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YES I AM special and ENTITLED to a life!!!

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

So here's where the fact that you are special and have a right to breathe the air starts to break down. When you start saying you have the right to an education or the right to transportation or the right to the work of your choice I say, Uh, no you don't. Nobody owes you. Mommy fed you and got you to the point where you could walk and talk on your own. But now Mommy is gone, and it's time to grow up.

I agree with all of what you said, but even Mr. Obama served a purpose to society as a Father and husband and he provided right well with what he has. Anyway the only issue is with that last paragraph, that is not what I was saying at all, I don't beleive in those last things you mentioned, and we do have the ability to grow our own food, Even harvesting our own seed...I do this with organic squash myself that I buy. It's when the government comes in and tells you you cannot grow that that I have an issue with, by that very act they are robbing me of my ability to provide myself with sustenance without feeding their idiot machine.
edit on 9-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by spacekc929
We are all entitled to all of those natural rights. But when our pursuit of our natural rights gets in the way of other's...

Let me give an example: clothing. Clothing keeps us warm during the cold and in general keeps the human being comfortable as well as covered. Yet, a lot of the clothing we buy comes from sweatshops. We buy 200 dollar sneakers from children who work for 2 dollars a day. Then those children do not get decent clothes, decent food, decent water, because we are buying into the system that keeps them oppressed and takes away their natural rights.

So yes, we are entitled to good things. But so are a lot of other people, and when our system hurts those other people, we are obligated to evaluate our own actions and see how we can assert the dignity of the most human beings possible. For me, I only shop at thrift stores now (one step away from simply sewing my own clothes...) because I refuse to directly support child labor in other countries anymore (though it sucks that I am still supporting the consumerism that leads people to buy those clothes in the first place, there is little I can do but go naked otherwise haha and I am sure no one wants that...)

I whole heartedly agree with you. Clothing aside, unfortunately we must be clothed or we can go to jail. But I would much rather buy it from a local business (USA made) but that's impossible to find anymore. It's sad really... I am not much of a seamstress myself.
I could get by but it'd look like something a first grader made lol. But I totally agree with you, I wish for all that to stop.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge

Yes we are entitled to be able to survive without manipulation and interference, and there is too many obstacles now for these minor standards to be free to all.

Food grows on land, true.However 7 billion people foraging for whatever grows by itself will eat it in matter of days. And cultivating crops takes an effort , why should anyone except the one who made this effort be entitled to whatever is produced.
And finally, what minor standards should be free for all? Can you please quantify what you are exactly entitled for free and who in your opinion has to provide for your needs.

I am entitled to the freedom to produce for myself without government interfering, and without corporations throwing a hissy fit about it :

AND I am entitled to if I want to take anything over what I use and donate it to those in need without being forced to destroy what I can not use or forced to hand over fiat money to provide for people that aren't even part of my immediate community.
edit on 9-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: to add

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by WilburMercer

Every human is entitled to adequate, nutritious food, clean water, clean air, shelter, heat, air conditioning, health care and freedom to create. These things are FREE, NO CHARGE. Why do we have to pay on a planet we were born on?

Heat? Air conditioning?? Use freedom to create to grow food, design stoves and air conditioners that do not pollute air and water. Your body needs things like water air and food to exist. It is your job to support it with those things.
Who exactly provided "free,no charge" air conditioning to people in stone age?
This is getting insane. Give me give me give me. I am entitled. No you are not. Work for yourself. If you want - work for others.

There again with all of these things lots of big government interference and lots of wah -wah from big corps because they will lose money (OH JESUS FORBID) if we do attempt to do this.
That's what I have a problem and an issue with.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
Sorry "snowflake":You've confused"unique" with "valuable"...
Life's a "beeotsch" but here's "the real skinny":

To use your example: Despite the obvious fact every single snowflake is indeed a unique "crystallization".
"Uniquely crystallized" water is is a very common form of water(i.e."snowflakes"). I have a few billion layered a foot deep on my driveway awaiting disposal.
"By the same logic":
Just as there are seven billion + (?) unique individuals in the world; If a business cannot put your "unique" mix to work at a profit( creating a value); there are 6,999,999,999 more unique individuals who perhaps better fit.

You have NO "birthright"
Mom was just being "nice"..except to breath on your own, for as long as you can).
edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: punctuation...

