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Why did the Pope dress up as Santa?

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posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by ThrowCatsAtCacti

Originally posted by SirTFiedSkeptic
reply to post by BULLETINYOURHEAD

Bullet you realize that the pope has never been accused of or found guilty of pedophilia, right? Just saying.
Clearly with our legal system this is irrelivant, people like him never get charged because they have to much money.
We do not know if he himself has abused children.
But we do know for a fact that he has paid money to cover up crimes of pedophilia within the church, which is in my mind just as bad as the sick pedos.

Well, I personally do not believe the zionist NWO media all that much, so I don't know if that is a fact or not. I do know it is a fact that more American protestant preachers are charged with pedophilia every year than Catholic priests in all the world, but I rarely hear the MSM mention that (it was run for a short time on FOX, of all places, originally in a magazine of an insurance company that provides insurance for protestant churches.) And don't forget all the Jewish rabbis who are charged with pedophilia every year (and that's not just the orthodox ones who suck the blood out of babies' penises when they circumcise them). So bashing Catholics exclusively seems to be borne of media brainwashing. And what do you mean 'our' legal system? Do you live in the Vatican City State, or even in Italy? Wealthy Italians often get charged with crimes. Sounds like you think the pope is American. Wouldn't be surprised, most Americans cannot understand that there is anything outside of their own little world.
edit on 10-12-2011 by SirTFiedSkeptic because: spelling

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by SirTFiedSkeptic

On that basis, no, it would have to be discovered independantly.

What, you don't think the Roman Catholic Church has any secrets..?

Some are best kept that way I think. People just wouldn't understand, and they are so quick to judge or to condemn or to rush to various conclusions.

Better left as an enigma wrapped in a mystery, but one that is also left in plain sight.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by SirTFiedSkeptic

On that basis, no, it would have to be discovered independantly.

What, you don't think the Roman Catholic Church has any secrets..?

Some are best kept that way I think. People just wouldn't understand, and they are so quick to judge or to condemn or to rush to various conclusions.

Better left as an enigma wrapped in a mystery, but one that is also left in plain sight.

I'm quite confident that the Catholic Church has more secrets then I could imagine, considering its 2,000 year history. As does the Jewish church, and other organizations that are so incredibly old. However I do know that whatever the case, the CC, though no longer quite so anti-zionist, is VERY anti-NWO. So that's the side I have picked.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by SirTFiedSkeptic

There is one living stream flowing as many currents from the same source, called Brahmavidya, "the sacred science". His name was Brahman. There is nothing anti-semitic about it, or anti-Islamic, anti-Christian or even anti-Buddhist.

I know, now I'm getting really cryptic. I'll post a few more clues, but I can't state it outright, it must be discovered on one's own, the truth.

One more clue - what and who did Saul of Tarsus encounter on the Road to Damascus around the year 36-40 AD, and what might that have to do with the "North Pole" allegorically speaking..?

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by SirTFiedSkeptic

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:34 PM
This is an easy one:

1) He's not dressed as Santa.

2) This isn't a conspiracy, so it doesn't belong in CiR.

3) Clearly ATS has gone 2 weeks without juvenile potshots at Catholicism and the Pope, so the OP had to get that in there. I mean, 2 weeks is the rule, right? Gotta get a shot in at least once every 14 days?

Happy to clear that up for you.


posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Here is another clue or piece of the puzzle for those who wish to investigate (and I'm not talking about the sins of the church here, or am I?).

from the discussion thread
Jesus is NOT a copy from Pagan religions! Those are lies! Do research and do not believe!

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Re: The Birth Of Christ

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by AQuestion

Listen, Jesus birth was mired in controversy and overlaid by myth. That they couldn't find a place to give birth might be true and that Mary was found pregnant, that Joseph wan't the father, yet who did not divorce Mary as might be the custom, also true. What would this tell us...

And perhaps the story of the Three Wise Men from the Orient, who "saw his star" might contain imbedded within it, another truth when viewed as an allegory of the myth overlaying his birth.

