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We Killed Your Daughter; You're Under Arrest

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posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by PoeteMaudit
The only good job any agent of the state can do is to take a length of rope and hang himself with it.

I'm an agent of the state. A dam good one. A family man, an honest man, and a hell of a tough guy. I bet you wouldn't tell me that in a bar?

There you have it. "I bet you wouldn't tell me that in a bar". Thug mentality. Straight from the horse's mouth. Their final answer to everything is that they'll beat you until you do as they say. After all, they became policemen to catch the bad guy - and that's what the state entitles them to do - use force to catch the bad guy - the bad guy being anyone who doesn't comply with the dictates of the state. Try that as a civilian and you'll be charged with assault. So much for the equality of all persons before the law. Policemen are immature brats bursting with too much testosterone.

If it came up in a discussion I would tell you this to your face: anyone who believes in, relies upon, or serves of that coldest of cold monsters, that abstraction of abstractions, that mere phantom existing in the minds of men for which they live and die, the "state", with its rules and laws and systems and institutions attempting to regulate every aspect of our lives from our behaviour to our beliefs, is a fool, and a dangerous one at that.

If you ever presume to tell me what I may and may not do, you can go hang yourself. Oh, but of course, if someone dare not listen to you, you with your shiny badges awarded by some ridiculous human institutions as though they were given by God himself and carried some sort of absolute and objective moral entitlement to make others do as they are told, you will use "force", and if I resist, you'll taze me, beat me, or even shoot me.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:32 AM
In some cases, like this one perhaps, I feel as if maybe the old "wild west" style law enforcement actually was much more effective.

In a case like this back in the good old days, the father would have the right to challenge the man to a duel in the street, or simply round up his buddies at the bar, beat the living hell out of the guy and simply run his ass out of town.

The guy would have to give up his belongings, home, wife even and start over in a new town. Word might even spread about what the guy had done, and he would get run out of the next several towns until he was able to change his name and hopefully remain unnoticed.

Aww the good ol' days.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I'm an agent of the state. A dam good one. A family man, an honest man, and a hell of a tough guy. I bet you wouldn't tell me that in a bar?

I am surprised that you can construct such a wonderful response to Xcathdra and then stoop to the level of hypothetically challenging PoeteMaudit to make that statement to you in a bar.

While I do not condone PoeteMaudit's comment, since I do think it to be quite hyperbolic anyway, PoeteMaudit exemplifies the frustration that is present in the minority of us who oppose the support of the current state or system. Yes, one can be a good, diligent, honest person working for the state, just making a living, but the same could be said for one who works for corrupt and avaricious banking institutions. By working for these establishments, you are implicitly aiding in its continuance to exist; the same goes for consumers of a particular institution, establishment or company/corporation.

In my humble opinion, these truths about oneself are merely a misplaced justification for supporting the current state.

Thus, I would suggest to refrain from such knee-jerk reactions towards extreme or hyperbolic statements, especially since you are a moderator of a forum.

edit on 21-12-2011 by Unlimitedpossibilities because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by JAY1980

Originally posted by peck420
Everybody hates the police until they need them.

Similar thread here about this same topic you speak of. You should read that one. I for one have never needed a cop for anything in my life, and neither have about 90% of the people here. If I ever encountered a situation that required me to exercise my second amendment right like getting robbed or held up it's likely the cops would never hear about it. I'm not getting tried for murder because I was protecting my property and loved ones. There is alot of open space here and a body dropped of in the forest somewhere would probably never be found.

Hear far to many stories of people doing time for protecting them selfs and family. It's not just cops the whole system is screwed up. We should be calling out these worthless lawyers to. That are fully aware they are getting murders and crooks of the hook. Talk about selling your soul for a buck...

That's right man, we need EMT's and firefighters most of the time. Since the pigs are just sittin around givin chickenchit tickets for traffic violations. I don't mean to demean true hero cops that are skilled in catching murderers and really care about their community. I'm talkin about your typical non veteran p.o.s. college graduate with student loans to pay off that needs a steady job beat cop.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Guess that cop better get ready for 3 months of paid vacation... Oh the horror...

