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US threat of military action unites Pakistan, opposing Pakistan political leaders to meet tomorrow

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posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:19 AM
Here's another article I found that just came out about 30 minutes ago that is more detailed in the meeting taking place tomorrow

Pakistan holds rare cross-party talks on Thursday designed to build unity in the face of mounting American pressure to act against the Al-Qaeda-linked Haqqani network or face the consequences.

At the moment, the US is conducting a "final review" on a decision to blacklist the Haqqani or not. Its not just the Haqqani that may be "blacklisted" either.

And given the US claims about Pakistan government ties to the network, analysts have warned there is a risk Islamabad will be branded a state sponsor of terror.

If Islamabad is branded a state sponsor of terror, I doubt the citizens of Pakistan will appreciate that.

Unease has been growing in Pakistan over the US demands to act against the Haqqanis but Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani is expected to use the conference to try to rally support behind the government and military rather than formulate new strategies.

It looks like, atleast according to the article, the people will be rallying behind the Pakistani military.

Members of Gilani's fragile coalition, the opposition and the main religious parties are expected to attend the Thursday afternoon talks. Civilian politicians will likely fall into line behind the military, considered the chief arbiter of power in Pakistan.

Gilani's office said the conference would Top party leaders, including opposition leader Nawaz Sharif and heose a threat to Pakistan. ads of Islamic parties such as pro-Taliban cleric Fazlur Rehman have signalled that they will be there.

As everyday passes, the citizens of Pakistan get more and more tired of the US conducting military action within their country. They dont want anymore drone strikes in their land. They dont want anymore secret raids. From what I understand so far, this is a very rare, first of a kind conference where the outcome is most likely going to be.... "Get the heck out of our land!" This time, they are saying the government will ensure whatever comes out of this meeting is accomplished.

"All the political parties will plan a road map for the future and government will ensure implementation of this strategy," said Information Minister Firdous Ashiq Awan.

Retired general turned political analyst Talat Masood told AFP that the government and the military want to defuse the latest crisis.

"The gathering is intended to send a strong signal from the country's political parties that they stand united behind the military in the wake of US pressures," he said.

Hopefully nothing drastic comes out of this. The retired general also said:

"The conference will serve as political catharsis to let passions cool off."

Hopefully this will cool the people down. Im not sure what the odds are at the moment, since the current ruling party has been taking alot of heat.

Gilani's main ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP), which leads a precarious majority in parliament, faces strong domestic criticism for supporting the United States in its war on terror and providing logistical support.

US allegations of Pakistan waging a proxy war in Afghanistan triggered a frenzy of anger this week with several thousand people attending rallies.

We should know what the outcome of this meeting is sometimes late tomrrow. What do I think it will be? Im not really sure at the moment, but Im leaning towards the side that will tell the US to shove it. If they do come to that conclusion, the US should just get the heck out of the MIddle East. The longer we stay there, the more problems we cause.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by mayabong

I predict one more big attack on american troops in Afghanistan then there will be war.

That is exactly what I think will cause a war between us and Pakistan.

Somehow the US will relate the attack to the Haqqani network or some of group in Pakistan, if not the Pak military directly, and then the US politicians will clamour for another invasion.

Edit - Side note- It seems that Pakistan and India are trying to rev up peace between eachother.

India, Pakistan to double trade, open new border post

Nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan agreed on Wednesday to more than double trade within three years and open a second border trading post as they seek to buttress their peace process.

Deepening economic engagement between the two countries, which have fought three wars against each other since independence from Britain in 1947, is seen as crucial to establishing lasting peace in the troubled South Asian region.

If war does break out, it looks like Pakistan may have one less, nuclear armed enemy to worry about.
edit on 29-9-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:56 AM

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by buni11687

No one likes to receive the lick of the forked tongue. To be forthright in this situation, Britain in all her Glory
and Infinite Wisdom, has left a series of unresolved and messy decisions to be delegated to The United States
of America. Convienient to the Crown, for the time being, it does not resolve the most inner and delicate
decisions regarding social management . There are those who truly believe in good faith that Multiculturalism
will lead society towards a unified global freedom. Yet at the same time, there are those who truly understand
the human nature of territorialism and will realize that the winning agenda is to place culture against culture in
the age old method of blame. This is a method of distraction and deception to wander the eyes and minds of the
general public away from the real thieves of humanity. Those that you worship with attention on a daily basis.
Those who give you Nothing ,but the realization of what you will never have! How they laugh as you line up to
watch, and give pentinance to their gluttony.

