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California Assembly gives standing ovation to 5 illegals!!!

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posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by headorheart
I just don't get it. Five criminals stand in front of the government, admit they're criminals and get a standing ovation? If you love America so much and have such pride and determination, become a citizen the right way.They should be arrested and deported along the way.

I smell Government Agent ALL over this statement..... NICE TRY

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 05:50 AM
This is insane.We dont have the money to finance illegals dream of a better life.I read a thread here sometime ago about many hospitals in So.Cali going bankrupt treating illegals in their emergency rooms and having to absorb the costs.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 06:08 AM
I'm not American but why not just send them back?


posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:53 AM
I love how all the pro illegal folks blatantly ignore the fact that thousands of our citizens have died because of illegals. Have any of you lost a family member? Oh it happened to other people so it's ok? How can you be for illegals who take the jobs that belong to an american citizen? Oh the citizen can be homeless and live in a tent city, or try desperately to get into the filled to capacity homeless shelters. That is ok? It is ok for an illegal pedophile to rape our children? It is ok for illegals who decietfully take from welfare when they are above the poverty limit? Open your eyes! It is not just sweet and wonderul people coming here.

If you advocate illegal immigration, you are also advocating for murderers, thieves, pedophiles, human traffic, diseases, and much more. It has nothing to do with being racist as illegal is not a race.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:54 AM
One more thing...just how many illegals do you think we would have if we stoped the jobs and freebies????

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:09 AM
Criminals recieving an ovation, only in America. Maybe they should run for congress while they're at it. I think they would fit right in.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45

If i see them walking ill be sure to make a phone call and tell the worthless po-po to deport them. I myself agree with If you dont have your auto licences and you get in a auto crash even if the accident was not your fault. your still at fault because you did not have your licences. you should have not been there. thats how much of a voice i think illegals should have 00 zip none.... they have already showed how much they respect our laws we do have a system that allows them to come in the right way. But they want to act like a 14 year old girl. have 0 respect for the system. brake rules/ laws cuz they dont agree with them. i know people that has followed the process. And im totally down with that. and it showed me that its not impossible to come into this county the right way.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by headorheart

They probably don't have 200,000 dollars, or whatever it is now that you need to become a citizen (via investing in real estate or a business venture).

Fact is, if you come here as an infant or child, and you are raised here, and you attend school here, ...well, you're "from" here.

I recall the story of the kid who came to the US as a baby, went to school here, joined his high school football team and had a normal US life outside of Chicago. Then, when he was trying to register for college he was caught and deported to Mexico. He never knew he wasn't legally here. His Spanish wasn't too good and he got a job at a call center or something like that.

At any rate, they want a "path to citizenship"...must mean there isn't currently a decent one that is available to them (such as having lots and lots of money to invest in the nation).

Also, I'd like to add that calling them criminals is a bit over the top. Do you call people who speed or run a red light a criminal? Do you call people who skirt a little on their pay or taxes a criminal? I'm talking about you, not the immutable, amorphous, the average citizen. Do you see speeders and random people who claim too many deductions or get paid under the table as criminals? What is illegal immigration when compared with serious crimes? And whose fault is it really?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Yes, they're such evil people.

OK, I agree. Americans should go do that work. They should go pick strawberries, grapes and oranges. Please. But don't go whining when the Americans demand a real wage and the price of strawberries, grapes and oranges go up.

Matter fact, ship the jobs back to the US from China to make Iphones and all that other tech BS. And then, don't play the conservative card when Apple or Microsoft whine that either the price of the phones has to go up or the pay they give American workers has to go down to be able to get the same profit margin.

The decision is ours as a society, keep illegals for agriculture and menial labor and keep our manufacturing jobs off shore or bring our manufacturing jobs back and stop all immigration, allowing Americans to be janitors, maids and farmworkers.

Again, that decision is ours, but how will we approach keeping wages as low as they are, then it's hard to buy an iPhone when you make a farmworker's salary or a Chinese tech laborer's salary, which in turn makes it pretty hard for Apple to sell as many iPhones to US customers.

...OR...raise wages and realize that profit beyond the work of the laborer is glomming...being basically a middle-man moocher. Yeah, the consumer worked for the money that he or she spent on the product, and the worker worked his or her ass off making the product that the consumer purchased, but the person who made the profit did jack squat.

That's the person that wants wages low and prices high because when you can pay a worker $5 or $10 bucks to make the gadget (maybe spend another $20 on parts) and then sell the gadget for $200 dollars, all that's left is pure profit.

