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The US Is Sitting On A 200-Year Supply Of Oil

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:51 PM
So what's the problem with conserving our oil for the future and buying the oil we use from somewhere else. Our oil reserves are now four times as valuable as they were before. It's like money in the bank. Why do people want to deplete all our resources just to save a few cents. No common sense. All our oil reserves are at the mercy of that super volcano, maybe they should have taken that stuff first.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Yeah oil drilling improves the environment! Especially in the direct area, here's a study to prove my point .... brought to you by the Koch brothers. IMO environmental damage is a liberal tree hugging myth, I blame Al gore.

No actually sound clean environmental "work clean"practices come from lessons learned, just like an accidental death in the work place

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
So what's the problem with conserving our oil for the future and buying the oil we use from somewhere else. Our oil reserves are now four times as valuable as they were before. It's like money in the bank. Why do people want to deplete all our resources just to save a few cents. No common sense. All our oil reserves are at the mercy of that super volcano, maybe they should have taken that stuff first.

since when have these oil reserves been "ours". if they were, the people would own them, not corporations. and if they are "ours"...i can't wait for the royalty checks to begin coming to my they do in alaska.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:58 PM
When approaching this issue we have to make some realizations. The biggest one being that the technology to replace oil and create seemingly limitless energy exists already.

This technology has been created by many different people and has been suppressed by powerful people with interests in oil.

With that in mind, we should be pushing for the release of this technology to the public and see oil as the "archaic caveman's tool" that it is.

We can do better than oil/gasoline and therefore I believe this entire debate is just an act of futility.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
So what's the problem with conserving our oil for the future and buying the oil we use from somewhere else. Our oil reserves are now four times as valuable as they were before. It's like money in the bank. Why do people want to deplete all our resources just to save a few cents. No common sense. All our oil reserves are at the mercy of that super volcano, maybe they should have taken that stuff first.

If there is 1.4 trillion barrels
then we could supplement
do a half and half...
If we thought there was only 22 billion
now there is 1.4 trillion we could use some..
Now if the reserves are all there is I can see the point..

I think they just all got their hands
in the cookie jar, more so then them
really having our best interests at hand..

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

I am sure if it is done right, very little
impact could be had on the enviroment..

You ever seen pictures of what is done to the land to recover these shale oil reserves?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

Originally posted by popsmayhem

I am sure if it is done right, very little
impact could be had on the enviroment..

You ever seen pictures of what is done to the land to recover these shale oil reserves?

You ever a live a day in your life without using oil?
edit on 20-3-2012 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by rebellender

Originally posted by nixie_nox
how much oil is under the grounds is just a guess. No one knows for sure how much there is. That is why it is a gamble.

Are you willing to pollute and tear up Wyoming on a guess?

Now here is 2 of us that are in the Bakkan or have been there and can say, " where is the pollution?"

They cleaned up the Wal-mart parking lot if thats what you mean. Otherwise, show me the carnage!!!

maybe you will see it in the washing machine but thats about it, and thats the truth
edit on 20-3-2012 by rebellender because: (no reason given)

You mean the Wal Mart campground in Williston? They needed to clean that place up, it was way worse than any environmental disaster that drilling could have caused.

That's also the flip side.of the oil drilling issue. Just look at the thousands of jobs from it and the 3% unemployment in ND. God forbid we have low unemployment, that means people are actually living the American dream and that's the last thing DC wants for Americans.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

1 question....why are the oil companies EXPORTING more oil than they are importing???......answer...because they don't give a damn how much gas costs in america.
IF, production goes up in america, saudi arabia simply cuts back on their exports....anyone taking a a few minutes to research this, will understand why all this talk about more drilling needing to be done in america is a bunch of oil company crap. they run this world, not any president, dictator or king.

Exactly. The oil market is a global market. It's not like the oil that we produce here stays here. It all becomes part of the global market where everyone's price is affected by factors like increasing demand in India and China. This talk about us having enough oil for ourselves for however many years is total BS under the present economic system. We don't keep that oil here just for our country. The only way to do that and keep gas prices low would be to nationalize the oil companies the way Chavez did.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

Originally posted by popsmayhem

I am sure if it is done right, very little
impact could be had on the enviroment..

You ever seen pictures of what is done to the land to recover these shale oil reserves?

I don't have to see a picture, I work in it everyday and see the lack of damage with myown eyes. If a picture is worth a thousand words then first hand visual knowledge is worth a million paragraphs.

You have to remember the agenda that is being spun by those who post all the pictures about how bad it is. They usually go to a worse case scenario site and take multiple pics from multiple angles just to make things seem worse than they are.

Here in ND it is all prairie for as far as you can see. When the drillingis done the oil companies restore the land and you never knew it was anything but praeie.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

Originally posted by popsmayhem

I am sure if it is done right, very little
impact could be had on the enviroment..

You ever seen pictures of what is done to the land to recover these shale oil reserves?

ever see pictures of what is done to the land when a tunnel is drilled for a highway? same story

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by rebellender

Originally posted by Chewingonmushrooms
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Yeah oil drilling improves the environment! Especially in the direct area, here's a study to prove my point .... brought to you by the Koch brothers. IMO environmental damage is a liberal tree hugging myth, I blame Al gore.

No actually sound clean environmental "work clean"practices come from lessons learned, just like an accidental death in the work place

Yep "work clean" practices did wonders for the BP oil spill 2 years ago. I mean 150 years of lessons learned totally showed what was I thinking?
edit on 20-3-2012 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:51 PM
Even if America 'right now' could run 100% on domestic oil, they would still be in the Middle east and following the same embarrassingly awful foreign policy , not just because of the petro dollar...but because cheap oil in the middle east for other countries to use would mean they would not have control, which would allow other countries to flourish...increased energy use=expansion=power. Simple.
edit on 20-3-2012 by Scripter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:57 PM
I live about 6 blocks from a major oil pipe line here in North Dakota. Never have seen or smelled anything from it. The dump smells worse.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 02:21 PM
Lets see Koch industries Exxon or my brother-in-law.

