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The ULTIMATE expression of ignorance -- "Pics or it didn't happen"

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
To say an event did not happen because you didn't see photographic evidence is IGNORANT. Your inability to "get it" is evidence enough for me to know that you don't have the logic splitting ability that others have. Thus, you need a photo to prove something to yourself because it's quick, easy and requires little or no thought. You can't simply ask questions, ask for details, and then decide. No, your category of intelligence is satisfied only with a picture. Who needs to THINK past that, right?

Needs Anger Management - Exhibit B cause you OBVIOUSLY MAD.

For this I have provided a photo

You obviously missed the part earlier about it being an old internet joke AND the whole people could be lying or dis-info agents thing, it's okay though, stay mad Jr.

You can have fun dissecting & questioning EVERY SINGLE evidence-lacking UFO sighting written here by Unknown Random Joe alone, you'll be busy a LOOOOOOONG time though, busy enough that you may aswell make a career out of it.
That sort of commitment is ofcourse NOT realistic at all so I'll stick to the ones with SOME EVIDENCE.

Ofcourse SOME of those people without pics MIGHT be telling the truth BUT the WORDS of single Unknown Random Joe are NOT enough, not for a non-gullible person anyways, so it is IRRELEVANT. Without ANY evidence it may aswell be as if it didn't happen, POIDH is an old internet joke that expresses this, it's NOT meant to be taken so seriously. YOU are the one lacking the "logic splitting ability" to recognize this, especially after it's been explained multiple times.

It's not about a lack of thought or being "quick and easy" Jr, it's about EVIDENCE, which the words of a LONE person are NOT, and it's about not being so easily fooled. Remember, a picture is worth a THOUSAND words.

Edit - Also, as multiple people have already said "Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary evidence", you CANNOT debate this, and the WORDS alone of Random Joe are no where NEAR extraordinary enough.
edit on 8-12-2011 by Ashertron because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:08 PM
There are a lot of ideas that come to mind about this. First off, majority of the people that want proof of it, have just never seen it, so they will rule it out until they actually witness it. What is the point in trying to get someone to see a color they don't even know exists? They will only see the color when the color presents itself to them.

I have seen "many" sitings throughout my life. Very few of them have been the same as previous sitings, and 90% of them have been nothing at all of anything I have ever seen in a picture or a video to date. I have looked at thousands of pictures and videos, and not even close yet, with the exception of one, which is was an orb, and I am not even sure that was something that was not man made.

Many of my sitings I am not even sure of what I saw, and majority of them I am not convinced they were something from out of this world. I am completely open to the fact that much of what I have seen can be some advanced technology man made, but I would like to believe otherwise. The door is open for speculation though.

Then there are the ones that I know beyond a shadow of doubt of what I was looking at was the real thing. There is no doubt in my mind what I saw, and it was presented to me in a way to make me sure that what I was looking at was the real deal. I have no need to go out and prove it to anyone, get a picture of it, or convince others of what I saw. I know for fact, and that is all that counts.

I also believe that 90% of the pictures and videos out there are completely fake, and probably a higher percentage. Maybe not fake from the author in all cases, but presented fake to the author as well. I don't know how I know these things, but I just know inside when I see it that it isn't the real deal at all. What would a perfectly still and clear video or picture prove anyways? I have seen plenty of movies that show stuff that seem more real to me than reality, so there is always going to be doubt with proof of these types anyway.

I also believe many sightings are mistaken visuals of something else. Most of the people have confused what they saw as an optical illusion into something they either want to believe or now believe because the eyes have played tricks on them. I know just based off the stories I have read, listened to, or talked with people about, that they never referenced any of the key things that I KNEW when I had my real sightings. They just talked about something they saw in the sky and believed. However, there is another group of folks who I absolutely believe because they talk about it the same way I do. When the real deal comes, you just know inside, deep down inside, like someone or something is directly talking to you, or planting something in you to make you aware that what you are looking at is real. There are many folks who talk this way, and those are the ones I believe 100%. I am not doing it justice in my writing here of what I mean, but they know what I mean. Those folks I believe any day of the week over some video or picture someone offers as proof. I base this off of having multiple sightings and not even being convinced on most of them, except 2 or 3 of them I knew at a different and deeper level this was it for sure, and the others could of been some type of optical illusion or man made that I was perceiving as something different.

