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Dont like the government? What would YOU do to fix things?

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posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:24 PM
Any frequent visitor to ATS will invariably come upon post after post about what is wrong with the world at large, and our western governments in particular.

While i agree that there are major issues that need to be resolved, some seem to advocate a complete dismantling of the current democracy and instilling something new entirely. Im not sure this is the best plan. I believe our democracies can be saved, but it will take hard work and a visionary leader. Is Ron Paul the answer? Perhaps.

Many here appear to have good intentions and talk big about how corrupt and wrong our systems are, but time and time again when i challenge and ask people to put forth what they would do if they became president, prime minister, dictator or what have you, they have no answers.

When i challenged a self admitted protester (read rioter) in Britian to post what it is he would like to see changed if he had the power, he simply continued to regurgitate slogans, rage about how broken the system was, and demand change. Any change. I suggest this is a very dangerous attitude. While I have no doubt that this person felt in his heart he had all the best intentions in the world, if someone like this were to take over, we would end up with something much worse.

So i ask. What would YOU do to change the world?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Personally, step one would be to change to public financing of elections.

It just seems that policy is being driven more by monied interests than what seems best for the majority concerned. When the policymakers are so very dependent upon campaign contributions then the voice of one billionaire can drown out the voices of tens of thousands of everyday people.

To me, that's just plain old un-American.
edit on 23-8-2011 by Hessling because: ETA

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I am in USA so I would,

revert corporate laws back to 1800, this would end the corporate fascism and raping of the world

close the central bank just as Jefferson and Jackson did, this would end the manipulation of the economy

I would end the federal income tax and re-delegate all current federal responsibilities back to the states. Central control of distant localities only produce waste and ineffective programs.

I would bring every US troop home and station them at the borders, additionally I would put a halt to active recruitment.

I would write an official apology letter to Iraq and every other country that the US has invaded without cause or covertly over thrown their government.

just off the top of my head. I am sure If i was being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do nothing else, I could think of many many more.


I would cut off all foreign aide to all countries. They can fend for themselves.

I would repeal the war powers act.

I would express to everyone who would listen that we do not have rights by belonging to a group, we have rights as individuals.

Create a real "honest" money supply since I closed the fed

repeal all free trade agreements

withdraw from the UN

End all eminent domain laws and kill the death tax

Kill the super congress

Switch all elections to a paper ballot and have counting of votes done publicly

allow senators to be elected from the state legislatures again not by popular vote which removes any state interest from the federal government, this would stop the cycle of senators buying votes with tax money.

Kill every executive order ever written.

create and nurture a true free market.

edit on 23-8-2011 by sageofmonticello because: eta

edit on 23-8-2011 by sageofmonticello because: eta

edit on 23-8-2011 by sageofmonticello because: free markets

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Fire them all.

Take the money that's going to Congress and give it back to the people.

Fire anyone who even suggests cutting social services for the poor or raising taxes on the poor.

#can the Bush tax cuts.

Advocate for government involvement in stopping speculators from ruining the economy.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Well in the U.K a law was passed in the 70's allowing a small consortium inside the Bank Of England to create money demand it back with interest and more importantly their indentities were protected under the official secrets act.
I would take control of the Bank Of England and arrest all employers,shareholders and partners in the U.K for conspiracy of fraud and ursurp power over government.
I would write off all debts and create a new system for the money already in circulation to ease transistion as smoothly as possible, i would arrest the Royal family for conspiracy against the people and for their partnership with the Bank (i.e the queens advisor is Evelyn De Rothschild).
Then i would introduce the death penalty for various crimes mainly to dispose of the arrested conspirators also
hoard as many documents and videos,proving their involvement to world especially the citizens of the U.K, i would take all secret society members such as freemasons into custody and questioning their involvement.
Then i would begin withdrawing all miliary forces around the world, all that as a start i may not be the brightest most informed mind but theres my idea!

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Good Post OP.

I think that Ron Paul's adherence to the fundamentals of the Founding Fathers aka the Constitution makes a lot of sense.

