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Georgie Boy - Is Osborne's Story going to wake people up in UK?

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 07:53 AM
Its a revolution that we need lads. Get rid of these lying theiving druggy scum. Im sick of listening to these twats and their bs. Sack the lot of them and their friends in the duck house of commons.
Up is down, black is white and war is peace.....

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:04 AM
And as for those who think this could be the end of Osbourne; get real....long gone are the days when politicians would fall on the sword, they all just brazen it out nowadays knowing full well that the public's attention is fickle and fleeting and the politicians friends in MSM will soon manipulate events to ensure something far more trivial and inane is top of the news agenda.

There is barely a mention of this on any of the MSM news sites.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:10 AM
I've never come across an individual that I've so immediately distrusted as Osbourne. His manner suggests he is the most timid kind of person and yet he occupies the most powerful publicly displayed position in the UK - how and why?

As soon as the Tories got into power he was off on holiday with Peter Mandleson at the Rothschild's.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Thats true.

However, I am hopefule Channel4 and Newsnight will get stuck into him this evening. Plenty of the press are having a pop at him too, although the newspapers really have lost their power. If enough go after him all the media will have to jump onboard. He is getting plently of coverage on twitter at the moment too.

I don't think he will survive this because of the atmosphere with the public at the moment. The fact NOTW is been dragged up in this story again is also going to be setting off alarm bells.

Osborne has to come out and issual a denial that he was a coc aine user. I don't think he can. The former escort claims there is plenty of witnesses that seen him use. Since he cant issue this denial , i think he will have to go.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by allintoaccount

You are kidding right?

Pensioners have gain what out of this?

Pensioners are far worse of nowadays than they were 10 years ago.

As for Osborne, does not surprise me one bit. One rule for the Political Classes and another rule for the rest of us. Its a now wonder people still hate politicians in the UK.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:43 AM
Just a typical sleazy Tory hypocrite. All Tories are the same. You cannot be a decent person and a Tory at the same time which is why I utterly despise them, and those who support them.

The other lot aren't that much better either a lot of the time. Our parliament is full of lying, unscrupulous, self-serving pigs and it ain't gonna change within my lifetime, I'm sure. I'd be happy to see all members of this government take drugs and fatally OD. I would actually be happy if it happened, and if that offends any tories on here, rest assured that I care nothing for you, your feelings or your fate, so go and cry to someone else.
edit on 13/9/11 by NocturnalPhantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I hope you are right, but I doubt it.

This bunch of morally decrepit toffs have a particularly indignant disregard for the electorate of this country and believe they have the right to do as they wish.

Osbourne is a big pal of Cameron and a close political ally....Cameron will not demand his resignation and by this time next week at the latest this will be all but forgotten.

Their mentallity has changed little since their Bullingdon days together.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:41 AM
Having contemplated this for a while, perhpas we really do have to give these people a bit of a chance and let their actions speak for themselves in the long run. Maybe Mr O will pull a rabbit out of the hat and save the day, in the long run, and maybe you don't have to have the moral high ground, whatever that is to sort out a country's economy. Perhaps, what he did in the past, allegedly, won't matter at all in a few years time. If he suceeds in saving the country from bankruptcy we shall probably thank him in the long run. Maybe the British are wide awake and just don't care anyway.

Time is going to tell on this one. One thing is for certain, I have spoken to many people today and not one mentioned Mr O and this story. I don't think many in the UK give a flying fig!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by NocturnalPhantom
Just a typical sleazy Tory hypocrite. All Tories are the same. You cannot be a decent person and a Tory at the same time which is why I utterly despise them, and those who support them.

The other lot aren't that much better either a lot of the time. Our parliament is full of lying, unscrupulous, self-serving pigs and it ain't gonna change within my lifetime, I'm sure. I'd be happy to see all members of this government take drugs and fatally OD. I would actually be happy if it happened, and if that offends any tories on here, rest assured that I care nothing for you, your feelings or your fate, so go and cry to someone else.
edit on 13/9/11 by NocturnalPhantom because: (no reason given)

I almost want to create a dozen new accounts so I can star the hell out of your post!

Osborne will go in a cynical move to try and save "Call Me Dave." Turf them all out! Not just chuck them in opposition, CHUCK THEM OUT!

The age of the "professional" politician must come to an end. We need real people who have had real jobs and lived in real housing estates in government, not these damn Eton toffs and Bullingdon bullies.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by PW229

I'm not saying the other parties are any better mind you , or not much, anyway. Still, I'd rather have the worst Labour government over the best tory government any day, because among the labour ranks there are still about four or five people who care about the millions and not just the millionaires. The tories have never had that many members who care about the working class, the poor, or the vulnerable in their entire history. They are just total scum. I can still remember the last bunch we had who, after destroying working class communities, went around preaching about getting back to basics, and family values. Then, week after week they were all found to be a bunch of adulterous kerb crawling sleazy perverts. Then they had the audacity to support bigotted legislation against gay rights, despite the fact that gays collectively have far more decent moral standards than the conservatives could ever wet-dream of having. I don't believe anything has changed.

I just simply loath and detest tories. I simply loath and detest Tory sympathisers. A Tory to me is much like what comes out the back of my dog but with less charisma. I know this probably isn't rational, but it's how I feel, and I'm not open to any kind of change on this. If I ever found out that I'd shaken hands with a tory, I'd amputate my arm.
edit on 13/9/11 by NocturnalPhantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Elliot
I don't think Osbourne is here to serve the public; I think he's here to serve himself and will do this by carrying out the plans of the financial terrorists that really run this country.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Osborne will go in a cynical move to try and save "Call Me Dave."

Didn't he do that by changing his name from Gideon to George?

