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For Christ's sake, stop blaming Obama for everything under the sun!

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Annee

Tall meh abou it. Many Americans are racist. Look at our history. Obama is the greatesr.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:16 PM
the inept dictator wanna be in the white house makes my blood term hussein cant come fast enough.....


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:47 PM
well let's see I blame him for....
A fundamental lack of understanding of economics (high corporate tax rates are one of the reasons we do not have manufacturing here as we have one of the highest in the world and the lefties want it higher yet).

I blame him for using, for lack of a better term, bribery, bullying and intimidation to pass his Obamacare atrocity

i blame him for extending the patriot act

I blame him for trying to rule by fiat with all his little executive orders

I blame him for being a moron ( giving the queen of england an ipod filled with his speeches, i mean really? what an egomaniac, he's been to all 57 states you know)

I blame him for having no class. Bowing to brutal dictators, palling around with Chavez, sending the Churchill bust (that was a gift after 9/11) and blaming everything under the sun on anyone that is not in the room. he has no spine, he can not man up and take the blame for anything, and I for one am about tired of hearing him blame bush.

I blame him for appointing all those czars and a cabinet full of people that either couldnt even get a job a Mcdonalds or have a criminal record longer then arm ( Van Jones) or are way left extremists ( cass Sunstien for example)

So yeah, I blame him for stuff, all stuff he rightly deserves to get blame for. I blame bush too, for failing so miserably that made the conditions possible for this current moron to be the president.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 01:34 AM
A couple of things (sorry if someone else already said this. If so, it bears repeating):

Originally posted by alexbassguy

1. It's not just the President - it's his cabinet, the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Fed, and all other government (and, these days, some non-government) entities as well.

When a sports team does poorly in a season, who gets fired?

Want someone to blame? How about this one guy (I don't know if anyone remembers him... ya'll don't seem to, at least) named GEORGE W. BUSH? Between him, his cabinet, and Congress over the past ten years - there's your responsible parties. Let me illustrate this with a simple graphic - one I think has been shown around here a few times before -

Before anyone says 'well of course it's lower, Obama's been in office for only three years! If you follow that out... blah blah blah', note that this is a LIBERAL projection of his spending habits OVER A HYPOTHETICAL EIGHT-YEAR TERM. Also, you can't place any of the war monies on Obama's head, no matter how hard you try - he didn't start them, and he can't very well just suddenly drop two military engagements, can he? Bush started it, Bush's cabinet and Congress created the tax loopholes to cause the lending crises, Bush's cronies were the ones profiting from 9/11.

That graphic is interestingly false, as it's missing $3.280 trillion on the Obama side. He didn't stop the wars and he didn't let the Bush tax cuts expire. Sorry, but that is considered "new spending" each year it doesn't stop. So his total is $4.721 trillion. So, yes, we can put that on him as he hasn't stopped perpetuating it. When you inherit something, you inherit its liabilities and you are responsible for them.

Obama put forward a PERFECTLY REASONABLE solution, raise the debt ceiling accompanied by just over $2 trillion in spending cuts (and oh yeah, just a FEW select tax increases, here and there, to help grease the wheels...).

That's over 10 years, yet spending is at almost $4 trillion per year. The Ryan plan, while far from perfect, at least would have cut $4 trillion over 10 years.


posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by SM2

Umm... okay.... let's see here.... a few good points, but.... umm....

You blame him for his 'fundamental lack of understanding of economics.' You claim we have the highest corporate tax rates, yet the largest companies like GE, Goldman Sachs and Pfizer pay little to no taxes whatsoever. Our corporate tax rates are not what sent jobs overseas - if that were true and we were collecting so much, we wouldn't have a deficit, or at least not one in the tens of trillions. It's the fact that China, India and other, lesser nations are willing to do our b**** work for pennies on the dollar.

You claim he used 'bribery, bullying and intimidation' to get Obamacare passed. How? When? Who, exactly, did he bully? All of Congress? He proposed it, then it was run though the political wringer for a year. I think this accusation, if applicable to anyone, should go to Pelosi, not Obama.

Extending the Patriot Act? Okay, I'll agree with you there. Terrible policy, massive violation of civil liberties from A to Z. Another ding to his name. They are increasing in numbers, don't get me wrong.

