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Some Interesting Hearsay About OWS & Our Military

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
reply to post by moonzoo7

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I'm extremely proud of any serviceman or woman who takes their oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, seriously enough to protect the citizenry from the beatings and maceings that the protestors are suffering at the hands of the NYPD; on the other hand, I hope it doesn't come to that.

My Marine Corp brother Sgt. Thomas is leading the charge to protect the protestors. He has just visited the Occupy Chicago protest to lend his support, and from what I understand he will be traveling around the country in the coming weeks to do the same in other cities as well. Here is my ATS thread from this morning on his visit to Chi-town: Sgt. Shamar "Thor" Thomas: Occupy Chicago Peaceful Protest

I'm so proud of Sgt. Thomas and what he's doing. I consider it an honor to be able to call him my brother.

Now you're talking. I have never served in the military, but I do respect those who do, for sure. I too do not want violence to occur. If Americans turn on each other, then we are weakened against our true enemies. I like the way you think. Hats off to you, Sir!

edit on 24-10-2011 by moonzoo7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2011 by moonzoo7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by moonzoo7

Thanks for posting, Its good to hear that some of the military is on our side. : )

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:56 PM
Sometimes there seems to be this belief on ATS that members of the military are robotic drones that take orders, and execute them. I used to be part of this crowd that thinks the military would be used to round up civilians when SHTF..... then I joined.

I HIGHLY doubt my fellow soldiers will jump at the chance to stomp on the constitution they swore to protect in order to put down some protestors or lock people up, or worse.

People will often say to me, "Well in your oath, you swore to carry out any order given by the President." This is true, BUT there are things called "illegal orders" (i.e. "shoot that civilian because they are out past curfew") and I'm sorry, but the President does not override the constitition.

I will say though, that many soldiers will carry out any order to avoid reprisal by their superiors. I don't think they are bad people, just uneducated on what is a legal or illegal order. There are more than a few soldiers from different branches here on ATS. Don't be afraid to ask us questions. I'm sure we'll be more than happy to answer some things some of you may be wondering about.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by rbnhd76

Originally posted by moonzoo7

I'm sure that the trolls and Tea Baggers are about to pounce all over this thread, but I don't care.
I'm secure in the knowledge that I'm telling the truth, and I, for one, believe this hearsay.
Let the chips fall where they may...

edit on 24-10-2011 by moonzoo7 because: punctuation repair

edit on 24-10-2011 by moonzoo7 because: spelling correction

edit on 24-10-2011 by moonzoo7 because: added to title for clarity

The only reason I read this thread was to see how fast you got ripped up.

That has to be one of the dumbest connections.....look moonzoo

How about I call you a Kool-aid drinker?

You really should dilute that crud before you drink it.

Tea-bagger indeed.

A Tea-Party member, believes in reining in the federal include taxes, spending, constitutional law, and for a good many, illegal wars.

Did CNN or Bill Maher tell you that the tea party is a reference to the original Boston Tea Party..

in which, stout, patriotic men fought against TPTB, and against taxation without representation...

I already know I'm wasting my breath with you..

but, maybe, just maybe, I planted a seed that will grow into a mighty oak.

I took the oath.

I am an Oathkeeper.

And I will try to be the last man standing, in the National Archives Building, with the United States Constitution at my back, when the onslaught begins(or ends, as it were)
edit on 24-10-2011 by rbnhd76 because: Ohh, troll away! I won't be back. Thx

I wish i could give you more stars.

Thats all i have to say

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:46 PM
If this is true, that would definitely set my mind at ease knowing that our military will defend the people. The military should always defend its citizens.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by moonzoo7

I don't know about the legitimacy of this information that I am about to post but this will resonate on your OP.

U.S. military warns of plot by Federal Reserve bankers to have CIA mercenaries from Libya kill New York cops

Below is an excerpt from the link.

The Federal Reserve bankers have offered $billions to the CIA mercenaries in Libya to come to the United States and start a bloody rebellion. The Federal Reserve bankers sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to make their offer and terms. According to high ranking U.S. military officials the plot by the Federal Reserve bankers calls for Libyan mercenaries to enter the United States as guest of the Federal Reserve banks. Once on U.S. soil they are to hook up with CIA and DHS contacts and immediately prepare and execute their mission to start shooting New York City cops who are assigned to police the Occupy Wall Street protests..

This probably deserves a thread on its own. But, given the information that you provided may it be true or not, this information somehow corelates to yours. Also, I'll just let someone else here to do the thread on this information.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:29 PM
it's logical for the armed forces to join with ows. they have been lied to, sent to war, have seen comrade at arms killed and wounded, seen them abandoned and left on the street when they have a crisis of spirit, have been ordered and tricked into killing civilians, and have seen their armed forces dishonored by smug chickensh-t arm chair generals, most of them senators who would cower in fear if someone pointed a slingshot at them and to throw salt on their wounds they are the same people who go on t.v. and declare they honor and support the troops.

they have the same enemy, but a critical advantage. they have been trained for war. washington politicians have not.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Fishticon84

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Fishticon84

Has it? Care to share? 'Cause that sounds like interesting info, and I haven't hard it before.

