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Ever considered selling your soul to the devil?

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by sarra1833
reply to post by muzzleflash

The Devil/Satan (and all other names put to it) Is a creature from the Bible who is the enemy of God, but used to be in Heaven but wanted to be just like God so God kicked him out with other bad angels and they started Hell. Now their job is to get all us humans and bring us to Hell to punish us forever for not believing in God.

That right there shows the pure bs religion is.
And I was Methodist for 36 years.

Satan should reward highly forever those who do not believe in God because he wants us to turn from God right? so if he's going to punish us for turning from God, then he's really ON God's side fully.

Religion fully figured out in a few sentences.
There you go.

Selling the soul to the Devil would be the same as selling it to God because both are on the same team. If you don't believe, you get punished.

Isn't that so loving?
I'm straying off topic. Sorry.

Satan would never reward people, he is never nice. He hates people and he loves to torture them. Do you think a loving God would want anyone tortured? If anything, it pleases Satan's gang to torture man because they know God still loves the lost and it is all they have to "get at" God.

By saying God and Satan are on the same team you set yourself squarely against God and put yourself in Satan's camp Your pride in your faulty intellect and your arrogance will be your demise. Yeah, don't look too closely in the mirror, your horns might show.

I hope you find God. He does love you.

edit on 4/28/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Snoopy1978

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Ben81
Even if i was offered 50 trillions dollars i would refuse

Yep. In heaven they use gold to pave the streets. lol And you can't take a penny to Hell with ya. What good is it to gain the whole world and yet lose your own soul?

Gold to pave the streets? Lmao. You got your myths confused. You're thinking about "El Dorado".

2012, humanity is on the brink of quantum computing yet we still have regressive neanderthals puking up iron age mythologies. Amazing.

God Bless you.

Did I sneeze or something? Only thing needed to be "saved" here is your self-righteousness. Enjoy your supersticious woo.
edit on 30-4-2012 by Snoopy1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:17 AM
Whatever your devil offers you, i will double it for your soul.... i do accept paypal

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady

Originally posted by sarra1833
reply to post by muzzleflash

The Devil/Satan (and all other names put to it) Is a creature from the Bible who is the enemy of God, but used to be in Heaven but wanted to be just like God so God kicked him out with other bad angels and they started Hell. Now their job is to get all us humans and bring us to Hell to punish us forever for not believing in God.

That right there shows the pure bs religion is.
And I was Methodist for 36 years.

Satan should reward highly forever those who do not believe in God because he wants us to turn from God right? so if he's going to punish us for turning from God, then he's really ON God's side fully.

Religion fully figured out in a few sentences.
There you go.

Selling the soul to the Devil would be the same as selling it to God because both are on the same team. If you don't believe, you get punished.

Isn't that so loving?
I'm straying off topic. Sorry.

Satan would never reward people, he is never nice. He hates people and he loves to torture them. Do you think a loving God would want anyone tortured? If anything, it pleases Satan's gang to torture man because they know God still loves the lost and it is all they have to "get at" God.

By saying God and Satan are on the same team you set yourself squarely against God and put yourself in Satan's camp Your pride in your faulty intellect and your arrogance will be your demise. Yeah, don't look too closely in the mirror, your horns might show.

I hope you find God. He does love you.

edit on 4/28/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

God and Satan got together one day and tortured Job in a friendly bet. All in the name of pride, of course. God, deadly sinner, is thus a hypocrite.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Snoopy1978

God didn't do any torture, satan did. God is omniscient, He knew Job would never curse Him, and God knew Job's family would be preserved in paradise awaiting him upon his death. The only laughing stock in that story was satan and job's 3 so-called friends and his wife. Job was blessed with twice as much as before because of his faithfulness to God. And his original family that perished on Earth was still waiting for him in Paradise.

edit on 30-4-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Snoopy1978

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by Ben81
Even if i was offered 50 trillions dollars i would refuse

Yep. In heaven they use gold to pave the streets. lol And you can't take a penny to Hell with ya. What good is it to gain the whole world and yet lose your own soul?

Gold to pave the streets? Lmao. You got your myths confused. You're thinking about "El Dorado".

2012, humanity is on the brink of quantum computing yet we still have regressive neanderthals puking up iron age mythologies. Amazing.

God Bless you.

Did I sneeze or something? Only thing needed to be "saved" here is your self-righteousness. Enjoy your supersticious woo.

Dude, I'm NOT self-righteous, I sin all the time. You wanna hear some of the weird stuff that enters my thoughts and I never type? Paul may be the chief of sinners, but I'm not all that far behind him. I mess up all the time.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

If you are able to momentarily come to grips with how you come accross, as stated in your last reply, you still possess a bit of unadultered logic and reason. Let go of all that supersticious, medieval woo. It is not too late. You too can be "saved".

