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Question: What information do we know from Alien Abductees' experiences?

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by A51Watcher

Nice attempt at insulting...but kinda failed..

What available evidence...stories?, because there is not physical evidence or anything...

Look if you choose to believe in men from mars, fairies and other such least provide some proof to back up your claims.

Military personal, government officials and other supposedly important people do not cut it for me,,,why?..because you can have the same type of people telling you the exact opposite.

So until there is evidence to back up claims...your belief is based on faith and faith alone.

By the way I have studied this phenomenon and the result....nothing to it. Talked with people, went out to supposedly abducted sites..all over the world, and even filmed a supposed abduction..two to be exact...first one...had camera watching house...nothing all night..not even a camera glitch..yet this person claimed they were abducted. Second in room..different person claimed they were abducted....guess what...nothing but restless sleep.

Your much have you studied a few websites/books, watch YouTube vids and read blogs?
Get out and do your own research, then you will see.

I'll be waiting for evidence but will not hold my the way Youtube vids, blogs and websites will not do.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by A51Watcher

I've been going round in circles with clueless deniers for days now. They refuse to look at the facts.

Being sceptical is NOT ignoring evidence. Being sceptical is NOT pretending evidence does not exist. Being sceptical in NOT only accepting evidence that fits you delusional, spoon fed, pseudo-sceptical, irrational belief system.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by A51Watcher

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni

...The problem is, most of them involve hypnotically-retrieved "memories."

And what about the ones that DONT??

And what about the ones witnessed by outsiders not involved in the event?

And what about multiple independent confirmation from others after a multiple abduction event?

Haven't got that far in your book yet?

You're misunderstanding me. I agree with you on those points. The problem is that most of the literature wherein beings talk to people (outside of ye olde contactee books, which are crap) involve hypnosis. I can't think of any that don't--which is why I think we need to start the study over again.

I'm not arguing that there is nothing to any of it. Hell, I'm an experiencer. I know there's something to it. I'm just saying that if you're asking for books where there is an interaction, words spoken by these beings, and so forth, you'd be hard-pressed to find one untainted by hypnosis. And so, you can't turn to the literature at present. You cannot trust what's been presented as evidence.

One exception is Jacques Vallee. He doesn't use hypnotically-retrieved cases. But then, he also doesn't limit his study to alleged aliens. Rightly so, in my opinion. So you may not find what you're looking for there, either.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

That's certainly a much better attempt than your previous blanket one- liner with nothing to support it.

Now you are claiming to be a leading authority on the subject having personally done multiple investigations and flown all over the world to pursue the evidence?

And where might I read your monumental book on this matter?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by A51Watcher

No was for me because I was once a believer.

I was left money when I was young so I took the time to explore some things I thought were real.
I am no authority but I know what I witnessed...

So tell me what have you done besides watch YouTube vids, read blogs and read UFO websites?

Ever went out there to research these things for yourself.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:20 PM
In my opinion, alien abduction research conducted through the dubious means of hypnotic regression and leading the witness is a joke. It is evidence of nothing but the gullibility of the uneducated and the earnest desire to find anything to validate the presence of ET guardians.

This whole sideshow hypnosis mythology was well exposed with the Emma Woods case, where a supposed "highly respected" abduction researcher was caught out conducting "sessions" over the telephone, among other allegations.

Nor would it surprise me if Whitley Streiber and his ilk confessed on their deathbeds to making it all up. As for Dr. John Mack, if you believe in the utter infallibility of Harvard PhDs, I have a load of Federal Reserve notes backed up by Nobel Prizes in Economics to sell you.
edit on 10/31/2011 by Nicorette because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Jeremy_Vaeni

My apologies for the misunderstanding.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

No was for me because I was once a believer.

I was left money when I was young so I took the time to explore some things I thought were real.
I am no authority but I know what I witnessed...

Much better. Your original blanket one- liner does not even come close to conveying this much more reasonable sounding story.