With all that said as a witness myself, I think this whole movement on disclosure is one of the funniest things I have ever heard of in my life. Even if advanced civilizations were in contact with the government at all (which I am not convinced of yet), it will be disclosed when "they" want to disclose it. Not because a few ten thousand or so Americans sign a petition at the White House. Some of them actually believe in their hearts their efforts is bringing it closer. Such a sad mistake in thinking that way. Nothing will be presented to us by any actions or means of our own at all period! If they want to disclose it, it will be disclosed when whatever feels the time is right. The same goes for trying to convince the non-believers. It's all pointless and a lot of wasted energy IMO!

I have no reason to get up on a box and fight for disclosure, prove to another human being what I saw, or anything of the like. It's all ridiculous effort on the part of people that really can't see the bigger picture. Most of the people fighting for it are not even what you think they are anyway
I rarely ever talk about my experiences just because they are my experiences anyway. In fact, I never even really shared about them at all because there is absolutely no expected value in it for me. I think the crusades of people trying to prove it is just a big joke on ALL of us anyway. There is absolutely no reason to run around screaming, "wolf, wolf, wolf..." until the wolf is actually here.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:13 PM
The character of a human being is a conglomerate of other peoples characters. mimic.

The key is to find original self. Its there....just have to find it.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

That key is mentioned a lot. Nobody seems to want to point out where the key hole is though

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
The key is to find original self. Its there....just have to find it.

Needs more vague.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:11 AM
Believing what someone tells you just because you like them, know them or "feel" like they are credible, is the same as just being plain ole' gullible.

Of course the court system takes testimonial evidence into account. Unfortunately, the court of science has (and should have!) higher standards. Photos and videos haven't really meant a whole lot of anything in the way of proving something as serious as the existence of ETI.

It has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not somebody believes we are alone in the universe. That's moot. Any good scientist is VERY open to the possibility.

Believers are called believers for a reason. They are definitely not "knowers."

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:24 AM
Oh well in that case... I spoke with God in the park today. No one else was there, I cannot prove it but don';t dare say it didn't happen....

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:51 AM
To say prove it with a pic or vid is as ignorant as saying there is no life outside this planet.

1. A UFO is exactly that, an object, which is flying, which can not be identified by the person or persons viewing at the time.
2. This does NOT mean it's extratorestrial.
3. A picture or video of the event proves NOTHING! It doesn't even prove the written account as the written account could be fabricated to fit the so called evidence.
4. If you are in any doubt there is life out there... Well let's just say you have way too much catching up to do. Plain and simple you aint gonna make it.
5. SETI is a joke! Ask any of the 300+ people with first hand experience involved in Dr S Greer's project. And if you seek credibility, they have it in abundance.
6. Not only do they exist, not only are they here, they have been for millions... YEPPER millions of years.
7 Just because we are infants in the Cosmic scale of things doesn't mean everything else is, which brings me back to 4.
8. The existence of life other than our own is NO threat to faith. Religion however, well that's a bigger joke than decalring doubt on 4.

"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
... That would be blindly believing in something, and that would be a closed-minded approach to UFOs.

IMO blindly believing in something is so close minded as blindly believing in nothing!

Bouth cases are a exemple of a kinda of faith or just a believe

The guy that never believe in nothing with out proofs is a perfect case of ignorance also. because at the least he will need to believe in something at a certain degree to start digging and evenctualy discover some truth.