Unless this disclaimer-type moment of modesty is also rooted in your divine dogma and fear of godly punishment, of course.
edit on 1-5-2012 by Snoopy1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

That doesn't mean you have to answer to an almighty being.

First and foremost, answer to yourself. That's the only way you'll change. By answering to yourself for what you have done wrong...not in God's eyes, but your own.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
reply to post by NOTurTypical

If you are able to momentarily come to grips with how you come accross, as stated in your last reply, you still possess a bit of unadultered logic and reason. Let go of all that supersticious, medieval woo. It is not too late. You too can be "saved".

Unless this disclaimer-type moment of modesty is also rooted in your divine dogma and fear of godly punishment, of course.

I came from that camp, I've only been saved for a handful of years. Been there done that man, I know what pigpen He pulled me out of, there is nothing to go back to!

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by NOTurTypical

That doesn't mean you have to answer to an almighty being.

First and foremost, answer to yourself. That's the only way you'll change. By answering to yourself for what you have done wrong...not in God's eyes, but your own.

You're right, I don't have to answer to Him, I have free-will. I choose to! I'm not a slave, I'm a bond servant.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

Originally posted by sarra1833
That right there shows the pure bs religion is.

Religion IS BS, NO doubt about it...

But if that's ALL you think it is, you are MASSIVELY deceived.

I HATE religion and see it as nothing less than a diabolical mind control tool with a hidden agenda that very few comprehend...

"Today the religions of the world remain a major tool of the Illuminati agenda." Link

Satan is behind ALL false religion

Satan's most effective method of seducing men and women to yield to his control over them is via a religious system. Source

What if I were to tell you, that there is a vast Satanic conspiracy to deceive the masses of every society on earth? What if I were to tell you that the top leaders of the world’s religions were in league with the Devil? Would you think I’m crazy? I would! Yet, the truth is stranger than fiction! You have been lied to my friend. Few people in the world today are aware of just how much Satan has infiltrated and is behind ALL false religion.

All false religions are illuminati created...

"Every major religion in the world has been manufactured or infiltrated by the Illuminati to enslave and brainwash society. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control. The indoctrination of the masses by a "Trojan Horse" false religion has allowed the Illuminati to take control and work in secret for many, many years." Link

"Organized religion is THE deception that keeps us in fear of God and rejecting his grace. Religion keeps you from knowing God and keeps you blind as to what God is really like! Sadly, some confuse religion with Jesus, and walk away from them both, God and religion are separate entities that get intertwined together by man. ALL pagan religions are controlled by Satan! The elite created religion as a tool for control with a hidden agenda that aims to blind and misguide you away from the truth."

"...religion keeps you from knowing God and keeps you blind as to what God is really like! All religious leaders are raised up by Jesus' arch enemy, satan! Link

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:36 PM

The Amazing Story of Kirk Martin

"I ended up going out into this field by his house and, falling to the ground, I began to curse God and spit at the name of Jesus; I began to claw the earth and said,“Satan, give me what I want, and I’ll twist and take as many people as I can to hell with music.”

Two days later, a guy who had been working as our manager called and said, “Look, there’s a record label and they want to know how much you would want to go into the studio and what budget you’d need to record.”

Read Full Story...

Heavy metal rocker Kirk Martin made a pact with the devil. But then one day a mysterious stranger pinpointed Kirk's deepest secret and Kirk began a journey to God.

"I was sitting in a fast food restaurant in early morning," said Kirk. "I was rarely awake in the early mornings—I was drinking a coffee and smoking a cigarette when this old man walked in. He was about 5 foot 3 with a white bushy beard and hair, a big red nose, and he wore a little black yarmulke and a trench coat. He came in, got coffee and sat down right across from me.

Immediately I got in his face and said, 'What's up Pops?' He answered, 'What's up Pops?' I said, 'What's up Dad?' He said, 'What's up Dad?' (Imitating me) I got mad because he was mocking me, so I jumped across the table and screamed every foul, disgusting word I could possibly think of. He literally didn't budge. (Most people were scared of me—I could walk across an intersection and hear people locking their doors!)

But, this man just looked me in the eye and said, 'Jesus sent me here to tell you that He loves you.' My first gut reaction was to jump up and rip his eyeballs out of his head. But before I could get my feet to tell the rest of my body to jump, he said, 'And He wants you to know that He wasn't responsible for these young men molesting you when you were a little boy.' The interesting thing was, he called them by name. I had never told anyone that in my life.

Kirk was shocked. "I felt like someone cut my feet off and all the blood drained from my body. It honestly freaked me out; I didn't know what to think. Then the guy got up and said, 'Jesus loves you and He's waiting for you to turn your face toward home,' and he walked out. I was literally paralyzed by what had just happened, but when I got my composure back, I jumped up and ran after him because I had to know how he knew all that. The guy had to be no more than 15 or 20 feet ahead of me; he turned a corner, went behind a row of hedges and just disappeared. I never saw him again."

