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I'm a 54 year old woman, and I was told to remove my hood before I could enter a shop lol

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posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by doobydoll

One Third of Shoppers Steal Goods

Take a look at that and try and tell me that the majority of people who do that are under 21.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Ramcheck
Just. Remove. Your hood. Why are you walking around indoors with your hood up? It's just generally accepted these days that nobody goes into a store or a bank or a supermarket with a hood up. You should know better at your age tbh.

This is done here in some stores too. And the main reason is, if your dashing in and out, your hair will get messed up by taking your hood on and off all the time.

Also many just forget to do it, at the door, and with Fukushima rain, you wouldn't want to do it before the door.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by stumason

Denying someone access to a store because they had a Burkha on could be seen as discriminatory and they would run the risk of being sued.

And while I do not know english law pertaining to this, I dont think such lawsuit would be successful. The policy targets people with covered faces in general, not any particular religion. The fact that this may conflict with some religious beliefs should not be relevant.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Maslo

You'd be surprised matey, given all the PC bullcrap we have!

But, like I said, I totally agree that religion should have no place in this discussion. Unfortunately, we know it will and does...

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Adyta
Ah, the U.K. Such a fascinating place.

I hope they enslave you. I hope you become the most oppressed people in the history of the world. You sit back as your rights are stripped from you, and you do not offer up a whisper of protest. You deserve far worse than being asked to remove your hood.

You gave up your guns willingly. You gladly gave up your freedom of speech. It wont end there. Now that you are unarmed and silenced, more will be taken from you.

And I will laugh.

I take it you don't like the UK much?

You think you're free in the US? Ok, go out and protest and get sprayed in the face.
Then come back here with your scab and post the image.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Britguy

haha i knew id get someone like you replying
. never said that in my post did i? but how did the security guard know she would take her hood down once she had entered the shop? he didn't. he was simply doing his job which is to deter people from stealing from the shop (by reminding/asking them to remove a hood). Or is he not allowed to do that? And im not missing the point. the OP clearly mentions herself not appearing as a thug. i merely rejected her stereotype.
your turn

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by knightwhosaysnih

yay another who knowns what he's talking about and has actual experience with cctv etc.


posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Re-read my comments. Nowhere did I suggest that the opinion was bizarre.


How about here

Just don't expect the likes of me - who deals in empiricism, logic and rationality - to play along with your bizarre opinions.

You come across as a confrontational troll.....why do you think that is?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

You can bet your bippy I am not the only female in the southern USA that carries a concealed weapon.

Most male and female children are taught to shoot a rifle as soon as the are strong enough to hold it steady.

And I do have a concealed carry permit.

Amen.... that is one good thing about the ol' U.S.A.----- the right to bear arms!!! And yes, knives too....There's millions who live out in the country who hunt for their food also. Deer, rabbit, elk, squirrel, etc., well you get the picture. Well not you, but the poster from England who was responding to you having a gun. Oh yeah, and for self defense, of course.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Good point, I was thinking the same thing too. I didn't realize that other countries have a similar problem with thugs, well thieves, like the U.S. does. When you watch those criminal videos where they rob a store, gas stations or what ever it may be, most do wear a hoodie to cover their face so as not to be recognized. So yes, I say if you don't want to be hassled, put your hoodie down. Actually if you notice on some of the doors now, it has a sign that says something about the hoodies. If I run across another one, I'll take a picture and post it. I can't remember if it said NO hoodies or no hoods worn on head. I'll be looking now. HA!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by doobydoll
Can anyone else see that we are treated as all guilty of pre-crime?

But to get us to accept it we're told it's all about our safety and security.

Very, very good point.... so true on both parts. You nailed it on the head!!!!!

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by doobydoll
Why do some of you keep replying with 'you should take your headwear off indoors' and 'they need to see your face'? These replies are pointless. I usually don't wear headwear indoors OR outdoors, but I wore my hooded raincoat because it was raining and I walked to the store. I wasn't even in the shop when told to remove my hood, I WAS STILL OUTSIDE!

Don't you people read the OP before responding? Jeez!

Thanks for your replies guys, and thanks for taking the time to read, (those of you who did, that is).
edit on 30-4-2012 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

I understood what you were saying. I'm the same way. I don't wear caps and don't own a hoodie so that leaves me out. However, that being said, I prefer a cap and rain coat any day over a stupid umbrella . Out of habit though, mainly so I can see where the hell I'm going, the minute I step inside a store, the hood comes down. But things are getting very strange any more, no doubt.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by doobydoll
reply to post by something wicked

As has already been pointed out, there are lots of Tesco stores in and around Nottingham. If this was one that didn't have a canopy outside the doors that provided protection from the weather then I could kind of understand, but then I would say it was a bit crap of you leaving your dog outside in what must have been heavy rain.

My dog loves the rain, in fact he loves to go walks in any weather and I often take him whatever the weather's doing.

It's only water you know, not battery acid.

I have a yellow lab and he LOVES the rain, which I'm not to fond of. And yes, there has been times where I tied him up [yes, in the rain] to make an errand into the store. No, he wasn't harmed in the least. However, it takes me about 30 minutes to dry him with a blow dryer, being as he's an inside dog. No wet dogs on carpet/furniture. He has his own blow dryer and towel needless to say! HA....

Regardless, your dog is not the point to this story, wearing your rain coat with the hood is. I bet that will make you think twice the next time you put your rain coat on. Hopefully you won't have that problem again....

