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Psychological Bondage

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posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 03:09 PM
Have you been noticing people affected by psychological bondage?

The world aims to psych you into compliance with standards. Or else it gives you that "or else" threat. The entire world is like a psych ward with the real loonies playing physician at all times they can.

But there is good news! There is such a thing as a pure-thinker. Like me. I coined the term because my mind is 100% pure. That means I am not brainwashed, and can't be ever again.

My advice to anyone: Get out of that psychological bondage while you still can.

When people start to act like the governement that's when you know something is not good. Like anyone trying to find anything on you from your past to use against you. Or anyone trying to use their twisted version of your words against you.

These real loonies want to modify your thinking and behavior into going under their B.S. rules.

And that's the world's problem.

Stop playing phsyician!

Word motherlovin' life!

Any comments are welcome. Whether good, bad, or just plain ugly. Be you by all means. Let your true colors show I say.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by WarJohn

Since your thread implies that you were once brainwashed like the rest of us, exactly how did you break free from this bondage and how can you be so sure that your pure-thinker state of mind isn't brainwashing as well?

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by timidgal
reply to post by WarJohn

Since your thread implies that you were once brainwashed like the rest of us, exactly how did you break free from this bondage and how can you be so sure that your pure-thinker state of mind isn't brainwashing as well?

A mental purification at what all thought is contributed by the world I no longer follow.

Flush out man's fill that is pitched as how to think or how to behave.

Even flush out man-made books pretending to be laying down the Supreme Being's work.

I've brainwashed no one because each time I speak I say things that are original in each time. No repetition from me.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by WarJohn

what u refuse to admit is that liars exist for now bc existence is not yet true

while all is pointing true existence being for soon

there is no such thing called psychology or bondage, when objective existence is wether true or lies, then subjects are totally free, at a bottom point u r only u bc everything around even urself is definitive objective condition, while that point u is all of u and from and to, so u r not anything else

that is why any human know so much things, bc his link with objective is what he must realize not smthg to read about

that is why readings are always subjective fancies world and rarely mean objective things

even psychology is a fanciful subjective will in obvious vulgar ways, based on sciences complex meaning humans conscious value superior to biology in order to assert its powerful position in the very fanciful world of subjective quality value upon world superior literature life

i dont mean to b rude here with u, but seriously, what anyone truly mean when he speaks about bondage or psychology effects ? he clearly means objective reason of being someone
how that is sane or possible? if u r so objective how can u mean that all else are things instead of free ? and when u mean smthg about else then it is not urself mean, how does it make u that objective?? and if u r a subject reasoning why others are not the same for ur head?

a lot of people like u seem to love being from fake facts, which is obviously proven since too many speak about existence in terms of creations

i dont get what is ur reference in being of lies? u invent love reasons, but when all is invention how do u let urself go where?? that is why u cant even say a word about that love thing u take as an excuse to not accept despise to urself

seriously, what do u really do constantly?? as a creation meaning to justify creators in order to b also free created ??

sure u would then found that few moments of loving smthg are ur only true moments, but u forget that ur existence is fully of lies so love is simply the most inferior link of truth with lies

but u admit im sure, that u cant love constantly, so puting those moments aside, what do u do??

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by WarJohn

The idea of a 100% pure selfmade mind is a construct of the physical mind. Believing this will automatically create the belief your mind was once

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 07:30 PM
Come come now ha ha Who can seriously claim their minds are 100% pure and if so what does this purity consist of.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by WarJohn

Originally posted by timidgal
reply to post by WarJohn

Since your thread implies that you were once brainwashed like the rest of us, exactly how did you break free from this bondage and how can you be so sure that your pure-thinker state of mind isn't brainwashing as well?

A mental purification at what all thought is contributed by the world I no longer follow.

Flush out man's fill that is pitched as how to think or how to behave.

Even flush out man-made books pretending to be laying down the Supreme Being's work.

I've brainwashed no one because each time I speak I say things that are original in each time. No repetition from me.

