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Lamar, the author of SOPA comes back with an even worse bill

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You are funny. The 4th amendment died a long time ago. Ever heard of the patriot act? Warrant less wiretapping? Etc???

The 4th amendment is alive and well and this bill will be found in violation of it.

The 4th amendment keeps the police from doing "weekly inspections", it keeps the state trooper behind you from pulling you over for no reason, and it keeps you safe from random searches where they haven't been sanctioned previously. (Stadiums, borders, airports, The City of New York)

I understand, and wholeheartedly agree with, your misgivings with the Patriot Act, and I believe that most others here do as well. That being said, I would like to know how many times you, or anyone you know, have been impacted in your daily life by the Patriot Act, except where you vent your grievances with it's so-called attack on your personal freedoms.

My belief is that ordinary Americans are not affected by the Patriot Act if they are not committing crimes within the scope of it's wording. I don't believe that ordinary people would be affected by this new bill (which came out last May) either should they be following the law.

That doesn't make either immune as it pertains to the 4th amendment.

What makes a law unconstitutional is its challenge being heard and supported by the Supreme Court. This has happened for certain laws within the Patriot Act, but I believe those laws were upheld. (A simple search will yield results.)

So until people are voted in that will repeal the Patriot Act or this new bill, or the Supreme Court finds reason to deem them unconstitutional, or current elected officials are persuaded to repeal these acts, you are stuck with them my friend, just as I am.

That doesn't mean the 4th Amendment is dead, because most definitely it is not.

If it were you would feel it everyday.

edit on 23-1-2012 by Zuli5000 because: oops

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:17 AM
It seems as though the powers that be are going to stop at nothing to silence the masses. And using "the children" is definitely the way to make people forget about their rights and hop the bandwagon...

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:10 AM

What do you have to hide though? No one will monitor your activity 24/7, you will only be flagged under suspicion anyway and then I don't care they could wire your house and follow your every move, even if they install a video camera in your home, so what? Its impossible to monitor your every move all day, unless your under suspicion...

If this helps a lil kid from being raped over and over for years, then why not? ArE you that selfish? And what makes you different from any "PTB" or the 1% or whatever who do things in their own interest?

If you support your own privacy sure, then you might as well support the elitists... Your not elite and your only supporter "them" for hiding their privacy. you people on this site continuously go on and on about the government and their shady dealing and you DEMAND to know everthing. What makes you any different from them?

Support child and womens right man. Your rights don't trump them... I repeat, what do you have to hide?

The hypocrisy on this site sometimes just gets me laughing out loud, we all want to cover our backs out of our own interests... And so do "they"
edit on 23-1-2012 by kykweer because: (no reason given)

see this type of thinking is so wrong. using your logic, have you removed all the blinds and curtians in your house as you don't need privacy as long as your doing nothing wrong?
edit on 23-1-2012 by jpmail because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Zuli5000

it keeps the state trooper behind you from pulling you over for no reason

Ever heard of random checkpoints?

and it keeps you safe from random searches where they haven't been sanctioned previously. (Stadiums, borders, airports, The City of New York)

Just a matter of time. The TSA is going everywhere, on buses, etc... Look up VIPR teams.

That being said, I would like to know how many times you, or anyone you know, have been impacted in your daily life by the Patriot Act, except where you vent your grievances with it's so-called attack on your personal freedoms.

Yeah let's just worry when it's happening to us, let's forget about all the others.

On June 15, 2007, following an internal audit finding that FBI agents abused the USA PATRIOT Act power more than 1000 times, U.S. District Judge John D. Bates ordered the agency to begin turning over thousands of pages of documents related to the agency's national security letters program.[2]

My belief is that ordinary Americans are not affected by the Patriot Act if they are not committing crimes within the scope of it's wording.

Ever read any history books? Because every time you give a power to a government, it never gives it back and always abuses it and it leads to very bad things, usually, lots of people end up dying and in prison.

And under the NDAA, they can kidnap anyone during the night and make them disappear, without trial or proof and keep them in jail forever.

