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Ron Paul's comprehensive economic 'Plan to Restore America' *JUST RELEASED*

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Getting rid of the TSA as well, leave the security up to the airlines. You don't want to be groped by an airline security employee? you can choose to fly another airline that will security check you in much less invasive ways.

That is the free market, the ability to vote with your dollar.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

I'll tell you one thing....

the charts alone, on total spending and defence spending, are enough to convince me that he has a solid plan in mind.
the governments, including federal, state, and local, have all been on crazy spending sprees the past decade. we need someone to step up and point out how incredibly stupid this overspending is for the american people. who else more than the president should be addressing this.

Go Ron Paul!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Rush is endorsing RP? OMG, I almost fell back in my chair! Of course he says RP stole his Wow, let's see how long MSM can ignore him now! I am really looking forward to tomorrows debate. If I hear 999 one more time while they give RP the least questions, I am going to Puke!
Keep the faith people!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:04 PM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:10 PM

In his “Plan to Restore America,” Paul, a Republican lawmaker from Texas, proposes $1 trillion in cuts to government agencies, including the termination of the departments of Commerce, Education, Energy, Interior and Housing and Urban Development. The cuts contained in the economic plan would slash thousands of jobs that Paul concludes to be “nonproductive.”

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by MsAphrodite

I think homeboy is on the right track. Don't get me wrong, reversing the difficult position our economy has been placed in is not gonna be an easy task, by any stretch of the imagination. It's gonna hurt. A lot. But it's either that or self destruction. To me this is a true case of lesser of two evils. Endure a little bit of suffering now to ensure that we don't suffer the end of this country... which if we keep on in the way that we're going, the end is all we're gonna be looking forward to. A little over 200,000 lost jobs vs. the hundreds of thousands more we could lose in addition to the bat s*** crazy insanity that would ensue should our infrastructure straight up die... easy choice to me. Losing your job is not the same as losing everything. As long as you're alive, you can do something. This'll be hard. But you have to keep your head up...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:13 AM
Well Paul, tell your plan to people who buy into MSM. I do recall another President who said he would make change to America and after three years all we got was more of George Bush policies. This President was a good sales man he sold us a bill of lies.
These politicians all lie, while most people are now waking up to this fact and are sick and tired of supporting a two party system that doesn’t work any longer, it only severs the 1% and not the people.
Nov, 2012 vote no one. Let the corporations have their Presidential election and (We The People) will have our own.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by impressme

I would normally be right behind you on that train of thought. But I've been doin that one for awhile, and now I want to try something different. When Bush was elected (both times) back in the day, I shook my head violently and wondered at voter insanity (and the cheating!). When Obama was elected, I also shook my head, because I didn't by his bs, and that whole particular election felf like a set up.

Now... it just might be that i'm being stupid, but I'll give it a shot. I want to see if this hype surrounding Mr. Paul has any substance. If it doesn't, then I will have learned my lesson once and for all. For me... this is the last chance any politician gets...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:28 AM
WE the ATS community have a duty and need to make this and all of Ron Paul'ss Agenda Viral. I don't know the exact plan, but I would be committed to helping, but we need to spread the word and commitments of Ron Paul so that the majority of the American populace can understand that he is the BEST candidate for president.

Right now the media is censoring presidential candidates and is extremely biased... and because of this they control an EXTREME influence in the winner of the presidential race. I am all ears to any solution, but it is our obligation and duty as American citizens and patriots to ensure that Ron Paul has a FAIR chance at winning this election.

No puppet is he, he would help restore this country to its intended luster and help restore American the land of the free.

Flag and Star Op, this is great news... but we must and absolutely need to spread this!!!!!

Facebook, twitter, relatives, whatever exposure you can think of, take your rightful part in restoring this country and uphold your duty as an American citizen and make sure that the truth of Ron Paul is heard!!

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Sci-Fi_entist

I respect you decision but I am not waiting to be disappointed for a third time.
Watch who is funding Ron Pauls’ campaign, as soon as you start seeing Wall Street pouring money into his campaign then you will know his speeches are nothing but all hype.
As I recall Ron Paul wanted to get rid of the feds then if that’s the case Dr. Paul doesn’t have a chance. When it comes to Wall Street funding a Presidential candid, We The People cannot compete with the millions of dollars that Wall Street throws into an election. They always win.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by impressme

Hey, maybe you don't know yet and you'll probably still find a way to disagree with on this but Ron Paul isn't backed by big money.

