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The future in the past?

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:19 AM
I don't know about you guys, but i have always thought about the past, i believe we once were in the future, with all the technology we could imagine, flying cars, robots etc.

Most people do say "history repeats it's self" i just think what if say 500 million years ago, it was the future, war broke out.. a nuclear holocaust if you will, and we just started all over again with no history on the future back in the past.

It has always fascinated me, the whole future subject and what us humans could accomplish. I do believe we started all over again, and not just for the first time either.

What are your thoughts on this?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:48 AM
Look up the book Forbidden Archeology. It talks about objects that were found in layers of sediment that are 5 MILLION years old. Mainstream archeology doesn't want to be proved wrong, ergo it all gets swept under the rug.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:32 AM
i have the exact same belief as you my friend! i think humans have occupied this planet a lot longer than we have been 'taught'! there are too many artifacts we have found that shouldn't be in the time they are dated.
the list is way too long to post here,but the pyramids and the sphinx are 2 good examples.
they found these gold artifacts in some mayan tomb that kinda look like fanciful planes. arch.'s tell us they are stylized animals. well some guy made a scale model of one of these and was radio controlled. this thing flew like crazy!!!! totally aerodynamic,controllable,and very fast!!! there is a video on utube with this craft. (sorry,no link)
the indian religious books of the rig veda speaks of flying machines,and describes events that sound exactly like a nuclear event.
i think we have been wiped out on more than a few occasions,either by our own hand,or by some natural disater.
you should read the graham hancock book 'fingerprints of the gods'. it speaks in great depth on this subject.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Zatox

I wrote a verry detailed post about exactly what you talked about. I got rammed by most people.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:47 AM
This is definitely a possibility.
I think more and more evidence of this is coming to the surface - even though a lot of the data is held back or simply destroyed so modern science looks like it knows best.

Look at the Pyramids in Bulgaria for example - possibly much older than Egyptian or even Sumerian architecture. Human skeletons found in layers of coal million upon millions of years old. Impossible objects found in solid granite millions possibly billions of years old, Dinosaur bones with clear cut/tool/saw marks etc... the list goes on and on... - I am not bothering with sources - a simple Google search of any of these topics brings forth many results.

The way I see it is that we were a thriving civilisation like you say with advanced technology etc. And some natural or self inflicted disaster wiped us out and we had to start again. thus losing all recorded history.
I also see another possibility - One where this ancient civilisation came from the stars, possibly a last ditch attempt at escaping certain extinction on another planet or something similar - this civilisation would have had advanced tech, but perhaps not the man power or numbers to colonise the entire globe, something like an ice age might have destroyed their efforts to set-up here on earth...

I mean the possibilties are endless, but I do think that we or another race of similar evolved beings have been on this planet for a lot longer than anyone has previously thought, perhaps with advanced tech or not.

I love contemplating these possibilities.

(sorry for the haphazard manner of my writing, and any typos, I'm supposed to be working so posted this on the sly


posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:51 AM
Do a search on OOPARTS, google or here.

Man in his current form has been around supposedly 250k years, Civilization as we know it took what 10k-15k to go from hunters to the moon? rinse repeat you could probably fit a good 10 or so advance civilizations that wiped themselfs out in that time frame...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Zatox
I don't know about you guys, but i have always thought about the past, i believe we once were in the future, with all the technology we could imagine, flying cars, robots etc.

Most people do say "history repeats it's self" i just think what if say 500 million years ago, it was the future, war broke out.. a nuclear holocaust if you will, and we just started all over again with no history on the future back in the past.

It has always fascinated me, the whole future subject and what us humans could accomplish. I do believe we started all over again, and not just for the first time either.

What are your thoughts on this?

I hole-heartedly agree with you! In fact, I have irrefutable evidence that we were once " in the future, with all the technology we could imagine, flying cars, robots etc." My evidence, however, is in the future.


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