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POLITICS: Heinz Kerry- 'Osama could be caught before election'

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posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 03:00 AM
Wow, T. Kerry states what's on everyone's mind. Lol.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 03:07 AM

I answered your question regarding the timing of Saddam's capture, my reply is at the end of the first page for this thread. Just wanted to post this since it is common for most people to just skip right to the next page.


posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Well, if THK does read ATS, I hope she starts taking the advice of keeping her yap shut!!!

While this is likely the smartest thing she's said yet, as some mentioned, it does have the possibility of coming back to bite Kerry in the keister too...

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 11:25 AM
Heh, Saddam's capture was probably a bit staged, not that I think anything's wrong with it, being a propagandista and all. According to some stuff I read there was a family with whom he was fueding in Tikrit. This family narced on him for revenge and the $25 mil. Saddam was probably whacking off or something when operators came through his windows, then drugged him up and stuck him in a hole for the GIs to pull out with the cameras rolling. I mean what's more plausible, that intel, bounty, and delta force got him, or a bunch of teenagers just happened to finally move the right rock and find a spiderhole.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
Heh, Saddam's capture was probably a bit staged,

The only things that would make me assume this is that it was Christmas time (good present very daddy) and whilst this was going on The Patriot Act was being signed into Law, under the Radar. Other than that everything that I have seen and read points me to the conclusion that they indeed were after him in an outstanding manner, much more than Osama, you know the guy behind the 9-11 attacks.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 01:55 PM
I just want to clear up MY comment regarding FOX News. This is my opinion and does not reflect that of ATSNN or ATS.

I had always been a news guy, I would have the news on 95% of the time the TV was on. All media is biased, IMO. The only thing is that if Fox leaned any more, they would fall over. Bill O'Reilly alone can make Fox fall over from too much leaning. From my understanding Dick Cheney has 6 seats on his plane for media, and one is always reserved for FOX. You can see high bias' from the way the US reports News as compared to the rest of the worlds News Outlets. Many conversations I have on a daily basis regarding politics usually comes down to one answer, "well Fox News said it". I used to listen to Bill O'Reilly, but now I would prefer to smack him. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC also report some news on a bias, but not as strong as I see Fox doing it.

The key is to get multiple input and research the given topic, instead of relying on one Network to give you the News to form your opinion. I try, try being the operative word here, to report News on ATSNN as unbiased as possible including as of recently trying to give an angle from both sides. During this "Fear and Smear" Election, as I like to call it, I am still undecided as to the way I will vote, I have an idea, but since things in this election change on a daily basis, I will probably choose when I get inside the Booth.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Thanks for the alert to your post..
I see what you are saying.

Haliburton=Monica Lewinsky deposition
Saddams Capture=Airstrikes on Iraq no fly zones.

Hey American people! Look...over here..Something cool, something great.

It's possible, seems like a waste of a HUGE diversion though.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 03:01 PM
I have no doubt he'll be pulled out before the election. All of Bush's successes in Iraq have come at times when his numbers have been dipping in the polls. The reason I get fed up with some comments from Americans is the hypocritical view that is so present amongst you. The US has a long history of trying to influence foreign governments(espionage, trade, weapons deals,etc,etc) to bend them to the US point of view.

The rest of the world is getting sick and tired of it. Osama was very specific in citing why he was attacking the US and it's allies. He's not attacking liberty and freedom and our way of life which Bush likes to spout off everytime he gets a chance. He says it is because of US foreign policy and it's treatment of the Muslim world. THe US's support for regimes that oppress Muslims (Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, ISRAEL, India, Russia, the Brits,etc, etc).

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that we in the West have done whatever it takes to get cheap oil from these countries. We have turned a blind eye to attrocities commited by those countries against it's citizens all in the name of cheap oil. Osama points out that the West are all hypocrites and say one thing and do another to get cheap oil

[edit on 24-9-2004 by DEEZNUTZ]

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