Here ya go..

Thanks. You knowwhat? I'm going tp prove this guy right - He does seem to be operating on a basis of "all black people look alike" - the two guys he compares have almost nothing in common. he goes on about "the ears" but... well, the ears are different. Eyebrows are different. Skin tone is different. Neck is different. No doubt the guy making the video will claim this is all "special effects" - as he does to cover up his other fails. But no. Those aren't the same dude. Almost none of the others he compares are matches, either. he says he has a "photographic memory for faces," but if you ask me, his eyes are so bad that he could probably mistake his girlfriend for a beagle.

The first guy he shows, the one with the weird sort of egg-shaped face? That one I can believe. The cues are all there in the face structure. But all that tells us is that the cops have people inside, and if you didn't already know that, well, I dunno where the hell you've been

Sorry. Looks like you've been taken.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by wWizard
I will say though, that many soldiers will carry out any order to avoid reprisal by their superiors. I don't think they are bad people, just uneducated on what is a legal or illegal order. There are more than a few soldiers from different branches here on ATS. Don't be afraid to ask us questions. I'm sure we'll be more than happy to answer some things some of you may be wondering about.

Thank you for your service brother. For any of our brothers-in-arms who are unsure of where their duty lies, what constitutes an illegal order, or simply need to know where to draw the line; please watch this video. It says it all.

Oath Keepers is an organization comprised of veterans from all branches of service both current and former, police officers, firefighters, and even judges. We recognize tyranny for what it is, and we will NOT allow it to stand.

“I, Robert Powell, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

That's right. I put my name there (it isn't like it's a secret anyway.
) That oath is still in effect as far as I'm concerned, and if need be I will add my blood to that of my forefathers who shed it to keep this country, and it's Constitution, safe from tyranny.

Semper Fidelis: It's not just a slogan, it's a way of life.

Ooh F'in Rah!
edit on 10/24/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by moonzoo7

First off I am a tea bagger!!! What you are not expecting is someone like me to agree with you. Well I absolutely do agree with you. We all have the right to assemble and protest. I am relieved to hear that perhaps the military will stand up for the citizens rather than the abusive police if it came down to it. So next time don't knock on us Tea Party people. I don't walk in lock-step with everything everyone says but hold close to my own convictions. God bless.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by moonzoo7

I had a vision a couple of weeks ago. Just a vivid imagination, really. I imagined that the US Armed Forces would have to rush home to save American citizens from the NATO attack dogs (I mean troops) that are on US soil already.

God, I hope I'm just imagining things.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by PanJammi

The reason the tea party people get knocked on by us around here is because for the most part, the tea party on ATS is represented by... well, pretty much the worst element of American "conservativism." i admit it's something of a knee-jerk reaction on our part, but really, when every "tea party" dude you meet is hoping for a civil war so they can start gunning down liberals like it's a Kent state-themed shooting gallery, you kind of end up with an attitude

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:17 AM
I've been wondering about Obama's troop withdrawal from Iraq. It seems odd to me that this will happen by December. Just a coincidence? If the troops come home they could be used to back up the police against the OWS protesters, or for other reasons.

I'd like to believe that the returning troops will be used to strengthen our boarder with Mexico, but I'm not totally naive.

Our government has been working diligently at eroding our personal freedoms, the TSA is their little wedge which is opening up chasm in our willingness to give up freedoms for security. The security which is now being proven to be a sham. It is these false flag operations within our boarders that concern me.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by moonzoo7

The OWS Is Sponsored By And Financed By People Who Want To Destroy This Country, Not Fix It. It Is The Beginning Of The New World Order. Listening To The Freaks At OWS You See That The Great Majority Of Those There Are Just Idiots.. Pure And Simple. At One Such Occupation In Another City, They Were Asked What They Were Doing There...The Answer Was...."Well, that is rather vague right now, however we are putting a committee together to be able to answer that"...........This is bad....The OWS and all the others, it began overseas and is taking on momentum here, and the results are going to be disastrous. As far as The US Military becoming involved to combat NYPD...? You can't really be serious....It seems that someone has been sipping the kool-aid. Huffington Post? An Anti American Xtreme Left is our current administration. Any Marine -currently serving- that takes part in any of this crap, shoiuld be court martialed. As he is taking part in a treasonous act. He took an oath to protect and defend the constitution, NOT OVER THROW The Country. So...Re-think your feelings on all this.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by PanJammi