'Ruling by fiat'? Well, not quite, in fact not even close. But sure, I get your point. It's been covered.

You blame him for being a moron and an egomaniac? Look no further than oh, I don't know, ANY PRESIDENT EVER. They're all egomaniacs. Very few of them were morons, save Dubya and perhaps Andrew Jackson (though he was just plain insane). I, for one, do not think that the gift he gave the Queen of England, of how many times he uses the word 'me' in a speech, has any bearing whatsoever on his ability to effectively run a nation. He usually doesn't wear ties, either. What a sloppy a******. Clearly he's the worst president ever!

Bowing to brutal dictators? Um, last I checked, he was bombing Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen in hopes of toppling their dictatorial governments and helping NATO and their respective rebellions. You can't claim this is bad, based on your standpoint - either he's 'bowing down' to them or 'wasting our tax money' on more wars. Pick one. You can't have both.

I'm quite sure the only reason anyone on his cabinet wouldn't get a job at McDonald's would be due to the fact that they would be entirely overqualified. As for criminal records, last I checked, GWB has 3 DUIs, almost flunked out of Yale because he ditched class to party so much and was arrested for possession of coc aine. I don't think van Jones could beat that.

I agree with a few of your points, but not enough to give him the **** he's gotten since the day he went into office. I never said don't blame him for anything. My point was, and still is, that he is merely one man - infinitely more blame should rest on the shoulders of Congress, both past and present, his cabinet, the Supreme Court, the rest of the gov'mnt, and the American people, by and large.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by The Old American

It sure would be nice if the government worked like a sports team. Unfortunately, last I checked, sports team's aren't coached by over 500 different people in three different, equally powerful groups.

As for the monetary figures, I still can't agree that Obama is responsible for the war spending. He has done a ton to lessen it, as well as bring folks back home, end combat ops, etc. Again, HE COULD HAVE DONE A LOT MORE, (he also could have stayed out of Libya and Yemen and such) but you can't just entirely pull the plug on full occupations in two developing nations, whether we should be there in the first place or not. The region would fall into instant turmoil, and we'd be b****slapped by the international community. He has no choice. As for the Bush tax cuts, if I remember correctly, he tried very hard to let them expire, and Congress renewed them anyways. Sources for this additional $3.28 trillion would be very helpful, I'm not saying your wrong, just a figure I haven't heard before. Also, I don't understand your comments regarding spending at $4 trillion per year, yet Obama's been in for three and a half, and even with your adjusted $3.28t on top (from the past three years) he's still barely over $4.8t over eight years, projected. That doesn't quite add up to me, but maybe I'm missing something.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 02:48 AM
Pffft, don't even try. This is a right-wing site, extreme right-wing by times. So, yes, they will bash and "defame" Obama at every turn, in every post, whenever possible. *shrugs*

I don't care about that. Left-wing blogs do the same for the right-wing politicians. Free speech, and all of that. Obama-bashing as a symptom. Projected dissatisfaction with a failed life, thinly veiled rascism, lack of a good education due to the stratification of American society, utter ignorance and hatred out of fear for that which we don't understand, whatever.....

I read ATS for the crazy, weird UFO, crypto zoo-watchamacallit and other mad stuf. I try to keep away from politics and religious threads. They start and end all the same.
Right-winger posts some stuff Fox, or Ron Paul uttered, starts an inane thread with rather clumsily masked, and seriously bigoted gay-bashing, starts a thread with the smell of old-fashioned christian evangelizing, and moderates& left crack it down to the bottom...Predictable, Boring.

I prefer the outlandish Atlantis,Mars, UFO etc. Stuff. ATS excels in that aspect.
edit on 8/22/2011 by diakrite because: Typoooos

edit on 8/22/2011 by diakrite because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/22/2011 by diakrite because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by alexbassguy

You are right, we should not blame Obama for everything, but we should not blame George Jr. either. We should blame their bosses. They share that you know, their bosses I mean. The POTUS comes and goes, the names and the faces and the parties change, but the bosses remain the same.

This was recognized as far back as Woodrow Wilson, the President on whose watch the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Income Tax were installed. Toward the end of his presidency he said;

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

FDR said;

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”

But you are right about one thing though. It was George Jr. who got the ball rolling on this debt thing. Clinton left Billions in surplus and George Jr. blew through that in a heart beat.

