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Numerology: February 1st & 3rd, 2012, Bad Jew-Jew Daze!

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

wow, nice find there...i didn't really look that closely, but it absolutely makes sense in the context of the thread and such....

you should post that finding in the thread, in order for other members (following the thread ) to see it.

cool stuff man, numerology is important, but WHY it's important is the hard part to prove to the laymen. I believe it's closely related to geometry and the number of movements of god aka manifestations of god aka the Qabalistic Tree Of Life.

Y it iz important iz it proves this thing yew call Life iz all pre-planned.

There are peeps that are into Bible Code but they are missing out on what Life Code shows.


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