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by something wicked

Originally posted by doobydoll
reply to post by something wicked

As has already been pointed out, there are lots of Tesco stores in and around Nottingham. If this was one that didn't have a canopy outside the doors that provided protection from the weather then I could kind of understand, but then I would say it was a bit crap of you leaving your dog outside in what must have been heavy rain.

My dog loves the rain, in fact he loves to go walks in any weather and I often take him whatever the weather's doing.

It's only water you know, not battery acid.

Absolutely, only water, so why the issue with removing your hood, shall I also do the scrolly eyes thing?

Maybe because the dogs hair doesn't FRIZZ and get weird looking like peoples hair do. Especially women who spent an hour or so fixing their hair. Just a thought..... Besides, not all but a lot of people are vain, picky about their looks, where as a dog could give a sh#t !!! ...... hee,hee

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
I take it you don't like the UK much?

You think you're free in the US? Ok, go out and protest and get sprayed in the face.
Then come back here with your scab and post the image.

I despise the U.K. Why? Because you are the test subjects. You're the ones our (the U.S.) government looks at and thinks "I want our country like that. Look, it works for the brits".

That's the only example of how America isn't free? After weeks of protest the pepper spray comes out? You're ridiculous. If you think YOU'RE free, how about you go out and buy yourself a nice .357 Magnum and walk around with it on your hip. How about you go out and use a racial slur. You have no rights. Your country deserves whatever it gets.
edit on 5/1/2012 by Adyta because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Adyta

Hey, I'm in Spain and I have a rifle.
Granted it's not a bazooka, but it's a start, incase of an apocalypse.

Busted, I'm not from the UK.

But your true colours have been exposed for the rest.
It's a shame you have to resort to that sort of anger and hate towards another nation and people.
And why would I want to walk down the street with a magnum?
Unless it's summer and I'm down the beach, walking back to my spot eating one with nuts?

I sense a certain degree of hate towards me from your post.
But the one who laughs last, laughs the loudest.

So, next time, before you assume I'm from the UK, just ask.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma
Hey, I'm in Spain and I have a rifle.
Granted it's not a bazooka, but it's a start, incase of an apocalypse.

Busted, I'm not from the UK.

But your true colours have been exposed for the rest.
It's a shame you have to resort to that sort of anger and hate towards another nation and people.
And why would I want to walk down the street with a magnum?
Unless it's summer and I'm down the beach, walking back to my spot eating one with nuts?

I sense a certain degree of hate towards me from your post.
But the one who laughs last, laughs the loudest.

So, next time, before you assume I'm from the UK, just ask.

You have a rifle. What kind? I'm going to guess it is so old/stripped down it is little threat to small game, let alone a person. Does it hold more than 3 shots?

Why wouldn't you wanna walk down the street with a gun? I carry my sub-compact .40 everywhere I go. I guarantee when the day comes someone tries to hurt me, I'll stand a better chance then you.

Just Googled Spains gun laws. Wow.

Gun owners must be licensed and undergo strict medical and psychological tests. No one is permitted to own more than six hunting rifles and one handgun. Firearms must be registered and inspected annually.

To me, you can't really say you're free unless you can go out and buy a gun as easy as a carton of eggs. You may be free at first glance, but think about it. Why does your government want you disarmed?

You're not free. You're just permitted to go about your lives for the time being.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by doobydoll

For security reasons...

FYI- you don't have to be a young black hoodie wearing male to be a criminal.

Makes common sense.

Would you be surprised if you were entering a bank and they asked the same thing?

Don't make an issue when there isn't one. IMO

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 03:04 PM
Interesting posts, Im in multiple minds on this one.

Once you enter Tesco's carpark, you are technically on private land, and they can make any requirement of you including removing your hood. Your choice is either comply, or leave. If you refuse to comply, and refuse to leave, you are committing an act of trespass.

In this case, while leagally within his rights, the security officer was a jumped up prick, and I would have removed my hood, then asked to speak to the duty manager, to make a formal complaint.

I have a similar issue, Owing to lengthy bouts of laser treatment to save my eyesight, my eyes are very photosensitive. I have to wear glasses with heavily tinted lenses, even indoors. You have no idea how much grief this causes me.

"Please remove the sunglasses, sir."
"They aren't sunglasses. Please, may I ask you to read this." - handing him a note from my doctor explaining the situation.
"I will read it when you remove your sunglasses sir." - removes glasses
"Oh, I apologize."

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by steve1709
Hi Snarky, your comment "You do have a point here. Remember about a year or 2 ago, a worker at Disney World [ FL., I believe] raised hell because they had asked her to remove her burqa before going to work. I don't recall the outcome of that, but being as it has to do with their religion, it does seem a touchy subject."

I was under the impression that it WASN"T religious wear but CULTURAL wear. Please correct me if I'm wrong and that there is an actual reference in the Koran (if I have spelt that wrong, I don't care as IMO it hasn't earned my respect)

Hey, religion/culture, either one, it's still a touchy subject.

Also, I'm thinking Ga., hell it could be FL. again [U.S.A.] , regardless one of our states refused a lady to get her drivers license because she refused to remove her head wear. Well, the problem was all you could see in the photo was her eyes. The whole point of a drivers license is to prove that's who you are in the picture. That's your I.D. So, how are you supposed to do that with your face/hair covered up? Duh..... it only makes common sense, it was not an attack on her culture/religion. It kinda defeats the purpose of an....I.D.

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