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If my belief system is wrong, we are all DOOMED.

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:18 AM
Have you read this topic on the front page? If not, here's the link:

Fukushima is falling apart: are you ready?

That radiation threat is enough to say that we face extinction if nothing stops it. And, according to the limited, unadmirable, close-minded logic this world runs on, there is little to nothing we can do about this threat. And, this threat is hardly half of what seems to face us in coming times. The natural disasters have gotten worse progressively with time. 2011 was the worse next to 2010, and the trend goes down as you go down the years. Do any research and you'll find the the trend of the weather, tectonic activity, and cosmic influence in our solar system (particularly the sun) are only getting worse.

Yellowstone Super Volcano

It is undeniable that this area has become increasingly volatile over the years, and in the few years leading to this one, at record speeds. Here is just one example of many information sources on this threat.

2012 completes a 74,000 year cycle of super volcano – all signs point towards a massive under water eruption India Daily Technology Team Jan. 8, 2006 The underwater volcanoes are increasing exponentially. The harmonic tremors are also on a steep rise. A 74,000 year cycle of devastating super volcano nears as we approach 2012. The December 2004 Tsunami epicenter points towards a possible site for the super volcano. According to some geologists, it is possible that the recent Tsunami is precursor to a massive shift in tectonic plates and a super volcanic eruption in that area dwarfing what happened even 74,000 years back.

More from the Above Article

I'm not asking you to believe in Mayan predictions. Although I find that they and others like them (many others, I might ad) hold significance of greater power than we likely know, I don't expect anyone to see that point of view. I just ask that you use your logic. Clearly this place offers a great threat to the world's civilization. It would seem even a slight quake close enough and at the right depth could set this one off and quakes have been increasing at record highs and more frequently in unusual places than ever in recorded history.

Record Earthquakes

If you think that what tectonics are doing now is a normal trend, you have a lot of research to do. This is just one of many examples that shows you the reality of the frequency of earthquakes recently in comparison to the not-so-far back past.

Link to Annual Earthquake Chart

If this trend continues at the rate it's continuing, we'll evidently be breaking records that we had just set last year which had just broken record in the year prior. If you thought last year was bad, one can only imagine what this year is going to be like with a spike that goes flying so high off the charts the line is flying off the limit line before it can even reach the end of the graph. May I remind anyone of how unstable and vulnerable the fuel rods in the already profusely leaking abandon plants in Fukushima, Japan are to an Earthquake? How many more times must it be said that even a small quake in the right place could instantly set them off? That suggests that a stronger quake wouldn't have to be very close to the mark to do the job.

Solar Influence

According to much recording done on the sun's activity, the biggest threat to come would be a solar storm of great capacity. However, this alone isn't the most reliable source of evidence related to the sun that seems to threaten the Earth. Even a solar storm of unusual strength would only disrupt things like communications related to the use of satellites and possibly even landlines. However, the Sun has been showing incredible paranormal displays since the beginning of this year which are completely unexplainable to this day. It would seem whatever threat (or positivity) may come from the Sun, we will not know what it is when it comes, and if it will be a contributing factor. Despite this, the Sun's activity shouldn't be ignored. There's no telling how large a storm could come from it soon, and, according to many experts, one large enough could influence the Earth's tectonic activity, were it already not acting up enough. There is already evidence of such. Following recorded solar flares that have hit earth, there have been quakes that have coincided after the Sun's impact on the Earth.

So, in short, what I believe is that we are going to discover something that is going to get us out of this hell before we're all wiped out. I believe in positive change in 2012- not the end of us all. What exactly could that be? Well, there's no need for me to go into detail about what I believe it will be as the evidence is only strong for myself a very few others I've met. Going on about that stuff would only cause more confusion for teh readers. Heh. Heck, I'll try one telling one thing, and see how that goes. Does the name "Lynderick Myers" ring a bell to anyone? If so, do tell. ^ ^

Well, that's about it. Cheers for now, and hang in there everybody. XD

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:32 AM
Dang me, that is one concerning topic. HUU-AH!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:38 AM
STuff is def getting interesting. I think we are all in for one hell of a ride.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:40 AM
Well, I don't believe that we are facing total annihilation. I don't. However, I do believe that when it is all said and done, 60-75 percent of us that our currently here, will be no more. To some, this may sound sick, but I view this current phase as a cleansing phase.