So, consider how you fit into the equation as the consumer who looks the other way when it comes to illegal immigration or offshoring benefit.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:20 AM
Every single person in here does not fully understand what it means to come here through a immensely huge, scorching hot, desert that goes to the negatives at night. What makes you think its fun? What makes you think they wanted to come here? Realize that not everyone wants to be in this stuck up, biased country. But the fact that you base a couple of Mexicans to be a large portion of all Mexicans that act like that, is completely false. You think they avoid paying taxes? WRONG, i don't know which "Mexican" your talking about, but all the Mexicans i know pay taxes because they would rather not be DEPORTED or get involved with this Police-State country problems. They avoid doing bad things so they DON'T GET IN TROUBLE. They already know its a burden to be here, but most of America, would not wash their clothes, or make they're own food while in your favorite restaurant. I've seen many MANY other races deface humanity by what they do. And yet, they are ALL OK as-long as they pay your taxes and follow your rules. Great Country we live in. Isn't it?
edit on 21-3-2012 by sailorsaturn92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
I love how all the pro illegal folks blatantly ignore the fact that thousands of our citizens have died because of illegals. Have any of you lost a family member? Oh it happened to other people so it's ok? How can you be for illegals who take the jobs that belong to an american citizen? Oh the citizen can be homeless and live in a tent city, or try desperately to get into the filled to capacity homeless shelters. That is ok? It is ok for an illegal pedophile to rape our children? It is ok for illegals who decietfully take from welfare when they are above the poverty limit? Open your eyes! It is not just sweet and wonderul people coming here.

If you advocate illegal immigration, you are also advocating for murderers, thieves, pedophiles, human traffic, diseases, and much more. It has nothing to do with being racist as illegal is not a race.

This also makes no sense. You just seem like a huge racist. Don't bring Racism to these Forums. I know they're your own Opinion, but i could also say that you white people or black people or whatever you are, are also thieving, horrible horrible people. Look at the WHITE HOUSE. what is the majority race in their? White. Racist idiot.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45


Here's what you don't get. Millions of us prefer these ppl well over TeaBags.

And it's not a crime to be in the U.S. illegally. It's a civil violation.

Thrilled to death the Latino population, over the next number of years, is going to help us eradicate Conservatism. And there is not a thing TeaBags can do about it.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Oh my god, they clapped for 5 illegal immigrants?!?!?!? don't they know that those illegal aliens came to America just to steal jobs, and not to perhaps escape a potentially horrible situation in their country. The nerve of these people clapping for illegals, what about our own citizens without jobs... god knows that these 5 immigrants in taking these low paying jobs have destroyed any chance of our economy ever recovering; if only these same jobs would have gone to american citizens then everything would have been sunshine and roses.

there are bigger things going on, why is 5 illegal aliens getting clapped for even registering on your list of what is important in america?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Sphota

$200,000 to become a citizen? Where do you get your information from? Try actually looking it up before posting some outrageous number to try and bolster your case.

The cost for a green card now is $985.00. I used to work green cards for Homeland Security. Seven years ago, it was only $350. Here's the hitch, though.....people who are in the US illegally can still apply for green card status if they pay a fine on top of the green card fee. They had to fill out a form stating where the point of entry into the US was, and if they are working, they can qualify.

Most of them had to have some mexican legal aid place help them fill out the form. "Point of Entry" was usually Laredo, TX....Eagle Pass, TX.....or "Somewhere in the desert, AZ (or CA or NM or TX)".

Don't tell me they cannot get up the scratch to become legal. Much of the money they earn goes back via Western Union money transfers to old Mexico

There is a problem here, not just of breaking the law, but of the resistance to assimilate into our culture, while telling us that we suck and they hate us. I'm sick of it. We had one lady take the citizenship test, who had been here since 1960, who needed the test be entirely in spanish because she couldn't read a lick of English. How in the hell can somebody be in a country for 50 years and not know the language??

If you feel so sorry for them, go out into the desert like the Catholics do, with ice water "aid stations" to assist the illegals as they cross over to suck off Uncle Sugar's teat, because it would be a "crime" if these illlegals were to suffer a bit of dehydration as they flood in to the land of milk, honey, and bleeding heart suckers.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:17 AM
Damn illegals, they piss me off, coming to this country thinking they own everything.

Everyone who arrived after 1492 should be put back on a boat and shipped back into the sea. Damn illegals...

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Lostmymarbles
Damn illegals, they piss me off, coming to this country thinking they own everything.

Everyone who arrived after 1492 should be put back on a boat and shipped back into the sea. Damn illegals...

Since when the # were White people Leaders of the world now? Racism all over this post.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:27 AM
How bout we simply buy mexico and get it over with.

