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Why would anybody not support Ron Paul?

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posted on May, 6 2012 @ 06:59 PM
I don't know much about this whole thing, but does it even matter? I thought Romney had way too many delegates for RP to come back anyway? Isn't it more or less impossible for him to pull it back from here?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by avatard

Propaganda and rhetoric are fun, arent they?

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

1.You ae correct.

Of course.

2.And thats a good thing? What are we Rome? Have you looked at where these bases are all located?And there cost yearly?

Military expenses are not what is bankrupting this country, sir. Sounds like you want to be a tightwad with regard to national security…like RP.

3.LOL! Paul wouldnt even do that,dont misqoute the guy.Secondly,have you looked around?People who want to do said drugs ARE doing them. And legalising them would suddenyl make those who dont do them,start.
And whats the sense in wasting tax payer money locking someone up for smoking a joint?
When you could easily look at the harm drinking can cause.Yet thats legal.
Whats the worse a stoner could do? Boost the economy by excesive purchases of LIttle Debbies?

You just said he won’t do that then you spend the next paragraph defending it!

You know he’ll do it…

4.Paul wouldnt either.
But look at how much money we send to other countries yearly,
WE cant afford it!
How much do other coutries give us a year?
WE are broke.
And just because our "allies" get themselves into something,its not wise to believe you can run to big brother for help when you bite off more than you can chew.

Again you say he won’t do it and go on to justify why he should. You are confused and misinformed, sir. Your savior RP would do exactly what I said. Fortunately we won’t have to find out because he remains uncompetitive in this race (just like day 1 and just like his previous attempts

edit on 6-5-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by maxella1

Why would anybody not support Ron Paul?

Every four years, we go through this. We are a nation purposely divided down political lines. We have forgotten how to find common ground amid differences for the common good. The outcome is exactly as we should expect; a fully polarized society that is growing more and more divided with each day.

The only upside is that once the November elections has passed, all the accusations of hate will pass. We will withdraw back into our lives, mow our lawns, buy insurance, do our best to keep the family car gassed up and pray like hell we all survive another four years.

It no longer matters 'who' gets elected as much as how we relearn how to remain a nation under a single flag... devoted to defending our liberties and constitution no matter who... of any political affiliation, should threaten it.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by avatard

You are the doped up zombie.......

Pictures or it didn’t happen!

people are gonna dope it up anyway,so why not make money off of em, its their right to harm their body if they want,,employment has drug testing policies in place,,

People are going to do a lot of things. Should everything be legal?

Damn straight Ron Paul isnt that lying peice of # Romney..

Ridiculous comment and completely your opinion.

Are yoyu retarded bro? seriously, maybe you dont know it but just are? or are you like 11, if so Im sorry, you get a pass. People have been doing drugs for a long time without legal consent,,,,HOLD ON I GOTTA GO TO THE BATHROOM AND TAKE A STINKY MITT.

Are you? After all, your name is AVATARD!

Can you come up with a more childish response next time? I think you’re proof that people don’t have a hard time wrecking their brain on drugs!

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Why would you not support Ron Paul?

Because he's another ignorant Texan who has no clue whatever of how our country works. He wanted to destroy our government which makes our society prosperous, comfortable and safe compared to how life used to be without it If you don't believe it just look where the richest areas in America are- commuting distance to DC.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 07:50 PM
I wouldn't support Ron Paul because as college student I had the typical sophomoric Ayn Rand crush. But as I matured and grew I realized that she was crazy. Ron Paul got stuck, and still has the crush.

posted on May, 6 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by webpirate
reply to post by maxella1

Uh....not that I don't agree with you, but how is your position than a Romney suporter saying why would anyone not support Romney. Or an Obama supporter saying why would anyone not support him?

This one is easy.
What is the difference between Romney and Obama?

We are in deep sh** as a country, what do you think Romney will do if elected to get us out of it?

Obama broke most of the promises he made during his campaign, he continued nearly all policies that got us in this trouble, and made some of his own policies that scare the crap out of me. Why does he need NDAA (indefinite detention part)? How is it in the best interest of the people? And what will Obama do in his second term that will help us to get out of this mess?

Romney agrees with Obama that we need NDAA, he agreed with the bailouts. He record of flip flopping shows that he is for sale.

In Romney economic plan on his website, he says things like we need to build more warships, we need more military bases around the world, and that we need war with Iran. To me it looks like he will create jobs in the military industrial complex, not for average American who is loosing his home. The same crooks that pushed us over the cliff will be getting more government contracts. He doesn’t explain where the money for more military will come from.
Can any of Romney supporters explain where the money will come from and how is it going to help us?

Why I support Ron Paul?

His record shows that he has principles and stands by them. Not only did he predict the current crises, he also has a plan to get us on the right tract. I agree with him on personal freedom and accountability. People should be free to make mistakes and learn from them. People should have the right to make informed decisions and be ready to deal with the consequences and/or success. The government is for sale, Ron Paul is not!
I agree with him on closing the five agencies he wants to close, and I think we should close even more agencies and allow private sector to take care of it on a local level. Why should people pay for Department of Education when it obviously doesn’t work? Wouldn’t it be better if the local communities setup their own Department of Education and vote on its policies?