I think, or stongly suspect, that Jesus left his native land as a boy, went to the far east, and then returned later as a near-30 year old man and re-entered Jewish society through the Essenian sect, and in fact was initiated into the Jewish mysteries via John the Baptist (Jesus' cousin and an Essene), but was already a fully self-realized Bodhisatva by that point.

Connect the dots..

But it doesn't matter who Jesus of Nazareth was or how he came about, what matters is the "birth of Christ" and just who and what he became..


The bright morning star..

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by AQuestion

Think it through, and I don't want to demean Jesus' lineage here, because it's irrelevant to who he was and what he said and did, God bless him, and through him, us.

And Joseph might very well have been given his name in a dream from an angel, and the holy spirit might even have been present at his conception for all we know, as it may be in every case no matter what the circumstances. Just don't ask me to spell this out for you. You'd have to figure it out on your own.

For me this doesn't demean or detract from Jesus one iota, while perhaps creating even more sympathetic understanding, of the boy who went in search of his true fature, and FOUND HIM in God as the Absolute and who then made his return to a waiting John in the wilderness. It's very precious, the truth, better even by far than the myth.

Ok, here's a tip and a possible piece of the puzzle.

Re: the "Three Wise Men" or "Kings" from the Orient (far East)

The three living streams of Taoism/Buddhism are compliments of

Lao Tsu

time: approx 500 BC.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

The bright morning star..

Another clarification - by that I don't mean anything re: Lucifer.

Buddha, after 15 years or whatever, of meditating, at last "gave up" and then, with a feeling of impending enlightenment, he sat again, and was said to have seen the morning star, or venus, at the moment of his enlightenment.

As a motif or a symbol, it is the star of enlightenment, what I call the star of "isolate consciousness" (one with everything).

Take it as you will, but I've done my research from every angle and perspective, and this "groks" for me.

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Dear NewAgeMan,

I have absolutely no idea what your point is. Lets make is easy, did Jesus exist as a real person? Let us at least start with some common ground.

Ok, Let me spell it out.

Mary was a virgin when Joseph married her, but became pregnant, not by him. The society was under Roman oppression. Mary was not convicted of adultery, and Joseph did not divorce her, but stayed with her. Jesus was given the name "God saves" even possibly by a dream Joseph had in which he was instructed also NOT to divorce Mary. When it came time for Jesus, the baby boy, to be born, they were shut out, and were forced to have the birth in a barn. There is but one anecdote about Jesus as a boy, and then nothing until he springs onto the scene later with John the Baptist, his cousin and an Essenian Rabbi with unique understanding and methods. Jesus is then baptised, led into the desert, and returning, having overcome the devil, begins his ministry until his cricifixion on the cross as an atonement for all sin and evil, athough completely innocent and perfect (without having sinned). Three wise men or kings from the Orient supposedly herald his star and offer precious gifts at his "birth" ", which could mean another birth altogether.

To this day, one of the 12 days of Christmas is in celebration of The Three Wise Men from the East. It is called "Epiphany Sunday".

Deny Ignorance.

Best Regards,


"Oh Nicodemus, what is born of the flesh is flesh, but what is born of the spirit IS spirit!"

"Behold - woman (mother Mary) I make all things new!" [while carrying the cross] of sorrows...

"We know who OUR father is." (OUCH!)
~ Temple Priests

Then Jesus' mother and brothers came. They stood outside and sent a person in to tell Jesus to come out. Many people were sitting around Jesus. They said to him, "Your mother and brothers are waiting for you outside." Jesus asked, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" Then Jesus looked at those people sitting around him. He said, "These people are my mother and my brothers! My true brother and sister and mother are those people that do the things of God."
~ Mark 3:31-35

"The more that suffering has carved into our being, the more joy we can contain."
~ Kahlil Gibran

The initiator - John the Baptist

John answered them all, "I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
~ Luke 3:16

"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"
~ John 1:29

John the Baptist
by Leonardo Davinci

I am aware that this little thesis of mine does not cast the Roman Church in a very favorable light, from a whole host of angles and perspectives - from the time of Constantine to the present day, with Christ on the cross and his authority stolen, the womb of the mother of Jesus glorified in the deification of Mary, who's is demeaned in no way by what I've offered here, and who is blameless and therefore without shame, most certainly not in the son she bore and the prophecy he fulfilled quite literally to a t.

