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Why a war with Iran could destroy the US economy

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 08:31 AM
One only has to look back at a similar case: 1973 oil crisis:

There are many many similarities that are coinciding:

1 - Founding of OPEC, today Iran does control a lot of oil

2 - End of Bretton Woods, when the US was taken off the gold standard and the value of the dollar dropped. Today we may see a similar crash and the value of the dollar drop even more

3 - Yom Kippur war, today it will be a similar war if Israel decides to start up a war with Iran we could see Israel expanding its territory into Saudi Arabia.

The result of all of this was that there were gasoline rations, price controls and many more destructive things to the economy that were happening. I have been listening to some sources and was told that Israel is trying to take down the USA so that Israel can become the ruling state in the world. The reasons for this?

The Jewish Messiah will have to rule the world from Israel, right now he cannot come because the USA is ruling the world. The way that zionists want the messiah to come is that the US must be destroyed, they are leading the USA to a path to destruction. The politicians have sold our country out to the zionists.

The similarities to 1973 and 2012 are very very unnerving indeed

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I truly believe they do not have any good will to the American people. I think they are only with us enough to manipulate our leaders into selling us out, with empty promises that will not be kept. Once the people get wind of this they won't have a place for our leaders either. How can we let someone make fools of us without one attempt to set them straight. We should lead them to the stream (of war) and then leave them to drink alone. If we take israel from them now, they will not be able to do what they are planning. Send them back to the mountains, the are not the true jews, they are Kazaars (or whatever, don't need a spell check. thanks).

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

You realize that the United States did not collapse in 1973, right? And that there were many factors that contributed to the stagflation of the time?

There are many many similarities that are coinciding:

1 - Founding of OPEC, today Iran does control a lot of oil

So does Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Venezuela... even the US. The current recession will actually make it easier to weather another oil shock. The sluggish economy means there's less demand.

2 - End of Bretton Woods, when the US was taken off the gold standard and the value of the dollar dropped. Today we may see a similar crash and the value of the dollar drop even more

Or the European crisis might devalue the Euro, making the dollar that much more attractive as a reserve currency.

3 - Yom Kippur war, today it will be a similar war if Israel decides to start up a war with Iran we could see Israel expanding its territory into Saudi Arabia.

Why? Israel expanded to its most defensible boundaries: the Golan Heights and the river Jordan. Why seize desert it can't defend? (It might annex Lebanon, given a chance, but that's another story.)

The result of all of this was that there were gasoline rations, price controls and many more destructive things to the economy that were happening. I have been listening to some sources and was told that Israel is trying to take down the USA so that Israel can become the ruling state in the world. The reasons for this?

Yes, all sorts of inconvenient things happened, but the economy was not destroyed. Do you really think that tiny little Israel can take down the US? What sort of source would make such a ridiculous statement? Let me guess: PressTv.

The Jewish Messiah will have to rule the world from Israel, right now he cannot come because the USA is ruling the world. The way that zionists want the messiah to come is that the US must be destroyed, they are leading the USA to a path to destruction. The politicians have sold our country out to the zionists.

The similarities to 1973 and 2012 are very very unnerving indeed

Actually, there may be some right wing Israeli lunatics who think like that, but I'll bet they're outnumbered by the Iranian right wing lunatics who are working to prepare the world for the imminent arrival of the Mahdi.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Not going to happen.
Because we had Carter as president in 76. Now we have Carter v2.0

Sure he'll be busy wrecking the economy here at home, but he won't attack Iran.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by beezzer

The US does not have to start it but may get dragged into it. If Israel attacks Iran, Iran will retaliate on Israel and US bases because USA supports terrorism of Israel. The US will retaliate just as Israel wants them to so they can be brought down.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by beezzer

The US does not have to start it but may get dragged into it. If Israel attacks Iran, Iran will retaliate on Israel and US bases because USA supports terrorism of Israel. The US will retaliate just as Israel wants them to so they can be brought down.

Absolutely. And a war between Iran/US/Israel will not REMAIN a war between these three. There ARE other nations on this tiny little planet of ours. And they too rely on oil supply coming out of the gulf. Do you think that Iran WON'T block the Strait if a war jumps off? (not you OP.. just saying "you" in general). I think the elephant in the room that people are forgetting is China and Russia. These two nations... nuclear powered nations, have a big interest in Iran. And they are not going to sit back while we do the bidding of Israel in yet another war.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

The US does not have to start it but may get dragged into it. If Israel attacks Iran, Iran will retaliate on Israel and US bases because USA supports terrorism of Israel. The US will retaliate just as Israel wants them to so they can be brought down.

Do you really think Iran is that stupid? If Israel attacks Iran, the United States would issue a statement condemning it. If Iran attacks Israel, the US might provide intelligence, but would not contribute to the fighting. Israel can take care of itself. If Iran attacks US bases, however, Iran will be neutered militarily in a matter of hours. I don't think Iran is that stupid.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 08:36 PM
No, Israel wont 'expand' into saudi arabia. All the land it has gotten were from defensive wars.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 10:09 PM



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