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Americans now view Canada with pity..and always have.

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Old77

You've never been to a Canadian hospital have you? Or any hospital in another country that has free healthcare have you?

I can walk into my doctors/hospital/emergency dept. and hand them a little green card which they scan and bobs-your-uncle I get my ailment fixed. No billshock afterwards, all pure and free.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Old77

I applaud your nice little rant...bait...troll thread...whatever...

Americans now view Canada with pity..and always have.


I hope you feel better now...

Signed...One of the thirty million losers.

P.S. And to think that some members are flagging this p.o.s. thread...

edit on 6-9-2011 by SonoftheSun because: unbelievable !!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Old77
reply to post by plube

Your medical treatment will be decided by a board of directors whom will determine based on the amount of benefits you have already received so far this year compared to what you are asking to have done then determine how long you will wait until you see a specialist for your fractured skull in which you will most likely die from your wounds while the government decides how best to serve you.

Whilst this is going on the American will go to an American ER and usually see a doc for emergency treatment in under 1 minute. Some hospitals have it down to seconds. No ER can refuse you and as far as the bill? Your life will come first, we will argue and debate the cost of saving it later like when your not bleeding from the head.

Really? Because last time I went to hospital, I just got seen by a triage nurse, then a doctor, then I was given a prescription. I was taken in by an ambulance, and was seen in less than a minute and out within 2 hours. But never let the truth get in the way of misplaced arrogance.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
reply to post by Old77

You've never been to a Canadian hospital have you? Or any hospital in another country that has free healthcare have you?

I can walk into my doctors/hospital/emergency dept. and hand them a little green card which they scan and bobs-your-uncle I get my ailment fixed. No billshock afterwards, all pure and free.

Wow you have to hand them a card..
last time I went (UK) I just gave them my name and that was it...
I dread to think what it is like to worry about bills, I really feel for my relatives in the US on that one.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
Wow you have to hand them a card..

Yeah I know, the effort is almost unbearable. Last time I had to get the card out of my wallet my hand nearly dropped off from the shear weight of the thing....

True story.....

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Kryties

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
Wow you have to hand them a card..

Yeah I know, the effort is almost unbearable. Last time I had to get the card out of my wallet my hand nearly dropped off from the shear weight of the thing....

True story.....

I can believe that.. tho I will admit that at the time I had concussion so remembering my name was deemed a really good sign

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Kryties

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
Wow you have to hand them a card..

Yeah I know, the effort is almost unbearable. Last time I had to get the card out of my wallet my hand nearly dropped off from the shear weight of the thing....

True story.....

I have to ask, was the act of moving your hand to give the card to the person behind the desk extremely strenuous and hard work? You could sue them for that you know! Oh wait, we aren't American.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Swanfilters

Yes it was, but I was rather amused when the secretary tried swiping the thing, nearly ripping a hole in the fabric of space-time, so I decided not to complain!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:34 AM
Yeah, buddy has no idea what he is talking about.
I have heard some long wait stories, But thats because they weren't that bad off.
You see a triage nurse, she assesses you and if your injury/whatever is bad enough, you get bumped up. If you come in from an ambulance, then im pretty sure they rush you right in.

Ive had to go to the ER last september. I was waiting for a little under an hour (worst pain of my life, but it wasnt death creeping up on me), and i got in and was taken care of (they forgot my meds though..for an hour.. more pain)

Ive never been to a US hospital, so im not sure. Do you flash them your health insurance card? then get helped? what if you dont have it? They deny you your right to adequate medical care?

I wonder how many people have died because they didnt have insurance. How many peoples lives have been ruined by ridiculous medical bills.

It doesnt cost anything to give birth to a baby here,
Last i heard it was somewhere around 10,000 dollars in medical bills in the US. Correct me if im mistaken.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Old77

Hi, OP

Just one of the 30 million "loser" pathetic royal subjects here ... /sarcasm off

You sir are wrong on all fronts. I'm not going to even get into what makes your rant wrong. You are obviously not a fact checker. I wonder what Canada ever did to cause you to think this way?

I'd wish you Peace, but you seem a bit too angry for that at the moment.


