not stand, man!
The Duke: Roadkill? Good idea Walter. Brillant if I understand it correctly. Why make those social rejects into... I mean, why not be animal control whatever…

Donny: Dog catchers, Dude

Walter: Shut up Donny. Dude, the dog catchers are not the issue here!

The Dude: I mean think about it, they need money... don't they? Why not run for city dog catcher? they are willing to touch a.. uh, you know... another man's, a total strangers Johnson! Let me tell you something about the Dude.

Walter: Dude, the dog catchers are not the issue here!

The Dude: I'm saying, they need money, man. They steel from people… and of course they're going to say that they didn't get it, because... they want more, man! Jesus has got to feed the monkey, I mean uh... hasn't that ever occurred to you, man? About that FEMA re-education camp thing you were talking about... that was just a thing on the radio....

Alex Jones: On my radio show?

The Dude: No, this guy in Hawaii who went native, a real libertarian type. He hit me with a coffee cup that said "Live Free or Die"

Alex Jones: I have a coffee mug just like that, but side issue, the re-education camps are real, I have the documents! Here is the 300 page Army manual.

Walter: Our casino culture is producing Gulags, dude!

Donny: Archipelago

Then the Big Lebowski motions to Alex who takes out an envelope marked "FM 3-39.40" and hands it to the Dude with a very serious look on his face.

The Dude: Listen, I was going to check with my accountant but if you already have the check made out... oh man, what is this... indefinite detention? is that...

Alex Jones: I told you, we have the documents. Tyranny is coming to American, that is the end of your 4th amendment rights!

The Dude: Oh. man, don't say that. I need my 4th amendment rights.

Walter: What do you need that for, Dude?

edit on 9-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Does it all make you want to scream - or do we adopt a zen like
attitude and understand that life is a video game?

I switch back and forth...

Life is video game, but I don't find it all that entertaining.
I practice Zen more then I used to, and scream a lot less.
What gets me in trouble is opening my mouth at work.
Lately, I'm trying to lighten up and find more humor in life

I'd say you get my "best of ATS" so far this year.

Wow, two in the hooper and now this!
Thanks. You just made my day.

Enjoy 'the parlance of our times' rant, I through the
'Weather Underground' ref in there just for you =)

edit on 9-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by derpest

Spot On! Like I said earlier, 'You cannot UN Know something' but the unaware don't want to know!

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 11:52 PM
Hoollly molly what have I stumbled upon this time.Great thread everyone, bravo.
Life is weird.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by wasaka

What gets me in trouble is opening my mouth at work.
How true, how true. Humor didn't work for me, so I just stopped working. I found I couldn't keep my big mouth shut lol lol. I cant work anyways because of a bad back. I just found out I have swollen/ bulging disks. Quite painful at times. The doc says I need a spine transplant. Well I doubt that's going to happen any time soon.

wasaka thank you for your enlightenment, it makes the time bearable.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by BBobb

Originally posted by seamus
reply to post by BBobb

sorry, mate. you missed the answer.

There is no bad guy. none!

Very few seers, as you call them, are willing to take the responsibility necessary to see that far up the chain of command. your christian faith does NOT serve you well, except in that it will inevitably bring the necessary suffering upon you to waken you further from the illusion of the "other".

You know, some in this thread have agreed whole heartedly, some have thanked me, some have disagreed respectfully, and some have disagreed in ways less than respectful, but I haven't found any post thus far to blatantly offer me insult until yours.
Insult? The fact that you interpret my words (merely my perspective on the facts) as a personal affront simply reinforces what I intimated in my implication of Christianity-as-bringer-of-just-suffering. This is not the reaction of an enlightened mind, but a knee-jerk from one who still identifies with his flesh suit.

For the record, I was really trying to point to the responsibility issue. Do You Take Responsbility? Of course you don't, or you wouldn't be interpreting my words as an insult. Divorce fact from feelings, my friend, and you will make swift progress.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by breakherlegs

Hah, you seem to know more about who the bad guys are then me. I've been refering to 'them' for about a decade without any idea who the bad guys really are. Just that the world isn't as it should be. I know never to trust the media, I don't eve watch television, listen to radio, read papers. Does terrible things to your head, man. >.< You seem to have it rather together
That all depends on who "Me" is. And I believe you are right, the world really isn't the way it should be. We would have outpost on the moon and mars by now if it were.

The bad guys are the ones who hold humanity back because of selfish reasons. No matter what station in life, solar system, they are in.
do you really think so? the way i see it, humans are so short-sighted, superstitious, oppressive, greedy, and lazy (by and large) that they are being kept back from all that for their own good. Cattle must not be permitted to trample the stars. Only when the truly upright are in the majority, will humanity be allowed to explore other worlds.

speaking of by and large, that was what the movie WALL-E was about. Buy-N-Large, more than just a stand-in for Wal-mart, was a statement that by and large, americans (to whom the movie was marketed) are bloated, weak, and almost completely asleep.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by seamus

Originally posted by BBobb

Originally posted by seamus
reply to post by BBobb

sorry, mate. you missed the answer.