But in the fullness of time and history, there is nothing hidden which is not made known, and since the conversation about Jesus goes on, the triumph, his triumph remains with him, and through him with all who know him and who hear his voice (essential character), the Bridegroom's voice, who being the perfect gentlemen expresses only a non-coersive, unconditional love.

And so the love of Jesus, his true love, is made known throughout the nations, and who can stop love?

There is a woeful misunderstanding expressed here in this thread, about Jesus.

It is also very sad.

But when we are committed to denying ignorance, and are not unwilling to re-investigate free from any sort of contempt prior to investigation, sometimes we discover something that's all good on the other side of the duality of good and evil, something capable of moving us in favor of also having the courage to be true to our highest self who is reborn from above.

Thank you Jesus for your love and for your courage. You will not be forgotten, nor eliminated, nor excluded, hung on a cross while your authority from obediance to the all-good heavenly father of love, is stolen by wicked men and the whore of babyloon and used as a sword by which to slay the saints in the name of empire and a satanic system of might makes right, and of top down domination and submission - one which you stood against, and were crucified relative to.

The criticisms of the church are fair. The criticisms and denails of Jesus Christ, the reborn one, are not at all.

"And as my father first sent me, even so send I you."

Jesus is our brother people. He is simply the most courageous among us.

Read him again, now that some light has been shed on him as a real person, and look to the character there, reading between the lines and underneath the myth.

He deserves our love. He is worthy, trustworthy and true. Worthy is the lamb.

"I am the truth and the life."
~ Jesus (Yeshua)

"I have one commandment. Love one another as I have loved you."

Next Clue: Question (will require gospel reading):

What did a Roman soldier standing by as a witness to the crucifiction, and Nicodemus, both have in common?

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by BULLETINYOURHEAD

Woah stop shouting at us, man.

We can read just as well w/o all CAPS.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by BlueBanshee
I do not get this thread. It simply looks like some kind of bad joke.
How is this a conspiracy?

There's nothing to get. There is no conspiracy. This thread doesn't belong in CiR. There are stickies at the top of this sub-forum that explicitly state what is allowed to be posted here, but the OP has a problem with the Pope and or Catholicism, so there ya go.


posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by EricD

No I don't. You're assuming.

Also, I've now added enough info to suggest, in no uncerttain terms, a religious conspiracy. This thread is in the right place, believe me.

Please, keep an open mind..?

Don't be so quick to judge and to assume. Thanks.

Best Regards,


posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

It might help others to not jump to conclusions if you actually adhered to the rules of the forum. From the sticky by an ATS moderator at the top of this sub-forum:

"2. This forum is specifically for conspiracies in religion. Make the conspiracy clear in your opening post. Name the conspiracy theory, talk about the motives, effects, and methods. Don't make the conspiracy merely implicit."


posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by EricD

First of all, it's unusual to see the Pope dressed up as Santa near Christmas since he's supposed to be about other elements and other aspects of the season through the 12 days of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season and all that.

2nd, I posed it as a question to get imput from others as to the reason the Pope would be decked out as Santa.

and although perhaps not directly in the OP, I am indeed providing more and more info as we go, to show that this IS about a religious conspiracy, or most certainly points to one.

Again, you're jumping all over me here. Hold your horses, slow down. This could very well be extremely important, and contain vital information towards a newfound understanding as to the significance and meaning of Christmas itself, please keep an open mind, thanks.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by BlueBanshee
I do not get this thread. It simply looks like some kind of bad joke.
How is this a conspiracy?

A conspiracy involves secrets withheld.

