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who here has had personal dreams of earthchanges/endtimes/disasters, that are global in nature, lat

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:20 PM
hi all.

I would like to read of people's personal dreams and visions of Global disasters, earthchanges, end times, ruining of civilization. Please post them here.

This forum is for the discussion of predictions from previously-published clairvoyants (with links), ancient prophecies, and not the random posting of member's predictions. Personal member predictions should be posted on the BTS forum DREAMS & PERSONAL PREDICTIONS. [edit on 2/6/2010 by AshleyD]

but *that* "dreams..personal predictions forum is "SITE NOT FOUND"! Seems not to exist anymore.
so, please, moderators, let this topic be here. thank you!

Yes, while people dream of *this* earthquake, or *that* volcano, and often these dreams are just reflections of one's own inner state of mind, in these scary days, I am looking for the Real Deal; dreams and visions
that seem to be a bleedthrough or far Seeing, of whatever is coming that makes so many people feel uneasy, these days.

I would like this Post to compliment the post at

Dizzy feeling all day today

I have been feeling dizzy all day today for about the last 5 hours. Its not so bad now, but was wondering if anyone else had this wierd feeling today. I just haven't felt right all day, loss of balance, my girlfriend said she felt the same thing today too, was just wondering if anyone else did?


Is something new trying to enter our lives?,

I'm writing this on ATS because it's the only place I feel it will fit into. There are similar threads here, but each of them are describing the thoughts of an individual, a certain person, who feels the things in her/his own way, thus, interpreting them accordingly.
Since few months ago, I started to feel something. Well, could be the little man on my shoulder whispering in my ear. Of course, this IS a joke.
However, it started, as I said, few months ago... three, four or something like that. It's something deep, almost unnoticeable at a first glance but it is definitely there and, in time, it grew. It grew not to the level of being a certain thing like pain or discomfort but it grew.
Now, before thinking "Oh, this is another fear-monger or deranged guy! Get a life, f.f.s.!", please, hear me out.
Is there something in the making? Is something coming to us? Are we going somewhere and we're not able yet to figure where? Is the Earth itself sending us a message? I don't know. I'm not scared, but I'm impatient. I can't wait to see if something will happen and what. Are we on the verge of fundamental changes? I don't know. ............

so many people have this, the above post has so far 14 pages!

A huge Event up ahead will surely cast a shadow back into time and Sensitives will pick this up. Prophets, Seerers will See.

The Event, or Events, that I feel that is a-coming is Huge, the headlines might be six inches high, on the front page, if this happens, then immediately thereafter there is no more newspapers!!

Yes, I know there are other such posts, hereabouts, but in a way I just want to have at my disposal, if this post "works", I just want to read of RECENT dreams and visions that is where people sense something of this.

I should give one of my own!

About a month ago, maybe more, I had a dream where I was in Russia and I was talking to a farmer about his wheat. Suddenly off in the far distance there was a huge explosion followed by a huge white cloud of dust fill with flashing lights! I ran towards it, I came across some military men also coming to it and I got into a jeep with them as I overheard them talking about a plane crash.
When I got near it, i could see a vortex of cloud, a column of could, from ground level to the high sky.
I then gingerly walked into this and visibility was in inches. Immediately I saw ahead, floating in the air, a sign with huge black letters...

..end of dream.

I never found out what this "forbidden" knowledge was!


edit on 23-10-2011 by freestonew because: I always seem to mis-spell the One Important word, in my posts!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by freestonew

I've never had a dream of the "end of times" but I have had dreams of being locked in a burning building that never seems to actually burn up, and that has no exits. Kind of creepy. A cross between hell and the movie "The Cube".

