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The Hurricane Is Just A Test

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posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Irish614
They are only evacuating the low lying areas of NYC. It all depends on the strength of the hurricane by the time it reaches NY early tomorrow, they are saying because of its sheer mass it should be considered a Cat 2 but the winds aren't strong enough to be classified as one. When a hurricane hits land it loses it's strength rather quickly as there is no moisture for it to gather. I just saw a new map that shows it going more to the west side of NYC which could cause more flooding in the city as it heads to Upstate New York

so sad that he got banned.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

after isaid that he was vindicated.zPow!!

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by Irish614
They are only evacuating the low lying areas of NYC. It all depends on the strength of the hurricane by the time it reaches NY early tomorrow, they are saying because of its sheer mass it should be considered a Cat 2 but the winds aren't strong enough to be classified as one. When a hurricane hits land it loses it's strength rather quickly as there is no moisture for it to gather. I just saw a new map that shows it going more to the west side of NYC which could cause more flooding in the city as it heads to Upstate New York

so sad that he got banned.

What are you talking about? I didn't get banned.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by deadmessiah
"Ya'll be trippin fools! Dis Katrina bitch, she be all a test for realz yo!" - Bonisha, New Orleans 2005

True story

GO BONISHA! Im from NOLA too and everyone was so nonchalant about Katrina so why even take
a risk? Especially on some of the country's wealthiest cities....
And yes I completely agree that they are most likely testing everyone's reactions...
See who will listen and flock
And those who would rather survive on their own..without being controlled..

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

after isaid that he was vindicated.zPow!!

i didn't type that. WOW

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Not a test but rather a new reality.

In the past you heard about the hurricane while it happened.

They are trying to preserve human life even though its costing the economy a small fortune they cannot afford.

Think about it. New york is the economic engine of the us. They can't afford massive casualties.
even if its just a precaution.
Remember money is being lost on this venture.

Correction. NY is the capital of the WORLD.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 10:00 PM
I live in NYC as well, Queens. So you live in an evacuation zone. Big deal. Sorry, grew up in tornado alley and am absolutely floored at your caulousness of this situation especially if you live here and your inacrruacies. Really, tell the real truth and the reality here.

I watched this city go to hell in a hand basket during the blizzard. As smart as people are here in NY, they are survivalist idiots. Point blank. The days of the blizzard, as sad as it is to say, was my comedy acts of the days that it occurred. The stupidity that caused lives was unreal, the fact that others were blaming Bloomberg and the rest for their lack of knowing how to survive was absolutely unreal. The fact that if you left your car out in the snow and a bulldozer hit it and you expected the city to pay for it. Are you for real.

Then there is people like you. Oh boohoo, look at what is happening and then I am not even going to tell you the truth, whaaaaaaaaaa boooooo hoooo. Grow a set, after all you do live in NY. This is not fear mongering. This is direction for the cattle that can run wall street however can not survive a natural disaster. Case in point, if they, those here were prepared for such activities of this weather, don’t you think the stores would not be bare. Funny how living in tornado alley prepares you and makes you aware to pay attention that this may be a bad storm.

If you are watching MSM as you are stating, hate to tell you this, the news has stated very clearly for many days now, the mass transit would shut down at noon, not 6 pm. Thus I question your actual validity of reality and truth speaking. Your words, especially the bolded capped to get your point across like a child show your mentality. So you live in an evacuation zone, bfd. Get over it, it may save your life.

As for the earthquake, it was a dead fault line for one, for two, I believe that NYC was bombed not to long ago and a lot of those people now work in the buildings that shook. So yes, shame on them for the reactions they have, wow, you must not have been there or you are heartless about PTSD and reactions. Three, how often do you feel earthquakes on the east coast.

Where and what cynical world did you come from to exist in NYC, you are the typical person I chuckle at and know you will not survive in a real test of emergency of survival.

Of course there are safety precautions because the East Coast, esp up this far always gets hurricanes and natural disasters so of course everyone here is savvy on how to survive. What and where did you get your brain degree?

Egads, I could so rip you up more, however I am sure you are one of those who will stay behind and then when the police, emt’s, fire can’t get to you because you decided you knew more and sat by the window because all the warnings were stupid and unneeded and now there is a piece of glass in your neck.

Glad I am not depending on you to save my roomies and my life in any disaster. I am sure that the emergency warnings and education are just hype and fear mongering.

I just thought the forum should know the truth that you were not reporting the news correctly thus perhaps you should be questioned on the rest of your post.

Had your MK Ultra lately…Enjoy that flooding…Yes, please keep your car where you like, I am sure you have the money to replace it, I hear that water is excellent for gears, spark plugs, and the engine.

Just so you know, I have lived in Colorado, Maine, NYC, Boston, Alaska, Utah, and Cali, so I know some very different worlds of weather. As far as people go for survival, yes, if needed NYC can kick some booty, however when mother nature is involved, I will grab my popcorn for the most part and watch the news for the comedy hour of the people who could not function outside of the “Capital of the World” (not true) as you state.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Ainge

I am in the NYC and this is the day the hurricane was supposed to be at it worst, Sunday, August 28th 2011. It's a little hazy and wet outside but it is not even raining! All mass transit was shut down at 12pm yesterday. In NY the majority of people do not have cars and rely on mass transit to get around. There is NOTHING outside to indicate hurricane, there isn't even a bad thunderstorm!

How convenient the East coast experiences an earth quake which put people in a state of fear which was directly followed by a hurricane/tropical storm that enabled TPTB to shut whole cities down. NYC has NEVER been shut down, not even after 9/11.

You can not tell me this wasn't a test.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Remember money is being lost on this venture.

"Money is being lost on this venture?"

You might have intended to word this differently, in which case I will give you the benefit of the doubt. The existing wording, however, makes the phrase sound completely psychopathic.

We're talking about human lives. Apparently that still doesn't mean anything, in comparison with fiat currency.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. White America is the source of virtually every problem currently afflicting this planet; and the main reason why, is because more than any other group in existence, the only time any of you care about loss of life, is when it is your own.

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