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3 in family dead, 4th sickened from respiratory illness

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 01:18 AM
As a retired EMT i would think a toxin that dissipated shortly after they were exposed.

There are a number of toxins that mimic diseases.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:56 AM
I just returned from Japan and caught something similar on the way over there. I was sick the entire stay of 2 weeks and when I returned immediately went to the doctor. I was so full of phlegm that my ears were crackling and my eyes were puffy and at half mast. I was trying to treat it with ibuprohen, Sudefed during the day and Benedryl at night. I still had a low grade fever when I returned and spent the next 3 days on the couch even after starting a 10 antibiotic treatment. After 10 days on the treatment I now feel fairly well but I am still coughing a bit. Presently my whole family in Japan has it and they are going through the same thing. They also told me that they have had something similar since January but apparently they re-caught this from me. They also said they were sick of being sick but the doctor has not prescribed antibiotics for them. I don't get sick often so this took me by surprise and I have to say I have never had any Upper Respiratory Infection that was so tenacious. I am just grateful I am recovering now. Whew!

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Whisper67

I just returned from Japan and caught something similar on the way over there. I was sick the entire stay of 2 weeks and when I returned immediately went to the doctor. I was so full of phlegm that my ears were crackling and my eyes were puffy and at half mast. I was trying to treat it with ibuprohen, Sudefed during the day and Benedryl at night. I still had a low grade fever when I returned and spent the next 3 days on the couch even after starting a 10 antibiotic treatment. After 10 days on the treatment I now feel fairly well but I am still coughing a bit. Presently my whole family in Japan has it and they are going through the same thing. They also told me that they have had something similar since January but apparently they re-caught this from me. They also said they were sick of being sick but the doctor has not prescribed antibiotics for them. I don't get sick often so this took me by surprise and I have to say I have never had any Upper Respiratory Infection that was so tenacious. I am just grateful I am recovering now. Whew!

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:35 PM
I've been watching this thread on viral/bacterial illnesses for a long while and now hope I could make a positive contribution with the following as we have treated ourselves for nearly two months and we too live in CA. Our two service dogs received some of this as well. We have had a good solid recovery. I don't want to mention brand names as some supplements will work for some people but not all, as you know.

Organic chicken soup and I mean organic - not natural- you don't want to float in sodium.
My husband went through lots of chocolate and vanilla whey to keep his weight up.
325 mg of regular aspirin every six hours, more adversely affects tinnitus.
Vit C, in capsules, divided doses up to 5,000 mg, two with each dose of aspirin followed by, warmest you can drink, tea. The varmint doesn't seem to like a hot C environment.
Any two immune booster supplement, most likely need two bottles or more.
Natural decongestant, it's called guaifensenin(?), drains everything, it's self managing. You'll love the relief.
Any two natural antibiotics, Oil of Oregano is our personal favorite, as above, two bottles or more. Rotate the antibiotics or your body gets used to them and the protective effect wears thin.
Eat raw, cold unprocessed garlic shredded and mixed with butter on bread or over mashed potatoes. Yes, it will burn going down and that's part of the garlic's cure. Water, water.
Strong Ginger tea for nausea and vomiting.
Last but not least, electrolyte water in place of regular water to replace fluids lost in vomiting and diarrhea.

Hope some of this helps someone.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by revphd

Garlic, Yes!
A natural antibiotic. It needs to be mashed first with the back of a spoon (to stimulate the allicin in garlic which is the antibiotic property) and let to sit for about 15 minutes before mixing it or eating it.

Raw garlic - Eating garlic raw is one way to introduce it to your system. Garlic In order to stimulate the allicin inside of the garlic, it must be chewed to maximize its benefits.has a very strong, pungent taste, so some people prefer to mix it with honey or other substances to hide its taste. In order to stimulate the allicin inside of the garlic, it must be chewed to maximize its benefits. Doses vary from one or two cloves a day up to five or six, depending on what you're trying to cure.

