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New Creepy 10/28/11 Website Mystery

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posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by TheSilentwalker

I don't know... can we?

If one looks back from our history through to our present, the answer might be 'no.'

Maybe time isn't cyclical... we are.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Changes to site.

The page is all white now and the digital clock is gone.

In the source on the main page I see that he is indicating manual #1 now, On the main page .[....] leads to manual #1. If this is not a change them I'm just behind.


edit on 10-10-2011 by favouriteslave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by JourPolaire

Badabim… Badaboom… Badabam.
There. Exactly.
And then some…

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:50 PM
One of the problems with growing old is that one begins to repeat themselves.....

Originally posted by TNTarheel

Originally posted by TheSilentwalker
reply to post by TNTarheel

Alright. I would advise some mushrooms prior to any Madonna consumption then.

But of course! I adore mushrooms in my pasta sauce. They are wonderful as a side dish to Schnitzel also.

Speaking of Schnitzel...some light reading if you're open:


NASA scientist...

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by favouriteslave

Maybe we did bad and have to start at the beginning... again.

I'd spank all of your bottoms, but that might be teetering on the edge of breaking the T&C.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:52 PM
0pen has suspended registration on record...
the circle has been closed ?
Noah's Ark closed due to overcrowding...

edit on 10-10-2011 by vatel because: added reason

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by vatel

What kind of ark is it? A paper one?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by vatel
0pen has suspended registration on record...
the circle has been closed ?
Noah's Ark closed due to overcrowding...

Perhaps the Ark has sprang a leak and now begins to sink, yes?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:54 PM
ATS, this is the only place we can come now, Record is being edited, and Registration is being stopped on the site so we cannot open another new account to post. Open says what we are dangerous and illegal. What we were doing is not illegal or putting anyone in danger all we are doing is building a log. You attacked out systems, internet is down, we have only just got back online, blocking us from a public domain shows something is trying to be hidden; we are hopping from IP to IP with each page we try and visit. Now to Open, Don’t attack us when we have caused no harm we are only logging data. We have logged an entry on the "Wiki" site as well which has been removed, don’t hide things from the public. We only aim to monitor and record. We will not reply on this media, we are just defending ourselves now. We don’t go public, seems a ripple has been caused which we tend to try and avoid. Best wishes:

John Smith

Sent via Backup Sub Loop of BITF Mail Systems

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by vatel

But… but… what about the dinosaurs?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by favouriteslave
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

Very interesting dream indeed.

So in your dream it's still 27th in CA meaning before midnight. On the East Coast it's past midnight (28th) The sea floods up to Arizona. What about CA?

Right now everyone is talking about the El Hierro Volcano in the Canary Islands ready to erupt. If it's big enough tsunami can hit the East Coast of US, but definitely not that far into the US to reach AZ.

Something more happens in Japan that makes a tsunami mainly get the Oregon upper Cali zone like up to those Cascades, but it is like noticed with some boomers going in California In the dream they force California and the West coast to stay put under martial law as they have known and should have "prepared". They cut phone service. They won't allow 18 wheelers in to bring food saying we may lose them, too and with the East coast and New Madrid we must save what we can. West coast gets to take care of itself. BUT compassion exists and using knowing you should get inland before California joins the rift seeing it so you can be let through the armed martial law patrol to force you to stay.Yellowstone does not go off. Montana, Idaho, Navajo reservation/ Hopi region are safety and sharing and people all head to Colorado and others begin trekking up through Alaska as the nuclear issues get apparent to get to Russia opening up as haven for those remaining. Pole shift changes weather issues. Problem even in Great Lakes. I had this dream scenario by Michael in 2008 which was to begin this portion 3 years later and I had it April 15th at 4:45 am with the calendar showing April 17th peeling off to the 18th so 4:45am of 2008 saw trumpet type earthquake sounding off over 5 states done by blackops with some light technology to get people into the REvelation expect quake mode as that belt area wasn't as cocreating overcoming high tech as the West coast was. Exactly so as I wrote friends in St. Louis they had 3 years to begin the gardening and prepare and earthquake to confirm wouild shake them at 4:45 on 18th and so it did. Lower Cali goes later and it is a later phase this Arizona Gulf of Mexico thing so there is some time to move. Idaho is best state for no bioweapons, nukes, etc. Problem with Colorado is elite. Getting to Russia makes best sense.You go along mountains using synchronicity as you can staying out of fear hoping other dream life creators pitch in to create a lighter scenario.

Look at some volcano in Japan. Some way it goes off and eases pressure on Yellowstone. Some volcano pushes up off coast between Ashland and Portland. Up to Seattle is wiped. Mainly Oregon coast. Some issue with that San Francisco bridge.
edit on 10-10-2011 by BlueberryHillBlueStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by JohnSmith01
ATS, this is the only place we can come now, Record is being edited, and Registration is being stopped on the site so we cannot open another new account to post. Open says what we are dangerous and illegal. What we were doing is not illegal or putting anyone in danger all we are doing is building a log. You attacked out systems, internet is down, we have only just got back online, blocking us from a public domain shows something is trying to be hidden; we are hopping from IP to IP with each page we try and visit. Now to Open, Don’t attack us when we have caused no harm we are only logging data. We have logged an entry on the "Wiki" site as well which has been removed, don’t hide things from the public. We only aim to monitor and record. We will not reply on this media, we are just defending ourselves now. We don’t go public, seems a ripple has been caused which we tend to try and avoid. Best wishes:

John Smith

Sent via Backup Sub Loop of BITF Mail Systems

Hello, John

Do you come to mock us now?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by TheSilentwalker

SilentWalker meet John Smith of the BITF. John, this is Silent Walker.