You totally missed the entire point the last line
A human's worth is not measured by the amount of money they make.
When this money system goes away... then what are you going to use to measure a human being's worth?
If everyone thought that way there would be no reasons for humanity to continue in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:44 PM
Every single person has a talent. Whether they are afforded the ability to achieve their full potential is another issue. Some never have the opportunity. Mine is computers and pretty much anything technical, I was the only member of my household when I was growing up that could program a VCR. I am just now able to achieve something with that talent. Also I am a talented writer, but who can wait to get published at the rate of 1 in 1 million ever getting that far? If these things were more easily achievable or the opportunity truly was equal, well then there's a lot more members of society that would be contributing to society. JMO.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

I am entitled to the freedom to produce for myself without government interfering, and without corporations throwing a hissy fit about it : AND I am entitled to if I want to take anything over what I use and donate it to those in need without being forced to destroy what I can not use or forced to hand over fiat money to provide for people that aren't even part of my immediate community.

Then i would say that you are totally correct and i misunderstood your point.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

I am confused. This thread talks about entitlements and having food for free at the expense of the time of the person that grew it.

Then the thread says people should be entitled to keep what they earn.

How do you reconcile the notion of keeping what you make/earn but being entitled to the fruits of others labor at no cost?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28

From what i understood from OP's last post is that entitlement is about growing your own food and do with it whatever one wishes with it later without government telling him/her/them/us what to do with it and how to do it and what to pay in order to be able to do it.
I have nothing against this idea.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

The government can't actually tell an individual person not to grow food for their own consumption. The notion that they can do this is a falsehood rooted in conspiracy theory.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28

The government can't actually tell an individual person not to grow food for their own consumption. The notion that they can do this is a falsehood rooted in conspiracy theory.

Then the government also agrees that OP is entitled to it. So all is well.

In reality i think that it has more to do with commercial issues - not personal consumption.Permits and safety regulations and similar things that favor big producers over small and mainstream over alternative/organic.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Let me start by saying that I am somewhat worried that the tone of my response may get lost in the great blue beyond (internet); I want you to read what I say as a part of this discussion and please do not think I am somehow attacking you by doing so.

That being said....

According to the OP what you've just said doesn't really matter. The OP says food should be free and that to me would entail the doing away of with all the regulations which you reference in your post. Regulations that right now do seem to create a hardship for small to medium sized farmers/producers which wish to sell their produce/products.

Since the OP feels food should be free I think my point still stands. How can food, which is produced by someone else, be free to all yet people should be able to retain the fruits of their labor. I see an unresolvable conflict there.

BTW nothing is stopping anyone from giving away food they grow. I regularly give a portion of my summer garden to a local food bank as a way of saying thanks for the blessing that my garden is. If I wanted to sell that food then some regulations get in the way but giving it away requires nothing more than generosity; something which is lacking in our current system and would still be lacking in a "keep the fruits of your own labor" society.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:20 PM
But ultimately this was supposed to be a philosophical thread btw.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

A point to remember: High-minded thought hardly ever puts the food on the table.

This needs a second line? No. I don't think so.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by 46ACE
Sorry "snowflake":You've confused"unique" with "valuable"...
Life's a "beeotsch" but here's "the real skinny":

To use your example: Despite the obvious fact every single snowflake is indeed a unique "crystallization".
"Uniquely crystallized" water is is a very common form of water(i.e."snowflakes"). I have a few billion layered a foot deep on my driveway awaiting disposal.
"By the same logic":
Just as there are seven billion + (?) unique individuals in the world; If a business cannot put your "unique" mix to work at a profit( creating a value); there are 6,999,999,999 more unique individuals who perhaps better fit.

You have NO "birthright"
Mom was just being "nice"..except to breath on your own, for as long as you can).
edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: punctuation...

You totally missed the entire point the last line
A human's worth is not measured by the amount of money they make.
When this money system goes away... then what are you going to use to measure a human being's worth?
If everyone thought that way there would be no reasons for humanity to continue in my opinion.

