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Newt or Mitt who would you vote for if it came down to those two for the nomination?

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

Just came out of a meeting of people, from the public sector (government employees) in Florida. 6 people. All 6 were registered Republicans, which is an odd thing in government. Democrats are the majority here.

When the discussion turned to voting in tomorrow's primary, 4 of the 6 have decided not to vote tomorrow. Too much negativity flying back and forth between Mitt and Newt. They don't trust either candidate. NOBODY likes Santorum, and they are scared to vote RP, he has been painted as extreme. So, their solution is to not vote at all. Of the other 2, one was a very vocal RP supporter, and then there was me, and I simply observed and offered up RP as a better solution than staying home, but most of them had their minds made up.

Informal poll, of 6, educated, very involved, and politically savvy, registered Republicans, and the consensus was 66% will refuse to vote and 33% will vote RP.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:55 PM
What a nightmare it would be to choose between Mitt or Newt...
The world would be doomed for sure if these evil creatures become president of the United States!

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
If the topic were "Vanilla or Strawberry, what is your favorite ice cream?" Would everyone that said "Chocolate" be off-topic? Of course not, it is a valid answer, there are more than 2 flavors of ice cream.

That may very well be one of the worst analogies I've ever seen.

If there were a thread asking which flavor was preferred between vanilla or strawberry specifically, then yes I think chocolate would literally be off-topic.

If someone starts a thread comparing the potential Dem vs Rep platforms, would it be off-topic to drag the discussion into the platforms of the 4 other parties likely to field candidates, especially if the discussion careened off in a direction designed to minimize, if not eliminate by substitution, the originally stated topic? Don't bother to answer, I can already see that it would be ok.

You win anyway, there's more Paul in this thread than anything else.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by MrDesolate

I'm not trying to win, however, I do find it comical everytime someone posts something that isn't about Paul, and then the OP responds by bringing up Paul, LOL!

I did think my ice cream analogy was pretty good though, I can't believe you didn't like it?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I'd respond, but it would be off topic.


Go Ron Paul.


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by NowIsThe
A vote for Gingrich or Santorum is a wasted vote! Here's why....

The MSM is using Internet polls for the sheep...just like the man behind the curtain in the wizard of oz! No matter what the media wants you to believe, it’s already a two-man race. Of the 2286 total Republican delegates, 1144 are needed to win the nomination. In five states: Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and Illinois - Gingrich and Santorum are not even on the ballot. That’s 564 delegates that they cannot get. After South Carolina, only 59 delegates have been allocated to the four candidates. Mitt Romney has 39 of those. This means Santorum or Gingrich has to pick up 1144 delegates from the remaining 1683.

Dr. Paul is on the ballot in every state so let’s say that Dr. Paul only picks up 20% of the total number of delegates – I happen to believe he will do much better – but let’s pick 20%. That’s 457 delegates for Dr. Paul. Add that to the 564 that Newt and Santorum won’t have a shot at and now there are 1021 delegates that Santorum and Gingrich have no chance of getting. Subtract that 1021 from the total 2286 and you’re left with 1265 delegates. That means that Gingrich and Santorum, one or the other, must pick up over 90% of the available delegates to get the nomination. So, essentially, we’re down to Dr. Paul and Romney.

A vote for Gingrich and Santorum is a wasted vote! A vote for Ron Paul is not a wasted vote and may well mean that the next President of the United States will be a man that, for the last 30 years, has never broken a promise, compromised his principles or waffled his position on an issue. A man that still believes that the Constitution of the United States is THE law of the land and that the protection of our individual liberties is the primary reason for the Federal Government. Dr. Paul does not need to win FL. He only needs to win the caucus states, which overwhelmingly support him.

As much as the media would like us to believe, this race is not over.

RON PAUL 2012!
edit on 30-1-2012 by NowIsThe because: Bold/typo

edit on 30-1-2012 by NowIsThe because: (no reason given)

It's All about the NUMBERS . Newt and Santorum Cannot get enough Delagates to Win the Republican Nomination . To even talk about Gingrich is a Total; Waste of Time . It's either Romney or Paul , CHOOSE ............

edit on 30-1-2012 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by jjf3rd77

Just came out of a meeting of people, from the public sector (government employees) in Florida. 6 people. All 6 were registered Republicans, which is an odd thing in government. Democrats are the majority here.

