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Could aliens be causing our erratic solar activity.

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:46 AM
i came across this video today and it got me thinking, what if the erratic solar activity we are experiencing lately is caused by ufos. Theres a lot of evidence showing comets hitting the sun then giant flares erupt from the sun but some of the comets seem to have a life of their own, (changing course etc) What if some of these comets are actually ufo's entering the sun. I know this seems like a wild claim and im not a ufo fanatic it was this video that got me thinking "what if". Id like to know your thoughts on this guys ......

regards : kayak

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:06 AM
The sun is transitioning into Solar Max. 'Erratic' behaviour is expected and completely normal.

To shoot a question back at you you, if aliens were here and had the technological know-how to do such things, why would they even bother? To what end?


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Intersting theory alright.
I would like to hear some phyics to support the idea of the sun as a stargate.....
I am currntly not aware of any theoretical plans or speculations to that extent.
Why cant these be comets or what have you\?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:26 AM
The objects hitting the sun are comets and are most certainly not planet sized.

As they approach the sun, they get brighter and brighter and this is what we see on SOHO.

To further my point, Have a look at what comets Neat and Mcnaught look like on SOHO:

As you can see, they appear to be many times larger than the sun, but we know that is impossible, it is just the way the camera is catching the light.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
The objects hitting the sun are comets and are most certainly not planet sized.
To further my point, Have a look at what comets Neat and Mcnaught look like on SOHO:

Chad I am disappointed in you :shk: Are you a physicist? No? Well a Physicist says that was Planet X

Video Proof That Nibiru Has Come and Gone

All the disinfo these days, who knows WHAT to believe anymore

As for SOHO they give classes on how to make your own UFO. I kid you not. Here we have NASA deliberately teaching people how to turn pixels into UFO's KEWL huh? Gotta love the 'geniuses' at NASA who thought this one up.

How to Make Your Own UFO

Step One

Cut-out of EIT 195 � image from 2001/01/18 at 16:24 UT, taken from the public SOHO archive, with standard processing & color table. The circle highlights a cosmic ray hit.

Step Two

Further cut-out, showing the cosmic ray pixels highlighed on the image to the left, with a little different color scaling.

Step Three

Still the same data, but interpolated (using one of a zillion possible methods) instead of simply resampled as the previous one.

Step Four

Voila! Finally, after a "touch-up" of the color table, we have what may look like a nice UFO with a glow and exhaust fumes!

Step Five
Contact the BBC News, a reliable news service, and give them the scoop

Wednesday, 15 January, 2003, 20:00 GMT
In pictures: Have the aliens landed?
A series of images which it is claimed prove the existence of aliens is going on show at Leicester's National Space Centre.

They are said to have been taken by a Nasa spaceship which is 1,000,000 miles from Earth.

Mike Murray, a UFO enthusiast who is putting on the show warned people not to contact the centre as it has been inundated with interest.

Here BBC News Online reveals why UFO spotters believe aliens have landed.

And there ya go... not only main stream news, but a formal exposition at Leicester's National Space Centre.

And they have a few more

So there ya go LOTS of Alien Spacecraft messing around with the sun... and here you are trying to say its 'comets'

And how about THESE two? Do they look like comets?

edit on 17-10-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Or, Its the sun doing what the sun does.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:20 PM
10... 9... 8....


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
To shoot a question back at you you, if aliens were here and had the technological know-how to do such things, why would they even bother? To what end?

Aliens have their own agenda... IF they wanted you to know about their business, we would have disclosure... YOU don't have a need to know

As to this image..

Can you add the History Channel logo to that please? Thanks

And after watching that OP video... seems we need to add Captain Kirk as well

UFOlogy is officially dead

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by zorgon

People just don't spend the time with their hoaxes anymore...

"I'll just call these comets alien spaceships!"

"That's not Mercury! It's an interdimensional space station"

And despite NASA's how-to guide from 2003, we still get alien spaceships around the sun in 2011...

UFOlogy is officially dead


edit on 17/10/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)


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