This bill is bad, the 4th amendment is a joke, and the feds got way too much power.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
reply to post by Vitchilo

They are trying to pass the Internet Filter bill for the exact same reasons in Australia. It's complete BS. If you want to protect your children from the dangers of the internet, buy your own personal filter, or here's a novel idea, supervise your kids.


this EXACTLY what I was going to say....Parents- if you are counting on the govt to protect your kids from internet porn, then you have bigger problems on your plate. The Nanny state hates your children, understand?

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by Observor

IP does not point to a computer usually. At least around here pretty much all adsl boxes for example have at least 4 ethernet ports + wifi. It does point to a sinle device which is that specific adsl box but through that any number of people can connect.

That's right, that ADSL box is a router that acts like an ISP issuing its own private IP (usually they have a DHCP server activated) to the devices that connect to it. It is possible to record the activity from different private IPs at the level of the router. If all the devices are under the control of one person, that person is anyway accountable for it. However if the owner of the router acts like as an ISP providing service to different individuals, they can be forced by law to do the same that the ISPs are forced to, failing which they can be held accountable.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by kykweer

What do you have to hide though?

I do like to look at porn, or some other stuff I dont want people to know. But I dont have to explain myself to anyone.

No one will monitor your activity 24/7, you will only be flagged under suspicion anyway and then I don't care they could wire your house and follow your every move, even if they install a video camera in your home, so what? Its impossible to monitor your every move all day, unless your under suspicion...

Only after a court order with reasonable suspition, and only in the extent necessary, as with any other crime.

If this helps a lil kid from being raped over and over for years, then why not? ArE you that selfish?

Oh yes, I am. And we are talking about child porn, not child rape. But my stance is the same no matter the crime.

If you support your own privacy sure, then you might as well support the elitists... Your not elite and your only supporter "them" for hiding their privacy. you people on this site continuously go on and on about the government and their shady dealing and you DEMAND to know everthing. What makes you any different from them?

The crucial fact that I am not any government institution, but a private individual makes it very different. Open government = generally good. Open private lives of citizens = generally bad.

Support child and womens right man. Your rights don't trump them...

I do support the rights of children and women. And among them is a right for privacy.

The hypocrisy on this site sometimes just gets me laughing out loud, we all want to cover our backs out of our own interests... And so do "they"

I dont see any hypocrisy.
edit on 23/1/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:57 AM
Follow the money and find ways to cripple or destroy the corporations behind this legislation.

Lamar is just a tool, bribed in order to be perpetually reelected like most politicians these days. Let him know we know what he's up to with a friendly email (not threats) and don't forget to post his name & picture all over along with what he is responsible for.

Boycott CNN, NBC and any others that support these bills.

Quit subscribing to cable television and use the Internet or rent the dollar videos if you have to.
edit on 23-1-2012 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by GodIsPissed

supervise your kids.
reply to post by InfaRedMan

*Gasp* What?You our kids?Well that sounds too much like parenting to me lol

Isn't that the computer's job?

Sounds a little fishy to me lol



posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by jpmail

What do you have to hide though? No one will monitor your activity 24/7, you will only be flagged under suspicion anyway and then I don't care they could wire your house and follow your every move, even if they install a video camera in your home, so what? Its impossible to monitor your every move all day, unless your under suspicion...

If this helps a lil kid from being raped over and over for years, then why not? ArE you that selfish? And what makes you different from any "PTB" or the 1% or whatever who do things in their own interest?

If you support your own privacy sure, then you might as well support the elitists... Your not elite and your only supporter "them" for hiding their privacy. you people on this site continuously go on and on about the government and their shady dealing and you DEMAND to know everthing. What makes you any different from them?

Support child and womens right man. Your rights don't trump them... I repeat, what do you have to hide?

The hypocrisy on this site sometimes just gets me laughing out loud, we all want to cover our backs out of our own interests... And so do "they"
edit on 23-1-2012 by kykweer because: (no reason given)

see this type of thinking is so wrong. using your logic, have you removed all the blinds and curtians in your house as you don't need privacy as long as your doing nothing wrong?
edit on 23-1-2012 by jpmail because: (no reason given)

Of course not, I like my privacy and I go on with my life and I will probably be left alone I can watch whatever legal porn I like and no one will care my ip might be logged at but so what they only care about visitors to make more money in advertising.