Of course I agree people have"intrinsic"worth separate from employment. I disagree o.p's "uniqueness" (a characteristic which we all share )
Entitles him/her to support ( free food/ power supplied by taking from others labor) "being special" AND a dollar bill will get you a cup of coffee.The only people who get by strictly on their looks are bad actors and strippers.
Free food: cattails are a wonderful multipurpose edible wild plant available throughout the u.s.. if he wants a "big mac"; he has to come up with some fiat currency.Air is still free ( so far). water in many places. Lakes/ponds./streams.If he wants hot/cold running municipal water service he needs to acquire some fiat currency.
Nobody prevents free food/water gathering in alot ( not all) of places. What's stopping you? Get your free stuff!

edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:04 PM
No, the OP is special alright! You see.. Im not special at all so I can see specialness when its there. I was making a thread last month and it posted randomly like hers did.. when I tried just to make another post under it to follow up with the video I posted without me finishing the text, I not only got a snotty post from a stalker member.. I got the thread locked by a nice mod. So yes.. she is very very special..and Im kinda like a lonely UNspecial loogie on the sidewalk in ATS land apparently!!!

Just jokin.. well, not really its all true.. so ..erm.. carry on.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28

because it got hijacked, but it really wasn't the point. I let it get hijacked it is supposed to be philosophical though hence why it's here.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by 46ACE
Sorry "snowflake":You've confused"unique" with "valuable"...
Life's a "beeotsch" but here's "the real skinny":

To use your example: Despite the obvious fact every single snowflake is indeed a unique "crystallization".
"Uniquely crystallized" water is is a very common form of water(i.e."snowflakes"). I have a few billion layered a foot deep on my driveway awaiting disposal.
"By the same logic":
Just as there are seven billion + (?) unique individuals in the world; If a business cannot put your "unique" mix to work at a profit( creating a value); there are 6,999,999,999 more unique individuals who perhaps better fit.

You have NO "birthright"
Mom was just being "nice"..except to breath on your own, for as long as you can).
edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: punctuation...

You totally missed the entire point the last line
A human's worth is not measured by the amount of money they make.
When this money system goes away... then what are you going to use to measure a human being's worth?
If everyone thought that way there would be no reasons for humanity to continue in my opinion.

Of course I agree people have"intrinsic"worth separate from employment. I disagree o.p's "uniqueness" (a characteristic which we all share )
Entitles him/her to support ( free food/ power supplied by taking from others labor) "being special" AND a dollar bill will get you a cup of coffee.The only people who get by strictly on their looks are bad actors and strippers.
Free food: cattails are a wonderful multipurpose edible wild plant available throughout the u.s.. if he wants a "big mac"; he has to come up with some fiat currency.Air is still free ( so far). water in many places. Lakes/ponds./streams.If he wants hot/cold running municipal water service he needs to acquire some fiat currency.
Nobody prevents free food/water gathering in alot ( not all) of places. What's stopping you? Get your free stuff!

edit on 9-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

you are still missing the point that was never stated that I am entitled to anything free, I am entitled to the equal pursuit therepf, but the main point of the topic is that unlike a "snowflake" we can have the ability to perform a piano concerto etc...

Holy Jesus did this not go into the METAPHYSICAL/Philosophy section or have I lost my blessed mind????

edit on 9-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: (no reason given)

Good God almghty people look at where the thread is placed...and tell me when a dolphin can sing opera or a dog perform cpr TYVM.

edit on 9-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: add

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
No, the OP is special alright! You see.. Im not special at all so I can see specialness when its there. I was making a thread last month and it posted randomly like hers did.. when I tried just to make another post under it to follow up with the video I posted without me finishing the text, I not only got a snotty post from a stalker member.. I got the thread locked by a nice mod. So yes.. she is very very special..and Im kinda like a lonely UNspecial loogie on the sidewalk in ATS land apparently!!!

Just jokin.. well, not really its all true.. so ..erm.. carry on.

Sorry to hear that.
But you are special there are things you excel in I am sure and nobody has the same group of talents/ personality you do, and ultimately nobody is all "Bad" for society and no person is all "good" for society but every single person has an ability to provide society and the right to pursue that without being told "That won't get you a job" in the end it doesn't matter if it does if you're happy and if you have the passion for it. Money nor possessions can be taken to the other side, and for the atheists well it really aint coming with you then!!!
edit on 9-12-2011 by ldyserenity because: spelling & add.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

You say it perfectly and I agree totally. S/F and thank you for some common sense and truth.

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