Definitely eliminate the middle man aka, the FED who is taxing every dollar, in the form of interest that the Govt borrows from them....and we as tax payers end up paying for.

So reverting back to the original constitution would be the first step...

Keep it Simple.

For example if you look at the way they'd originally designed the system using a system of Checks and Balances.

And why we have the 3 Branches of Govt., Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of Govt. for it divided the power amongst all three branches of Govt.

Unfortunately what has occurred is that money buys our Legislative and Judicial Branch's of Govt and even the President now days so those with the most money end up calling the shots and not necessarily what the people voted their representatives into office for.

So eliminate these elections that are funded by the big money ....such as the banks and/or big oil.

In summary, what we need is to implement a system of checks and balances amongst all players.

A report card of sorts that they actually are doing what their constituency and supporters have voted them into office for.

Followed by a grading system that would prevent those most corrupt from holding office.

As I have stated before, we are all held accountable in this society. So why not make those who dictate our Nation's future accountable as well ?

edit on 23-8-2011 by nh_ee because: more to add

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:56 PM
I'll take a crack at er' if ya don't mind......First things first, Administration needs to be gone through with a fine tooth comb of investigations and code standard's and official mandate needs to be set to par.Second this Country's borders need to be sealed off simply due to national overpopulation period.All green card work permits with the 10 year free tax plans need to go bye bye!, to be frank illegal immigration needs to just do their job's.Stop taking pay spikes from drug lords to look the other way while payed invasion takes place.Third Military needs to be pulled out of countries we have no real need to be in and be re-ordered to guard and patrol US borders and financial institutions and help clean drugs off American streets once and for all.Fourth, Education reform always has and still is a must have item on the to do list for this shining nation.Fifth All major CEO's need to do their part in taxes and stop hiring cheaper wages out of country,....seriously they should be getting fined big for this.If they refuse their wealth gets seized by government and they are ask to withdraw their companies out country and state.I am not even going to go into whats wrong with the justice system or the new joke encircling it now is:the" just us" system..."lol" makes me laugh but it really is a sad truth. well i hope was helpful to meet your challenge of inquiry today i know it felt good to say it....the truth

edit on 23-8-2011 by Onewhoknowsjesus because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-8-2011 by Onewhoknowsjesus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by sageofmonticello
I would end the federal income tax and re-delegate all current federal responsibilities back to the states. Central control of distant localities only produce waste and ineffective programs.

How would you pay off your debt? The USA has borrowed massive amounts of money and many countries around the world hold this debt. Do you propose to stop payments and default on your debt? I would assume the world would turn their wraith on you for this action, and rightfully so.

Originally posted by sageofmonticello
I would cut off all foreign aide to all countries. They can fend for themselves.

I could accept this during a recession, but during good financial times, i would think it heartless for the worlds number one economy to let people starve in Africa during times of famine.

Originally posted by sageofmonticello
repeal all free trade agreements

withdraw from the UN

I think this is irresponsible and obviously isolationist. But i asked, thank you for your response.

Besides the points i commented on, i agree completely.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 04:19 PM
America First
1. Tax companies that move jobs outside of the country. If they don't maintain a U.S. base to tax as a U.S. corportate entity, tariff their products. Free trade is killing us.
2.Tariff incoming products from 3rd world countries. See #1 where free trade is killing us.
3.Deny social security for those with a net worth of

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
Dont like the government? What would YOU do to fix things?

Things dont need fixing by a Government. Thats the whole false premise which causes trouble in the first place. Localized Government should manage the basics but other than that, just leave people alone. We can fix our own lives. Vote Libertarian.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

1. Go by the constitution to the letter!!
2. send ALL immigrants packing (cancel work visas, deport all illegals and anchor babies). google 'operation wetback'
3. allow people to eat what they want, smoke what they want.
4. no Property tax
5. NO Affirmative Action
6. No foreign wars
7. No foreign aid, not even to Israel
8. No gun restrictions
9. No helmet law
10. No seatbelt law
11. No Dept of Ed.
12. NO CIA
13. No IRS
14. Hang all lobbyists
15. Hang all politicians who were paid by lobbyists

All of this within 30 days..that would be a nice start

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

How to pay off the debt??