The only way to get rid of lobbyists is by taking away the product they want to buy. There would be no reason to buy politicians if they had no control. Local communities know what is best for them, the government doesn’t.
I agree with him on closing the military bases abroad, because we have weapons and technology now that can reach any place on earth within a few hours, we have the CIA on the ground all over the world, why do we need bases? He wants to merge CIA with military, whats wrong with that, can somebody explain?

Now with all these cuts we can afford social security and medicare. And the young people should be able to opt out of these programs, but understand that they won’t get the social security payments and medicare if they do.

The war on drugs does not work, people still do drugs even in prisons. If you make it legal they won't need corner drug dealers to get them, and that will make our neighborhoods safer. There are a lot of alcoholics that die from it, should it be illegal too? We tried that once remember?
Victimless crimes are only bad for the criminal, there are no victims, so why should everybody pay for them to go to jail if they only harm themselves?

We live in times when people can do the research and make informed decisions. Harming others is illegal and will be if Ron Paul is President.

Military and defense is not the same thing, ask the troops that support Ron Paul, there are many of them.

Free market will not allow businesses to discriminate and make money at the same time, we don’t need the government for that. If a restaurant won't serve everybody the same they will go out of business, simple as that.

Stopping foreign aid doesn’t mean people won't make donations. People should have a choice to who they donate their money. We don’t need government to do it. Remember Haiti earthquake? People donated a lot of money voluntarily.

I can go on and on with things that I agree with Ron Paul, but I’m tired maybe next time.

Does that answer your question?
edit on 6-5-2012 by maxella1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2012 by maxella1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:02 AM
A lot of the Ron Paul supporters forgot that the rest of us were watching the debates (unless of course they were standing by the mailbox wondering why their check is late.)

For those who didn't watch the debates, take it from us who did...

We do not support Ron Paul because we watched the debates. Simple answer.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Nite_wing
A lot of the Ron Paul supporters forgot that the rest of us were watching the debates (unless of course they were standing by the mailbox wondering why their check is late.)

For those who didn't watch the debates, take it from us who did...

We do not support Ron Paul because we watched the debates. Simple answer.

What about the debates made you not support Ron Paul?

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by yourmaker
because when it's convienent they like to point out, "remember Obama promised change? what happened to that"

A lot changed just not what he promised.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by maxella1

Originally posted by Nite_wing
A lot of the Ron Paul supporters forgot that the rest of us were watching the debates (unless of course they were standing by the mailbox wondering why their check is late.)

For those who didn't watch the debates, take it from us who did...

We do not support Ron Paul because we watched the debates. Simple answer.

What about the debates made you not support Ron Paul?

Actually a good question would be, what about the debate makes you want to vote for Romney?

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:49 AM
wrong thread
edit on 7-5-2012 by tw0330 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

I'm fine with his own party not supporting him, because almost everyone who is pro-Paul doesn't support his party either. I'm registered republican, but I'm not republican. I just did it so I could vote for the great Dr.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
he is just too extreme for my taste

get rid of the IRS and income tax


so what are you going to cut from the budget ? everything ?

that sounds fine and dandy until grandma and grandpa have to move in with you and die a painful death and go broke

what we would get is a wasted 4 years, with congress shutting him down at every turn, his own party doesn't even want him

Actually Ron Paul explained it pretty well

If Obama is reelected it will be 4 more wasted years.

If Romney is elected it will be 8 more wasted years.

Think about that.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:00 AM
Even if he got the nomination...THEN got elected....all of his views and issues and ideas wont get support to enact them from the Government of die-hard long time-term elected Congress, Senate etc.

He'd have a fight all the way on everything.

Folks forget that its just not his ideas (which I admit are good)...but it will be his inability to get wide SUPPORT once elected to put them into action. Electing him wont automatically put his plans into action.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

He'd have a fight all the way on everything.

At least he will fight for us. I cant say the same about Romney or Obama.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by maxella1

Okey, here's my reason why I won't support Mr. Paul. On a personal level, to me he throws of the same bad vibes I got from obama. Just something about him feels off. And to answer the Mr. Romney question? I'm not thrilled with him either, but I feel he's the lesser evil if you will. All I know is we can still salvage the country, but we have to get obama out of office while we still have a country.
Then I'll be open to a third party canidate.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:12 AM
threads like this are one of the main reasons why im not voting for Paul... Ron Paul fans this year are acting like Obama fans in 08 and its sort of too much to handle

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by maxella1

Because Ron Paul won't bring about peace. You don't achieve peace through military downsizing and isolationism. Closing bases overseas reduces US ability to project power. 

I don't support the wars we've seen over the past decade but you must understand that having those bases doesn't mean is a deterrent to war...and RP wants to remove our deterrent. 


If you call Ron Paul isolationist because he don’t want to bud in other countries internal affairs, then every country that doesn’t bud in American internal affairs are isolationists too.

He wants to trade with other countries not fight with them. Isolationism is what we have now.

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