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Ron Paul to Obama : Don't murder US citizens!

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:13 AM
That was almost 2 years ago. Yet again, Ron Paul was light years ahead of the MSM and the tyrants exposing what they were going to do. This show how intelligence and foresight he has... and how he's no thug (like Obama).

And with the NDAA passing and this... Look at Obama's administration ``reason`` to murder US citizens abroad...
Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen

The Obama administration’s secret legal memorandum that opened the door to the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born radical Muslim cleric hiding in Yemen, found that it would be lawful only if it were not feasible to take him alive, according to people who have read the document.

The secret document provided the justification for acting despite an executive order banning assassinations, a federal law against murder, protections in the Bill of Rights and various strictures of the international laws of war, according to people familiar with the analysis.

The article went on to say :

The memo, however, was narrowly drawn to the specifics of Mr. Awlaki’s case and did not establish a broad new legal doctrine to permit the targeted killing of any Americans believed to pose a terrorist threat.

But this is total bull. The US government has murdered TWO other US citizens in the last few weeks.

Obama’s killing of U.S. citizens

The latest information on the secret memo that justified the termination of al Qaeda terror leader Anwar al-Awlaki indicates that the basis for the decision was that there was no other way to eliminate him as a threat. Because capturing him was not feasible, he had to be killed.

So Obama's reason for murdering 3 US citizens (officially) is that they couldn't be kidnapped so they had to be murdered. Gee wouldn't that be a neat reason to use on domestic enemies??

Let's see what Obama's lawyers have to say about it :
Obama Lawyers: Killing U.S. Citizens Allied With Al Qaeda is an Executive Decision

So it's the president decision to murder US citizen allied with Al Qaeda...

What does NDAA says again?

Pursuant to the AUMF passed in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the NDAA text affirms the President's authority to detain, via the Armed Forces, any person "who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces," under the law of war, "without trial, until the end of hostilities."

Part or supported Al Qaeda or Taliban OR associated forces... so basically, Obama CAN murder US citizen on US soil designed as terrorists under the NDAA.

``We had to kill those people because they were militias and cops would have died, so we saved cops in doing that``... I can only imagine the propaganda they gonna try when they pull that stuff in the US.
edit on 23-12-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Great Thread!

This is why we need responsible Government.

And Ron Paul!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:37 AM
hmmm i agree with Ron Paul on most of the things he says, but then again, you guys dont think he's just another one of them, as in telling us what the "truthers" wanna hear to get us on the bandwagon then bam switches up on us jus like the rest of em, then there we go fooled like every1 else

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by ThinkinJo
hmmm i agree with Ron Paul on most of the things he says, but then again, you guys dont think he's just another one of them, as in telling us what the "truthers" wanna hear to get us on the bandwagon then bam switches up on us jus like the rest of em, then there we go fooled like every1 else

Riiiiiiiiight. Ron Paul was a truther before the term ``truther`` even existed. Please do your research.

1988 :

edit on 23-12-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:22 AM
hmmm interesting i lost all hope for anything government associated.. but i been reading i guess ron paul might be the real deal

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by ThinkinJo


That's exactly what I think will happen if Ron Paul wins. I remember all of the excitement for Obama and his message of hope and change, and the excitement which welled up in the people for someone "new" in the Whitehouse and something "new" in politics. Once Obama got into office we quickly learned that change was not on the list for TPTB. Obama has to do what he's told, the same every other President before him probably going back as far as F.D.R.

If Ron Paul is the true hero of the people as some on ATS proclaim then great, he has my vote. Somehow I think that once he's in office it will just be more of the same lies and disappointment. I think that the only way to truly have change is to start your own country.

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