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
reply to post by freestonew

I've never had a dream of the "end of times" but I have had dreams of being locked in a burning building that never seems to actually burn up, and that has no exits. Kind of creepy. A cross between hell and the movie "The Cube".

from a psychological perspective this COULD mean you are feeling trapped in your current life or a situation in your life, which maybe your not 100% happy with, and maybe you feel there is no escape from it..

and to the op, constant stories and articles, especially on ats about end of the world will play with the sub conscious mind (especially if you believe them) which will then come out in your dreams..

edit on 23/10/11 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Visions Ive had

Dont want to get too deep on this thread, there is like 5 paragraphs to read on my thread.
edit on 23-10-2011 by fishman1985 because: gave a reason for no text in thread

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by freestonew

I definitley have had dreams of mass cataclysmic events...and I had an OBE with a Guide in 2009 and I was given a message..."The Great Sun Will Bring Us Hope". Something big is coming and I don't think anyone can be prepared!!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:35 PM
OP did you read my thread?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

I learned that years ago. This was happening when I was a teen still. That dream no longer happens.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:19 PM
I'll tell you of one that I have every so often. They're not always in the same place, and always have different situations, but the overall theme is the same.

The one I remember the most, I was in this standard cookie cutter house, with a bunch of people I can only assume are my family. They feel like family, though not everyone is a person I actually know. Now, I look out a back window, and the sky starts getting darker, and cloudier. The best way I can describe it, is it looks the way a sky does when it's tornado weather. Very thick, milky clouds, silent outside with a slight breeze. The only difference is the sky was more of an orange shade, rather than a yellowish green I remember them getting when I lived in S.Dakota.

All of a sudden, lightning starts crashing into the ground, often hitting houses and vehicles. Tornadoes start to form, and terrorize everything. It's like mother nature getting her revenge on us. Well, everyone in the house starts panicking, and are told to move to the basement. While everyone is moving, I continue to watch outside. If you look up at the tops of the tornadoes, where they reach the clouds, you can see a UFO-style ship inside. Then, some of the tornadoes starts to settle down, and ships fly down from the sky, and land on the ground. You can start to see people panicking in the distance, as well as watching military trucks and tanks being blown up. The sounds of battle get louder, as ships fly around our house, shooting down jet fighters trying to defend. Then one lands in front of our house, and some beings start to come out.

That's usually when I wake up. I don't have this dream too often, and when I do, it's not always the same. Sometimes in a different house, different people. But it's always UFO looking spacecraft, and more often than not, they control thunder and tornadoes. They always stick with me for a few days after I have them, too.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:24 PM
When I was younger I used to have several end of the world dreams.

Almost all of them were of watching a nuclear bomb explode in a harbor and trying to live in the aftermath.

A few were of UN trucks driving by my house and being spotted in the window, hiding from them.

Glad I don't have dreams like that anymore.

I am convinced though that the nuclear nightmares are a premonition, deep down in my soul to this day I swear we are going to have a nuclear Holocaust. But I am a product of the cold war, and these things have been burned into my mind, so it is what it is I guess.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
When I was younger I used to have several end of the world dreams.

Almost all of them were of watching a nuclear bomb explode in a harbor and trying to live in the aftermath.

A few were of UN trucks driving by my house and being spotted in the window, hiding from them.

Glad I don't have dreams like that anymore.

I am convinced though that the nuclear nightmares are a premonition, deep down in my soul to this day I swear we are going to have a nuclear Holocaust. But I am a product of the cold war, and these things have been burned into my mind, so it is what it is I guess. [/qu

an asteroid would cause nuclear falout also

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by fishman1985

The dreams were pretty specific, nuclear weapon.

However if you are possibly referring to YU55, that is a scary thought as well.
I will breath much easier after the 8th/9th of November.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I'm short of time, but will post a recent, well early spring more than dream. This is one of several and they are all connected, but this was the one that pulled together the others. Thought of posting this separately and still may, but it is here for you to enjoy if you are into this sort of thing.

This was a normal having fun dream that got serious. It was as though another guy and I were playing in the hills and mountains in the bright moonlight. As in real life, I was good at jumping off hills and seeing in the dark, I could actually see as though there was a spotlight shining, and then I could leap off a cliff and land where I wanted. In actual fact, it was better to be in a lucid dream as I would have died leaping off the tops of hills and mountains like I did, but it was fun.