There is no bad guy. none!

Very few seers, as you call them, are willing to take the responsibility necessary to see that far up the chain of command. your christian faith does NOT serve you well, except in that it will inevitably bring the necessary suffering upon you to waken you further from the illusion of the "other".

You know, some in this thread have agreed whole heartedly, some have thanked me, some have disagreed respectfully, and some have disagreed in ways less than respectful, but I haven't found any post thus far to blatantly offer me insult until yours.
Insult? The fact that you interpret my words (merely my perspective on the facts) as a personal affront simply reinforces what I intimated in my implication of Christianity-as-bringer-of-just-suffering. This is not the reaction of an enlightened mind, but a knee-jerk from one who still identifies with his flesh suit.

For the record, I was really trying to point to the responsibility issue. Do You Take Responsbility? Of course you don't, or you wouldn't be interpreting my words as an insult. Divorce fact from feelings, my friend, and you will make swift progress.

Do I take responsibility for what? My point is simply that it's not for you to dismiss another man's faith. I've had people on here explain quite eloquently that they do not espouse the Christian belief without denegrating my decision to do so. You speak in absolutes that you proclaim come from your own understanding, and issue directives to me as if some spiritual commander. Well, you're not my commander my friend...
edit on 10-5-2012 by BBobb because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by seamus

do you really think so? the way i see it, humans are so short-sighted, superstitious, oppressive, greedy, and lazy (by and large) that they are being kept back from all that for their own good. Cattle must not be permitted to trample the stars. Only when the truly upright are in the majority, will humanity be allowed to explore other worlds.
yes, yes I do. I have lived with those cattle and even consider myself one. I have seen all the things they are capable of, if only given the proper stimulus. All the negativity you bring forth is only temporary in nature and will dissipate as soon as they are no longer treated as cattle, but respected for who and what they truly are, carriers of the light.

Only when the truly upright are in the majority, will humanity be allowed to explore other worlds.
And who's opinion will this judgment be made? Truly upright to what standard, who's standard? Yours? The Ancient Gods of Rome and Greece? Lord God of the Bible? The Returning Savior? Or maybe even your own judgment? Well, thank you for your bit of insight. Say, what God or Gods do you humble yourself to?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by wasaka

What gets me in trouble is opening my mouth at work.

How true, how true. Humor didn't work for me, so I just stopped working.
wasaka thank you for your enlightenment, it makes the time bearable.


Coming on this thread seemed right, but as a rule, I avoid posting
anything... because I know that I need to become less and less
invested in this upsidedown world.... while I look and see what is
going on in the earth plane (and try to staying informed), I am also
"care-full" that I do not invest myself in the outcome, or become
attached to illusions, and that I withdraw my support in this world
system (and drop any fear that I may feel). For me, this means
mind training, the practice of being aware, of being the witness...
of knowing my true nature... and being reminded that this world
is a dream... KNOWING.... that my true self is on the other side.

I know this upside down world is not my home, it seems that my
person is in this place of time and space, but I know it is a dream
and just like any emotion it will pass away--but who I am....
...and WHO YOU ARE will not.

I also know that to resist evil is to give it power, so I have found
ways to withdraw my support. I have unlearned many of those
old assumptions that I once took for granted, and dropped all
the beliefs that I was saddled up with by family, religion, and
the twisted culture I was born into.

One time Ron Paul said he wanted to get rid of the IRS and then
the reporters asked, "And replace it with what exactly?" Dr Paul
answered with a smile, "Nothing!" This is exactly what we should
do with our beliefs.. let them drop to the floor, and replaced them
with nothing... stand before the mirror naked... be honest with
yourself, and hold no beliefs at. Why protect yourself from that
which is true? The truth will not hurt you. Anything given to you
is not real, nor is anything that can be taken away. Therefore
know who you are, without fear, for you are a being of Light.

If you resist evil, you give energy to it. Every resistance gives
energy to the thing resisted. “Don't resist evil” means if you
don't resist it, it will drop of its own accord. All spiritual masters
exhort us to drop desires and attachments, and thus a person
can become an alchemist of sorts and transform their wanting
into being, evil into virtue, sorrow into joy. It is not a question
of destroying evil in the world, but of transforming evil into
something beneficial; transforming poison into nectar.

The most important thing is not that you try to convince anybody of the truth that you see. What is really important is that you are truthful with yourself."

~Adyashanti, "The End of Your World"

It is a mistake to focus on being honest with other people.
Rather than 'trying' to point others to truth, we simply need
to be honest with ourselves--and focus on living. When we
do that, then being honest with others comes naturally.

If we are happy, we encourage others, and in doing this
we sustain our joy. This happens to us effortlessly when
drop that heavy burden of "I must believe this or that."
and "I fear this attack against my person may happen."
and "I must protect my self from that attack" and this
lead to, "I must attack them and I must hurt them,
that is how I protect myself." And so on....

The we need to learn (or to unlearn) is to
investing in fear and attack (which IS this world).