Just sit and ask for proofs will lead to nowhere neither brings or help a good debate.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 04:15 AM
The same people who ask for evidence are the same people who will deny its authenticity if and when you produce evidence. If you don't produce evidence you are "probably lying" and if you do it is "a hoax" that some forumn moderator will move to the trash bin.

Really sad since the sword cuts both ways FOR the ptb, who would like nothing else then to have the ignorant masses continue taking religions seriously so they can eventually trigger ww3 and depopulate "us useless eaters".

The only ones that are ****useless eaters**** are the ptb. They compromise of the bankers, military industrial complex, big pharma, infiltrated by evil governments and major world bodies, international capitalists, etc.

The DUMBs do not have enough room for everyone so they are making sure only the best traitors are taken care of, so they have to dumb down everyone else as much as possible so they can get away with their crimes. The ptb however are not alone, they have sold themselves to the draconian elite as the saying goes "sell your soul to the devil".

Hopefully their days are numbered and their punishment will be adequate!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Visiting ESB


Its stupid because we all know that most people on this website comehere with made up stories, fact and the mojority once asked for pictures or videos, have nothing and run off.

Pictures and videos or proof of something helps you become a credible source, not to say someone with nothing isnt but someone with nothing to someone who has, isnt going to be winked at and for good reason.


Words dont get us anywhere when it relies purely on evidence.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
The same people who ask for evidence are the same people who will deny its authenticity if and when you produce evidence. If you don't produce evidence you are "probably lying" and if you do it is "a hoax" that some forumn moderator will move to the trash bin.

Really sad since the sword cuts both ways FOR the ptb, who would like nothing else then to have the ignorant masses continue taking religions seriously so they can eventually trigger ww3 and depopulate "us useless eaters".

The only ones that are ****useless eaters**** are the ptb. They compromise of the bankers, military industrial complex, big pharma, infiltrated by evil governments and major world bodies, international capitalists, etc.

The DUMBs do not have enough room for everyone so they are making sure only the best traitors are taken care of, so they have to dumb down everyone else as much as possible so they can get away with their crimes. The ptb however are not alone, they have sold themselves to the draconian elite as the saying goes "sell your soul to the devil".

Hopefully their days are numbered and their punishment will be adequate!

Normally the reason for not believing pictures provided once, provided are because they normally always look obviously fakery made up mocks. This is just what has happened for years now, now if you or anyone brought something that was real, it would have a real eeriness to it, it would make the onlooker know this is in fact real, we never get that though, do we when pictures are produced, its just never any good.

Real claims normally come packed with real proof, undeniable proof and to make this thread just shows that even now, instead of realizing we have seen no good information produced for so many years we delude ourselves to now making out that all information ever spoke about without evidence could be all real.

What a bunch of jokers.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Umbra Sideralis

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
... That would be blindly believing in something, and that would be a closed-minded approach to UFOs.

IMO blindly believing in something is so close minded as blindly believing in nothing!

Bouth cases are a exemple of a kinda of faith or just a believe

I don't "Not" believe in alien visitation. What I mean is I have never said "I am 100% sure that aliens are NOT visiting the Earth". I don't know of any good skeptic who has ever said that.

A good skeptic would never say that. That skeptic may say "There isn't enough evidence to convince me that aliens ARE visiting the Earth", but that is a different thing altogether than saying "The evidence convinces me aliens are NOT visiting".

There is no way to prove that something is NOT happening. That's called "proving a negative", and there is really no logical way to prove a negative. A good skeptic knows that.

So -- yeah. I would say that the good skeptics are definitely more open minded than the blind believers. That's not to say that "bad" skeptics don't exist. They do exist. But the bad skeptics are more similar to the blind believer in as much as both of them are so stubborn that they have pre-conceived notions that no amount of evidence can ever change.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:24 AM
I'm having problems with statements like "most UFO are not ET" (Phage)

It may be true nowadays...but what about numerous credible historical evidence? How do you explain away those, when there was no secret military projects to blame on.