Don't get me wrong, I don't "Hate" cops and fully understand the role they play in our society, but is it too much to ask that they be help responsible for their actions ? This is B.S. and something needs to change, It's a badge ! Not a "Get out of Jail Free" card.

If I was a judge, I'd throw the book at him, along with the gavel, desk, chair and whatever else I could get my hands on.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:49 AM
We have only ourselves to blame! As a country we have let law enforcement, homeland security, etc.. etc..get away with whatever they like all in the name of making you feel nice and safe. When people finally open their eyes and wake up they will see that their country has been hijacked. We have become numb to these types of stories because it always happens to somebody else, and we have this "not my problem mentality". So this type of thug law enforcement will continue to occur as long as we as a country allow them to.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:51 AM
No lights or sirens....I have two words:
Vehicular Homicide.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:54 AM
The justice system doesn't comprise of all avenues of justice available.

One day people will become aware of the corruption of the justice system, and realize the above.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:58 AM
Unbelievable!!! Every time i open ATS, there is some reports over the repeating idiocy of your cops!
Why don't you do something to this cop?!?!? If the justice system is not just, then go and do justice yourself!!!
It driver me mad, when i read all this wining and playing victim. If you don't pull your faces from your own rear cracks, then you should get beaten and run over by these fuggin cops. thats the law of the universe. Word by word!

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Wow where do i go to protest this act of bull$h!t. I think i would have caved his head in with a 2x4 or a baseball bat or something anything near me no joke over my kids life he would have gotten some damage and whomever else wanted some it would have been like a scene from a movie. To commit such a horrible act then to actually go about the situation like that c'mon now police are something else now days il tell ya.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Domo1

Because its a crime scene. Its entirely possible the actions of family members could alter any criminal or even civil actions against the officer. While I understand the family members response, his actions could undermine any justice for the girls death. Again, I cant say this enough - Its a crime scene.

As far as the lights and siren goes that is completely irrelevant. The Supreme Court has ruled that the responsibility to exercise a higher degree of due diligence and caution while any emergency vehicle is responding lies with the officer, not the public.

If the officer were running code, full lights and sirens, and comes up on an intersection where the officers light is green and ends up t-boning a car who ran the red light, its still the officers fault. Because we can lawfully ignore certain traffic regulations (traffic mind you - its very narrow) for emergencies, the standard placed on the officer is extremely high, and for good reason.

One of the top 10 most dangerous actions law enforcement can perform is responding code to a call.

As for this case, based on the article, the cop is done with law enforcement and will see the inside of a prison cell for his actions. Even if his defense was he was responding to a call, it will not work. The responsibility is the officer and the officer alone.

I know its not much comfort to people trying to explain this. Also, I am not defending the officers actions. I am merely providing the information that will better allow people to understand the how and whys.
edit on 20-12-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

Crime scene? LMAO! The only people charged with a crime were the relatives! It was an accident investigation.

Also, what planet are you living on? I have never heard anyone say that an officer is at fault for an accident, even if the other driver was at fault and the officer has his lights and siren on. I'd also like to know how responding "Code" is more dangerous than the average citizen driving...Is it because officers are 10 times out of 10 speeding to a scene?

High standards? BS! This officer will be cleared of wrongdoing and will remain on the force, unless the public outcry is loud enough (not likely). We'll see if his career is over, but you're over shooting the mark by a loooooooong way with your post...

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by mugger

Contrary to popular belief you can refuse to take a breathalyser (as well as the blood / urine). That action could be used in court against him, depending on what all is going on.

In my state its an automatic suspension as well...

Also I use to live in Idaho, and they can do a FORCED blood draw w out consent, carried out by paramedics.......literally they strap you down and take your blood.......

This is not an exageration...........dont believe me, go look up the law

Its wrong, yes, but they still do it

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by HandyDandy

Again with the "you don't know the law...therefore you are wrong" argument? It's getting old ya know. You also know that everything Hitler did was legal?

wow what, 5 pages before hitler was brought up? Nice....

And NO not everything Hitler did was legal...........nice try tho......

