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Quebec teenager commits suicide after alleged long-term bullying

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:38 PM
This is so sad, I wonder how the bully are feeling after this. The culture of Intimidation in school needs to stop.
Rest in peace Marjorie Raymond.

QUEBEC — A 15-year-old Quebec girl committed suicide this week after years of bullying from her schoolmates. Marjorie Raymond killed herself on Monday in Ste-Anne-des-Monts, a small town in Quebec’s Gaspesie region. In a suicide letter released by her mother, the young girl blamed her schoolmates for her distress and noted she couldn’t handle the bullying that had been going on for three years any longer. “I have a hard time leaving this world, but I think it will be for a better world,” Raymond wrote in the letter. “It’s the fault of the jealous people who only want to destroy our happiness,” added the girl, before asking for her mother’s forgiveness for taking her own life.

Quebec teenager Marjorie Raymond commits suicide after alleged long-term bullying

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by samsamm9

This was some very sad news when I read it.

Her bullies even created a facebook after her death to mock her. Disgusting behavior.

A Facebook page mocking the teen's death surfaced on the Internet on Wednesday. One user posted a picture of a bloodied young woman slumped against a wall. As well, the webpage's main photo is a cartoon depicting a man hanging himself.


edit on 30-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Doesn't help growing up in the RX generation completely surrounded by violence and noise.

When I was younger (6 or 7) I cracked my sisters head open with a small log while she was destroying my snow fort. As soon as I did it I basically broke down crying fearing that I may have killed her, while she went off to the hospital.

I don't think these kids would of reacted the same way.....
In my opinion it starts with proper parenting.

My condolences to the family of this tragedy.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:15 PM
That is so sad, my heart breaks for this girl, May God have her in his loving arms and bless her family and help them cope.

I too was bullied so bad as a child, I have constant alternating exotropia, looks like a lazy eye, and I was so bullied that once the entire class cornered me and whipped me with jump ropes and bouncy balls, this went on from 3rd grade till graduation, I went to 5 different schools and it was the same every where, I dont think it ever looked that bad, my pic is on my profile I am looking from the side and you cant see it, I can control it also but I have trouble making eye contact in fear people will notice. but as a kid I remember watching the video by pearl jam, I think it was jeremy, and when that kid entered the class there were times when I would shut my eyes and imagine beating all of them badly, but I never did nor would I of done that, but there were times I felt so bad especially when I was 13 and I was followed home and bombarded with insults I felt like dying.
I was happy I have 3 older brothers who tried to stop it and eventually everyone was afraid of my brothers would come after them that the bullying slowed down. But I feel for this girl and this is something that affects me even to this day. could be why I cant make eye contact and have low self esteem, I can't imagine now with this technology and the internet how bad it could of been, Im glad this stuff wasn't around when I was a kid.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:21 PM
Sorry, but I cannot find it inside myself to feel for this child.
I grew up and never took my life, none of my childhood friends did either, none of my children nor their friends either.
Was this girl on unneeded meds, or just wired wrong, there are many things we will never be told.
I understand a teenage girl had her life story on the web, as proof she had a page, probably more, I saw the fishfaced pose she did...
Maybe her parents could have paid more attention or kept her from being on the web.
Might I suggest an "internet drivers license" for those who cannot handle the treacherous curves on the web?
Dunno, I do not have the answers but I know a troll is only as real as you allow them to be, if they manifest in the "real world" there are legal avenues to approach.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by g146541

You compassion overwhelms me. Bullying isn't new. Suicide from it isn't either but this is the digital age. The young are more influenced by it than us old farts. It's constant. I've seen this bullying first hand.... in adults. I had a coworker who was gay, corrections isn't the nicest place for a gay guy. He committed suicide about 5 years ago because of the bullying. If an adult can't handle this type of thing what makes one think a teen can. You need to look outside of your own limited perspective.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by g146541
Sorry, but I cannot find it inside myself to feel for this child.
I grew up and never took my life, none of my childhood friends did either, none of my children nor their friends either.
Was this girl on unneeded meds, or just wired wrong, there are many things we will never be told.
I understand a teenage girl had her life story on the web, as proof she had a page, probably more, I saw the fishfaced pose she did...
Maybe her parents could have paid more attention or kept her from being on the web.
Might I suggest an "internet drivers license" for those who cannot handle the treacherous curves on the web?
Dunno, I do not have the answers but I know a troll is only as real as you allow them to be, if they manifest in the "real world" there are legal avenues to approach.

were you tortured as a child by bullies?, and if so was there anything your parents could of done to stop it?, my parents tried, but they couldn't physically cover the mouths of these children who bullied me, my brothers tried too, it mentally F*CKS you up, let me give you an example, 8th grade, that summer I blossomed, started 8th grade determined to be a new person, my Mom did my hair, I wore cuter clothes and wore a smidgen of make up, went to school with confidence, that day a boy approached me and said, "WOW, can I tell you something?, I said what, thinking he was gonna say something positive to me, he responded, "slowly and loud for everyone to hear, YOU...ARE...SO....F*CKING UGLY, everyone laughed, let me tell you something, THAT DESTROYED ME, that was horrible, so don't ever put opinion into something if you have no idea about it, and how dare you say you don't feel for a child, were you not born with a soul?, shame on you.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by intrepid

You may be right but teens have an untapped resource.
If any of my kids came to me and told me they had a problem, I was at the school or the opposite parents house and talking to someone.
It did not hurt that my kids were involved in after school activities football, wrestling, band, Etc.
I know and knew all of the faculties, I helped coach and was an integral part of my childrens life.
I know some folks must work, but hey so did I, but I made time.
When a boss attempted to bully me, I advised that "I was looking for a job when I found this one, and maybe I should take my rolodex and call MY customers".
This allowed me the time I needed to raise my kids and I was still able to nearly literally work myself to death.
I think the problem is not bullying but a lack of parental interaction.
Sure, did my wife embarass the kids in front of their schoolmates, yeah!!
But it was a tremendous boon every time the kids schoolmates told them, "gosh, I wish my parents were as cool as yours".
Our house was the hangout for the kids after school or on tournament/recital/concert weekends, a staging point of sorts.
Bottom line, if you want your kid to live, get interested.
But somebody will attempt to make "bullying" the BIG reason, I say bull.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by g146541

if they manifest in the "real world" there are legal avenues to approach.

