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Had some EM weapons used on me today, some more information for everyone

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posted on May, 2 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by strangedays

why don't you wear a tin foil hat and shiny silvery clothes with a chain dangling to the ground.

this will act as a faraday cage and protect you from all pulses.

to be extra safe wear tin foil underwear and then on top normal clothes which act as a inbetween insulator and then more tin foil clothes on top of that.

this will totally block all signals into you.

the tin foil hat should be connected to your tin foil clothes and no gaps allowed.

for seeing cut two round holes and use a splash preventor metal mesh/net from your kitchen.

again the mesh will act as a faraday cage.

also use metal sprayed glasses.

make sure you are in contact with the ground.

when sleeping sleep in a tin foil bag from the dollar store and wear the tin foil hat.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 11:41 AM
I'm not going to slam you.
If you want us to believe you, you're going to have to show some proof, not just a rambling post.
Take some pictures. Even better, video your home before you leave, then have your camera on when you come home. Prove the white dust is there.
The burden of evidence is on you. If you want to be believed, you're going to have to do the work.
I'll withhold judgement till then.

Just went back and read some of your replies. You're a troll, a liar or you need medical help.
edit on 2-5-2012 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 11:42 AM
OP you dont happen to live near the denver airport by chance do you?

This post popped into my head, might be something?
edit on 2-5-2012 by trig_grl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:54 PM
Strange Days: It's possible you need some encouragement. Our world is a mysterious place and not everyone experiences the same things. Extra dimensions could be at work, microwave could be working to affect the human mind, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Because of the nature of this post, you sound distressed though. The mental pain this is causing needs to be relieved somehow. Just an idea, have you found something that eradicates negative ions in your house/apartment? Move to a quieter town or nearby may be enough. Maybe you are just very sensitive to all of the radio waves, microwaves and other unseen energies in the area. Science doesn't know the effect of all these things on the human mind. Finally, get God. He is an unseen force too that is on your side.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:31 PM
I have to say that I am shocked and appaled by the treatment some of you are giving to this member, it is bullying without any hint of sympathy. If they truly believe what they are saying, then you are feeding that belief either way, by attacking them and stating that they have mental health problems in public, can only have a destructive outcome. IF they are delusional and go on to do harm to anyone, because of this treatment, I just hope that the guilty members are willing to hold their hands up and say " Yes I was partly responsible for that " if not, then they should back off. The Mods should review this thread and issue warnings personally to the people who are just hanging around to stick the boot in. In spending time trolling this thread, you are wasting valuable investigating time for solving any other issues, which is why you are here right, or are you here because it gives you the Power to attack and bully other people, then walk away when it all turns sour. I think some people need to learn what it means to be part of the human race and care for others as part of your peer group. Yes it is your right to speak up against wrongdoing, but sometimes it is WISER to hold your tongues.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by strangedays

Originally posted by gandalph
In all seriousness, you need medical help. You're going nuts.

No one is out to get you.

I often wonder if you are helping me. Like I will be killed off if I expose too much. But im going to be the best person I can. Following God and Jesus Christ. I know my info is dangerous I think? But maybe im speaking too much? But im going to try to go on a feeling of God, not what people are telling me as you guys have opposing factions and try to push me in different directions. God will protect me and show me the way. He has my whole life. Its sad that people attack me for just trying to preserve life, goodness, kindness, positive. But I realize im dumb and dont know the whole story. Im open to being wrong. But yea I understand how you can do only 1 thing that youre told even if its illogical. So keep pushing the disinfo saying im crazy, I dont think its going to stop people from reading this lol.

EDIT: you start to see how right you are by how viciously they attack you lol. Thanks for confirming this for myself and the rest who see it. If this was about mental health, then you wouldnt even post and just move on. You make it a point to accuse someone of an illness (that still has no basis and is a blanket diagnosis lol!) maybe they should rename it to "Found out about the cons-itis" haha
edit on 1-5-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

the thing that tells me that you are psychotic or schizophrenic is..that your language doesnt show a sign of empathy for the people that don´t understand your writing or call you crazy...that is the first sign that indeed you ARE crazy.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Another10Pin
Hey ... everyone posting on this thread that is accusing OP of some type of psychotic disorder.


I do not believe ANY of you are medical doctors, and ONLY A MEDICAL DOCTOR CAN MAKE A DIAGNOSIS AND OFFER A TREATMENT PLAN.

If something is wrong here, and this person follows someone's advice, and something REALLY BAD HAPPENS, SOMEONE is going to be held LIABLE.