Slowly the scene changed to one where the whole area was more of a museum or closed down park, the whole world, but still fun. However I kept pointing out to my friend the second moon. Our moon was bright and shined like it was full. The other moon was further to the west and was a smaller and was a dull orange in color.
The dual dream continued as normal except I was now fascinated with the new moon. Then the normal things happened in the dream, we were caught messing around in this facility, which was no big deal when the folks that ran it showed up. But still I was fascinated about the moon and so took them outside to see it.
The sky was now changed; our moon was not as full and was now more to the west, with the other one more in the eastern sky. The sky was now more like a giant computer screen with overlays appearing. The smallness of the new moon was overlaid with a second image of it from a later date and it had grown in size and was now much bigger than our moon, it was very big.

Then the larger image was updated further, showing this planet filling our skies, it was very bright and clear, I could see its surface which seemed barren and rather mountainous perhaps. As I watched the giant screen, which looked like the real thing due to its size, I saw the surface of this world seem to crawl and restructure itself due its proximity to our planet. At this point I became scared or at least concerned as did all the others and we dispersed. I cannot express the feeling of seeing a large planet this close to ours, it is humbling. This is my third view of this type of vision, one other of the second moon and another of a parallel earth like planet filling our sky and now this.

I also had this conversation with someone that was not in the dream. I asked if our world would survive and I was told a few would make it, but most life would not. There would be big changes like I saw on the planet plus a rain of meteorite’s hitting almost everything. I wondered about the shelters built in mountains and I felt the mountains would be reformed so many there would die, there were few safe places. I also had visions of area's that are sandy or such, pulling people down into the earth.

Then I was talking to this young woman in a white room within a vessel above the earth, and she told me that this happens on a regular schedule. My response was, this seemed severe. She answered, yes this happened in the past other times, but the planet was never this close to earth in the past, this was the closest it had ever come. She was matter of fact and seemed to take this in stride as a normal day in the universe and not to be overly disturbed by it. My impression here was that this was just a place of experience that was up for remodeling.
Then my thoughts went to protecting myself and I realized not much would work except small shelters and luck. I even had this thought that if I went underground; I would need more than one way to get out. It was as though things could collapse or get buried and a single entrance might not work.
At the end of this, I asked if I could come back to this facility and study the screen some more to find out more of the future, I received no answer.

The chilling fact here is, when you are confronted with something like this and it is real as it was here, most of what you are and your life goes to the wayside, just surviving is important.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:45 PM
I used to get a lot of apocalyptic dreams when I was younger, generally all the same, involving some sort of alien invasion, the time frame I had most of them was from when I was 13-16 years old, All very real and also scared the crap out of me to the point I hated going to sleep for fear of another nightmare, it always seemed that the dreams ended up with nuclear weaponry as well. Anyways I had maybe a few dreams once in a while since then, although nowhere near as intense, until a few months ago I had a VERY real dream and it even took place at an old farm house I lived in, it was some sort of alien/ufo attack, fighter jets were crashing all around me and I could feel the explosions, there seemed to be vortexes of gray and black spinning clouds and the sky way very dark. However as I was running down the road back to my old home I was looking into the sky and birds were just falling dead onto the ground as if they hit something, when I looked up there wasn't a ship/plane anything in that spot. I just thought it was very strange. The dream had me shaken up for a couple days, just the simple fact of how real it felt to me. I just found it weird now after reading about the recent massive bird deaths in the last couple days. I am not saying that aliens or anything are causing the deaths, by talking about my dream or even saying it was a prediction I just found it to be very weird and maybe my subconscious was telling me that something very strange is going on in our world and we should be paying attention.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 05:55 PM
hi all.

I am very "happy" with what you all have posted!

I have read of other people having the same Themes in their visions and dreams and waking experiences.
--red and especially, Orange, sky; leads to destruction.
--WW III nuclear bombs
--two moons, often *as* two moons, this one experience posted here has, to me, a more "rational" explanation as to how two moons could appear at one time. This experiences is a "brother", to the "planet X" dreams, a planet maybe in far deep space orbiting around the sun and once per ???? thousand years, the orbit crosses over the earth's.
--orange skies of destruction-to-come.

I had an orange sky dream last year, myself! there, i saw the year begin with an orange sky with a few white clouds, then the sky turned Grey and dimmer until the grey faded to black night. Then a few years later the sky was blue again but most of the nearby trees were dead.

