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Hate Crime Law is Unconstitutional.

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posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:43 AM
The 14th Amendment is known as the "Equal protection clause" of the constitution because it declares equal protection under the law. Artticle 1 of the 14th Amendment states:

" No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Now with the 14th Amendment stating "equal protection of the laws" how can the federal or state government create a law that discriminates stiffer punishments, more aggressive investigations, and higher priority with special task forces based off of the color of a persons skin or their sexual orientation.

That is in no way, shape, or form providing equal protection of the laws. It is actually creating a special class of citizen that recieves more protection than other citizens due to their race or sexual orientation. If 2 friends, one white and one black, are walking down the street and a group of white supremists walk up and kill them why does the black mans death deserve greater attention than the white person? They were both murdered, they were both human beings, so why should it be that one is of more importance than the other?

One the same hand, if 2 white or Hispanics are killed by a group of blacks and the Hispanics or whites are called racial slurs, why are their deaths not considered hate crimes since we are all guaranteed equal protection of laws under the US Constitution?

I have a childhood friend who is one of the probably top 10-15 criminal defense attorneys in central FL and we have had several discussions regarding this and he has said that hate crime laws create a protected class of citizen and the purpose of the law, in his opinion is division along racial lines. I have to say that I agree with him on that. The law attempts to instill the presumption that one class of citizen is more protected or has more right to life than another.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

I never understood the premise of these laws. If someone stabs you in the freakin neck does it really matter if they are black, white, asian or something else? They stabbed you in the neck, that is hateful in and of itself.

I think what matters, when a jury is in consideration, is did the person do the crime out of Hate for religion/race/political stance/sexual orientation reasons when the crime was committed?
In other words, if someone kills for money, or passion, that is one thing. If the person kills for hate of another, that is another thing.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Actually hate crimes are in fact illegal as they provide MORE protection under the law to minorities and special groups than others.

Indeed - why are some people entitled to extra protection or special status under the law based on the circumstances of their birth? Are they born more just or more noble than the rest of us in that violating their person makes the offender subject to a harsher penalty? We have through PC and bull crap like that created more problems than we solve.

All animals are created equal - but some animals are more equal than others... Animal Farm – Orwell
Welcome to the farm!

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Yeah and there is no such thing as a hate crime against whites, so definately all unconstitutional BS to make our ethnic group into some blue eyed white skinned monsters and devils.

F*** the US and F*** the police

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by autowrench

In other words, if someone kills for money, or passion, that is one thing.

The victim is still out the money, items and/or just as dead...

Originally posted by autowrench

If the person kills for hate of another, that is another thing.

Please tell us how this makes the crime worse.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver


Like so many others it is clear you have no understanding of the 14th or law but that is by design, TPTB do NOT want you to learn law and truth. However if you want to learn the truth will gladly direct you to the threads I posted earlier to help better yours or anyone's education.

Simply put the reconstruction Amendments is exactly that, they reconstructed the organic Constitution.
The 13th clearly states and does away with Involuntary servitude except for matters pertaining to a crime.
The 14th just part one as you have posted clearly shows for the first time in the history of the UNION the Unites States has citizens, this removes all people born in the UNION citizens of DC, DC is foreign land within the UNION and NOT a Country or State. All citizens fall under their jurisdiction which is the 10 miles square that congress, senate and the President has full authority to rule over as THEY seem fit. Remember Hitler broke no laws, neither has our government. NO LAW passed by the government can be considered Unconstitutional for this very fact. Now remember the 13th no Involuntary servitude, that is why prior passing the 14th Congress passed the 15 statues at large, making this current system that Citizens fall under Voluntary Servitude. YES you have volunteered for this form of governance ie Democratic when if you have ever read the Constitution it guarantees a Republican form of governance.
This is NOT parties I am speaking about but a form of governance both very different from each other, Washington even said there you go you have a Republic for as long as you can keep it.
By choice the people have sold out their rightful Countries which are the States making up the UNION and have thrown off their proper nationality as Floridians, Ohioians, Texans ext.....