He was initially known as Gideon, before switching to his less exotic first name as a teenager.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

He could change his name to "Superman" for all I care, I wouldn't trust the toffy nosed little twerp as far as I could pick him up and throw him (ideally at Hug a Hoody). It seems every senior member of the nazi party has a skeleton in their closet:

Lapdog Clegg: Arson

Nick Clegg has been accused of double standards in calling for tough punishments for convicted rioters over claims that he committed arson as a teenager.

Hug a Hoody: Criminal Damage

The Prime Minister, who was a member of Oxford University's Bullingdon Club - notorious for outrageous behaviour including smashing up restaurants - was challenged by Davis on BBC Radio 4's Today programme this morning. "I don't want to equate it to the riots, I don't want to harp on about it but the Bullingdon Club, you know that's a youthful gang, you could almost call it, engages in violent behaviour, do you see any likeness in that to what occurred?"

George/Gideon/Superman: Alleged Soliciting, Alleged Class A Possession

Don't even get me started on the "Big Society" shenanigans.

Poster by Jack Hart

edit on 13-9-2011 by PW229 because: Corrected poster creator

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
I switched it over to sky last night and caught their gigglefit. It was rather unprofessional at best. At worse, well the above has been covered by posts above this one. I totally agree with others about the blatent hypocrasy shown here by sky. But then the whole media machine is geared up to sway public opinion in favour of whatever the goverment want people to think. So this shouldn't come as any kind of supprise.

And will it wake anyone in the UK up? Will it buggery. The people in the UK are generally fast asleep, and happy in their dream like state. (present company excluded
) Nothing will change, becasue they haven't had to dig into their pockets, or swicth the telly off for 5 seconds to stop watching Britains got reatards, or Big Blather. Unfortunatly, we're a nation of idiots. But I don't think it's mutually exclusive to the UK.

And as for the Osborne story, this will just be forgotten about it a week or so, nothing will come of it, and normal "service" will be resumed very shortly. Call me a pessamist, but there it is.

I agree. Generally people in the UK are kept in a constant state of stress with working and trying to survive all the taxes and financial hardships around. They are very apathetic when it comes to politics.

If Osbourne has to go it will be a symbolic 'slap on the wrist' so that Cameron is seen to be doing the right thing. If everyone remembers their were only a couple of politicians/ sacrificial lambs that got jail time for fiddling expenses, the rest got off very lightly and then the system was changed to suit MPs even better.

Although not a politician Prince Andrew got off very lightly when it was revealed he had hung out for years with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Andrew even sat one of Epsteins teenage 'massuers' on his knee and posed for photos. Of course not a single journalist dared question the Prince's involvement with any of this and the focus was steered in a different direction by every journalist.

I suspect it will be the case with this story, a combo. of slap on the wrist and media manipulated distractions.

And voting won't do any good, the punters never really win when every horse in the race is owned by the same guy. They're just wearing different colours, that's all.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by PW229

Brilliant! I wish I wrote that post. That billboard at the bottom had me in stitches, man.

I think it goes without saying that I agree with every word, but I'll say it anyway.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by DrHammondStoat

I agree with you that too many people are in political apathy. The working class of this country could really finish off the Tories far better if more of them actually went out and voted. In my own family there are only three of us who regularly vote.

Now they're talking about changing constituency boundaries, which could make voting even more pointless in one or two areas, if they make a Labour-voting working class area into part of a neighbouring, but larger Tory constituency.
edit on 13/9/11 by NocturnalPhantom because: Grammar.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:35 PM
Apart from the antics of Osbourne, the antics of the newspapers are just hypocritical. Remember the hue and cry over the 'gagging' orders and how it was disgrace that newspapers couldn't publish, and the right to publish. Yet this is but one example of how papers manipulate the news as it suits and play a story up or down, never mind the major stories that they would "not touch with a bargepole" That by the way is a quote from the Guardian in reference to a long, ongoing, very important story. They are all a bunch of arrogant super-hypocrites, as are the too many, politicians they write about.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:06 PM
George Osborne is probably more complicit with regard sto the hiring of Andy Coulson than David 'call me Dave' Cameron.

I am just a bit surprised that some of you find it surprising.

The last Tory Government was full of sleaze and this one is just following on the tradition. 'New Labour' weren't much better to be fair, but they were just Tories in disguise anyway.

Cameron and Osborne should have resigned when it came to light that Coulson was directly involved with the phone hacking scandal, which is far worse than Osborne being linked with taking Cocaine and enjoying kinky sessions with a vice girl. Damn that sounds like FUN!!! But if Tony 'Teflon' Blair can get away with waging an illegal war, then I guess you can literally get away with murder.

I appreciate the hypocrisy, but these were members of the Bullingdon Club. The ponciest of posh boy clubs with a penchant for riding imaginery horses around Oxford, smashing up restaurants and getting Daddy to pay for any damages. But hey, we do silly things when we are younger.

I too just switched over to Sky News when these idiots were giggling like silly school children over the incident and the comments that snidy Daily Mail Columnist made about the vice girl. Shocking to some extent, but not unexpected from him. I'm just surprised at Kevin Maguire, being a socialist and all, I thought he would be jumping all over this. Nevermind

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978

I too just switched over to Sky News when these idiots were giggling like silly school children over the incident and the comments that snidy Daily Mail Columnist made about the vice girl. Shocking to some extent, but not unexpected from him.

I could get a bunch of poorly trained capuchin monkeys to smash on a keyboard with poo and write more sense than the Daily Fail.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:58 PM
i just googled 'has george osborne ever had a job?' quite a few hits to read . cheerz op for the thread. makes a change from the pate squeezed out on the eyeball chewing gum dispenser.
no offence george but you have the eyes of a shark.
ps next time you're trussed up hope the s+m network really really punish you with assorted veg, cricket bat and wire brush.

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