Topical medication - Another way it can be used is by applying it directly to someone's skin. It can be used to heal rashes or other irritants on the skin. Some people may be allergic to this form of medication, so be wary of it causing any burns or rashes.

Garlic tea - This is a way to introduce it to your system while hiding its poignant taste. After mashing up garlic cloves in a pan, boil them into water. Strain the water and combine the tea with lemon or honey for additional flavoring. For best results, drink a cup of the garlic antibiotic tea twice a day.

Cooking garlic - Another way to introduce it to your diet is by adding cooked garlic it to your meals while they are cooking. This is not as effective as eating it raw, because cooking the allicin can dilute its potency. Garlic capsules -

Garlic capsules can be taken in varying doses once or twice a day. These capsules make it extremely easy to increase your garlic intake.

Even with all the positive results of using a type of garlic antibiotic, there are some circumstances where you may not want to take it, specifically blood-thinning medications.

Garlic can intervene or meddle with other prescriptions, cures or antibiotics, so check with a health care professional before altering your diet.
edit on 22-3-2012 by tinker9917 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 09:27 PM
double posted, sorry
edit on 22-3-2012 by tinker9917 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by jaguarsky
I never get the flu vaccine, I get terrible side effects, and I have not gotten the flu in 20yrs. Until now, been really sick for about a week. Did a little research and found that the predominant strain in our area is H1N1...ring a bell?

I kind of figured that the phlegm flu version of H1N1 that everyone has been getting came up from Mexico. Right before everyone started getting it in the U.S., Mexico was having all kinds of cases of pneumonias and H1N1. Waited to see what happened when it hit and crossed the border and the result is the phlegm flu that everyone seems to be complaining about.

I live near a highly populated area with illegals so I picked it up from either the Circle K doorhandle or a gas station door or pump. Lasted only 23 hours for me though. But I have an Alpha immune system. I usually only have the flu for 8-12 hours with fevers in 20 minute intervals before my immune system fights it off. First 23 hour flu that I've had in years with sore throat and phlegm.

If it's a flu that I get for 8-12 hours (with an Alpha immune system), then the average immune system fights it off in 2-3 days. If it's a flu that takes my Alpha immune system 24 hours to fight off, then the average immune system should fight it off in 1 week and a weakened immune system should take 2 weeks to a month to fight off. And if it's a flu that takes my Alpha immune system a few days to fight off, then those with weakened immune systems would be hospitalized over it.

Which kind of has me wondering what's causing people's immune systems to be weaker than normal. I haven't had a flu vaccine since the early 1990s either. Maybe over-vaccinations of flus is making people's immune systems weaker than normal.

If I had it for 23 hours and you had it for a week and neither one of us has been vaccinated in over 20 come all the vaccinated people take 2 weeks to a month to fight it off?

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

When was this originally posted? It's showing up, to me, as July 3, 2012. Though it's only July 1st :0/.

Thanks! I have actually come down w/ the worse illness I EVER remember having!! Throat pain, high fever, severe congestion that won't come out when blown, watery eyes that crust over, severe ear pain, nausea, headache, kidney pain (though not sure if related), reflux, stomach burning.

I honestly do not ever feeling this horrible!! It took over 24 hrs, of taking a Tylenol and Motrin switch mixture, around the clock & on schedule to get my fever down to just 101.5!!! Now, 3rd day in, I feel (& pray) I'm over the worse of it. But this is seriously horrible! Ironically, my sister & nephew came out to visit from the MD area, near Ft. Derrick. They were out 10 days. About 8 days in I started feeling ill. Now my nephew, there back home now, has a very high fever and is also very lethargic. His name is James, please say prayers for him.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by SunnyDee

To the original poster....

I figured it out. The month & Date are reversed. So the original post date was March 3rd, 2012. I've never seen the date this way, so it threw me off. :0)

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