And what is the legally questionable advice again? Suggesting that the OP Consult a doctor? (as opposed to, say, suggesting a the use of a netti pot.)

And how is anyone going to implement a treatment plan without consulting a medical professional? It's not like you can buy the meds in question over the counter at Walgreens.
edit on 2-5-2012 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:22 PM
OP, without discussing mental stability, if you really want to find out if someone is coming in your house while you are away, you can:

A) hook up a webcam, and connect it to a program called orb, or any variety of programs and you can watch your house, dont leave the webcam in plain sight obviously. Either leave it recording 24/7 with timestamp or motion detect.

B) If you think "they" will see it and disable it, go spend a few bucks on some spy cameras, the types that are smoke detectors, clocks, anything the size of a pinhole.

If these find nothing and "white powder" still shows up, check your furnace and/or air conditioning system, you may need to have your ducting cleaned out (most people dont know you gotta do this), we had to do it in our house once for such reasons, you shoulda seen the dust coming out! had to open all the windows and stay out of the house all day.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by strangedays

there is a way to protect yourself from getting attacked more. just look up, and it'll give you ways to peacefully fight this attack.

just an opinion here.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:42 PM


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 02:58 PM
This post sounds paranoid but it parallels something I went through years ago. I tell this story through hind-sight as I didn't suspect anything at the time.
I used to work for a cancer doctor's all woman staffed medical laboratory. After about a year they wanted me (the only male lab tech out of 10 females) out but didn't fire me. Instead they assigned me to a remote office by myself. Days and weeks went by with no business or contact with anyone, I showed up everyday for work and just sat there lonelier than the Maytag repair man. After about 3 months of this I started to notice a yellow dust. After about a week of exposure I started to gradually have severe chest pains. I was hospitalized for a couple of days but my heart checked out okay. I was eventually fired without cause. Thanx OP, you got me thinking.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by strangedays

Originally posted by spoonbender
This Whole Thing
reminds me of

William Burroughs "The Naked Lunch"

white powder = bug powder dust

Don't Blow your cover OP

Thank you sir. And with that, I bid everyone a goodbye from this thread.

I hope everyone learned something today

So I hit the nail on the head...

& you were trolling

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:31 PM
This post is confused. The poster might be a bit confused as well, at least, he is persuaded his experience is real.
I find quite condemnable the reaction of certain ATS members.
Weakness is not to be jumped on.
Some people here might need help (ATS can be perceived like a conspiracy website).
You should listen to your sarcasms and look at your acusing fingers. It's quite sad.
Respect is the basis of evolved minds.

All the best.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

Originally posted by Another10Pin
Hey ... everyone posting on this thread that is accusing OP of some type of psychotic disorder.


I do not believe ANY of you are medical doctors, and ONLY A MEDICAL DOCTOR CAN MAKE A DIAGNOSIS AND OFFER A TREATMENT PLAN.

If something is wrong here, and this person follows someone's advice, and something REALLY BAD HAPPENS, SOMEONE is going to be held LIABLE.

And what is the legally questionable advice again? Suggesting that the OP Consult a doctor? (as opposed to, say, suggesting a the use of a netti pot.)

And how is anyone going to implement a treatment plan without consulting a medical professional? It's not like you can buy the meds in question over the counter at Walgreens.
edit on 2-5-2012 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

I was going to answer you, but you know what? If you can't figure this one out on your own, then nothing I can say is going to illuminate you to the possibility. Good luck.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Qwenn
I have to say that I am shocked and appaled by the treatment some of you are giving to this member, it is bullying without any hint of sympathy. If they truly believe what they are saying, then you are feeding that belief either way, by attacking them and stating that they have mental health problems in public, can only have a destructive outcome. IF they are delusional and go on to do harm to anyone, because of this treatment, I just hope that the guilty members are willing to hold their hands up and say " Yes I was partly responsible for that " if not, then they should back off. The Mods should review this thread and issue warnings personally to the people who are just hanging around to stick the boot in. In spending time trolling this thread, you are wasting valuable investigating time for solving any other issues, which is why you are here right, or are you here because it gives you the Power to attack and bully other people, then walk away when it all turns sour. I think some people need to learn what it means to be part of the human race and care for others as part of your peer group. Yes it is your right to speak up against wrongdoing, but sometimes it is WISER to hold your tongues.

