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end times safe zone madness.

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:25 PM
hi all.
[hopefully I have not posted this here before!]

safe zone madness. Remote view people talk of safe zones; places to move your family to before when the S hits the fan. or maybe to drive to, with your last tank of gas, the very moment you know It Is Coming, the "Killshot" or whatever.

I hear the rustle of maps and i see a light on in the living room, at a midnight suburban neighborhood, in a large city.
Closer Look shows about four men peering over maps.
they plan to find a safe area to evacuate to, when the S. hits the fan.
"there" one man says.
"agreeed, there It Is" they exclaim, about 3 AM in the morning, tipped over coffee cups and wadded paper all around.
"Pine Ridge, there in the Appalachians. only way in is over a 2000 foot mountain pass or two. there is a town of 300 in the valley and maybe 50 small farms: the Perfect Spot.

these men do not notice that other lights are on, here and there, up and down this street.....

One day as the local tv basketball game is about 20 minutes into the game, the screen fades to....the
White House Podium and Obama climbs up to face 40 microphones. there is talk about asteroid XZ762, and how now suddenly NASA has discovered it and this Thing is 34 miles wide and is going to direct-hit the earth in two days!
there now is a mad shuffle in this house. duffel bags and suitcases and a crying baby.
IN to the car and off!!
Pine Ridge valley!

they arrive near dusk. they wonder why the grass on the side of the mountain road, to the Pass, is SO worn!
"looks like 50 trucks have come through here recently, mining trucks"?!

they enter this town.
imagine this: there are 8,000 cars seen all around this town. there are maybe 5000 people gathered around the 3 businesses. there now are *MANY* sounds of crying babies and far far off into the distance.

the Sheriff stands in front of Creek general store, he has a bullhorn. from his vantage point he now can see at least another 2000 cars coming down the two pass roads! he tries to speak, telling everyone that the one gas station has run out of gas, the grocery store is exhausted, and the Killshot is not due to tomorrow, and that he now expects at least 50,000 more people to come to his valley!

talk about 400 people trying to get upon a ten foot lifeboat!!

yes, 80,000 lights were on, at 3 in the morning, all over the east coast and everyone in those living rooms were looking for *the* safe spot! guess what. pine ridge valley won hands down.

800 kids Need Bathroom *Now*!
I am hungry.
shoot those minority people if they come in!

the crowd surges forwards toward this sheriff.
popping sounds are then heard: "bang, bang"!
Does Not Look Good.

moral: if you gotta have that safe Place, choose very very carefully, make sure it is one that few other will also find out about.

I would suggest that one find this safe spot in your own heart, via Spirit is real. then accept going to the afterlife.
but there are maybe a few Spirit-designated survivors, but you know who you are and have made preparations for this years ago!

edit on 4-3-2012 by freestonew because: spell check does not find them all!

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:30 PM
When # hits the fan its every bullet for themselves. haha

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by freestonew

To avoid a situation like this one...
1.Purchase your own land in 'safe' zones.
2.Get your land ready ahead of time.
3.Have trusted individuals guarding and maintaining the land.
4.Be prepared to defend your land from intruders.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:39 PM
If an asteroid was discovered that large with only 2 days of warning, that would mean MASSIVE speed of impact... so, not even in b***-f***-nowhere on top of mount everest you would be safe.

Now deep in the mariana's trench.. maybe you'd be lucky, for a while, until the massive heat generated by the scorching and melted earth starts to evaporate the oceans... lol

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:13 PM
Ye of little faith.

I don't worry about it. I don't worry about it because i have faith.

Mors sit extremum vitae magna sapien reliqui!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 03:25 AM
In my opinion, the best "safe zones" are those where there is now road leading to it, and/or has a road leading to it that can easily be destroyed/blocked (ie: landslide in the mountains etc.)

Your story shows that, assuming panicking drivers don't cause enough accidents to block the highways/roads, everyone goes to their "secret safe zone" that is on a road. If you have a safe zone somewhere in the rural areas that is a difficult 5+ hour hike to get there, no place is very safe.

My opinion, nice topic =)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:13 AM
This is definitely an important point... made in a creative way.

I've occasionally thought about where I would go in a SHTF situation, and every place that I think of, besides where I live now, doesn't work. (My boyfriend and I are even contemplating moving somewhere less populated for this very reason.)

I mean, I live in one of the suburbs of Boston. So I'm not in the city. But I'm not exactly rural either. I live across from a vegetable farm and down the street from a poultry farm (both within walking distance) and I'm surrounded by a few reservoirs (that I know of) - so that's good. But I'm right where EVERYONE in the city is going to go (or, at least, pass through) if something happens. All the resources we have in my small town would be quickly pillaged, so I would have to go somewhere else. As for where that somewhere is... I have no idea. And I guess I'll just have to stay where I've been planted.

At least, that's my plan. I'm in this particular place at this particular time for a reason. So wherever I am when ish goes down... I'll have to deal with it. Even if it means death. After all, if the majority of the population of the world is going to die, who am I to think that I'm one of those who deserves to live?

...And now my mind is just rambling.

Anyway, my initial point was: awesome post, because it actually made me think.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM
thank you, moderators, for letting me keep this thread in the 2012 section.

[they moved it to "short stories" the first time, they thought it would be better place there. so far no one has replied there.]

i wanted this as a cautionary tale and not a short story!
i talk in stories and analogies and metaphors : are the way to go, for me.

"flash crowds". where everyone does something the same and enabled by media. just think what the cell phone/texting thing will do if there is an hour or three before the Asteroid hits!

look at that Parking lot called the Interstate, north of New orleans during Katrina. surely as they all sat there
immobile, the hurricane caught up with them and there they were, probably sitting in a pouring tropical rain and 60 mph winds for hours and no bushes to go to, fenced in roadsides and if your five kids are in the car for 12 hours and no one can get out, your # and pee begin to stink real good!
goota go...goota go!!

never run inland ahead of such a storm; it will follow you and overtake you, on such a a parking lot!!

during the end of the cold war, i read, many people who moved away from the big cities moved back as they knew that if the Bomb were to hit, they would die in .002 seconds! would not even see the light, let alone feel the pain! insta-ash!
while the country survivors might spend months trying to grovel through the ruins eating radioactive tuna from cans found in the ruined stores! a sllooooww death from radiation and exposure and starvation!


posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Was it literary license when you say RV believers talk about safe zones?

Maybe that is the aim of RV, to pull a real estate scam in which they sell safe zones that they have seen with RV as being safe. I'll bet there are lots of gullible folks to fall for that one.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Philippines
In my opinion, the best "safe zones" are those where there is now road leading to it, and/or has a road leading to it that can easily be destroyed/blocked (ie: landslide in the mountains etc.)

Your story shows that, assuming panicking drivers don't cause enough accidents to block the highways/roads, everyone goes to their "secret safe zone" that is on a road. If you have a safe zone somewhere in the rural areas that is a difficult 5+ hour hike to get there, no place is very safe.

My opinion, nice topic =)

Out in an ocean would be safe as long as there are no FEMA camps located on the beaches (there will be probably round up us fascinating animals.) Notice that none of the Catholics are not saying the Vatican is a safe zone, wonder why because it has always been a fraud.

The problem is the world. God's creation that we are forced to be stragglers in.
edit on 3-4-2012 by MarkScheppy because: add

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