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Can Satan read our minds??How about demons and other kinds of spirits?

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Yeah, Tulpa myths are very interesting. There's a lot on it, and yet it's surprisingly unheard of.

You could also, presuming it was a genuine experience, have experienced, telepathy or synchronicity. In other words, your mind could have picked up vibes from him, thus giving you the images. This wouldn't require any manifestations, but it would seem like one to you.

Or, his crazy could 'rub off' on you without any supernatural intervention. Just things you pick up subconsciously that led to a conscious error in your perception. That's an explanation that doesn't need to assume any unproven supernatural phenomena.

If you made your own topic on the events in the paranormal section, you'll get input from many others as well. Otherwise, I'd rather not go excessively into natural and supernatural explanations, as I've already promoted this thread going off the rails once already.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:34 PM
I'm just trying to give out a point of view.

The point with the story of the schizophrenic was that from what I could tell, it lived in his mind, it was influencing his thoughts by putting it's own into his head. They had entire conversations in his head that only he and it heard.
It had it's own intelligence,.
But it was his creation, not an outside source.

I think his mind had fragmented and created his own demon, and it probably could read his mind as it was a part of him to begin with.

Sounds crazy huh?

Now I am just trying to answer the question at the top of my screen which is do demons/spirits/Satan, read minds, at first I would of said no, in fact I think I did, I figured they read energy patterns not so much your thoughts, but this just made me realize that uh, I guess some can.

I don't think all spirits can, but depending on what it is, I guess your thoughts are not your own.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by ShortMemory
reply to post by eeks4

the bible is not logical or factual proof.
no one can read your mind
edit on 21-10-2011 by ShortMemory because: (no reason given)

The Bible is not logical or factual proof. Neither is you stating that no one can read your mind.... Sorry, just because you don't believe something has no bearing on it's existence..

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by eeks4

I've never encountered satan, so I couldn't speak on that directly. Are you differentiating between Satan and Lucifer? One of the requirements for a sanctioned exorcism is knowing the unknowable. Mind reading is common in true cases of possession. As far as proof. How? People still debate the existence of God, Satan, mindreading, Jesus, demons, ghosts, etc.... So no hard proof exists. Individual experiences don't prove anything to anyone save the person they happen to.

If you believe in Satan, then you accept at least some of the dogma surrounding him. Assume he can read minds. I think you mentioned evil in your house... Are you really that important to Satan himself? Probably not. Satan himself, if he did exist, why target you? And why himself? Why are you that relevant? If you aren't that relevant then it would be another demon and whether or not Satan can read minds is irrelevant.

I do not believe Satan exists as explained in the bible. I've seen a lot, from official exorcisms to years of investigations and Satan has never come up. Interesting huh?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:56 PM
[thump, thump] Is this thing on?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Minori
reply to post by akushla99

That was my point, wrther they can read our minds or not is minor the the fact that they can INFLUENCE.

I got it friend...

...but the best way to influence someone/thing, is to have them believe that, it is thier thoughts they're thinking...


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by akushla99
...but the best way to influence someone/thing, is to have them believe that, it is thier thoughts they're thinking...

But, at least a christian standpoint. Wouldn't this pass the boundaries from temptation and into taking away free will?

I can't see how a god would allow that. Or at least punish people who's will was tampered like that.

Then again, I don't know if your coming from a christian standpoint. But this is mostly a christian standpoint topic.
edit on 24-10-2011 by xxsomexpersonxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:09 AM
I don't think Satan/Lucifer can read minds...But i know ET/aliens can...Any how i do believe that the devil left,but i have a spirit here i cant get rid of and i have tried everything..

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Just wondering..I have heard that yes Satan can read our minds and no Satan cannot read our minds..Does or would anyone have any logical proof on this?? Is there anything in the bible about this??Thank you for your help

Yes....Satan can read our minds. He also has X-ray vision and can look right through our clothes and see our "naughty parts". He can even trick us by impersonating our grandma, and make us do bad things!

i have a spirit here i cant get rid of and i have tried everything..