The Amazing Story of Kirk Martin

edit on 11-7-2012 by Murgatroid because: Added link

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 02:00 PM
I wanna make a deal but I don't know how. Is there anyone who can help me figure out how to do it?

posted on Mar, 4 2013 @ 11:08 PM
You may not believe my story but i tell it as it has haunted my thoughts for years. Back when I was young and foolish I looked for the easy ways out not appreciating the reward of working hard for what I wanted.. I grew tired of having to make it in life and this was when I was just getting started right after highschool.. I used to think that getting settlement money from a car accident would be great because I got money for doing nothing.. Strangely enough I was smoking some weed one night and talked out to the "devil" offering my soul for money, a wallet that refilled itself without doing anything.. I didnt think much of it.. a few weeks later I went for a drive to the mall and someone else drove. On the way back home he was speeding down a road.. I woke up two weeks later in a hospital with no memory of what happened. after six years of rehab I was given a large settlement. Ever since the accident it has always been in the back of mind that I asked for all of this. I never truly knew what I asked for when I asked for it. The trauma and struggle I went through to try and get back to a normal life.. and the settlement was forcefully setup into an annuity that pays me out every two weeks til the day I die(the wallet that refills itself).. I didnt even know something like that existed back when I asked for it,, and didnt think what I asked for would ever happen.. or could ever even be like that.. I know that I got what I asked for in a bad way and regret the thing I asked for.. after coming to realize this more and more after the settlement I grew detatched from the world a bit.. I felt alone and empty.. always knowing that its very likely where I will end up when my life finally ends.. Realizing that I began to be a better person, someone who does charity work a lot and is kind to others while expecting nothing back.. Is it a sad attempt at saving my soul.. likely.. but it did make me a better person. The end feels empty to me and although I'm not scared of dying.. I do fear where I may end up. I guess the moral of this story is be careful what you ask for.. you just may get it.. and regret it for the rest of your days fearing that someone is waiting for you when you go. Maybe it was a fluke that it happened.. maybe it happened to make me a better person.. or just maybe the deal was actually real and at lifes end I will pay the greatest price for money.. something that I cannot take with me.. Now a days I just try to make good memories and live happy.. while I can..

If you can even imagine what that is to feel like.. it may make you think twice about asking for anything. trust me, the deal is never worth it when you have to live with something over your head. I've never felt right since that accident and maybe it was the comma that messed me up.. or maybe.. just maybe my soul has had a hand holding it.. ready to take it at the moment I breathe my last breathe.

posted on Mar, 4 2013 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by ThisIsForReal
You may not believe my story but i tell it as it has haunted my thoughts for years. Back when I was young and foolish I looked for the easy ways out not appreciating the reward of working hard for what I wanted.. I grew tired of having to make it in life and this was when I was just getting started right after highschool.. I used to think that getting settlement money from a car accident would be great because I got money for doing nothing.. Strangely enough I was smoking some weed one night and talked out to the "devil" offering my soul for money, a wallet that refilled itself without doing anything.. I didnt think much of it.. a few weeks later I went for a drive to the mall and someone else drove. On the way back home he was speeding down a road.. I woke up two weeks later in a hospital with no memory of what happened. after six years of rehab I was given a large settlement. Ever since the accident it has always been in the back of mind that I asked for all of this. I never truly knew what I asked for when I asked for it. The trauma and struggle I went through to try and get back to a normal life.. and the settlement was forcefully setup into an annuity that pays me out every two weeks til the day I die(the wallet that refills itself).. I didnt even know something like that existed back when I asked for it,, and didnt think what I asked for would ever happen.. or could ever even be like that.. I know that I got what I asked for in a bad way and regret the thing I asked for.. after coming to realize this more and more after the settlement I grew detatched from the world a bit.. I felt alone and empty.. always knowing that its very likely where I will end up when my life finally ends.. Realizing that I began to be a better person, someone who does charity work a lot and is kind to others while expecting nothing back.. Is it a sad attempt at saving my soul.. likely.. but it did make me a better person. The end feels empty to me and although I'm not scared of dying.. I do fear where I may end up. I guess the moral of this story is be careful what you ask for.. you just may get it.. and regret it for the rest of your days fearing that someone is waiting for you when you go. Maybe it was a fluke that it happened.. maybe it happened to make me a better person.. or just maybe the deal was actually real and at lifes end I will pay the greatest price for money.. something that I cannot take with me.. Now a days I just try to make good memories and live happy.. while I can..

If you can even imagine what that is to feel like.. it may make you think twice about asking for anything. trust me, the deal is never worth it when you have to live with something over your head. I've never felt right since that accident and maybe it was the comma that messed me up.. or maybe.. just maybe my soul has had a hand holding it.. ready to take it at the moment I breathe my last breathe.

If you're still alive, the "deal" can be undone. Just be a God warrior and do all you can to spread His message to the unbelievers before time is up.

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