As if you did not inherently know. Yet you have allowed. Why? Because it is a matter of group mentality.
Until you are willing to rise up and claim what is rightfully yours here on your short existence on earth,
and with open eyes, realize what joy has been stolen from you, only then will you be respected and presented
with what is rightfully yours. Otherwise, you will be treated no better than a mollusk.
Which is nothing more than a "Useless eater to be harvested."

Clams Casino anyone? How about "Oysters Rockefeller"? SAVVY?
edit on 29-9-2011 by Wildmanimal because: Grammer/Typo

edit on 29-9-2011 by Wildmanimal because: grammar

edit on 29-9-2011 by Wildmanimal because: add in/typo

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by buni11687

The United States of America has not only supported Pakistan Diplomatically, Militarily, and Financially, but it has
also with Great Effort , Endeavored to clean up the mess left behind by The Crown of Great Britain,The Soviets,
and The earthquakes of God Almighty.

When we leave, dont expect U.S. to return with mercy when you wise up and beg us back.

In fact, at that point you might be looking for mercy from China....Good Luck.

Enjoy your Fortune Cookie. Regards, Wildmanimal
edit on 29-9-2011 by Wildmanimal because: God Honest Typo

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:46 AM
fuark and I just signed up for selective service

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
reply to post by buni11687

The United States of America has not only supported Pakistan Diplomatically, Militarily, and Financially, but it has
also with Great Effort , Endeavored to clean up the mess left behind by The Crown of Great Britain,The Soviets,
and The earthquakes of God Almighty.

When we leave, dont expect U.S. to return with mercy when you wise up and beg us back.

In fact, at that point you might be looking for mercy from China....Good Luck.

Enjoy your Fortune Cookie. Regards, Wildmanimal
edit on 29-9-2011 by Wildmanimal because: God Honest Typo

I don't see China violating their citizens with buzz bombs & commando raids.. or severely screwing with Pakistan's internal affairs fomenting strife.

..and "diplomatic support" blah blah is a nice way to label bribe/blood money.. "we" kill them, they do nothing. China has more cash that than the oligarch thugs do. There is no reason to be friends with the aggressive war profiteers in charge.. they'd be doing themselves a favor ridding themselves of US elite static & death.

I'm glad the Pakistanis are pissed.. its about time nations in that region stop being little NWO stooges and stand up for their people GOP & DNC dear leaders are murdering. Frankly I hope they cut off all supplies and choke the occupation to a humiliating & brutal end.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Ive been looking around to see what has come out of this meeting but havent found much yet. The only article Ive been able to find says this.

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - U.S. military action against insurgents in Pakistan would be unacceptable and the country's army would be capable of responding, intelligence chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha told a meeting of political leaders in Islamabad, according to media reports.

Express News TV cited Pasha as saying an "American attack on Pakistan in the name of (fighting) extremism is not acceptable."

However, several television news reports said Pasha had also told an all-party meeting to discuss the crisis in ties between Washington and Islamabad that Pakistan would not allow the situation to get to a "point of no return."

That's all Ive heard so far.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Well here's more :

Pakistan will be forced to retaliate, CIA chief told

The effort to ensure that diplomacy and calmer heads prevail at a time of fragile relations between Pakistan and the United States is on. However, the effort notwithstanding, Islamabad has made it clear to Washington that, if it comes down to it, Pakistan will be forced to retaliate if American forces attempt to launch a unilateral strike on the country’s tribal belt.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Express Tribune that Pasha had informed his counterpart that the Pakistani people will not tolerate any US misadventure and in that case the government will be left with no other option but to retaliate.

“We cannot be caught off guard this time,” the official told lawmakers, referring to the raid that embarrassed the country’s powerful security establishment about its ignorance of the world’s most wanted man’s whereabouts. “This time, we will give them a surprise if they (Americans) dare,” he said.

U.S. says in final review to designate Haqqani network as terrorist group

U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Washington is in final review on decision to designate the Haqqani network as a terrorist organization.