Have you tried Clorox 2? I've heard it works on even the toughest spirits.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by ColeYounger

Just wondering..I have heard that yes Satan can read our minds and no Satan cannot read our minds..Does or would anyone have any logical proof on this?? Is there anything in the bible about this??Thank you for your help

Yes....Satan can read our minds. He also has X-ray vision and can look right through our clothes and see our "naughty parts". He can even trick us by impersonating our grandma, and make us do bad things!

i have a spirit here i cant get rid of and i have tried everything..

Have you tried Clorox 2? I've heard it works on even the toughest spirits.

Is that a soap???If not then no what is it and what do i do with it and how do i get it...And what does it do...BLEACH???

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by xxsomexpersonxx

Originally posted by akushla99
...but the best way to influence someone/thing, is to have them believe that, it is thier thoughts they're thinking...

But, at least a christian standpoint. Wouldn't this pass the boundaries from temptation and into taking away free will?

I can't see how a god would allow that. Or at least punish people who's will was tampered like that.

Then again, I don't know if your coming from a christian standpoint. But this is mostly a christian standpoint topic.
edit on 24-10-2011 by xxsomexpersonxx because: (no reason given)

I dont see it as a punishment but i see it as a test of faith

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by xxsomexpersonxx

Originally posted by akushla99
...but the best way to influence someone/thing, is to have them believe that, it is thier thoughts they're thinking...

But, at least a christian standpoint. Wouldn't this pass the boundaries from temptation and into taking away free will?

I can't see how a god would allow that. Or at least punish people who's will was tampered like that.

Then again, I don't know if your coming from a christian standpoint. But this is mostly a christian standpoint topic.
edit on 24-10-2011 by xxsomexpersonxx because: (no reason given)

From any 'standpoint', balance is maintained. If this means that, someone, by virtue of thier FREE WILL...of thier 'own' accord, or, through some type of 'voice in the head', commits to 'temptation'; the consequences of said commitment are played out, according to the mechanics of cause and effect, which is originally brought into play by the precept of FREE WILL. This is not a Christian 'thing'...but, is described in the bible, in passing.

God 'allows' it because they are/is his/her rules...and God does not tamper with the rules God set. FREE WILL is never 'taken away'...but can be utilised to influence and steer (just think about what advertising does - does it infringe your FREE WILL? Does any company take away your FREE WILL for you to purchase that item, you really didn't want?)

God does not punish. The rules are set. Punishment is the consequence of FREE WILL...(or rather, what appears as 'punishment') whether in this life, the future ones or the past ones.

The parameter of FREE WILL is set.

Satan is who?

You are the Fallen,
the Light Bringers,
tempted through free will by the sensate.

You are Louie Cipher,
it is you,
who fell.

The Garden has changed,
and the way you interact with it.
A prison of your own making.


posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by eeks4

Originally posted by xxsomexpersonxx

Originally posted by akushla99
...but the best way to influence someone/thing, is to have them believe that, it is thier thoughts they're thinking...

But, at least a christian standpoint. Wouldn't this pass the boundaries from temptation and into taking away free will?

I can't see how a god would allow that. Or at least punish people who's will was tampered like that.

Then again, I don't know if your coming from a christian standpoint. But this is mostly a christian standpoint topic.
edit on 24-10-2011 by xxsomexpersonxx because: (no reason given)

I dont see it as a punishment but i see it as a test of faith

According to Betty Eadie we have 5 godlike powers:

The power of imagination

The power of intelligence

The power of creation

The power of free will

The power to love

Go to the Betty Eadie website and post a message on the messageboard.
Explain your situation. She will send you some supernatural backup.

If believe you can draw on the power of heaven, you therefore can.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Thank you so much for your replies....I know god is with me...Or i wouldn't be here..peace

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 05:15 PM
I had that same questions a few weeks ago after something happened to me. I had seen an episode of Ghost Adventures (im obsessed with Zak Bagans lol) and they were investigating somewhere where a small girl had died. They mentioned her name and they also mentioned that this man (a reporter) had been physically attacked at 3:30 am.