When the discussion turned to voting in tomorrow's primary, 4 of the 6 have decided not to vote tomorrow. Too much negativity flying back and forth between Mitt and Newt. They don't trust either candidate. NOBODY likes Santorum, and they are scared to vote RP, he has been painted as extreme. So, their solution is to not vote at all. Of the other 2, one was a very vocal RP supporter, and then there was me, and I simply observed and offered up RP as a better solution than staying home, but most of them had their minds made up.

Informal poll, of 6, educated, very involved, and politically savvy, registered Republicans, and the consensus was 66% will refuse to vote and 33% will vote RP.

Very interesting but bias as its really 1 in five that will vote for RP. Because you are counting yourself and your obviously voting for RP. And I don't take anybody who says they aren't going to vote seriously because they may just end up doing it, or they may not really want to voice their opinion. It's called peer pressure.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by MrDesolate

I'm not trying to win, however, I do find it comical everytime someone posts something that isn't about Paul, and then the OP responds by bringing up Paul, LOL!

I did think my ice cream analogy was pretty good though, I can't believe you didn't like it?

Only reason I keep saying RP is to try to stop the trolls from talking about RP or trying to "educate" me about RP or trying to convince me that he's God (joke)!!!!!

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I thought about the peer pressure aspect, and it probably does have an effect, but in this case nobody mentioned any particular candidate until the very end. Actually, someone did mention wishing they could still vote for Herman Cain.
I intentionally waited, because I was curious and didn't want to taint the well, and the other person was eager to speak up, but they are a little lower level manager, so they waited for just the right moment to chime in with RP.

The ones that said they are not voting, will really not be voting, because we were arranging coverage and planning on who would be in and out during the day, so I know they really are not planning to leave and vote.

I'm pretty sure Newt will be winning the primary here in Florida, but I still think the GOP is going to be in trouble in November.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I actually liked Herman Cain before he dropped out and before I liked huntsman.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I liked both Cain and Huntsman as well. I am afraid Cain didn't have the complete package. Maybe he did, but I think he might have ended up in over his head. Huntsman will be a great president some day, but I think he is the most logical choice for Secretary of State this go around. He'll be primed and ready to be the frontrunner in 2016. Maybe Huntsman/Christie in 2016?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I liked both Cain and Huntsman as well. I am afraid Cain didn't have the complete package. Maybe he did, but I think he might have ended up in over his head. Huntsman will be a great president some day, but I think he is the most logical choice for Secretary of State this go around. He'll be primed and ready to be the frontrunner in 2016. Maybe Huntsman/Christie in 2016?

I would have voted for Cain and a couple thousand people still do He actually beat Perry in SC! And Cain put his support around Newt and I like Cain a bit more than I like Huntsman. So that solidifies my vote for Newt. Plus I don't really trust Romney, but I'll vote for him if/when he gets the nominee. He sure knows his economics and could balance the budget.

If he wins I fear Obama will Win. Obama is prepared for Romney. Not prepared for Newt. But Newt does get a little testy at the media. He has GREAT days and then crappy days. Let's just say there will never be an Obama and Reagan again. These two people are what each party will hope to have again.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:23 PM
RON PAUL FOR 2012!!!!

He is the only one that will stop the massive spending by the Feds, and the government/administrations.

Not to mention that if anybody wants to start a war with Iran, let Europe do it. We should stop going to war unless it is TRULY necessary, as in we are getting attacked, or we know a military fleet of x is coming to our shores.

Instead we should put the DHS to work on our borders and stop illegal immigration, and not to harrass Americans.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Please stop! This has already been posted, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times before.

At this point you guys are just repeating talking points that WE ALL KNOW!
edit on 30-1-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by MrDesolate

And there's more Paul in "America" than anything else, too!

I think a lot of trepidation in Ron Paul is the fear the media instills in viewer's minds, that he is somehow going to get rid of Medicare and SS. However, what he would do is bring our troops home, close many of our unnecessary bases around the world and focus that money (huge money, btw) on funding those entitlement programs. Funding these programs are against his ideals but he knows it would be political suicide to do otherwise, despite the fact they are unconstitutional.