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by AzureSky

Actually, Canada does "go into other countries, and kill innocents and try to change things that dont need to be changed for personal gain". Canada has fought alongside the U.S. in almost every war that the U.S was involved in. U.K. has no excuse either but it's ok when your leaders aren't the instigators. You can follow the the leader to an evil path of control and destruction as long as your not from the nation that takes all the blame. By the way, it's obvious you've never crossed the border to visit the U.S. Otherwise you wouldn't have such negative views of the people that live there. Many Americans don't agree with the stereotypical American way of life and choose to not live by it's so-called ideals. You should come down here and spend some time with a true American like myself before you decide we are so different from one another. I'll cook up some steaks on the grill and the only thing I will ask in return is that you bring your family and friends so we all have the opportunity to understand and know our neighbors. Who knows, you might even want to stay. Worst case scenario......... You have to go back because you need to see a doctor. Chances are, you won't get that option here.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by silverking
reply to post by AzureSky

Actually, Canada does "go into other countries, and kill innocents and try to change things that dont need to be changed for personal gain". Canada has fought alongside the U.S. in almost every war that the U.S was involved in. U.K. has no excuse either but it's ok when your leaders aren't the instigators. You can follow the the leader to an evil path of control and destruction as long as your not from the nation that takes all the blame. By the way, it's obvious you've never crossed the border to visit the U.S. Otherwise you wouldn't have such negative views of the people that live there. Many Americans don't agree with the stereotypical American way of life and choose to not live by it's so-called ideals. You should come down here and spend some time with a true American like myself before you decide we are so different from one another. I'll cook up some steaks on the grill and the only thing I will ask in return is that you bring your family and friends so we all have the opportunity to understand and know our neighbors. Who knows, you might even want to stay. Worst case scenario......... You have to go back because you need to see a doctor. Chances are, you won't get that option here.

I have been to the US once, florida. Grandparents brought me down to disney land when i was younger. I dont remember much of it. And i am no place to judge, Everywhere has their 'people' who are arrogant, egotistical and have some sort of right act the way they do.

I am not against you as people, far from it. I would love to have some actual american friends to go down and visit, i know some online. They are good people. There are good people everywhere. There are bad people everywhere.

Im sure you are no different than us (accents maybe?). But thats really the only real difference between us. I have met my fair share of americans that think they're all that (and a bag of chips). And i am all for learning about different cultures even though im sure ours is relatively the same. I make my judgments based on the actions put before me. I see lots of stupid things coming from across the border. But i am not judging every american by the actions of a few.

Hell, there are idiots here too. the "omg new iphone" people, or the "I dont need to yield to traffic" people. Perhaps the "walk without looking" people too. I just dont like "we have the biggest military, you must respect us because of this"

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Old77

I had to go back and check, but it appears I don't look at Canada in any negative way. I'm not quite sure why I would.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Old77

Yupper...God bless the Great Pink North.
Now pass me another wobble-pop will ya?

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Old77
reply to post by AzureSky

Canada is currently in charge of bombing Libya. A Canadian admiral is running the show. You are in the middle east conflicts. You are killing innocent people whether you want to look up the facts for your self or not.

You watch too much TV.

How about visiting Canada? You'll probably never leave when you realize that you can actually venture into nature without running into a McDonalds every few minutes

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Old77
reply to post by Misoir

America is great..Does not require a Nationalist Socialist (NAZI) to raise a B.S over the thread but ill hoist that "Defeated 71 years ago" Flag for you.

Where did I add -Socialist- to Nationalist? There are many types of Nationalism which have absolutely no relation to Nazism. Civic, Liberal, Economic, Left-wing, Postnationalism, Pan-nationalism, Romantic, Conservative (of which I am), Irridentism, Religious, and Transnationalism are several examples.

Just keep digging that hole for yourself by letting your, not only ignorance, but lack of understanding into political ideology/philosophy, be on full display.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by plube

If that Canadian were to announce that his medical coverage is “free” it simply shows his lack of understanding in regards to the health care system overall. Nothing is free, simple as that. Unless you do not pay taxes in Canada, you are paying for your health coverage. It is an indirect payment since you are not paying out-of-pocket, rather you pay into the national system along with everyone else and all reap the rewards. The people higher up on the economic ladder share a greater burden in percentage, but they also have a higher percentage of the gross national product.

Sorry to be so picky
just had to point that out for both those favoring universal and opposing universal, it is not “free”.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
who is flagging this piece of bull excrement?

I did!

Just to cheese you off, you hoser!


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:22 PM
ridiculous post. Sounds like a childish rant. Not worth getting bothered by. I will say this, as a Canadian:
I am happy.

My government is not constantly scandalized.

My country is not warmongering.

I get any healthcare i need.

The people here are the nicest ever (americans are okay too, but not like canadians)

There are worse things than being from a peaceful, polite country. I wouldnt trade it for anything. And I have a sneaking suspicion we will outlive America.....

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:50 PM
We need a new forum on ATS for threads like this.

I would like it called "On Drugs" or "Forgot my Medication".

The ignorance of the OP is staggering.

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