Voting is a crime, read Treason by Design because this is the biggest thing people have done voluntarily to prove their allegiance to a foreign power throwing off their rightful government, and that by law is the definition of TREASON and every single one of you so called citizens are criminals and should be and will be in time charged with that exact crime. Time to wake up and learn law and not the patriot BS hype, that have zero understanding of the laws or their actions.

Part two of the 14th shows clearly all of the above is true, as it usurped Nationality for it clearly states all citizens and nationals of and SUBJECT to. Got that Subject ie slave to the king for only Kings have subjects to rule over, that was the end to all freedoms within the UNION, and all became citizens subjects to the jurisdiction of the Unites States removing all people from the organic constitution ie the first 10 most of all. So you do NOT have the right to freedom of speech, you do NOT have the right to own an carry a gun, ext..... you need permission from your King by permit to speak in public, to carry a gun to wipe your ass getting it NOW.

However Congress like I said did give us the choice to choose total and true freedom over this voluntary servitude you all love so much, its called the remedy and one remedy is fully recognized by all officials since it was Congress themselves that passed it. PAC is the ONLY group in the movement that has this full recognition so when your ready to start getting educated then we are here for you, total and true freedom awaits any and all whom truly wish it. Your true Country awaits for your return then like Rome the Unites States will fall, but you have to claim it lawfully through process, the only process Congress passed and recognizes.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 06:57 PM
Hatecrime sounds a lot like "thoughtcrime" to me.

Which, as most of you know, is something from Orwell. Life imitates art?

How can what goes on inside your skull be a crime?

We have entered dark waters.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

The idea behind the law is good, that much can be stated, however, the way it is written is very badly, as the current sets of laws are not really good for the country. It will take years for them to get it right, to where the letter and the spirit of the law match up.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by SashaHighkick
Would be nice if that was the case, but it's not. 99% of the time it is only used against white males.

Not true. I was beaten up by two black males while they said a few derogatory words towards me. It was given the status of a hate crime.

Black on white crime ( when it is a proven hate crime) is considered a hate crime whether you belive it is or not.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by drmeola

I would suggest that instead of preaching law you study it a little more and read Marbury v Madison 5 US(1803) as it was the first instance of judicial review by the USSC. The case was brought to the USSC over a writ of mandamus in the Organic case in which President Adams tried to, on his last day in office, swear in 36 new magistrates and 16 district court justices for The District of Columbia and then waited until Jefferson was in office to deliver the draftwork to the judiciary.

This was the landmark case that established the courts role for judiciary review over the laws that congress passes. It established the courts role in ruling on the constitutionality of laws. This was way before the reconstruction acts following the civil war. Your claim that no law can be declared unconstitutional is lunacy, if that were the case then we would not have.a.system of checks and balances and congress would be free to pass anything they wanted and it would have to stick. Under your way of thinking congress could pass a law stating that on every Wednesday we had to dress in pink bunny suits and walk to work backwards while juggling 6 sticks of dynamite and singing theBarney song and it would be constitutional.

That form of government is not a Republic it is called a dictatorship and we are a constitutional republic. As Jefferson said " Any law that does not conform to the constitution is not a law", but I guess in hour eyes he didn't know what he was talking about huh?

I guess you missed the part where I said a childhood friend that is one of the top attorneys in FL said that hate crimes are unconstitutional? If you know so much I would suggest you take your LSAT scores and law school transcripts to your state bar and sign up for the bar exam.

I am not saying that the federal government isn't out of control and way off base from what it was meant to be but your ideas are, well I don't know what yo call them.

You say that voting is treason.........really? So the citizens that voted in the popular vote of 1796 (the first Presidential Election) and 1800 (the second) were committing treason? Yeah okay I'm really buying that.......

Our founders intended for us to vote so I don't know what constitution you are reading but it must not be the US Constitution.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

S&F 4 u my friend.

Not to mention it's in the Declaration of independance word for word:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"...

I'm not a very religious person either, but I'm sure that's in the Bible aswell.