Then about 8 years ago, I watched, in my dream, an Israel soldier try to find shelter from an anticipated bomb and one struck nearby, a nuclear bomb, he died.

then maybe in the early 80s, I was standing,in this dream, outdoors at night at my childhood home at Interlaken, new York, upstate. suddenly i saw a mushroom cloud over Syracuse, after a flash of light , then I saw another nuclear explosion up at Rochester. at the horizon i then saw flashes of light from over the earth-is-round horizon, inferring that bombs went off in a lot of places and the mushroom clouds were below the horizon!

I have Lots of Questions, questions that are probably not answerable.
Does I and the other seers see...... the timeless time of Spirit, do we see events that will happen, 30 years, 3000 years, 50,000 years away, but that in this timeless realm, all time is the same so tis hard to tell *when* the seen event takes place! we see "Probable realities ", or possible futures?! futures that are on different timelines, ala "Jane Roberts; Seth Speaks"?!
And, only one will come true.
...are these "Real" events but that God, in his Mercy, has over written these events so that they did not, will not happen?!

I know from my own experiences that there are *Real Seeings*! future visions that come true.
my mother!
she was always afraid to drive at dusk, for years. she also, from when I got out of the air Force in 1968, for years, she "delighted" in saving scandal sheet newspapers with articles of predictions in them, like, "top ten psychics predict the 20 things for the year of 1973". she saved them, posted them on the back side of a cupboard and when I would come to see her, later in the summer, she delighted in showing me just how wrong these predictions were!
1975. a red sports car came over the hill in her lane, at dusk, at 120 mph: Poof, RIP!!
1986, my father was on his intensive care death bed, and he was 72 years old. When I moved back to hometown to be with him, his friend told me, "freestone, do you know about your mother's dream?!
"NO", I said.
"she only told a very people people, your father tells me and it is of this, her dream,
... "In ten years .....will be killed at dusk when a red sports car comes over her lane but that her husband Dudley would live until he is 72 years old"!

she had a vision that she was trying to put down, if she could put down all the psychics predictions, then HERS
will be also not real!!
Hers must have come from a Source indeed!

so now father was 72. the death of wife pushed him over the edge of sanity and he blamed all of his woes on me and never wanted to see me again. he would burn water if he tried to cook it, no homemaking skills!
she died in 1975 and now it was 1986. In the recent meantime, my father had some kind of personal Spiritual profound experience. he wanted to see me, to be forgiven. I came right up, 1200 mile drive.
we had a wonderful reunion, I would see him in the Home several days a week, or more, all of that year; and he died one year later on Christmas Day 1987, the day of Gifts and Jesus, now 73 years old. although his ten strokes wiped out all memories of the spiritual experiences, i could tell that they were Engraved upon his soul.
Spirit gave to my father one extra year so that he could make amends with his son.

...a prediction Seeing that is utterly real, but some of it was still over-writable by Spirit.
Some such Visions, thusly *ARE* Real and True!!

Tis an Art in and of itself to get into someone else's dream of "end times"!
---is this dream only reflecting a personal problem or personal fears?
---Is this dream True and Real Seeing?!
---or both of the above which i think is far more common, one brings personal images and personal experiences and personal fears, *to* a Spirit-given vision that is Spiritually objectively real.
Thus a Real Vision Seeing, is superimposed over a dream of experiencing some mundane childhood place or
of a currant state of psychology! One brings stuff to this dream.


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
When I was younger I used to have several end of the world dreams.

Almost all of them were of watching a nuclear bomb explode in a harbor and trying to live in the aftermath.

A few were of UN trucks driving by my house and being spotted in the window, hiding from them.

Glad I don't have dreams like that anymore.

I am convinced though that the nuclear nightmares are a premonition, deep down in my soul to this day I swear we are going to have a nuclear Holocaust. But I am a product of the cold war, and these things have been burned into my mind, so it is what it is I guess.

I also had a nuclear dream. It was after seeing a movie on tv though. I dreamed I was at ground zero of a blast and I was trying to run from the blast center and I could feel the wind blowing in my face with all the debris and it was hard to breathe. I tried to hide behind a rock. I woke up in a sweat. This was in 1989 ish.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by freestonew


I was thinking to make a post about strange dreams I've been having on and off for almost four years now, I hope they are on-topic.