Simple... We have given trillions in "aid" to countries around the world for DECADES....END IT NOW..

and then:

a. we are still a superpower and have a HUGE nuke arsenal
b. Give the Finger to anyone who doesn't agree to take it in the shorts

I bet EVERY citizen would sign up for military service if instead of bleeding us dry through debt, we gave every family a quarter million instead of foreigners. And say to them "HEY, alot of people are kinda steamed at us. Don't worry, its under control. if it wasn't for us sending our factories to them. they would be where? And the ones who are mad at us will get over it or do what? attack us? yah right.."

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I disagree, it is well known that USA foreign aide doesn't go to help anyone in need. It is a program that takes money from poor people in america and gives it to rich people in other countries. Do some further research on the effectiveness of USA foreign aide and I am sure you will agree. It simply is not effective.

Also, I believe that people are good enough to provide aide from their own pockets, not through governments playing robin hood. I also believe that those people will do a much more effective job of it.

Yep, just default on the debt. Yep it will piss people off BUT I can argue that we are already defaulting on our debt because we are simply creating the money to pay it so USA is going to default one way or the other, at least this way the people of the country will not be hit as hard, steal the value of the money (QE1, QE2, QE3, etc...) and the poorest will be hurt the most. USA is in a debt black hole that can not be paid off, to pretend otherwise is ignoring reality. It would take over 300 years of daily 100,000,000,000.00 payments just to pay the principle, not even counting interest.

The debt will never be paid off, it only grows, it does not shrink. The USA is currently defaulting by paying with money that is worth less. China and other countries are already pissed off about this.

I don't think that withdrawing from the UN is isolationism or irresponsible. Same to ending the free trade agreements, I would support real free trade, which NAFTA and other FTA are not.

Through my research, I have found the UN to not be in the best interest of the USA. The UN challenges our sovereignty, we can still talk to any nation we want to without adhering to UN recommendations or being a part of the corrupt body, who says that the UN is not corrupt or that any other country knows what is best for the US?

The UN is just an excuse to rape countries. I feel like you don't have a lot of knowledge of the items you defend, not being critical, just my impression from your response, sorry if my assumption is wrong and you simply have a different opinion than me based on extensive research but your views seem to be counter to reality as I know it to be.

Thanks for the discussion, I hope you don't take this the wrong way I am just very frank.

edit on 23-8-2011 by sageofmonticello because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:43 PM
The whole system of government is ineffective and subject to many conflicts of interest. To inject more common sense into the system I would go for something like this

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by sageofmonticello

Then let me be frank as well.

You as a US citizen calling the UN an "excuse to rape countries" is quite rich. Coming from the country that knows raping other counties better than anyone else.

Perhaps your right on the foreign aid aspect, but I asked if you could make a difference what would you do. I would make sure the aid got where it was intended, instead of as you suggested the rich of other countries.

And yes. Financially, defaulting on the national debt would be in your best interests. Of course it is currently unsustainable, but with a combination of balanced budget legislation, drastically reduced military spending and fiscal responsibility, it could be reduced and one day removed. It's shameful for the worlds number one economy to be in such a state. To default on your obligation is irresponsible and a shame, and I would expect you to receive worldwide condemnation and a deserved shunning.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:48 PM
I would continue to produce incredible atomic weapons, but I would bring ALL of our troops home.

Then I would insure that we mind our own business--except for genuine humanitarian aid--unless someone tried to invade our borders. And then and only then would things get ugly. But really ugly.

Re-establish the gold standard barring any better ideas, banish "outsourcing," use part of the savings recouped from the military budget to help people adjust to the lower standard of living incurred from the turn-back to self sufficiency, and give the States back their individual rights.