There's a conspiracy here, a religious conspiracy, I assure you!

I left a clue in the OP, as to what I suspect it all means..

Here's another - who was Nicodemus?

And no, while there may have been a St. Nicholas, I do not believe for a moment that that's the whole story re: Santa from the North Pole, dressed in red and white, happy, jolly, with a white beard, welcoming children and blessing them, and listening to their secret wishes, hopes and dreams.

Resurrection and reincarnation also play a role in this allegory, I am convinced of it.

enough! I don't think I can or should say any more, and just leave it as a mystery to be plumbed and a riddle to be solved.


Merry Christmas!

Best Wishes to one and all!

Rudolf [aka NAM]

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

I hope you did not think I was getting on to you about anything. I really did not understand.
Does this have anything to do with the word goad?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by BlueBanshee
Does this have anything to do with the word goad?

Sure it does, yes.

Just imagine a very happy ending..

You might also want to consider the timeframe from the physical birth of Jesus Christ, to Saul's experience, how long would that have been, somewhere around 73 years maybe..?

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by BlueBanshee

For the purpose of this investigation, it's vital I think to establish the "big picture" frame of reference, so as not to detract from the depth of the meaning and significance of Christmas (setting aside the pagan holiday overlay of the date itself).

Consider, on the one hand, Buddha's release from all suffering through the collapse of the self and desire (attachment), and on the other hand, Jesus' (Yeshua Ben Yosef's) passion - to be two sides of the same coin.

and the statement/rheorical question "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?" to be a statement about essential character and passion/desire, not material gain.

We must also consider the originating place of Abraham, along with the meaning of his name.

still more clues

a speartip
a belt
a hyssop
the sign of Jonah, yet greater (not running away).

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:31 PM
Am a christian but i do not believe in christmas, to me its not the birth that is actually important but the death.
The catholic church has lost its way and now mislead its followers. Its now all symbolicism
Pope Santa...k.s

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Because St. Nicholas used to where that styled hat.

I really don't see how this is in any way strange. It is a northern European tradition. Of course, St Nick was in Turkey, so I don't exactly see how he got into North Europe. But he did.

Point is, there's nothing strange about it. And why a few bad angled pictures make it strange, is purely your own delusions.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by BlueBanshee
Does this have anything to do with the word goad?

risky, would be the other word I would use, and courageous, big time courageous, and ingenius, utterly ingenius, informed not by the way men think, but as God thinks (by inspired prophecy). Obediance would be another word. And of course Love, in this case a boundless love, willing to go to any lengths in pursuit of the one lost sheep.

the eye of a needle, and a water carrying camel passing through it. I think that ought to be sufficient.

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: word added

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

What of the north pole and all that, where did that come from?

Maybe I'm completely mistaken and am reading too much into it, or maybe I'm not and the St. Nick theme is actually a mythical mask for a deeper truth and understanding and historical significance involving Jesus Christ himself.

Edit: If anyone takes all the clues I've provided, and draws a certain type of conclusion, but is uncertain, I say this - go read through the gospels again, with a critical eye. It's there in a textual criticism of the gospels, both revealed and masked or hidden, at the same time.

The part snipped in the OP, with the Pope over the incense, mentioned something, a very fine highly quality mixture (amalgam) from the silk road to Kashmir. that's a vital clue, and it shouldn't have been removed even though it playfully mentioned a drug (although it was an allegory for something else).

Best Wishes,


Simon Peter said unto him, Lord, whither goest thou? Jesus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterwards.
~ John 13:36, KJV

edit on 10-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

What of the north pole and all that, where did that come from?

Thomas Nast, late 19th century.

Maybe I'm completely mistaken and am reading too much into it, or maybe I'm not and the St. Nick theme is actually a mythical mask for a deeper truth and understanding and historical significance involving Jesus Christ himself.

Santa Claus is what happens when a bunch of Odin worshiping pagans are taught about the saints.

The rest seems the source of some crazy baseless thinking.

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