Q3 fundraising financials are out

Ron Paul raised $8 million dollars in the third quarter of 2011, from over 100,000 individual donors.

That's $80 average donated amount

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:11 AM
That's all well and good, but...

How, exactly, does he plan to get congress to go along with and enact any of this?
No matter who is president, until something drastic changes with congress,i.e. an end to the same ol' same ol', the status quo that has held for decades untold WILL remain.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

You forgot to include the part where he wants to drastically cut taxes on corporations and the rich while cutting many programs which support the poor and middle classes not to mention drastically cut many federal jobs thus increasing unemployment..
No wonder Rush Limbaugh is supporting him..

"Paul would also make far-reaching changes to federal tax policy, reducing the top corporate income tax rate to 15 percent, eliminating capital gains and dividends taxes and allowing for repatriation of overseas capital without tax penalties. All tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush would be extended."

Ron Paul is great in many ways but sorry but he is one of the biggest corporate/rich supporters out there... He also believes in deregulation of corporations/wallstreet... cause ya we see where that has gotten us. A truely "free market" with no laws or regulations only works in a fictional world where corporate/rich people greed doesn't exist. When corporations/rich people get huge tax cuts they don't distribute the wealth to the poor out of the goodness of their heart, they give their ceo's fatter bonuses and make their rich share holders richer.

If he becomes president the gap between the rich and poor will become bigger than ever and corporations/rich elite will have more power and wealth than ever. Is that really what you want?
edit on 18-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by darkest4
reply to post by eLPresidente

You forgot to include the part where he wants to drastically cut taxes on corporations and the rich while cutting many programs which support the poor and middle classes not to mention drastically cut many federal jobs thus increasing unemployment..

"Paul would also make far-reaching changes to federal tax policy, reducing the top corporate income tax rate to 15 percent, eliminating capital gains and dividends taxes and allowing for repatriation of overseas capital without tax penalties. All tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush would be extended."

Ron Paul is great in many ways but sorry but he is one of the biggest corporate/rich supporters out there... He also believes in deregulation of corporations/wallstreet... cause ya we see where that has gotten us. A truely "free market" only works in a fictional world where corporate/rich people greed doesn't exist. When corporations/rich get huge tax cuts they don't distribute the wealth to the poor out of the goodness of their heart, they give their ceo's fatter bonuses and make their rich share holders richer.

If he becomes president the gap between the rich and poor will become bigger than ever and corporations/rich elite will have more power and wealth than ever. Is that really what you want?
edit on 18-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

You've never lived in a truly free market economy and you've never learned about it, so how would you know how bad it would be? Go out and ask any people's advocate groups like Millions against Monsanto if they prefer a free market economy over the lobbyist/fascist-state system we have right now.

Nothing, I mean, NOTHING has been working for us ever since the introduction of the federal reserve in 1933, which literally bankrupted and robbed us from our gold. So how do you possibly know maintaining the status quo will get better?

I'd LOVE to remove federal regulations, let the states decide how they want to protect their people and let advocate groups have direct access to the asses of the executives instead of giving them direct access to D.C. sellouts.

Lowering corporate tax to 15% could finally give the corporations incentive to bring their official headquarters back to America and not sitting in some small office or P.O. box in a low tax rate country. These companies don't even bring their profits back to America because they'd get taxed 35%, what the hell, why would they want to when they could spend it in other places for less? I sure as hell wouldn't, knowing that taxes are going to pay for our interest owed to the federal reserve anyways.

We already have greedy executives and bankers that steal, lie and cheat to get ahead and make the poor, poorer, while they add more digits to their bank accounts. But you know what the difference is when you cut corporate taxes and kill off the IRS? the people have more cash for direct re-investment and we'd get more private sector jobs out of it. Ask any businessman if he could use more cash to hire more employees, go ask, seriously because I work with them all the time and I know for a fact that businessmen would LOVE to have more money and grow their businesses and stay competitive.
edit on 18-10-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

Ron Paul is not going to "kill off the IRS" and eliminate taxes for poor/middle class and "give them more money". He's going to lower taxes for corporations and rich wall street tycoons... read his plan yourself and show me where it says the working class will have no taxes.