The reason the tea party people get knocked on by us around here is because for the most part, the tea party on ATS is represented by... well, pretty much the worst element of American "conservativism." i admit it's something of a knee-jerk reaction on our part, but really, when every "tea party" dude you meet is hoping for a civil war so they can start gunning down liberals like it's a Kent state-themed shooting gallery, you kind of end up with an attitude

Way to twist and contort everything.
I have yet to meet a Tea Party member wishing for Civil War.
You are as full of crap as they come.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by paradox7
reply to post by moonzoo7

The OWS Is Sponsored By And Financed By People Who Want To Destroy This Country, Not Fix It. It Is The Beginning Of The New World Order. Listening To The Freaks At OWS You See That The Great Majority Of Those There Are Just Idiots.. Pure And Simple. At One Such Occupation In Another City, They Were Asked What They Were Doing There...The Answer Was...."Well, that is rather vague right now, however we are putting a committee together to be able to answer that"...........This is bad....The OWS and all the others, it began overseas and is taking on momentum here, and the results are going to be disastrous. As far as The US Military becoming involved to combat NYPD...? You can't really be serious....It seems that someone has been sipping the kool-aid. Huffington Post? An Anti American Xtreme Left is our current administration. Any Marine -currently serving- that takes part in any of this crap, shoiuld be court martialed. As he is taking part in a treasonous act. He took an oath to protect and defend the constitution, NOT OVER THROW The Country. So...Re-think your feelings on all this.

Not Court Martial for Treason, as OWS is not Treasonous in nature.
Any Officer currently in the Military can be brought up on Court Martial Charges if protesting in Uniform, and maybe by just being there, it is considered Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer.
An Enlisted person? Maybe Article 15, if the Commander(s) have stated that their troops are not to engage in OWS protests.

But, Military members have to remember that they are there not to practice Democracy, but to enforce it, so to speak.

Current Military members, just be careful, as cameras are everywhere.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by PanJammi

The reason the tea party people get knocked on by us around here is because for the most part, the tea party on ATS is represented by... well, pretty much the worst element of American "conservativism." i admit it's something of a knee-jerk reaction on our part, but really, when every "tea party" dude you meet is hoping for a civil war so they can start gunning down liberals like it's a Kent state-themed shooting gallery, you kind of end up with an attitude

You are just making up so much garbage I don't know where to begin. The problem that Tea Partiers have with OWS is the communist subversion going in within the movement. It's just that simple. Tea Partiers do not want the same Socialist Utopia you and other liberals want. Communism failed in the USSR and it will fail in the States too. But perhaps not after the destruction it causes first.
Other than that I champion the right of people to protest and tell the Establishment their grievances. I just don't have to agree with their position if they are communist, socialist, Soros operatives, Nazis, or some other radical. I also champion my own right to speak my mind online about the obvious communist subversion and Soros activity.
No, as a Tea Partier I am not interested in seeing violence, but clearly OWS people are very much interested in creating disturbances and getting arrested for display. Many OWS have declared they want a violent revolution. And something else I will add here, when foreigners file an application to become a US Citizen they must swear by OATH that they have not been a member of a communist party for 5 years prior to making the app, or they can be denied citizenship. For any military personnel then to be found protecting communist subversives in the name of free speech is simply shameful if not downright treasonous.
There are treasonouse people embedded all over the govt now with unelected czars who want to poison our water supply with sterilants for some insane population theory, and people like you are supporting communists in the name of fighting Wall Street.
This whole thing is so out of control.
edit on 25-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Not just military also private contractors. friend of mine just came home from Afghanistan for the very reason mentioned. He told me that when the company he was working for was "hireing" for Libya & it had'nt fallen yet.

He said time to go. Say's that it will get worse on the world scale, which can only mean crack down here on the home front. I have said all along that this Occupy Movement would turn violent. Just not sure who will throw the first rock. The police or The protesters. We all need to remind ourselves that all types of folks are in the military.

Some are not fond of what's happening. Some are. Which ones out number which ones?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:18 AM
I can confirm this- my fiance is an officer in the Army. You wouldn't believe how many Soldiers support this. I have been told that if they were called upon to quell OWS that a good lot of them would refuse. They're on our side.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by PanJammi

The reason the tea party people get knocked on by us around here is because for the most part, the tea party on ATS is represented by... well, pretty much the worst element of American "conservativism." i admit it's something of a knee-jerk reaction on our part, but really, when every "tea party" dude you meet is hoping for a civil war so they can start gunning down liberals like it's a Kent state-themed shooting gallery, you kind of end up with an attitude

Yep, they are all Tea Par.......Hey wait a second.
All Liberals.

Hhhhmmmm. Very interesting.

Shall I go on?

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