But if you do some legally and ethically wrong expect them to find you because you can't hide behind a law written before the internet, a law that was written when billy bob lived in a small town where nearly everybody already knew mostly his every move, these days you can live in new york and do evil deeds in Indonesia... Your friends will never know.

I'm just thinking if my child was caught up in a porn ring, what would I do? A lot of the time the people distributing child porn have no sexual interest, its business to them, if that bill can help taking these guys down I support it 100%

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Maslo

You don't have to explain yourself to anyone, no one cares what porn your in to and your isp won't hire someone that sits in a control room all day looking at what sites you visit like homer simpson.

Like you said only if you were flagged will you be checked out and even then a professional person and not a teenage boy will go through your history over a year to monitor your activity, even people who do this job will probably work efficiently.

We are talking about child porn, rape, human trafficking, its a scary world out there and these kids are brought up right in the middle some know nothing else other than being sex objects all their lives.

This bill isn't targeting average citizens and other than your ip and name registered under a serial number on some server somewhere, this bill will have no effect on you, it will only affect those partaking in illegal activities in relation to child abuse.

No one really has the time or money to really care what you do in your leisure time.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by kykweer

No one really has the time or money to really care what you do in your leisure time.

The fact that they could is a threat enough for me. Court order with reasonable suspicion must be present and the surveillance must be limited only to achieve the aim. That is enough to protect the kids without much violation of privacy of men, women and children. What exactly is your problem with this approach?

We are talking about child porn, rape, human trafficking, its a scary world out there and these kids are brought up right in the middle some know nothing else other than being sex objects all their lives.

It may sound harsh, but thats not my problem. Authorities must find a way to enforce the law without being allowed to breach my or others rights in the process, such as the right for privacy. And this applies to every crime from piracy, child porn, through child rape and trafficking up to murder and genocide.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:52 AM
Did anyone post his DC telephone number? Please call this guy's office and let them know we're just NOT going to stand for anymore bills that threaten the Internet:


By the way, this congressman hasn't updated his FB page since November....but there are plenty of insults all over the page that were recently written. Also--they make it VERY hard to email him. You can't email him unless you know the 4 digit extension of your zip code. Give me a break. So just call down there instead.
edit on 23-1-2012 by MRuss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:26 AM
*Rubs eyes, Wakes up* and reads this OP first thing in the morning

Wait a minute, I'm not awake, I am having a nightmare....

*Closes eyes and goes back to sleep*

I wish........

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:49 AM
This is probably what they wanted in the beginning. They knew that the public would get angry with the first one and it'd get tabled because of the election. Watch and see when its supposed to come to vote we'll have some type scandal erupt that the media will latch onto and harp on, to take our attention away from the vote. Don't fall for the media distraction circus we need to stop this one too, in just world the guy would get kicked out!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

We need to do something about these laws. You can't just make some loud noise and hope they go away. Truth is, they'll never go away. This law will be passed. It will be sneaked in through congress when everyone isn't paying attention. The people in the US need to literally go to these congressmen's houses and actively show that they are pissed off that such a law is trying to be put through!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 03:06 PM
They already have access to all the information this bill purportedly is asking for, in real time.

This can only be a red herring to keep us distracted while they do something completely heinous somewhere else.

Either that or Congress is having a "Who can write the most unconstitutional bill" contest.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:51 PM
Well if you can't get a bill passed just add protect and children and the idiots will come out of the wood work to rally for it's passing...This guy is like mold...

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:55 PM
They'll just keep making more and more modifications to the bill and try to pass new bills that completely undermine all American rights

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:45 PM
Oh my god...these guys just won't freaking quit! You can /not/ destory the internet!! And this is even worse than the SOPA act!! ARGH! CURSE YOU CONGRESS!! what...will people fight this one too, or just say, "Oh, it's for the children!"

Jeez...we're in a tough spot...

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