My first dream that I felt was strange was a dream where I heard a voice from above calling me menorah, the voice was accompanied by bright light and a host of angels, I woke up feeling happy and peaceful. This happened shortly after I converted to Islam.

I had a dream that I was preaching to my people and telling them to repent because the Hour is coming but they didn't believe me, and then suddenly I saw a beautiful house descending from the sky and I entered the house and when I looked down the earth was on fire and so were the people.

I also heard a great blast of trumpet and the whole world trembling and became plain, the sky is red and loud voices in the sky.

I dreamt about a great earthquake and then right after that I saw trees sprouting up and growing and everything is renewed.

I dreamt about big waves swallowing everything in its path.

I dreamt about great big spaceship and angels taking the children.

I dreamt about a nuclear bomb exploding and mixing with water and contaminating the water.

I dreamt about a battle and guns like lasers being used and I was in a small aircraft flying at great speed.

I saw also in a dream a great black cloud shaped like skeleton and when I looked closer I saw that they were aircrafts in a skeleton formation going to battle.

I dream about an explosion and green and yellow air coming out from it.

I dream about the moon going at different directions and stars falling.

I dream about a man coming out of a grave in the desert and right after that the grass starts growing, he came towards me and shake my hand and greeted me with "peace".

I dream about a wonder in the sky the face of the Virgin Mary and behind her a crescent moon and a great big sword.

Just recently I dreamed about a great tree that I climbed and when I got down from the tree a lovely woman was waiting for me, she kissed me and gave me a white flower, the smell emanating from her was so sweet and fragrant, I have never smelled anything like it and I woke up so happy and still recalling the sweet scent.

These are just some of my dreams that I have been having from the last four years.


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:24 PM
I can't really say that my dreams have given me any concrete information about future events, I believe that gifts of the prophetic nature sort of manifest themselves in harmony with the individual person and his/her psychological and spiritual constitution. Some are more receptive during sleep, when many of the psychological guards that human beings devout a massive amount of cognitive energy to during waking hours are let down. Sleep is a retreat from the exterior world and its bombardment on our senses. It is in this sensory deprived state that access to the System is opened to the dreamer. Prophetic information is encoded in the dreams of certain individuals, the key is deciphering the message. The "shadow" of major future events are embedded in dreams, both metaphorically and concretely.

Other individuals receive information from the System during their conscious hours. I think human beings have a inherent ability to sense future events, Daryl Bern's research into precognition is a great step toward the empirical verification of our innate ability to accurately predict the future.

I guess I would fall into the latter category. I've only recently began to believe in prophetic messages, I was an entrenched atheist and materialist for many years; a fierce skeptic to all things spiritual/metaphysical. However, I had a supernova-esque awakening a few years ago. Since then, I've been receptive and willing to engage the non-physical.

Its hard to put into words how I have "received" this information. The best way of of putting it is that sort of stop trying to control my thoughts and let my mind wonder. Sort of an automatic free association in my mind. I really cant explain it fully just yet.

The moral of the story, is that I am very convinced that there is going to be a major disaster within the next 18 months in Arizona involving an Ash Cloud. Even the naming of the city Phoenix seems to point toward a future event influencing the past. I suspect that this might be the result of a super volcano and/or massive geological event in the Southwest. I explain it a little better on my blog

There are a whole lot of people out there predicting natural disasters and the end of the world. I'm not so sure the world is ending, but I do believe in signs and omens. We are surrounded by false prophets who might indeed have some precognitive gift, but they use it for vain, selfish, and avaricious reasons. Some are snake oil salesmen and charlatans. Seeing as how this has not happened and most if not all geologists would find this unlikely, I am certainly vulnerable to the charge of false prophet. And if this does not happen, then I will be forced to admit that have some severe delusional tendencies. But there is something I cannot shake or get out of my head about this. I think all of us have the ability to access the metaphysical, the western world has been told that the spiritual is imaginary for so long that we repress our most important of the senses.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by mirrormaker326
I can't really say that my dreams have given me any concrete information about future events, I believe that gifts of the prophetic nature sort of manifest themselves in harmony with the individual person and his/her psychological and spiritual constitution. Some are more receptive during sleep, when many of the psychological guards that human beings devout a massive amount of cognitive energy to during waking hours are let down. Sleep is a retreat from the exterior world and its bombardment on our senses. It is in this sensory deprived state that access to the System is opened to the dreamer. Prophetic information is encoded in the dreams of certain individuals, the key is deciphering the message. The "shadow" of major future events are embedded in dreams, both metaphorically and concretely.