Sorry to hear you bet the farm on a case that ended up going south. If you had succeeded you would undoubtedly be a very rich man as a result. Your continuing rage over getting burned is still quite apparent.

If I had a dime for every case I have investigated that ended up going south I would indeed be a rich man. I too am a bit miffed and hold a few grudges against the various egocentric/hoaxers/bi- polar/attention- seekers/money- grubber types I have encountered over the decades.

Whether by design or accident I would say that entire UFO field is filled with more disinformation, hoaxes, and money schemes than truth by a great amount.

So tell me what have you done besides watch YouTube vids, read blogs and read UFO websites?

Ever went out there to research these things for yourself.

Actually I am probably responsible in one way or another for content you now see on those sites, since my investigations began long before the net was invented.

I have spent decades personally investigating all angles of the UFO subject. As I have stated before, my motivation was purely selfish, but not for money. Instead it was based on my stumbling across an unquestionably ET based display of impossibly advanced technology and craft.

THAT is what gave me the unstoppable motivation to keep investigating no matter how many times I got burned.

But that still leaves a core amount of true information even though surrounded by a vast amount of muddy water.

And while I have mentioned a few in some of my threads and posts, I am generally not a name- dropper to bolster my ego.

Suffice it to say that I have known many of the main players in this field on a first name basis, or have at least met or spoken with them and have contact info if needed.

Behind the scenes I have networked many a researcher with information or individuals that is along their current line of focus.

That is exactly what gave me the access to information, that allowed me to be in the right place at the right time when a few lucky chances came along.

I assisted in locating and interviewing many Roswell witnesses, have interviewed many abductees, visited and filmed the S4 testing grounds in action at Area 51, so yeah, I have done a few investigations on my own, and doubt if there is a book worth it's salt on the subject you could name I am not familiar with or it's author.

THAT is why I dare to tell the emperor he is wearing no clothes. Your blanket statement that there is nothing at all to the abduction subject is simply not supported by the evidence.

As I just asked Jeremy_Vaeni -

The problem is, most of them involve hypnotically-retrieved "memories."

And what about the ones that DONT??

And what about the ones witnessed by outsiders not involved in the event?

And what about multiple independent confirmation from others after a multiple abduction event?

Does this add weight to the allegation that they had their memories 'wiped' for unknown reasons?

Someone who is naturally skeptical yet open to any and all evidence and most importantly familiar with all the available evidence will provide a much more reasonable stance such as Kandinsky's post points out -

"...Stuart Appelle published a paper that takes a fair shot at the abduction subject. He took a look at all the angles and didn't come to any conclusions other than it justified further investigation and wasn't as simple as some might think."

This, to the educated eye appears to be a much more reasonable stance.

Without an unstoppable motivation (such as personally experiencing something incredible) to continue researching no matter what, I doubt you will ever last the length of the journey required to penetrate the vast smokescreen and reach a satisfactory answer. Nothing wrong with that, it is the normal reaction of someone with normal motivation attempting to penetrate the smokescreen.

As you pointed out - you gave it a shot and it didn't pan out, and your research is admittedly by no means exhaustive or extensive.

So your blanket proclamation that 'there is nothing to it' is not supported by all the evidence available, just your own, which is admittedly limited.

Instead of grousing and floating unsupported one- liners with no backup how about continuing on to actually become one of the experts in the field and prove me and others wrong?

Your videocam idea was a good one and a good start.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by A51Watcher

Actually I never lost much..compared to what was left to me.

Still living the good life...

It was all for selfish reasons too..It was for me and only me...I felt that I would finally get the answers I wanted.

I feel no anger towards what I found out....I had told myself to accept whatever outcome happens. The one thing that would change your mind...keep a camera towards the so called abductee, then wait...let them claim to have an abduction.