Or just Vote for Ron Paul and hope it's the beginning of said dream above!!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

Sorry if I offended, not my intent, anyhow, here is my reply.

You as a US citizen calling the UN an "excuse to rape countries" is quite rich. Coming from the country that knows raping other counties better than anyone else.

I believe I addressed the US raping the world in my first post, here it is again. To make things clear, I would like to get the US out of the 3rd world raping business.

quoting myself here:

revert corporate laws back to 1800, this would end the corporate fascism and raping of the world

I then went on to say

I would write an official apology letter to Iraq and every other country that the US has invaded without cause or covertly over thrown their government.

back to quoting you:

To default on your obligation is irresponsible and a shame

I disagree, to force a unborn generation to pay the outrageous debt is irresponsible and a shame. What you suggest is known as generational theft.

Let the world shun the USA, it is not a popularity contest, it is about creating a better country for the citizens.

Let me make this clear as well, the debt will be defaulted on, either through non-payment or through monetary inflation. Paying has never been and will never be an option ever since Bush entered office and spent like the world was ending and Obama followed him up by doubling it. Payment will never happen.

I don't argue that one has a responsibility to pay ones personal obligations but at some point people have to declare bankruptcy because payment is impossible. Paying it off, the National Debt for USA, is ridiculous and not an option based in reality.

There is no debate in D.C. about if the US should pay off its debt or if it should default. The debate is over how the US should default, by non payment or by creating money. That is what is being debated, so far default by creating money is winning as that is how the US is CURRENTLY defaulting. I choose immediate non payment by declaring the system bankrupt and taking away its money borrowing powers, much like how a person would declare bankruptcy.

There is no way to pay off $15 trillion in debt when the country has over $60 trillion is unfunded liabilities to their own citizens.

more from you

Perhaps your right on the foreign aid aspect, but I asked if you could make a difference what would you do. I would make sure the aid got where it was intended, instead of as you suggested the rich of other countries.

I agree, getting it to the right people is the problem, and helping people is good. I just don't feel that a government can do it. Are the people in charge of giving the aide currently just uncaring or are they having problems getting it to the right people? What would you do to make sure it got to the right people that hasn't been tried by the government?

My plan is to get the government out of a business they haven't done well. let private charities handle it, they have much more of an interest in helping the poor and do a much better job.

Thanks for the discussion.

edit on 24-8-2011 by sageofmonticello because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by sageofmonticello

Spin it however you will, it was still your forefathers and now yourselves borrowing money to improve your economy to try desperately to cling to your spot as the worlds number one economy.

I do not borrow money from the bank and not pay it off, hoping when the debt is passed to my children when i die, it will be deemed "generational theft" and written off. Can you imagine if everyone did this? There would be no more lending institutions.

You borrowed money, you need to pay it off, or at least try. I do believe it can be done with a combination of balanced budgets, massively decreased defense spending and fiscal responsibility, perhaps even raising taxes. Yes, it will be a hard time for Americans, but by refusing to pay your debts, you will cause hardships to other countries that lent you money in good faith, fully expecting repayment. It would incredibly selfish to make others pay for your govenments own lack of responsibility.

Borrowing money so you can pay for you military and american "way of life", only to thumb your nose at the rest of the world when they rightfully ask for repayment is criminal.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr
I think this is irresponsible and obviously isolationist. But i asked, thank you for your response.

The only reason why anyone thinks "isolationism," is a bad thing, is because we've allowed the likes of George Soros and David Rockefeller to ideologically lead us around by the nose.

If you in any way believe that the UN should exist, do not then insult your audience by remotely claiming to engage in autonomous thought.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Heaven forbid I might hold out with the hope that one day we all might get along.

I don't nesiccarily believe it to be a bad thing, but it does tend to breed intolerance and xenophobia. I'm not sure issolationism is realistic or even possible in the day of high speed travel and the Internet.

Did I hit a nerve with you? You seem insulted with me simply calling anothers policy isolationist, going so far as to say I am not capable of thought.

edit on 29-8-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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