My brother in law is one one hell of a geo physicist and has been working for years on oil - probably about 30 years. His whole family is is in oil - when we talk he has nothing to push one way or the other - he says these guys are full of it. Their claims are way out of line. They are stoking the right wing sycophants. Of course they are non profit - the are bought and paid for. I'll bet on crazy Bob.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
how much oil is under the grounds is just a guess. No one knows for sure how much there is. That is why it is a gamble.

Are you willing to pollute and tear up Wyoming on a guess?

Im sorry but you aparently have NO clue how much time and money is spent on making sure the enviromental impact is slim to NONE. I work for Schlumberger and I can tell you our people take even a spilled cup of coffee serious when it comes to preserving the enviroment.

Get real and do your homework, yes there are accidents but you have potentails for accidents in ANY industry.
Oil and gas operations of today are a million times cleaner than what you see on any movie or "reality" show.
edit on 20-3-2012 by Talltexxxan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I assume by the nature of the post you are putting forth the standard economics issue surrounding oil: Supply increases, prices drop; demand drops prices may increase or may drop.

The problem with this thinking is that oil is only a freely traded commodity in the most vague sense. Oil is used to allow the Federal Reserve to freely print fiat currency, which allows the US to build 1 trillion worth of killing machines a year AND have endless stimulus (stimulus = printing fiat currency) WITHOUT inflation moving to the levels of Rome or pre-war Germany.

Oil, up until recently was ONLY sold in American Federal Reserve Debt Notes.

Oil Producing Countries, OPEC nations, are relatively POOR countries - all of them. There are rich families within the country, but the countries themselves are fairly poor and have a lot of debt - there are only four countries world wide without debt.

Iraq and Iran were/are looking to sell oil in all currencies.

Unlimited printing of fiat currency = 1 billion dollars for a dozen eggs. Zimbabwe.

The Federal Reserve prints the fiat currency based on nothing more then the willingness of the taker of the debt notes to return them to the Fed with more then the Fed prints. Now the last sentence is key to understanding why oil is not like rice. In order for someone to return 1000 bank notes when the bank only printed up 100, they must; buy, steal, beg, borrow or sell something that will return the 1000 notes: but how can they steal 900 notes that have never been printed?

So, where does this leave us. The US was taken completely off the gold standard in the 70's, which allowed the Fed to print freely. But, to avoid the problem of rampant inflation, the US military and secret agents of the machine (see: "confessions of an economic hit-man") went to the OPEC countries and said: Buy oil in only Federal Reserve Debt Notes and we'll let you live, deny our request and you'll all die.

Each time the Federal Reserve wants to print fiat currency to make tanks, bullets, or invade a country, they print them and manipulate the price of oil to compensate for the increase in currency. This way, the American populace will not notice that their precious debt note is now worth less and less.

Relative ot the price of gold, oil has been consistent for years. The only way this is accomplished is by manipulation the value of the Federal Reserve Debt Note.

So, in conclusion. The only thing keeping the US from looking EXACTLY like Zimbabwe is the high price of oil. Thank everyone that gas is as high as it is, otherwise you'd be paying for your diet coke with a truck load of worthless scraps of paper with dead presidents on them.

Now, for further insight into how bad this cluster%^&$ actually is. The IMF loans debt notes via a special process called Special Drawing Rights. The requirement to get worthless scraps of paper from them is that you have a basket full of stuff like gold, silver, copper, and............... FEDERAL RESERVE DEBT NOTES. So, the oil system was not enough to keep the Fed in control of inflation, they instituted a deeper level of safety by making sure that any country that wants to "borrow" debt notes must have a Vault of Dead Presidents as collateral. That's right, in order to borrow money, you have to have a bank full of borrowed money!

Hopefully you now see, at least a little bit, that the price of oil, peak oil, "go green" and all the rest of the PR to demonize oil is all about keeping the wool over the eyes of the populace with regard to Fiat Currency and the inherent worthlessness. People don't like to fight over oil, but if they knew, I mean really knew, they were fighting over DEBT, not credit, but DEBT notes, they'd go mental.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:29 PM
AMERICA! We'll rape and pillage your country, even if we don't have to. WHY?! Because we can and we like it.

I say exhaust the worlds natural resources before we tap into ours, why waste it now when we can take it from others.

Think about it, if you have a handful of cookies in your pocket, then you notice someone much smaller than you with cookies, and you have the ability/power to take their cookies...why not take theirs and save yours for late night munchies? America.

I by all means don't think this is the way things should be done, but it is...and it's pretty pathetic. I'd love to see Russia/China get their hands on this information and do to us what we've been doing to others for decades. Eye for an eye. That doesn't mean I want full on invasions and mass murder, just and invasion and a theft of "our" natural resources. I strongly believe everyone should just untie and share every thing. (Be it, resources, ideas, etc.)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by ImaMuslim

And yet they're as far as in the Middle-East killing thousands of people just for oil when there's a trillion barrels under them? Oh please, give me a break. It's like saying China's biggest income is made by importing.

You apparently don't understand The Strategy ,drain their power until you are sitting on all the oil because its all that is left. Strategic. Hegemony. Power.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:55 AM
Hi all,

If people are interested in the origin of oil etc.
Have a look at my 3 year old thread which I have re startated again.



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