Remember to also keep it to yourself that you witnessed no craft in the vicinity and that the camera did not glitch out. Have them go through a hypnosis them recall in vivid detail the experiments done on is basically like every abduction story you read will have it all...message from the beings, explaining your purpose or keeping it a secret until they feel it is time, feeling of elation or fear, total body paralysis, describing a craft which depending on their level of education or what they watch, the detail will differ and so much is exactly as many have described...difference being video proof that it did not happen...this was for both cases I had mention earlier. The reaction you get when telling them that nothing happened and there is proof to back up our claims was surprising..they called us every names in the book...claimed we had doctored the footage and lawsuits if we ever mentioned names or places ...basically they lashed out in pure anger and hatred.

This was my experience...watching an abductee under hypnosis have a very vivid abduction with great could actually take any of the stories you read on here and you would not find much is like a manual they are reading from on how to claim an abduction.

I have stated before the abduction experience does differ in certain if you are religious than a religious aspect will be involved and if not religious than no religious aspect. It also depends on your level of education...someone with a little to no education...the story becomes less scientific..the more educated the better the story with so much more detail and also more knowledge of space.

So much more...but in the end it all reads like a manual......just differs on the type of person you are.
edit on 31-10-2011 by kerazeesicko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Nicorette

ETA: Yes, could it be anything else! I'm appalled.
edit on 1/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by anitawee

"what do we know" type of questions make no assumptions either way and it is a great way to ask about a phenomenon that may or may not be true. And to make a decision we have to look at the evidence.

But welcome to ATS, where the desire to ridicule is so high that a question like this is going to be buried in the noise of idiots who don't have anything to contribute.

I can mention that the Betty and barney hill abduction case included trace evidence (physical) whether or not it is "real" evidence I reserve judgement, as well as an alleged star map that only much later in the years was positively compared to a real star map viewed from a vantage point that we were (at the time of the original abduction) unable to reconstruct.

now, this is the type of answer I think you are looking for.

Obviously, most abduction cases are bunk and provide no useful information. I assume you don't want to collect data from those right?


posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:45 PM
As I see it there are still to many arrogant and ignorant people that will not accept anything until they themselves experience it.

WE are here and WE are observing.......

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Here is a case that has never been told, at least in media or internet...
It happened to a family member of mine who will remain anonymous.

When he was four years old, he was staying over night at his aunt's home, as his parents were going to a party.
He was awakened some time in the night by a humming sound, and noticed flashing lights outside the window of the bedroom he was staying in. He remembers getting out of bed and going over to the window to have a look. He saw an orb like object, glowing and pulsating all sorts of colored lights above the roof line of houses across the street. He said he watched it for perhaps a minute, and then the object zoomed real close to his window.

The next thing he remembered was being fully clothed , with no shoes or socks on, walking in the middle of a road , following the broken white lines in the center of the road. A police car pulled up beside him and put him in the car. He asked the boy what he was doing and he said he was walking home. The police asked him where he lived, and he told the police his father and mothers name, which they knew (It was a small Cape Cod town) and it was a place 4 miles away.

The police brought him home and awoke the mother and father in the early morning hours (he recalled it was still dark). They were so surprised to see him. The boy did not know why he was walking home and had no recollection of ever getting dressed. The aunt was totally puzzled, as when she was telephoned, she had thought the boy was asleep upstairs in the guest bedroom....

After the incident, this boy kept on waking up in the middle of the night after seeing a white face, with large dark eyes and a small smile. He says the image looked like a full moon, with a face painted on it. This happened for a few years after the incident and the parents took him to a psychiatrist in hopes of finding out what he was experiencing. There was never a good explanation given. Over the years, the nightmares about the face receded and now he says he does not have those images at night anymore, but certainly remembers the details of the face and says he could never understand why he was seeing it.

The mother, after 50 years was questioned again by her son, in front of many other family witnesses, and she said " I really cannot believe you remember that night, Your were so young and we were so worried about you and could never figure out how you got on to the street and began walking back home, do you still see that face at night?"

This is a true story.

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