Look at what we have done. Look at our environment. Look at the current system we live in. Something has to change and there is only ONE way that is going to happen...The only way that is going to happen is if there is a large segment of the population no longer here. Some would say, "Well, what if you are one of the people selected not to make it?" I say, so be it.

edit on 24-4-2012 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:02 AM
While it is very easy to succumb to fear from the constant barrage of doom & gloom facing us at each turn, I prefer to replace fear with faith.
I have faith in God ,& faith in mankind. I believe that through collective prayer many threats can be averted, & many miracles can take place. The disarrayed state of our collective conscientious atm, is reflected by the state of our planet. I believe this can be changed to the positve.
Don't give up hope.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:04 AM
my apologies
but after reading your OP twice
i still fail to see how it is your belief system standing between us and certain doom
or what an ancient mesoamerican civilisation has to do with modern asian radiation
or what that has to do with the sun

one thing is for certain though
if we don't all pull together we're in a lot of trouble.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by jewells
Don't give up hope.

Certainly. As a matter of fact, to me, this is not a time to fear, but to rejoice. Great and wonderful REAL change is headed our way.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:14 AM
Keep in mind that our communications capabilities follow an exponential curve, just like our technology. This in turn turns the curves up as well on public awareness, fear, and overall hype.

Look at the world in the last 1000 years, I can pick many decades that I would not want to be anywhere near some of the things that have gone on. So, instead, think good things and hope for the best that can be. It is a ride, and being alive is all we can really be certain about.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by charlyv

True. That's what I tell people. The things that are currently happening are unprecedented. We have all of these scientific theories about what would happen if this that and the other occurs. None of the theories have good end results... In all truthfulness, we don't know. Most of the current events occuring have not ever happened in documented history.

We are living in very interesting times.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:21 AM
I'm agree that Fukashima has caused and will cause more damage, but as far as earthquakes and other natural phenomena, although there may be reason to worry, they aren't doing anything out of the ordinary. The reason we see a rise in EQ's as time goes on is not because there are that many more of them, but because we increase the range and sensitivity of monitoring equipment around the world. These instruments are being put all over the globe, so an earthquake that we wouldn't have known anything about last year, would have been counted had it had a seismograph on location.

Volcanoes, like other natural occurrences, operate through cycles. An increase in activity then, is not abnormal. It's like climate change...It may be changing, but that's just what the Earth does. There are devastating events that civilization could survive, and if not, oh well. It just kind of annoys me because I see threads like this all the time, that are offering nothing new, rehashing the same tired points, and claiming we are doomed, etc.

This is fearmongering, a term thrown around liberally here on ATS, but which does usually apply. So I just wanted to ask why you felt this thread necessary? Was it supposed to be for our benefit, to share information? I'm just curious. I also am not attempting to attack you OP...Rather I am attacking the need for this thread's existence, which although may represent your beliefs, doesn't represent you as a person...That is why I feel this is not personal, but maybe my logic is flawed. If so I apologize. Others may not agree with me, and that is fine. I can accept being wrong, but I just think threads like this are basically cluttering up the forums. That is all. Thank you, and have a nice day.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, I don't believe that we are facing total annihilation. I don't. However, I do believe that when it is all said and done, 60-75 percent of us that our currently here, will be no more. To some, this may sound sick, but I view this current phase as a cleansing phase.