I'm not being facetious; I'm genuinely interested in how you achieved this. Did you wake up one day and decided that you were going to unlearned everything you had ever been told? If yes, how, specifically was this achieved?

Also, you say that you've brainwashed no one because each time you speak, the things you say are original each time. How can this be so? Do you not have any basic beliefs? How would it be possible for people to understand this pure-thinker philosophy if you have no basic beliefs or convictions?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by timidgal

Each thought that arises is not you. The 'mind' is no more than this present thought that is appearing right now presently. There is no need to make your mind pure because there is no mind as such, it is just a case of seeing the present thought arising. The seer and knower of the thought is what you are.
Thoughts are no more than appearances appearing but you are not thinking, thought happens and thought is seen.
When you recognize yourself as the aware space (presence) in which thoughts appear you will see that the mind does not have to be made pure. It matters not what thought arises when you know you are not doing it, in fact the mind becomes a source of amusement.

This little video might clarify what i have written:

edit on 23-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Baron01
reply to post by WarJohn

The idea of a 100% pure selfmade mind is a construct of the physical mind. Believing this will automatically create the belief your mind was once

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 05:31 AM
Brain washing is a strange term, people believe it means to have beliefs put in. Everyone should wash their brain, wash all the rubbish out, the rubbish that has been implanted, the rubbish that is 'believed' to be true.

The main problem is that people 'think' they are their thoughts. They are trapped inside a mind. Are you inside your mind? Or is the mind experienced? The 'mind' is an abstaction, a fabrication, no one has ever seen a mind! The only experience of mind that is known is 'thought'. What is a thought? Where can a thought be seen and when?
Thought can only appear presently.
You can watch that thought arising.
The watcher of thought, the seer of thought is not a thought.
That one is pure.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by timidgal

Each thought that arises is not you. The 'mind' is no more than this present thought that is appearing right now presently. There is no need to make your mind pure because there is no mind as such, it is just a case of seeing the present thought arising. The seer and knower of the thought is what you are.
Thoughts are no more than appearances appearing but you are not thinking, thought happens and thought is seen.
When you recognize yourself as the aware space (presence) in which thoughts appear you will see that the mind does not have to be made pure. It matters not what thought arises when you know you are not doing it, in fact the mind becomes a source of amusement.

This little video might clarify what i have written:

edit on 23-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

I agree with what you say to a point but the thought that pops into my mind is is this.
When you study thought, you find thought can be a loop. What I mean by this is that thought has a pattern IE Thought Patterns -
You can have say an angry pattern of thought, Ie react in an angry way to situations that arise.
Thought patterns are like a string of beads for example. Each bead is attached to the other. Pick up one bead and the rest follow IE consequences.
The pattern is always the same though the circumstances or details vary.
Thought is like you say - and I would add - There to be observed and to learn by.
However depending on the user thought can be without pattern and inspirational IE a unique idea.
But yes we are receivers of thought, we are thought beings.
Yet thought is there as you say to observe, to act upon or not in some instances.
Once understood - We have choice and the thoughts we receive are determined by the choices we make or tobe more precise - Our Intention/Attitude.
If we did not have this choice we would be no better than a pre-programmed robot
Yet if we are using thought patterns we are like preprogrammed robots and predictable.
Our buttons can be pressed and we react in a predictable fashion.
Example - He/She insults me IE I react in a vengeful fashion

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

You are talking about analysing thought. Who is it that is analysing? Isn't that just more thought?
It does not matter what thought arises, just see the thought appear. The problem occurs when you take the arising thought as problematic. Thought is not problematic, it is the taking it seriously that is problematic. Thoughts are like clouds appearing in the sky, does the sky mind what clouds appear? The sky is pure regardless of the cloud.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

There is a belief that thoughts are like beads strung together. However, the only thought there is is the present one. You are free from all 'past' thought, now is new and fresh.

There is nothing until you 'think' it. It is not you that 'thinks' it but it is you who believes it. Thoughts say a lot but they can do nothing without your consent.