Just saying, if we are all created equal, we should all be tried equally correct? Or am I to assume that some races are better than others, or just because a person does things some others don't in the privacy of their own homes, that makes them suddenly to be held to a higher degree than the rest of us? The truth is a big N-O. And this may also strike some peoples feeling buttons, but while were at it, cops don't deserve to be treated higher than the rest of us either. Assaulting an officer? Hate crime? Sorry, but humans are humans, and we should all be treated as such. Legislation like hate crimes and such are complete BS and create more problems in the end.

Flame away if you wish...

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:02 PM
If the Constitution is supposed to limit government authority, then it's failed miserably and needs to be thrown out.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
If the Constitution is supposed to limit government authority, then it's failed miserably and needs to be thrown out.

Constitution,NO.Our current GOV'T, YES...

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Hate is not a crime.

(Second Line; maybe more to come)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Hi and thank you for your response, no I did not miss anything within your post.

First rule of law NEVER study case law, second I chose not to join the BAR club because I refuse to participate in their system in law school we learned procedure BS and not real law, law school its a joke like all schools in the current system of indoctrination. Get out of public schools and stay out of college it will do nothing for you but take your money and leave you in misery.

Voting is a crime since the 14th not before look up the rules and qualifications in order to vote and read the words as they apply to law or simply read my post on it. You stated Republic form of government, exactly what I said not party lines but forms of governance the Union today is a Democracy and NOT a Republic as I have also stated. Like you pointed out its a Dictatorship, so again please go to my threads look up the law for yourself for every document I post has exact references from several different law dictionaries complete with footnotes so you can look them up yourself and not take my word or anyone else's. Stop listening to your lawyer friend who is part of the corrupt system as a participator to the crime of treason and who's first priority is to the State and NOT his clients. Like so many others whom rather listen to someone else's patriot BS then read the books themselves.

Jefferson said correctly, any law that does not conform to the constitution is not a law, that is still true today, however the 14th is part of the constitution today and all are citizens of DC and not their rightful country de jure. This is why like Hitler our government has also not broken any law and yes they could pass any law they like for all laws they pass ONLY apply to the citizens of DC and THEY have complete Ruler ship over the 10 miles square and all their citizens no matter where they maybe within the UNION. So if they say on Monday all must go topless guess what they can do it lawfully and will not be unconstitutional. Until you learn real law you will never understand this.

Worse yet what many have no clue about since Lincoln's proclamation 100 was past in 1861 the UNION has been under Martial Law just today they call it A Declared State of Emergency and when operating under these rules as we have ever since that day since till this day as required by law their has never been a declaration of peace signed by any sitting President to remove the Union from under this proclamation, THEY can do what ever they want. They keep up the dog and pony show to keep their slave citizens in the dark to the truth, ever heard of free range animals that is exactly what U.S citizens are free range property belonging to DC a foreign entity within the Union of the several Countries. We live in the illusion of freedom without being free since everything we do is by permit ie permission from your rulers. Don't take my word for it look it up in the law dictionaries and wake up.

After you have read through my post and did your own research then we can have an honest and open debate using the law, until then I'm sorry but to me you are nothing more then another repeater of someone else's BS. Florida is also my Country like your lawyer friend, as North Dakota is yours, time to learn the truth people and stop the BS. America is a continent, the United States is a corporation and always has been formed to represent the several States ie States in any law dictionary could mean one of three things and in the Constitution as written means the several Countries joined together to form a UNION not a country. Stop just reading words and start learning what they mean in law not our common speech brainwashing propaganda taught to us in the public fool system. Until people begin to study law and not the hype this Union is done for and the NWO will take over with little resistance thanks to our ignorance.

edit on 16-4-2012 by drmeola because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
If the Constitution is supposed to limit government authority, then it's failed miserably and needs to be thrown out.

The constitution imposed the limits on the government; how exactly do you expect any piece of paper to "enforce" itself?

The people failed and said government ran amok ignoring the constitution.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
If the Constitution is supposed to limit government authority, then it's failed miserably and needs to be thrown out.

The constitution imposed the limits on the government; how exactly do you expect any piece of paper to "enforce" itself?

The people failed and said government ran amok ignoring the constitution.

I wish I could have starred this post a hundred times!

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