Other individuals receive information from the System during their conscious hours. I think human beings have a inherent ability to sense future events, Daryl Bern's research into precognition is a great step toward the empirical verification of our innate ability to accurately predict the future.

I guess I would fall into the latter category. I've only recently began to believe in prophetic messages, I was an entrenched atheist and materialist for many years; a fierce skeptic to all things spiritual/metaphysical. However, I had a supernova-esque awakening a few years ago. Since then, I've been receptive and willing to engage the non-physical.

Its hard to put into words how I have "received" this information. The best way of of putting it is that sort of stop trying to control my thoughts and let my mind wonder. Sort of an automatic free association in my mind. I really cant explain it fully just yet.

The moral of the story, is that I am very convinced that there is going to be a major disaster within the next 18 months in Arizona involving an Ash Cloud. Even the naming of the city Phoenix seems to point toward a future event influencing the past. I suspect that this might be the result of a super volcano and/or massive geological event in the Southwest. I explain it a little better on my blog

There are a whole lot of people out there predicting natural disasters and the end of the world. I'm not so sure the world is ending, but I do believe in signs and omens. We are surrounded by false prophets who might indeed have some precognitive gift, but they use it for vain, selfish, and avaricious reasons. Some are snake oil salesmen and charlatans. Seeing as how this has not happened and most if not all geologists would find this unlikely, I am certainly vulnerable to the charge of false prophet. And if this does not happen, then I will be forced to admit that have some severe delusional tendencies. But there is something I cannot shake or get out of my head about this. I think all of us have the ability to access the metaphysical, the western world has been told that the spiritual is imaginary for so long that we repress our most important of the senses.

I wouldnt call myself a falsh prophet, Ive never predicted a date or location or anything of that nature. Just said what the visions were and left the rest to the public open for speculation however they deem fit. A true prophet doesnt care what others think of his message cause he is inspired by the creator and the opinion doesnt matter over that of the creator. Many spiritual prophets and preachers have been demonized throughout history. You want an interested read check out the thread on the several dreams I have had/visions whatever you want to call them.

Visions of Noone or Someone you decide

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by fishman1985

I didn't mean to insinuate that you or anyone else on this thread is a false prophet. There is a distinction between precognition and prophecy. I think that unctuous egomaniacs like Aaron C Donahue are the epitome of false prophets. Harold Camping's senile Elmer Gantry shtick also comes to mind. I believe that future events do shadow the past and imprint themselves in our consciousness, and some individuals gain access to this realm in dreams. The vitriol in my post toward false prophets is 100% directed at those who manipulate people for power or monetary gain.

Reading the posts in this thread, I haven't noticed any hubris or condescension by the members, everyone seems pretty open minded and non-judgmental, so please don't misconstrue my sometimes strong denouncement of "false prophets" as a personal attack on anyone here. I think that tapping into out collective consciousness is the key to the next step in Mankind's development.
edit on 25-10-2011 by mirrormaker326 because: Grammatical Error

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:24 AM
I don't normally remember dreams but for the past 10 years the few I have had have not been that good... it started about 10 years ago, I had 2 dreams one night after the other, the first one was running from a ship that was dragging people up with light, the other there were crowds of people lined up along a hill being taken willingly into a ship who's light patterns looked like the christian cross.

after that though it's mostly been dreams about explosions, cities burning... and lights flying strangely above cities hitting them with some sort of explosive light beam and causing the cities to ignite and burn.

I'm really not sure what any of this means... probably just dreams but I suppose it would count as "end times"

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