Thinking about thought is the problem. Thinking about thought, trying to mend thought! The thoughts themselves are not a problem. Just watch them pass by.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by artistpoet

You are talking about analysing thought. Who is it that is analysing? Isn't that just more thought?
It does not matter what thought arises, just see the thought appear. The problem occurs when you take the arising thought as problematic. Thought is not problematic, it is the taking it seriously that is problematic. Thoughts are like clouds appearing in the sky, does the sky mind what clouds appear? The sky is pure regardless of the cloud.

I do see where you are coming from - However I will answer the points you make.
It is I the thought being that is studying the thoughts that arise.
Thought can be problematic to the user or receiver if that person constantly reacts without observing and considering the thoughts.
I would say it is important to take the thoughts one receives seriously for they are our link to reality - this is not to say one should not have a sense of humour also.
In essence I agree with what are saying and adding my thoughts or interpretation also.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by artistpoet

There is a belief that thoughts are like beads strung together. However, the only thought there is is the present one. You are free from all 'past' thought, now is new and fresh.

There is nothing until you 'think' it. It is not you that 'thinks' it but it is you who believes it. Thoughts say a lot but they can do nothing without your consent.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

Yes it is true that there is only now yet now becomes the past as the present arises.
We can learn from the past if so wish - Thought patterns are repeated until they are understood.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

You believe your thoughts are a link to reality. When in fact they remove you from reality. Reality is not a thought, it is right here and right now. Thought is an abstraction, it takes reality and translates it into language the mind talks. Do you want the mind to tell you what is real, or do you want to see reality as God made it?

The mind/thoughts tell you of 'things' that are not real but the mind is deluded ,it believes 'things' that are not true. It tells you about what will happen tomorrow and fear arises.
Reality is here and now only.
If a thought is arising presently then that is reality.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Thought patterns are not thought. Thought 'patterns' are what you 'think' thought is.
Thought appears is seen and then disappears.
The human mind believes in past and future but have you ever seen the past or future?
Only now is ever experienced.
Past is a thought, future is a thought.
There is nothing but thought. Thinking is thinging.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by artistpoet

You believe your thoughts are a link to reality. When in fact they remove you from reality. Reality is not a thought, it is right here and right now. Thought is an abstraction, it takes reality and translates it into language the mind talks. Do you want the mind to tell you what is real, or do you want to see reality as God made it?

The mind/thoughts tell you of 'things' that are not real but the mind is deluded ,it believes 'things' that are not true. It tells you about what will happen tomorrow and fear arises.
Reality is here and now only.
If a thought is arising presently then that is reality.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

I do get your point here and am not disagreeing - each of us have our own understanding - our own unique piece of the picture.
To simply feel and observe is also the process of receiving thoughts. All thought starts as a feeling.
Yes pure experience can not be put into words as such yet it is a feeling we ascribe words to such as Bliss or Peace of Mind as in the way you describe.
You are using thought to communicate your feeling/ideas with me for example
Peace of Mind and a sense of well being is a state all would wish to have.
Reality of this world is somewhat different for many. It is important to understand one's thoughts is what I am saying.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by artistpoet

Thought patterns are not thought. Thought 'patterns' are what you 'think' thought is.
Thought appears is seen and then disappears.
The human mind believes in past and future but have you ever seen the past or future?
Only now is ever experienced.
Past is a thought, future is a thought.
There is nothing but thought. Thinking is thinging.

Thought is not just one thing and indeed can and often does follow predictable patterns.
However I do not expect you to simply believe that it is so.
Yes I have seen the past and the future - many do.
The future can be predicted when thought patterns are at play. People can and do automatically react to given situations.
It is true that only Now truly exists - yet we have the capacity to learn from the past by recalling our experiences.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain

Originally posted by Baron01
reply to post by WarJohn

The idea of a 100% pure selfmade mind is a construct of the physical mind. Believing this will automatically create the belief your mind was once

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