Look at what we have done. Look at our environment. Look at the current system we live in. Something has to change and there is only ONE way that is going to happen...The only way that is going to happen is if there is a large segment of the population no longer here. Some would say, "Well, what if you are one of the people selected not to make it?" I say, so be it.

edit on 24-4-2012 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)
Something does have to change, the need for government. Listen, I don't know what you smoke but if even half of us our gone we will be far more weaker and vulnerable then now sparking an opportunity for government to grasp for more control over our fragile minds which is what they want. Now, you may view this as a cleansing phase but what I view this as is a bunch of criminals getting away with genocide. Yep, It's much easier for someone to die than to ever give a damn.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by Meaningless

You don't understand. Do you really believe the elite will escape their collapse? I don't.I think you severely misunderstand what I am saying. The system that the elite have built is collapsing. There should be joy in the heart of men, not fear.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:45 AM
So the volcano will erupt. The big earthquake will shake us up. Doesn't mean doomsday is around the corner, its all happen before so calm the # down hippies.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by decepticonLaura
one thing is for certain though
if we don't all pull together we're in a lot of trouble.

Well, that's a certainty. The powers that be want to keep people foremostly confused and secondly, divided. Look at how they are pounding their war drums. On top of everything else that is going on, they want to start a world war. Why? It's a distraction. They do not want men to see the truth. They want us to be preoccupied.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:31 PM
If we could just build our harmonic hovercraft to stay afloat above the planet, for the most part, quakes are only as dangerous as the quality of the buildings we live in. If we continue to balance our fortunes on the motion of the earth, as though it were some sort of geostock market, well, House Earth will always win, because the house always wins.

I'm not so much going to savor the fearmongering over massive piles of dirt, or boiling rocks, or the p-waves and s-waves that give me motion sickness, as much as the millions of people who scatter as ants whenever the earth moves, avoiding responsibility when their creations fall down.

The biggest disaster is poor engineering. Look at the pyramids, they have endured floods, fires, quakes, thousands of years' worth of weather, looting, pillaging, ballistics from war, and even without major reconstruction, they are mostly still around.

Ask, when the dust settles, who got you in harm's way? Who put you on the coastline to be hurt by the tsunami? Or the cliff to be hurt by the landslide? Or the dry forest with smoking tourists? Or the pillars of communities of glass, or by the volcanoes, or flightpaths, or floodplains, or tornado alley?

Who did it? YOU did, and leaders, and builders, and everybody who wanted to test their fate. People gamble with nature's odds, assuming the risk. And nature can't be brought to trial for payback. People are brought to space, as a status symbol of intelligence, surviving nothing in particular, while thousands below go on, continuing to put themselves in harm's way with weak defenses against nature, including human nature.

I'm sorry we can't all live in bomb shelters, or with one another completely. Some of us wanted to make bank, live with modern medicine to keep our near-corpses alive, have something called a career? What exactly do people want to survive in the event of a major geologic event? What exactly is doom to you? Not being remembered seems like doom to me. Maybe no Facebook is doom to you, I don't know.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Sandalphon
I'm sorry we can't all live in bomb shelters, or with one another completely. Some of us wanted to make bank, live with modern medicine to keep our near-corpses alive, have something called a career? What exactly do people want to survive in the event of a major geologic event? What exactly is doom to you? Not being remembered seems like doom to me. Maybe no Facebook is doom to you, I don't know.

Well, I'm gonna be honest here. To most people, "doom" is going to be the loss of most, if not all of our technology. Yes, I do believe that is going to happen.

I don't want anyone to misunderstand here. I like technology just as much as anyone else. HOWEVER.... There is a slight issue. Our technological evolution has surpassed our biological evolution. When this occurs, as is currently the state of affairs, there is a major problem.

"What possibly could be the problem?" Well, basically, I'm just going to cut to the chase. When you have a civilization who has technological ability that surpasses it's own biological evolution, there is a comprehension deficiency. For example,the atom bomb. Yeah we all know, bad stuff, right? However, how many people actually understands how it works? How many people even understands exactly what it does? Hell, our leaders don't even fully comprehend the magnitude of damage an atom bomb can do. Don't believe me? When we used the A-bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, President Truman and his lackeys were shocked at the extent of the damage. Even though, Oppenheimer tried to tell Truman and his "intelligences" that they were looking to cause a lot of damage in a short periods of time, they didn't comprehend. The situation hasn't really changed.

So,the real question is, would the loss of technology really spell "doom," as many would have us believe? Or, alternatively, would it give us a new start with a frame of reference to a tragic past?

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