This always happens.
many of the posters on ATS are so evil.
It's sickening.
A bunch of ignorant assholes come to this website. That's the truth.
The majority of posters who post on these "out there" threads do this. It's not some small minority.

edit on 2-5-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:36 PM
OP, try Head & Shoulders... it may get rid of the white powder around the house.


posted on May, 2 2012 @ 03:59 PM
This thread is almost as bad as the reptilian one. proof, just off-the-wall speculation that goes above and beyond the realm of paranoid delusion and bizarre myth. What has ATS become?

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Here is the problem with the comments from those who feel the need to say "you're crazy, seek help." (as if the are some wonderful self appointed public service officer doing the right thing).

The OP'ster might not be articulate via the written word, this does NOT MAKE them crazy or their experiences less valid.

If you don't have the experience the OP'ster is having it does NOT make them crazy.

If you can't grasp what the OP'ster is saying because they are not very articulate AND you have no experience with what they are speaking of IT DOES NOT MAKE THEM CRAZY.

For those of you who think any such concerns of interference of this kind is total BS, I refer you to the CIA experiment in which they put '___' in the bread people ate in a small down in France without telling them: JUST TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN! In case you can't grasp the totality of that effort, this means they STUDIED the secretly dosed people, in great DETAIL, to see what happened. The list of this kind of thing, now reflected in the PUBLIC record is endless, to say nothing of the private files.

The number of anonymous armchair Dr. Fraud's willing to step out on the ledge and state "get some help dude" is remarkable, especially considering their perfect psychological judgment is based on ONE post, which, they may or may not, fully understand. Funny how the don't jump into any whacky math posts they don't understand and demand help for the poster...

There were plenty of people who told Einstein to SEEK HELP for his deranged thoughts about the universe, that was until he helped kills thousands with his efforts on the bomb - nothing like mass death to add credibility.

As to the original poster, in order to clarify your thoughts, write them down one at a time and extrapolate on each thought.

So, focus on only one aspect of this issue first: The practice of having your thoughts scrambled via an external mechanism, and your tests with combating that. Stick with that until you have come to a basic understanding of the cause and effect and can articulate the process. Write, rewrite and edit, three times total, before you post. Stick to one topic in the initial post - then move on to the next and so on. This will help others understand a bit more and MIGHT, though I doubt it, lessen the endless parade of teenage psychological experts posting "get help dude." Remember, part of the assault on you is to make your thoughts scrambled to others, making you sound crazy because you can't be understood.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Yes, it is getting to be very creepy in here with the troglodytes who infiltrate the positive human-spirited community of ATS. I guess that just goes along with over lathering up with Dualism Shampoo and Body Soap sold here on planet earth.

As soon as something positive comes along in my everyday life, up drives a truck loaded down with negative stuff (manure) and just dumps it on me. Well, I just dig myself out and hose myself off and just "keep on, keepin' on". (Yeah, Joe Dirt is my hero (and so is Ron & Rand Paul). They are righteous dudes). I know I'm naive to the core and proud of it.

Check this out:

PEOPLE are like 6.3 billion holes in an opaque membrane stretched over a sphere of CONSCIOUSNESS (GOD?!?!) with little Peep Holes peeking out through their individualized perspectives (kind of like Jung's collective unconscious). Too sum it up: We the People are a bunch of I (ME) with my own little PEEP-Hole. Power to the PeepHoles!!!

Also, check this out that has been coming in the mail for a very long time.

My perception of the word conspiracy is like this: CON$PIRACY.
They CON us with very $ophisticated PIRACY by CONfounding U$ through CONtract$ using the $erpent on the $taff.
They CON you with $ into their form of PIRACY. Like in the Pirates of Penzance you become a "$lave to Duty" Arrh Matey. And a hearty Jolly Roger to Ya!

P.S. And, CON$PIRACY is CAPITALIZED because of your $TRAWMAN $tatus (absence of brain included - WizOz); we're talking M^2 talk here (Money Matrix). That is: MONEY=CAPITAL=CAPITALize "YOUR NAME HERE"=$LAVERY.

We were all CAPITALIZED at birth since FDR's NEW DEAL. Go memorize your $erial number on the back of your birth certificate. That $erial number is said to be listed (CAPITALIZED and COLATERALIZED) on the $tock Exchange (as in LIVE-$TOCK Exchange). Also note, the Rockefeller$ are cattle peephole AND oil peephole. They get cattle and live$tock awards throughout the cattle industry. $ee their ecologically balanced and carbon-credited herford/calf pair $cience engineering ranch on Mt Desert Island, Maine and their vast numbers of other cattle ranches scattered around the world. So, MOOOVE along little Goyim.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 05:09 PM
Never mind.

Not even worth the ding in ATS points.
edit on 2-5-2012 by ColAngus because: (no reason given)

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