Then we don't have to worry about near slave labor mexicans...they all will require minimum wage and their taxes can be used to pay for upgrading their economy. Toss out their corrupt politicians, move the nat guard in to stop the cartels, etc.

And we get a new hot spot for spring break

everyone wins

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
reply to post by Sphota

$200,000 to become a citizen? Where do you get your information from? Try actually looking it up before posting some outrageous number to try and bolster your case.

The cost for a green card now is $985.00. I used to work green cards for Homeland Security. Seven years ago, it was only $350. Here's the hitch, though.....people who are in the US illegally can still apply for green card status if they pay a fine on top of the green card fee. They had to fill out a form stating where the point of entry into the US was, and if they are working, they can qualify.

Most of them had to have some mexican legal aid place help them fill out the form. "Point of Entry" was usually Laredo, TX....Eagle Pass, TX.....or "Somewhere in the desert, AZ (or CA or NM or TX)".

Don't tell me they cannot get up the scratch to become legal. Much of the money they earn goes back via Western Union money transfers to old Mexico

There is a problem here, not just of breaking the law, but of the resistance to assimilate into our culture, while telling us that we suck and they hate us. I'm sick of it. We had one lady take the citizenship test, who had been here since 1960, who needed the test be entirely in spanish because she couldn't read a lick of English. How in the hell can somebody be in a country for 50 years and not know the language??

If you feel so sorry for them, go out into the desert like the Catholics do, with ice water "aid stations" to assist the illegals as they cross over to suck off Uncle Sugar's teat, because it would be a "crime" if these illlegals were to suffer a bit of dehydration as they flood in to the land of milk, honey, and bleeding heart suckers.

After reading a couple pages of your boring ignorant rants, I've come to the conclusion, that you sir are in denial. I am not sure of what, since i am not YOU, but your missing something in your life. It might be family, or just something like daddy never gave you attention. Was it because he was Mexican too? Uncles "teet" is only for the white people obviously. If you feel sorry for them, why the hell should i go out to do some water stations? You make completely no sense at all. Ignorance is all over your post.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by sailorsaturn92

Originally posted by Lostmymarbles
Damn illegals, they piss me off, coming to this country thinking they own everything.

Everyone who arrived after 1492 should be put back on a boat and shipped back into the sea. Damn illegals...

Since when the # were White people Leaders of the world now? Racism all over this post.

I think you may have missed the sarcasm.

He is saying white people should be deported (since Europeans didn't start arriving about 130 years later)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
reply to post by Sphota

$200,000 to become a citizen? Where do you get your information from? Try actually looking it up before posting some outrageous number to try and bolster your case.

The cost for a green card now is $985.00. I used to work green cards for Homeland Security. Seven years ago, it was only $350. Here's the hitch, though.....people who are in the US illegally can still apply for green card status if they pay a fine on top of the green card fee. They had to fill out a form stating where the point of entry into the US was, and if they are working, they can qualify.

Most of them had to have some mexican legal aid place help them fill out the form. "Point of Entry" was usually Laredo, TX....Eagle Pass, TX.....or "Somewhere in the desert, AZ (or CA or NM or TX)".

Don't tell me they cannot get up the scratch to become legal. Much of the money they earn goes back via Western Union money transfers to old Mexico

There is a problem here, not just of breaking the law, but of the resistance to assimilate into our culture, while telling us that we suck and they hate us. I'm sick of it. We had one lady take the citizenship test, who had been here since 1960, who needed the test be entirely in spanish because she couldn't read a lick of English. How in the hell can somebody be in a country for 50 years and not know the language??

If you feel so sorry for them, go out into the desert like the Catholics do, with ice water "aid stations" to assist the illegals as they cross over to suck off Uncle Sugar's teat, because it would be a "crime" if these illlegals were to suffer a bit of dehydration as they flood in to the land of milk, honey, and bleeding heart suckers.

Just to begin with, The United States of America does not have an official national language. While it is true the majority speak english, there is also a very large population that speak spanish as well both illegal and not.

Can i ask what makes you feel so entitled? and why people trying to find a better life for their families makes you so angry? The united states of america offers oppertunites far beyond what some countries are capable of, and yet you wish to send them back, and even imply that it would be better to let human beings get dehydrated and possibly die.

So, how can you look in the mirror and see a good person? the vast VAST majority of the aliens hasn't done a damn thing to you, hasn't done a damn thing wrong other then try and make a better life for themselves and you want them to suffer.

you make me sick... literally, physically sick. Even animals have more compassion for their own kind

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