Kind of get the impression some school admins and parents really dropped the ball here. I really don't have much sympathy for online bullying victims... turn off your computer. Being bullied at school is a different matter altogether though. Teachers and staff had to be aware. Probably just let it slide. Sad story.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:52 PM
also, when there is a physical issue such as my eyes, after school activities, sports, anything didn't stop them, it just added more to the list, kids can be very cruel.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Domo1

Not admins, just parents.
Like I said, if there was a problem I was knocking on doors.
But yeah, definately turn off the computer and get a life if needed.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by g146541

Yes and I understand that. That is why this old fart has a FB account. So I can stay apprised as to what's going on in their real and digital lives. They DO cross over. Was this girls parents as adept in technology? Did they have the time to be so with the constraints of todays economy? Just because you survived adolescence doesn't mean you are stronger. It means you had a better support system in place. This girl didn't. That should be mourned, not poopooed.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by hapablab

5 of my 6 wore glasses and had their Mpthers eyes.....very screwed sight.
Are you blind?
My wife is a special ed teacher, I would wager her students problems are a bit more advanced than most.
Yet, they laugh and play and act like teenagers.
They want no pitty, they believe they have it all.
Us "normal" folk are the handicapped ones.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
Kind of get the impression some school admins and parents really dropped the ball here. I really don't have much sympathy for online bullying victims... turn off your computer.

I'm going out on a limb here. You're an adult right? You have NO idea that the digital world and RL cross over all the time. Especially with the younger generation. Btw, save your sympathy. Todays youth needs more than narrow minded codswallow.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Agreed, but you know as well as I do.
Freinds only cost you time.
But the return is priceless.
Maybe you are right on the poopoo, but that is just the grumpy ole fart talking.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 04:59 PM
Also before you jump on the parents, sometimes kids don't tell their parents about the bullying, I didn't for a long time because its embarrassing, we keep it locked in and lie and fight not to go to school, that's what I did, I didn't say anything until 7th grade, that's when my parents tried, for 4 years no one knew. this poor girl, my heart breaks for her.

and the teachers I had all sucked, except 2, 2 did their best to stop it, I will never forget them, the rest said, what ever.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 05:03 PM
I don't think anyone truly understands what it feels like for a child to be bullied on a daily basis, unless they have experienced it themselves. There is no support at a public school. They go home and it starts all over the next day. It's very, very sad.
edit on 30-11-2011 by Onboard2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by hapablab

This is why you MUST be proactive.
Do not ask questions, TAKE information.
Like I said, the kids friends came to us as much as they did their own folks, heck maybe more.
We were the cool parents, it is neat how the veil drops amongst parents who have kids involved in like minded activities.
For parents there is no caste system, I got along with doctors and lawyers burger jockeys, Etc.
Because we had common pride.
All because of this we parents had a valuable network of our own, kind of like a school mafia if you will.

Another thing I would like to add is we do not know if this child was on meds or was in some type of therapy.
Fact: If you are not sick before you see the therapist, you are after. It's their business.
Holy cow, the therapist helped me drudge up all of these things I never forgot, and never knew, but these meds will save me.
We have a tremendous problem with mental health, probably 95% of the people who get it don't need it.
edit on 30-11-2011 by g146541 because: to add.

(Further Edit)

Think back to when you were in high school and the football or band parents, "boosters".
Notice how even the geeky ones were cool people, that is what I was refering to as there is no caste.
Geek is cool and ok if you're an adult.
Just an afterthought I wanted to send.
edit on 30-11-2011 by g146541 because: more info.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by intrepid

I'm going out on a limb here. You're an adult right?

I am. I grew up (make your jokes!) online though.

You have NO idea that the digital world and RL cross over all the time.

Im aware of this. If someone is bullying you delete them off your Facebook account or what have you. No reason to put up with the abuse when you can block it. I still feel bad for people that are harassed online, but I think they have some control (as in complete) over how much they have to take. I suppose my opinion here was driven more by my fear that soon it will be illegal to say anything bad about anyone without legal action being taken. Slippery slope etc...

Btw, save your sympathy.

I feel genuine sympathy for the girl and her loved ones. It's a sad state of affairs when someone feels so unloved that they would rather die than live another day.

Todays youth needs more than narrow minded codswallow.

Why are you talking about fish/bird hybrids?

edit on 30-11-2011 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-11-2011 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by samsamm9

This is indeed sad and the fact that it is not an isolated case makes it all the more sadder.
Sensitivity is a gift and when sensitive Young people are too wounded to continue is a sad reflection of society.

We as a society are all demeaned by the death of a Child. We have given the youngsters a world of technology and some use it for its intended purpose - to communicate and share knowledge and information. Others use it as a weapon. There is no surprise that many Children use technology as a weapon as they have known war and violence all their lives - everyday on the news and in movies and music videos.

I hope the young girl is at peace and in a place where she can guide the rest of us.

Much all the victims of bullies...

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