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Barack Obama accused by two men of inappropriate behavior

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I find the accusations here absurd myself. It's also getting well beyond the point of bad taste that every candidate to include Obama himself is now targeted with sexual innuendo. Oh this is going to be a nasty election cycle if this is just the opening weeks of it.

There is A LOT I want to know about his time at Harvard and other parts of his background where records are sealed or just "not available"....but I can't believe that a manufactured and groomed candidate like Obama seems to have been would have something that deviant and easy to eventually become public in his background. It just doesn't compute.

IF by some chance a thing like this DID exist, it seems to me that a man like Obama with the full team he's always had backing his every play would have bought off or silenced this kind of thing before he ran in 07-08. Nope...this just makes no sense on the face of it for something we just now hear about.

However, it's now been Perry, Cain and Obama being smeared with this ugly brush......wouldn't it be nice if sexual lives could be left out of presidential politics unless it's some sexual criminal act, and one with that makes it to national election level anyway. Thanks for the thread though...It does show how ugly it's going to be.

I haven't heard a smear against Ron Paul. The only attempt I heard against him in 08 was an accusing of racial comments that were never specified from a magazine he owned a stake in.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by GoldenRuled
Wah hah hah hah hah hah! I don't know if this is true or not, but I just had to share it with you guys here. Yes it's a blog, but it's a major defamation lawsuit if it's a lie.

Good find OP but the fact another gay man talked of smoking crack while performing oral on Obama made no never mind, I don't see the media going any place with this one. The media is in fact just a mouth piece for big business and will only bash who they are told to. A couple of other gay men that made allegations against obama turned up murdered but maybe obama is all used up by the NWO and they will let the dogs have him.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:29 PM
I wouldn't put it past Obama or any other political figure (Republican or Democrat). Skull & Bones engage in homosexual behavior as an initiation into the "club". I'm pro-whatever your sexual orientation is so I'm not bashing your choice of point is these lying scum politicians sit on the Hill not giving gay rights to the people and behind closed doors they're engaging in gay acts (Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner's wife - just saying it's the gals too...Napolitano) is an interesting article about our President and the 3 gay men in his life that were murdered prior to his Presidential run and fixed election...

Obama and 3 Men


posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by GoldenRuled

True...They haven't tried a sexual smear on Ron Paul. They just media block the fact he even exists whenever they can get away with it...and marginalize him when they can't avoid acknowledging he's alive. I guess they figure the sex card is a little overkill in his case.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

They haven't tried a sexual smear on Ron Paul.

OMG you don't remember the Bruno-Ron Paul gay sex scandal?

In RP's defense he did say afterwards he should have punched Bruno in the face.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Wow... No.. I missed that entirely. After looking up some stories about it, it's interesting to see. People doing these ambush stunts are going to get hurt one of these days. Isn't this the same guy that did something equally inappropriate to Eminem in a public venue? ...maybe that was someone else. Anything "Bruno" was something I tuned out...and I'll leave it there before I get myself in trouble.

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