For your information, "business men" don't generate jobs as fox news has brainwashed you to believe. DEMAND for goods and services creates jobs. Demand is created by a wealthier middle/poor class not by CEOs/share holders/investors getting an extra million or billion in their pocket. The top 1% can only demand so many goods and services.

Companies will never stop using tax loopholes overseas sorry, because there will still be places cheaper after these cuts, especially if we have a policy of DEREGULATION. And they will never bring their jobs back home as long as their is child labor and penny workers to be exploited over in china and other nations.

There's not a single "free market" system in the entire history of the world, for good reason. Sorry but just because the govt sucks and is corrupt sometimes, it doesn't mean that the rest of the people in a country aren't. Corporations, wall market scumbags and the rich elite are just as corrupt as government. And if you let them do whatever they want with no rules, laws or regulations they are going to make THEMSELVES richer and more powerful at the cost of the other 99% of americans just like they already try to do as much as they can within the limits of the law.
edit on 18-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:44 AM
lets hope he doesn't try to end the federal reserve...we all know what happened to the other two presidents that tried to do that.....

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by darkest4

If you don't even know Ron Paul's stance on the IRS and Income, what are you really doing here complaining about his economic policies? I mean, short of ending the federal reserve and bringing our troops home to stop policing the world, the next biggest thing Ron Paul is known for is his strong stand against the income tax and IRS. Anybody will know you CAN'T lower/kill income tax without first drastically cutting spending.

BTW, a true free market does currently exist but that would take us far off-topic.

Please return to my statements about personally asking peoples advocate groups like Millions Against Monsanto if they want direct access to corporations without being bypassed by lobbyists and D.C. sellouts.

And also ask real businessmen if they'd love to have more cash to grow their businesses and hire more people.

Go do it, seriously, it'll open your eyes.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

His "stance" doesn't matter when his actual plan does not back it up. His stance means nothing if he has no plan to act on it. There is no elimination of the income tax and thus the IRS. There is only further tax cuts for the corporations and rich investors.

I know "real businessmen" including myself and you are simply wrong... Corporations aren't looking out for your average american they are looking out for their rich share holders. And once again, DEMAND is what produces profits for companies which allow them to hire and DEMAND is created by the 99% of Americans who only get further screwed over by less taxes for the rich and elite and massive cuts to programs which support the poor/middle class.

I'm fine with a smaller govt, but not at the expense of the middle/poor class and for the benefit of the rich and powerful. They are getting all the benefits out of this plan while the middle/poor class gets further screwed.
edit on 18-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by darkest4

Well I say you are simply wrong, 'your way' has obviously not been working and will continue to be as such.

Like I said before and this is something you are not understanding is that you cannot kill income taxes unless you've drastically cut spending. His plan calls for trillion dollar cuts in the first year but we won't be able to have a truly balanced budget by year 3, he can't plan more than his 4 year term so how do you expect him to promise zero income tax when he barely balanced the budget by year 3? make some sense here.

Maybe you can name your shining candidate and we can talk about how his or her policies will continue ruin America with no real plans of change.

I honestly think you should do real homework on Ron Paul, you're 'simply wrong' on a lot of what you assume to be characteristics and positions of the man.
edit on 18-10-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

You are putting words in my mouth. My way? This is the opposite of my way. Wallstreet and corporations are already largely unregulated that has been the policy for a long time and that's what got us here... Ron Paul just wants to further deregulate and already highly unregulated market... Which just creates more opportunities for the rich and powerful to exploit the middle/poor class and transfer more wealth to the top 1%.

I'm not "wrong" about anything. All I did was state exactly what was in his plan... It doesn't matter that you think he wants to eliminate income taxes and the IRS cause he said it a few times, his plan is out there and it shows no such thing. We can only discuss what is actually in his plan, anything else is just speculation. Politicians talk # to get votes all the time and don't deliver on it, welcome to america.

I have no candidate. They are all serving the interests of wallstreet/corporations at this time, Ron Paul more so than some others as his plan shows.
edit on 18-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

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