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11/11/11, Portal to Another Universe? (String Theory Says So!)

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by edog11
String Theory is connected to Quantum-Physics/Mechanics which means that it's all about the power of thought and mind.

Says who?

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by outandopen
reply to post by edog11

yeah that!

String Theory is the power of your thought creating. It doesn't matter what calendar you use it is the energy that is put into the numbers.

It is? .. since when? And if that were true, what if my thought was different than yours? are you going to get a shiny portal and I won't? .. think about what you're saying .. perhaps you mean that if the majority of the people believed it, it would be willed into being some how? even then it's not likely to happen since I doubt there's a majority who buy into this nonsense
.. this whole idea has "absurd" written all over it I'm afraid, it's a fun idea but pure when you boil it down.

Sillystring theory ..
edit on 26-10-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 06:39 PM
I only got an O'level in Physics and I feel sorry for that cat!

But there is something happening on 11/11/11....

Saturn is being 'born from the womb of Virgo'.

Being as Saturn has tipped over and the mythology surrounding Saturn, I think something will happen but it will be subtle and therefore missable.

Just my tuppence.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by miniatus

ok I am going to find out the exact name of the book so you can understand what I am talking about. The stuff you learn in College is very dry and bare bones. There are 5 theories of string theory. The one they teach you is the most basic believable colorless version.

I am going to go try to log into my account and find out the name and author of the book. I think it was just called Teleporation. It wasn't a sci fi book it was a history of the greatest minds and the papers that they didn't publish r published and got laughed out the door at. They believed that ever action and thought a single human had would create alternate universes. So I suggest you dig deeper then your textbooks on the theory. Schroeders Cat as taught in school is actually only part of the theory. Einstein, Rosen and the whole gang all debating on Quantum Physics to the WUJO level.

that was easy I highly rec this as a good mind expanding mind bending read!
edit on 26-10-2011 by outandopen because:

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by outandopen
reply to post by miniatus

ok I am going to find out the exact name of the book so you can understand what I am talking about. The stuff you learn in College is very dry and bare bones. There are 5 theories of string theory. The one they teach you is the most basic believable colorless version.

I am going to go try to log into my account and find out the name and author of the book. I think it was just called Teleporation. It wasn't a sci fi book it was a history of the greatest minds and the papers that they didn't publish r published and got laughed out the door at. They believed that ever action and thought a single human had would create alternate universes. So I suggest you dig deeper then your textbooks on the theory. Schroeders Cat as taught in school is actually only part of the theory. Einstein, Rosen and the whole gang all debating on Quantum Physics to the WUJO level.

I think you might be mixing things up a bit. There is an interpretation of QUANTUM MECHANICS that basically says consciousness "drives" the Universe. It is has some big names behind it like: Wheeler, Wigner, and Von Neumann.

Consciou sness Causes Collapse

However, it is in the minority, as far as support goes these days.

String Theory tied with inflation, does bring about a potential for the multiverse, which would jive up with the Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. But, this interpretation no longer requires consciusness to solve the problem of wave function collapse, although it allows (requires really) parallel worlds.

As far as the 5 String Theories, you may be thinking of the five versions of (non-Bosonic ) supersymmetric String Theory, which contain bosons and fermions and, therefore forces and mass. These 5 theories are all shown to be equivalent under M-theory, which unites them in a sense. Originally, this was one of the main claims to fame for M-Theory.
edit on 26-10-2011 by EthanT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by outandopen
reply to post by miniatus

ok I am going to find out the exact name of the book so you can understand what I am talking about. The stuff you learn in College is very dry and bare bones. There are 5 theories of string theory. The one they teach you is the most basic believable colorless version.

I am going to go try to log into my account and find out the name and author of the book. I think it was just called Teleporation. It wasn't a sci fi book it was a history of the greatest minds and the papers that they didn't publish r published and got laughed out the door at. They believed that ever action and thought a single human had would create alternate universes. So I suggest you dig deeper then your textbooks on the theory. Schroeders Cat as taught in school is actually only part of the theory. Einstein, Rosen and the whole gang all debating on Quantum Physics to the WUJO level.

that was easy I highly rec this as a good mind expanding mind bending read!
edit on 26-10-2011 by outandopen because:

For the record David Darling from what i understand (of course i might be incorrect) doesnt have a degree in Quantum Mechanics, he has certainly published a fair amount of articles based around Astronomy (which i have read, granted i dont have much vested interest, but thats my problem not his).

For the many worlds theory I'd recommend Everett's Many Worlds theory (used as his Thesis) relied heavily on quantum mechanics and the theorized relationship of choice.

IE - you choose to goto the movies with Girl A, instead of Girl B, the outcome is what you experience. Which spawns an alternate world where you went to the movies with Girl B, which resulted in Girl A staying at home.

Its a good read, I'm not of course pulling things away from Mr. Darling, he is most certainly a smart man, there is no debate there. But in my experience Everett explains the many world theory a bit better.

(Note i have not read the book which is posted, just the articles Mr. Darling has written for New Scientist)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by edog11
...String Theory is connected to Quantum-Physics/Mechanics which means that it's all about the power of thought and mind... the end, reality is is nothing more than what the mind believes to be true... In other words, your mind alters the perceived universe and reality with every little thought....

I am not saying that this "theory" on 11/11/11 is incorrect but I am also not saying that it's incorrect. IMO, It all depends on what the majority of the people are thinking and to what extent.

Before the human race existed (i.e., before there was any human thought), the universe and "reality" probably were exactly like the universe and reality are today.

If all humans suddenly vanished, and there was no more human thought, the universe and reality would probably never even notice the absence of us and our thoughts.

The Earth is smaller than a dust spec relative to the universe, and humans are incredibly unimportant to the universe as a whole.

Your ideas of quantum mechanics and string theory mean are not correct.

edit on 10/27/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

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