After watching that show, i checked out something else on TV and completely forget about it. I went to sleep and i ended up waking up sweating and feeling very hot exactly at 3:30 am. I sat up in bed and i heard that little girls name being called out loudly in my head. I began wondering if it was just a coincidence that it happened or if it was possible that the spirit had somehow communicated with me across a darn tv! Kinda makes me wary to think that some of these spirits might have a way of communicating with you no matter how far or through what context you view them. In person or tv

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by eeks4

I have read that fallen angels are able to read minds as they are extremely intelligent and have telekinetic powers but that does not mean you cannot stop them. Ignore the people saying satan is not real, these people have been deceived, the biggest trick the devil played was to convince such people that he doesn't exist.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

The 'original sin', was a situation brought about through free will. The need to know...
Incarnate sensation,
therefore 'the fall',
into the carnal - incarnation.

The 'tree of knowledge' was a repository of sorts, which included information to effect, or bring about a vibrational alteration in one realm, to clothe or materialise a 'perfect' consciousness into a mundane matrix. A matrix where 'material' land needs to be tilled to produce material sustenance for the vehicle in which the consciousness became 'housed'.

The compulsion to attribute all sin to the results of, not following the Warning to not eat of the tree of knowledge, and the almost obsessive desire to personalise a scapegoat (devil, satan) has led to the concept of a saviour through which redemption can be 'gained', given that we have long ago become lost...'incarnation'.

Jesus was but one of the entities who, 'incarnated' to deliver the Truth, and the ways it can be attained.
Unfortunately for the emerging Christian church, the message became confused with the messenger...and, people in power saw an opportunity to 'profit' from the prophet...and the rest is His-story...

Of course, the same procedure, with the same messengers, occured in other 'organised' religions...each promising the ONLY way to salvation...through thier religion...

Demons and spirits are varied and many...thier existence is non-denominational, they include the gamut of all of which a previous poster has mentioned...lost consciousnesses tied to a location, unable to take the decision to 'move on'...thought forms created in this and other dimensions, bleeding through to this dimensional matrix etc...

Satan, on the other hand, is a construct, which has taken on a life of its own, though the auspices of thought projections into the realm which is not readily 'seen'.

What must be remembered in all this is that, we are not the only 'intelligence' in the grand, grand scheme of things, and it would certainly be most foolhardy to assume that we are THE ONLY 'intelligence' in the grand, grand scheme of things. A multitude of varying forms of 'intelligences' who have a multitude of differing agendas 'populate' the grand, grand scheme of things...the 'evidence' is there, for those who 'have eyes to see'.


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by akushla99

What i have found is the if you wake between 2:30 and 3:30 often that is ET time..The time they like to use....also if you see a owl in a recurring dream as well...I don't think falling angels can read your mind at least i hope not..

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by eeks4
reply to post by akushla99

What i have found is the if you wake between 2:30 and 3:30 often that is ET time..The time they like to use....also if you see a owl in a recurring dream as well...I don't think falling angels can read your mind at least i hope not..

I wake up at 2.30/3.30 to go to work!
I would tend toward thinking that, as with any 'enemy', you will be assailed at your own, most vulnerable moment.
The key, as far as I have been 'told', is to arm yourself with the knowledge...the when, why and how...and to be vigilant (read...aware) of your own M.O.
Given the precept of FREE WILL, and the way it can be, and is, used to advantage. You will only ever think, say and do...according to your belief structure...or, put another is better to swim with the stream, than against it (to get what you want).
The base emotions are 'food'. Broach these, and 'they' are well on thier way to turning you into an 'Anders Brevik'...(or however you spell his name).

Think about it...


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by eeks4

Angels, fallen or otherwise (or whatever we would deem them to be) operate in a different understanding of the 'ways of the universe'...

You can read someones' mind, but you can't necessarily make them think or do anything...this is tied in with operational FREE WILL, and a belief system which would 'allow' you to be influenced/controlled.

Remember the above, so below...
We already are aware of the ways in which we can be influenced/controlled (earth-wise), FREE WILL remains the one and only stumbling, in this locum...and 'there', in those locums...


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