"We're in the final, formal review that has to be undertaken to make a government-wide decision to designate the network as a foreign terrorist organization," Clinton told reporters at a joint press conference with visiting Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:40 AM
Looks like theyre fed up with the Americans taking liberties with them, quite right too.

We will see more and more countries switch sides if this keeps up. I hope the UK follows soon after all, we keep on getting dragged into their wars and they chickened out of our last war against Argentina so the benefit is very much one sided.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:44 AM
Which country was it that got the final bribe,, was it India,?
state Dept. did big show and tell,,, big amount of money,,

maybe usa aint gonna bribe anyone anymore,, so keep an eye out for,,??
who got the money again?
cant remember.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:52 AM
it seems the "network" made the list how it , the "network" got its name

Named after its leader Jalaluddin Haqqani, the Haqqani Network is a group within the insurgency in Afghanistan that is based out of North Wazirstan in the Pakistani Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The group has been active mainly in the east of Afghanistan—in Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Ghazni Wardak and even Kabul provinces.
so would this mean we would go in to Pakistan if all else fails? what do you think?

And this linking the "net work" to Pakistan's ISI from the link

In 1995 the network was recruited by the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to support the Taliban and its fight to establish an Islamic fundamentalist regime. As a result of this longstanding relationship, the ISI continues to view the Haqqani network as its most reliable regional proxy.
so the Intel, CIA, know that ISI is helping and backing a known terrorist group that do carry out attacks on US forces in Afghanistan, but operate freely in Pakistan. sounds like a new war front to me.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:09 PM
It's been obvious that Pakistan played both sides in this conflict. We need to degrade the haqqani network and the pakistanis don't want to cooperate any longer. We made it clear that we would assault the network if they would not. By granting safe harbor to a known enemy of the US they have CHOSEN to forfeit the funds and other support we provide and have more or less declared war, by proxy, against the US.

This is the first easily recognizable step in a new cold war between China and the US. Pakistan is nothing more than a proxy owned by the highest bidder.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:35 PM
There is no longer any need to waste american taxpayers resources on the Pakis. Let them stew in their own pot.

Osama is dead. Afghanisation had been shown democracy. Paki elites got fat and rich. Time for US to pull once and for all. The are other ways to deal with terrorism, and most certainly NOT feeding the terrorists themselves - the pakis.

China will want some influence along with resources, but the pakis are not fools to just hand it over to them. It will be a price the impoverised China CANNOT afford to pay.

India, despite its peaceful overtures, still have many accounting to settle with the pakis. The Bombay terrorist assualt had never been forgotten. Democratic India will be more than happy to see US pull out and stop its funding.

But the most critical of all is :-


posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:47 PM
If the US thinks that Pakistan will be as easy as Iraq...they are delusional.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Pretty sure Iraq in 1991 had a stronger military than Pakistan. Plus im sure if the US were to do anything against pakistan then the US might bring the "heat" this time if you know what i mean.

Let me was told to Saddam in 1991: "If you try anything unconventional, let us remind you that we have "special weapons" aboard our ships that we will use"

Originally posted by GLaDOS
If the US thinks that Pakistan will be as easy as Iraq...they are delusional.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I can see Pakistans point of view.

Their problems go way back, well before the US had troops in Iraq or Afganistan so people should take that into account first of all before they pop off about war.

I know Pakistan may feel they have it coming at them from all sides. However, I felt that Zaids (if that's his name)little message there was a bit extreme and that actual Pakistan officials shouldnt over-react and jump to all these war type conclusions. Its just creating more hostility and is seriously counter productive. That guy is frustrated with his Government, or what he calls a lack of one but he shouldnt talk on behalf of his country like that. Who doubts that anyone in any country has national pride. So why the hot air? That said, I think everyone is just a little frustrated to the point that this whole terrorist hunt has become confusing. Especially to the public from all sides including from within Pakistan.

In the first place, I dont think the US meant for the Osama raid to be a slap in the face to pakistans military, nor its sovereignty, not at all. Theyre an ally and have been. I think the US saw an opportunity to hit the compound quick and without injury to civilians in a friendly countries territory. A country that has been cooperating with the US for a while now fighting the same battles. So why so much anger? I think theyre lucky the US didnt consider them a terrorist state after 9/11 because Bush certianly made the message clear. Instead, we worked with them to help clear this element out. So get back on the same page.