If we continue down the road with the status quo (Obama, and the three other Republican stooges) we will have to end those programs entirely. They were strategically robbed by prior administrations for war mongering purposes and have yet to be replenished. We spent as much money in one month in Afghanistan as we have in the last 34 years of funding NASA (That is from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh). Imagine how different our lives would be, how much further a head America would be if we kept ourselves out of debt and funded domestic programs, such as NASA, and put that money into securing our borders instead? Or better yet, how about given it to you and me in the form of reduced tax to spend here at home, helping our economy grow? This war on terror is so obviously phony to the average Joe, it's unbelievable that so many still eat the propaganda. The problem is they just haven't done enough research to know the truth. The war is real. However, the reason for its existence is just completely different than what the Zionist owned media wants you to believe.
edit on 31-1-2012 by NowIsThe because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2012 by NowIsThe because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2012 by NowIsThe because: spelling

edit on 31-1-2012 by NowIsThe because: spelling

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by jjf3rd77

It's early, this is five hours ago.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

+ + +

Santorum says daughter, Bella, 3, will be OK

January 29, 2012|By Anthony Campisi, INQUIRER STAFF WRITER

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who scaled back campaign appearances to be with his 3-year-old daughter, Bella, at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, said Sunday night the little girl was getting better and should be able to go home in a few days.

Speaking to Florida supporters by phone from Bella's hospital room, Santorum said she'd had a rough 36 hours with pneumonia, but was awake, alert and back to being a "beautiful, happy girl."

Bella, one of seven Santorum children, suffers from a serious genetic disorder called Trisomy 18, a condition caused by a third copy of material from chromosome 18 instead of two, leading to a wide array of physical and mental problems.

Thanks for the update Colbe! Santorum is a good guy, maybe with too much religious overtones for me, but I could definately get around him if he wins, I'm just more liberal when it comes to social issues, actually like RP I beleive it's free choice what you do to your own body. See Paulites, I do believe in some of RP stances!!! Jeez.

You criticize Paul supporters and even use the language of a 12 year old to describe him. You hide out in every Paul thread speaking negatively about him. I think you have an unhealthy obsession. It's alright to dislike him or not support him, he doesn't have to come out of your mouth in every post. It shows your bias.

I don't agree with you and think you're an idiot if you support either of Mitt/Newt as they are both completely in bed with the bankers who control our currency and rip off the people while doing so, but it is your choice to make. Neither one of them stands a chance at ousting Obama, he's the hand picked puppet, well maybe Romney, but can't see it. To fall for this sham at this day and age is frightening. I can't believe either one of them would get a single vote, they are completely full of #.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:17 AM
Well, I get to vote today!!!

Luckily our ballot has more than 2 names.

Can't wait for the results tonight.

My Prediction is Newt with 35%, Romney with 26%, Paul with 24%

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Well, I get to vote today!!!

Luckily our ballot has more than 2 names.

Can't wait for the results tonight.

My Prediction is Newt with 35%, Romney with 26%, Paul with 24%

Good prediction.

I'll go with Newt 36%, Romney 25%, Santorum 18%, Paul 14%.

AND the main stream media once again recoils in disbelief and confusion.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
reply to post by getreadyalready

I actually liked Herman Cain before he dropped out and before I liked huntsman.

Herman Cain was forced out by the dirty tricks crowd.

Now it's Newt or bust.

It looks like Newt is getting help from George Soros!
Soros - "Obama and difference!"

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by jjf3rd77

Just came out of a meeting of people, from the public sector (government employees) in Florida. 6 people. All 6 were registered Republicans, which is an odd thing in government. Democrats are the majority here.

When the discussion turned to voting in tomorrow's primary, 4 of the 6 have decided not to vote tomorrow. Too much negativity flying back and forth between Mitt and Newt. They don't trust either candidate. NOBODY likes Santorum, and they are scared to vote RP, he has been painted as extreme. So, their solution is to not vote at all. Of the other 2, one was a very vocal RP supporter, and then there was me, and I simply observed and offered up RP as a better solution than staying home, but most of them had their minds made up.

Informal poll, of 6, educated, very involved, and politically savvy, registered Republicans, and the consensus was 66% will refuse to vote and 33% will vote RP.

I'm in Southwest Florida. Wish I could have better news. Ran into a LOT OF PEOPLE voting Santorum.. kind of makes you question what world you are living in... Scary. I'd rather have Grinch or Robomney than Santorum. People really want to get into Iran it sounds like and blow up their High School science class centrifuges.

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