3. Yes he does know the law, and how the system approaches it..........just because you dont agree with it doesnt make it any less so..

you can make up your own assumptions, but you cant make up your own facts......

Perhaps you should listen and learn a bit, before jumping down someones throat......

Perhaps learning how the law works will allow people to better maneuver INSIDE of it, to make sure that justice is served...........
edit on 21-12-2011 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:35 PM
I can only take comfort in the knowledge that if I was laying in the street having been run over by a reckless officer and my dad was called that officer would be laying in the street next to me the victim of an accidental discharge of a 500sw magnum revolver 5 consecutive times.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by PoeteMaudit
The only good job any agent of the state can do is to take a length of rope and hang himself with it.

and a hell of a tough guy

Exactley what we hate to here someone that should be protecting us say. Oooh your a tough guy? Do you have a brain to go along with that massive ego? I see fools like you every day. Sadly your probably a mental midget. How about insted of pissing people off with your attitude, tell us a good story of a good cop and you might not catch so mutch flack from the ATS community... Just sayin...

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Domo1

Use the internet. It can cause amazing counter-expectations.

Make the public know.
edit on 21-12-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by MaxJohnson

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by PoeteMaudit
The only good job any agent of the state can do is to take a length of rope and hang himself with it.

I'm an agent of the state. A dam good one. A family man, an honest man, and a hell of a tough guy. I bet you wouldn't tell me that in a bar?

I would. Provided you left your handgun at home, your shotgun in the locker, your ar-15 in the squad car, your tazer on the dresser, your badge up your ass, your buddies at home, and your mouth shut after taking a savage beating. Of course you'd have to do somethin to piss me off first.
edit on 21-12-2011 by MaxJohnson because: (no reason given)


Don't have a tazer or an AR. (Not a cop, just work for state.) Do have the shotgun, and an AK, and I NEVER leave my handgun at home, but I promise not to get it out of its holster. I've never once unholostered it, or even mentioned that I have it in dozens of fights. I can't guarantee anything about my buddies, they are a rowdy bunch, but they will enjoy watching me for awhile, especially if I happen to be losing.

Now as far as pissing anyone off. Never intentionally done, but never too empathetic to sensitive souls either, so that is a possibility.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by PoeteMaudit

I'm not a cop, but I am an "agent of the state" as you put it. No badge. Well, technically I could request a badge, but I don't have one. Also not "too much testosterone" as you are the one that aggressively stated we all need to go hang ourselves. I was only pointing out the fact that you would never say such a thing to my face. I can't put you in jail, don't have a tazer, don't have a badge, and promise to not use by gun, but if someone found out I worked for the state, and decided to tell me to go hang myself, then I would probably take a lot of enjoyment in educating them about manners and implied threats.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:55 PM
You know that whimpy kid that was picked on through out school? You know. The one that even you picked on a little. Yeah, he grew up and became a cop. Now look what those kids who were picked on in school are doing. They have the "power" now.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

Yes, one can be a good, diligent, honest person working for the state, just making a living, but the same could be said for one who works for corrupt and avaricious banking institutions. By working for these establishments, you are implicitly aiding in its continuance to exist; the same goes for consumers of a particular institution, establishment or company/corporation.

In my humble opinion, these truths about oneself are merely a misplaced justification for supporting the current state.

Thus, I would suggest to refrain from such knee-jerk reactions towards extreme or hyperbolic statements, especially since you are a moderator of a forum.

Fair enough.
Other than the last part "especially since.... mod." My status as a Mod on ATS is completely voluntary and has no bearing on my personal opinions.

Otherwise, I agree with you, and to be completely honest, I don't like how people are constantly calling for the heads of all bankers, or all corporate execs, or all govt workers. The majority of all of those folks are in the same boat as all of us. We need out jobs, we need our incomes, we might disagree with some of the things our employer does, but we can't afford to buck the system. I would never do anything immoral or illegal, but I certainly do things that I don't agree with when I am ordered to by my boss. I exert my influence where I can, and I try to slowly change the system from the inside, but it is a slow, tedious, frustrating process.

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