People have been drawing, painting, writing distinctly recognizable things, we today call UFO's, for thousands of years. Some where painted, some were engraved in stone, some on pillars of ancient temples.

What were most UFO sightings 100-200 years ago? Certainly not terrestrial. If anything, they were divine...

We need to understand...that we know jack# about the universe. We think we know...we think we understand. But we accept only those things that our feeble comprehension can withstand.

We need to keep an open mind for unbelievable things. Everything that we accomplished as a race has been at some point first imagined by somebody. Imagined, and until that moment it was unimaginable...Sci-Fi

Pyramids (Giza) are a perfect example, and thank god they are still here to remind us, that we really know so little. According to our calculations, they shouldn't be there, because we know. They didn't have tools or the technology to do it. Yet they are spite of our arrogance.

We need to be humble in our own thinking. Accept possibilities, accept fantasy as a possibility. Your mind will adapt more easily to new paradigms...which are no doubt coming, almost every day.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:39 AM
Sometimes you just have to realize that you're tossing your pearls to swine and make a choice about it. Some experiences are good to keep secret or only share with those who are encouraging and accepting. Spiritual experiences are an example. One can be traumatized by the ridicule, criticism and labeling so easily lavished upon them when they present a version of reality that others cannot comprehend.

I still say, "Pics or it didn't happen!" is a joke tinged with a bit of sarcasm, but too much of a cliche' to taken seriously. I've come to expect it online.

A guy was arguing with his girlfriend about this very phrase, "Pics or it didn't happen!" She got frustrated with his stubbornness and smacked him upside the head. He cried out and scolded her for being so aggressive. She said, "Pics or it didn't happen!"

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
I've seen credible members ridiculed, mocked, called a liar for not having pictures of their UFO, ET, or paranormal experience. Such demand for photographic evidence is ignorant and displays intellectual dishonesty by the one demanding such evidence.

ignoring the sworn testimony of professional astronauts to the united nations is also evidence of the promotion of ignorance and displays intellectual dishonesty by the ones ignoring said testimony, imo.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Do you have any pics to prove your statements?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Although I agree with the basic topic started, if you check out detailed studies on group trials; eyewitness testimony is mostly terrible. It's scary to think that there are people sitting on Death Row, heck hundreds of people excecuted by the US justice system as well based on eyewitness testimony alone.

But to say "pics or it didn't happen" in this day and age..., is ignorant. Anything can be faked.

For me it really only comes down to my beliefs, what *I* see, and whom I trust to take for "their word".

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:43 AM
Is it bonkers in here or what? Is it some sort of evil now to provide at least the most basic form of evidence? Where would the scientific method be right now if it followed the OP's logic?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Dystopiaphiliac
Is it bonkers in here or what? Is it some sort of evil now to provide at least the most basic form of evidence? Where would the scientific method be right now if it followed the OP's logic?

If a scientist has made certain observations that provides support for one of his theories, that scientist no longer needs to provide any evidence to back up those observations. It is now enough to take the word of the scientist.and simply trust him when he says that the methods he used to make those observations were valid, and his observations were correct.

Obviously I was being sarcastic in the paragraph above, but this is a similar situation. There could be a perfectly honest scientist out there who makes a perfectly honest observation using methodology that he, himself feels was perfectly valid and correct -- HOWEVER, there is no way science will accept those observations without evidence that the scientist actually used a valid methodology. Or else, the scientist may have mistakenly made incorrect observations.

I the case of a UFO observation, additional evidence such as a picture or video would go a long way in helping to validate what a person THINKS they saw. Like I said before, human perception is a relative and subjective thing. Physical evidence or a photo or video can help make a sighting a more objective thing rather than a subjective thing.

Without additional evidence beyond what the witness says they saw, then the sighting is simply a subjective thing, and we are all at the mercy of the eyewitness, hoping that eyewitness did not make an incorrect observation.

edit on 12/9/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

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