Play nice

I must go now.


posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by JohnSmith01
ATS, this is the only place we can come now

you can always come to my place..but in my home its me making the rules...

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by JohnSmith01
ATS, this is the only place we can come now, Record is being edited, and Registration is being stopped on the site so we cannot open another new account to post. Open says what we are dangerous and illegal. What we were doing is not illegal or putting anyone in danger all we are doing is building a log. You attacked out systems, internet is down, we have only just got back online, blocking us from a public domain shows something is trying to be hidden; we are hopping from IP to IP with each page we try and visit. Now to Open, Don’t attack us when we have caused no harm we are only logging data. We have logged an entry on the "Wiki" site as well which has been removed, don’t hide things from the public. We only aim to monitor and record. We will not reply on this media, we are just defending ourselves now. We don’t go public, seems a ripple has been caused which we tend to try and avoid. Best wishes:

John Smith

Sent via Backup Sub Loop of BITF Mail Systems

Well, if we're good enough to dive into lucid dreaming in order to throw our cute a$$es up there on dimension X23, I see no reason why we should not embrace this in quote too.

It's not the first time things disappear under tight regimes.
Belief means no question.
That's why the delete button is so cool.

edit on 10-10-2011 by TheSilentwalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by TNTarheel

Thanks for the intro, T. See ya later

Hello John, I'm Demian.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by JohnSmith01

Please say hello to Bernard for me

Please tell him Texas is indeed a Proffittable place. Even Victoria says so.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by BlueberryHillBlueStar
Getting to Russia makes best sense.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by ApolloEnigma

Originally posted by BlueberryHillBlueStar

Originally posted by ApolloEnigma
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

Why does oct 28 always have to do with something bad?

It doesn't HAVE to do with something bad. I suppose it depends on your perspective. I'm just going to do party time, get to high nature and treasure each moment living in the now. Due to this lucid dream I am just not going to do it over land that won't be here.I will be with all the others who are listening to their dreams. I have seen many events ahead like this and then others start to report their dreams and take precautions. Those that don't,choose to experience what I saw in the dream ahead of it. Hopefully there are better dream masters who can avert all the dreams of greedy people who have got the planet in this shape.

Personally I had a lucid dream last night that I was in a very big war, fighting for the US army against a middle east country and possibly russia. It was extremely vivid and lucid at the end of it.

well your dream wasn't so positive either. Was it October 28th???try to ask the date in your lucid dreams.

In my 2008 Michael dream someone I know in top secret technology power positions they were all gathered pulsing off Oregon coast above Ashland outside of Portland a little below it trying to make some volcano blast off to tsunami Portland/Oregon coast to get martial law. There was a black president yet Cheney was highly involved with this person who was involved with who I knew who was so at DARPA in 98 any way in real life. Who I knew who plays this stuff out in virtual war/world games they call it and HAARP and scalar tech was pulsing over and over off Oregon and some golf course spot at Reno, Nevada which triangulated some way to set off the tsunami BUT David Wilcock was blocking it. He says &^%$ M# these new agers and that David Wilcock are blocking all our high tech. We've got to go over to Illinois and use the light pulse tech to sound off like a trumpet the New Madrid as those people there are Bible beater sheeple and follow what ever we put out. We can get them quaking to shake them up to trickle into the West coast some fear or possibility we can crack with the 42 month rule.. The other side already is crashing the global economy, he said, setting it for 8-8-8 to take full effect 42 days and 42 months later the depths so we can feed into that. Now I'd already had a dream of Michael November 8, 2007 that 9 months later on 8-8-8 about crashing the elites economy and Russia and China rising up due to a lunar and solar eclipse and Israel/US going down misreading it as it eclipsed over Russia not Israel and rose there. A crop circle happened all about this showing the world breaking up in 42 months as it had the 42 tears on it. It came on 8-8-8 plus all the Russia sacred crop circles that time reminding you of what is to come now. This is a battle with Michael and the war in heavens or the time lines and how we create. The opposition tries to get people into fear to create doom Armageddon and to let seep in their high tech to work to destroy the planet.They plan to be underground. The surface people are too many for them to control so they want to wipe it all out and shift the planet to a deeper vibration. So yes who interrupts my dreams is Michael who 'wars' with these elite who basically think anyone not Ashkenazi are lower than fodder. They have a disconnected conscience due to thymus shriveling due to inability to sulfate DHEA yet they have extreme high DHEA. They killed off their own people in Auschwitz to not breed back into them and have the conscience.I am not being prejudiced as they are related in my own ancestry.

You can go to the crop circle of 8-8-8 and see the femur bones and the Earth splitting apart with 42 tears on it. We are coming right up to the time since my dream was in April the 15th 2008 plus was so severe kept seeing it but tried to block it.We are right coming up at 42 months on October 15th. Then you have All Saints Day being October 30th and the 3 day setting rule so the 28th hits right when the dark ones can play this out.There are two sides so we are to awake as creators in group to energize more than them.Dream wars....

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by JohnSmith01

Howdy, Open.

I bet your eyes are brown.
edit on 10/10/2011 by Time4aChange because: (no reason given)

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