What you resist will persist, but what you stare at in
the face, disappears. So, then, why opposing evil?
Why struggle so much to belief this or that, to try
and protect yourself with beliefs--that will never do
what we want it to, it will protect us, it only ever
make a person more insecure. When you see
this truth, accept it, and in so doing we can
bring the lie to a full stop.

Have you ever looked at the word EVIL? Read backwards,
it is LIVE... Life can become evil, evil can become life; it all
depends on how you "read" it--that is, what you tell yourself
and those beliefs that you hold. But perhaps most of all, those
beliefs which HOLD YOU. You can be held down by a belief in
evil, or held up by life. Evil can HOLD YOU in it's cold dark grasp,
or the warm love of life will HOLD YOU (and indeed it is doing so).
But it all has to do with what you tell yourself, and this is why
being honest with oneself is so important. It may bring your
world to an end, but that would be a good thing because
then WHO YOU REALLY ARE will then be awakened the 'space of grace' that we call "the now."

It this way, your true being comes
to LIVE in both the here and
now as well as in the
divine LIGHT of
the eternal

edit on 10-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst

It's hard to even CARE about these terrorism alerts. I figure in another year or two, the FBI is going to have to let a few Terrorists succeed because the public is fickle and kind of board with this stuff.

I didn't find the quote, but you said the PTB will use OWS as a new Al Queda
and that is what seems to be happening... and when you say it hard to CARE
I only add that, the mistake we make is caring too much. What I mean is that
we allow ourselves to become invested in this illusion even by our opposition
to the fraud. If would be far better to withdraw our emotion involvement in the
whole sick game of charades. I admit that has been hard for me to do. Mostly
because I get pissed off that other people still believe these lies!

The FACT is the biggest threat to our freedom (and the future political liberty of humanity) is not the Muslims, or the communist, or some left-wing OWS anarchist, or a right-wing belligerent, or ANY group other than the Anglo-American Establishment (i.e, that gang of criminals who control our government). This oligarchy controls the money system of the world, and it is these MONEY JUNKIES who push froward the NWO agenda. Directly or indirectly, it is these "Powers That Should NOT Be" who exploit the U.S. Military and plan to turn our weapons of "defense" against the American people.

Now is the time to wake up to who the real enemy is!

On this thread, I have documented the FACT that this terrorist group MEK was being trained on US soil (in Nevada)…. yet many people zoom past the fact they were financed by our government (with our tax dollars). Let me repeat, THESE TERRORIST GROUP work for us... this war on terror is a fraud. Our CIA created Al Queda just like the MOSSAD created Hamas. We own MEK. We run the Muslim Brotherhood, all these group work for us. I maintain this has been true for a long time, perhaps before that fateful day of September 11, 2001. What seems to be emerging is a pattern of false flag attacks on the US, going forward to the Oklahoma City bombings of the Murrah Building on April 19, 1995.

These 'radical Muslim' groups don’t use the Al Queda (toilet) without Tel Aviv and Denver/Washington knowing about it. MEK was used by "our" secret assassination training team at SJOS to kill the nuclear scientist in Iran; this was an act of war! This is also a documented example of how the globalist (Anglo-American Establishment) are using terrorist organization to bring about their so-called New World Order. The method is called "order out of chaos" and this is the real threat to our freedom, not the Muslim down the street that so many Christians fear are plotting "world domination." The real conspiracy is well established, and while the media shift from Muslims to domestic terrorism is taking place, the real enemy is moving against the American people is off the camera and behind the curtain.

Who are the real terrorist in this world? (A) the Muslim freedom fighters who took arms from the USA to fight the Russians in the 80’s and now have been turned against the West, or (B) the current resident in the White House who is using a fear of 'radical Islam' to over throw every secular and progressing Muslim leader in the Middle East, or (C) Anglo-American Establishment that has been following the British model of Empire and to whom every resident in the White House submits like the sock puppet that they are? (D) All of the above.

People may disagree on who the "real terrorist" are in this world,
but regardless of our opinion, we all need to stop supporting this
corrupt system. Even by posting this message, I am giving power
to this EVIL by resisting it.

It is time we withdraw our support entirely.

My anger comes from the "should be" in my head, that is: telling my self
that people "should be" able to see what I see. This is a mistake and the
wrong way for me to be thinking. That "should be" in my head does me
no good. Thinking this way only makes a person angry--so I'm training
myself to replace the "should be" with a more responsible statement.

Now I'm telling my myself that I "ought to" let go of my investment in
this falsehood and drop my attachment to the outcome. The old idea
of "should be" is a trap, a dead end. It is based on external beliefs
that have no power and change nothing. When I focus on those
things that are within my power to change, then my "ought to"
of personal faith can engage, and responsible action can then
be manifest in a way that brings about a positive change.

More and more, my focus is on being honest with myself,
and less and less on what others "should be" seeing or
doing, or saying, or thinking, etc. We do need to CARE,
but we "ought to" CARE about the right things and bring
the old "should be" (false caring) to a FULL STOP.

We can talk about the "Powers that SHOULD not be"
all day long, but what we need to do, to focus on the
the "Powers that Ought to be" (in our own lives).

edit on 10-5-2012 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

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