Second, Pakistan and India really have to settle their differences. They are still fighting after all these years and what has come of it? Proxy in Afganistan that is spilling over borders? So proxy war there instead of peace is not the solution to their problems and Im not saying that an outright war is either. But both should really make every effort to calm down instead of continuing this fight on foreign soil. They need to make a real peace effort so that both can move forward and prosper.

Also, Iran and Russia have been no help in this matter over the years. Not at all. Why feed the fire and all the while jump on the nato stage and cry about peace when they have no real reason to push for it? Pakistan knows about the new weapons that certain sects of Taliban are getting, theyre always well armed. They say so themselves. That doesnt discount Chinas tech nor that of the US. We all need to back away from this sort of thing. Fighting via proxy and profit militarism is out of the question. Pakistan is not the worlds weapon testing ground and neither is Afganistan. No country is for that matter and no one actually benefits in the end anyway because it results in the loss of life.

With that said, if nato believes that tracking hardware in weapons is the solution, I would think again. The truth of the matter is countries can very easily reproduce this tech and place blame where it doesnt belong. That applies to all countries because theyre all buying trading and selling weapons. So the truth of the matter is the war profiteering has to stop for everyone or there will never be any real peace in the region let alone any bit of stability.

Last, if the problem for Pakistan is us having troops and drones over there, then I think the American people have already taken notice and would support troops withdrawl from the region. Enough damage has been done in this last decade. As a matter of fact that withdrawl has begun so again, why provoke the US to stay? I find that rather odd. You dont want us there but start talks of war? Interesting.

Anyway, If pakistan really feels that they can go it alone, then good luck to them. Now they will still have to deal with Iran, Russia and India and they know there is no short term solution to that. Nor is a war with the US a solution, its a sure bet for destruction.. so it is in the interest of not only Pakistan but everyone else, to calm the hell down and talk things out or let this whole situation (god forbid) get seriously out of hand.

Thanks for the thread and updates btw Buni.
edit on 29-9-2011 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Nephalim
Last, if the problem for Pakistan is us having troops and drones over there, then I think the American people have already taken notice and would support troops withdrawl from the region. Enough damage has been done in this last decade. As a matter of fact that withdrawl has begun so again, why provoke the US to stay? I find that rather odd. You dont want us there but start talks of war? Interesting.

Thanks for the thread and updates btw Buni.
edit on 29-9-2011 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)


1. Money to lift their economy. Without US funds, the elites would not have gotten fat and a trickling down of wealth to its citizens would not have kept the peace and poverty in Pakistan. Despite its wealth in resources, their human capital developement is abysmal at best.

Religion by senile old men clinging onto power and priviledges was the only way to keep its young and great potential citizens stupid and docile.

2. Regional politics is another reason why they need US to be around. Their neighbour - India, isnt exactly their good friend. China and Russia are well known to the pakis as being rapacious in resources, as well as being totally infidel atheist nations - an anathema to the more religious fanatics in power. At least Israel of US can claim to be children of the Book, but China and Russia are far out to the fundamentalist religious.

Thus, they will need US to be buffer, to protect them from India or at least make india think twice before considering any expansionist moves. US will be the lesser devil between China if the religious authorities need to explain to the masses for the US to stay.

UNFORTUNATELY, due to religion and nationalist pride, they dare not stand too much on US side if they want to remain in power, for the fundamentalists, amongst them are radical elements, will seize every opportunity to grab for power by tarnishing the help US is giving to Paki.

And also UNFORTUNATELY, USA truly no longer has any valid reasons to waste taxpayers resources any further. Osama is dead, and with him, at least a griveance lead to rest. There are many other ways to deal with terrorism, and pakistan is no longer on a high priority list, as the pakis are too complicated and treacherous to trust anyfurther.

Lastly, each nation is responsible for their own socio-political and economic developement. The Pakistanis masses are our fellow human brothers and sisters. They too seek for self determination and nation building, just like every human on Earth today. What the paki elites and religious leaders are doing will eventually lead to an arab spring showdown one day soon.

Best USA get out of the way, or become the target for the spring of discontent instead of the actual perpetrators - the paki elite and religious leaders.

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