The economy did indeed start it's downhill slide with Bush going to war over fictitious WMDs and with responsible parties who were not responsible for 9/11. Obama has merely continued and escalated these wars and war spending. Remember how he said he would pull out of... What was the first place we went in? Iraq? No Afghanistan. Yeah... But no, Iraq was the one we were getting out of, remember? (It was easier to keep track of who we were killing under Bush, there were less wars then. Hmm!)

Remember how he said we would pull out of Iraq? Within six months, then a year, then eighteen months, then it seems like he forgot all about gettin' out of Iraq.

No they are both guilty of taking orders, equally guilty. And all of us Americans, we are guilty of believing in a two party system, way after the party was over.

I think I remember him campaigning on never letting any lobbyist in the White House too, and now look, the place is crawling with them. No you can't blame the "Wall Street" President for the economy going south, but he could have taken his foot off the accelerator before he drove us all the way into the Gulf of Mexico!

I was talking to my 88 year old mother the other day. My whole family has worked for the State of Illinois - even my ex-wife! Mom and I were talking about how we have been waiting for an honest Illinois politician to come along since Adlai Stevenson, and we are still waiting.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by DisasterButton
For Christ's sake, stop blaming Obama for everything under the sun!



posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 04:51 AM
voters went for Obama because Bush was one of the worst disaster of our history.

some of the blame for the past three years can be given to the republicans in the congress.

the agenda of the republicans has been to paralyze the federal government, and destroy the Obama presidency, at whatever cost.

their ideology is as insane as anything politics has ever come up with as far as i can see.
wild, wild west financial sector, war, war and more wars.
an alliance of financial criminals, religious idiots(i'm being kind), and yes, white racism, and war mongers.

but Obama is not without blame, he has tried to appease his enemies and deserted those who elected him.
he never understood that the republicans are out to destroy him.

his tax cut on social security has to be the most stupid move i've seen in my lifetime.
you claim social security is running out of money and cut revenue.

his attempt to cater to the military industrial complex by continuing useless wars, did he think he could steal this group from the republicans?

so myself, i'd like to get rid of the republican congress and Obama.

but in reality, there may be no hope for a long time.
when one looks at history, when a nation goes insane, it can take decades before any sanity returns.

i'll vote for Ron Paul, because at least he understands that we cannot keep wasting our resources on wars just to create jobs.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 05:38 AM
LOL! Stop blaming Obama so you can blame a guy who's been out of office for 3 years! Basically all you're doing is dismissing Obama and the Democrats of all blame and then putting all that blame on Bush and Republicans. What a surprise, liberals want to blame Bush and not their guy. Lets make a thread about it!

edit on 22-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
LOL! Stop blaming Obama so you can blame a guy who's been out of office for 3 years! Basically all you're doing is dismissing Obama and the Democrats of all blame and then putting all that blame on Bush and Republicans. What a surprise, liberals want to blame Bush and not their guy. Lets make a thread about it!

edit on 22-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

Don't let the facts get in the way. When Bush left office... he ran.

If you had clear vision even before Obama was elected you saw it was going to be many years of a desperate struggle and superman was not going to be able to save us much less Obama. No one mentions all the bank bailout money was repaid and it was only extended so regular folks with dealings with those financial institutions would not take the hit. Nobody mentions the extenuating circumstances.

I have said this before and I will say it again. There is no battle between Democrats and Republicans. That is a farce designed to deflect attention away from the real powers struggling to survive here. It is a battle of the rich against the poor. This is why we have 2 sets of rules why America is split apart. The rich are trying to stay that way and the poor are suffering for their efforts which ARE NOT in their best interests, ever.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by alexbassguy

for the sake of those to whom it matters, please don't take the Lord's name in vain. i understand such cursing is very commonplace but it still reflects poorly on those who do it. you are obviously an intelligent person and i'm sure you want to set good examples. thanks for your time and my apology for being off topic.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by alexbassguy
reply to post by The Old American

It sure would be nice if the government worked like a sports team. Unfortunately, last I checked, sports team's aren't coached by over 500 different people in three different, equally powerful groups.

He's the leader and he hasn't taken responsibility of the problems.

As for the monetary figures, I still can't agree that Obama is responsible for the war spending. He has done a ton to lessen it, as well as bring folks back home, end combat ops, etc. Again, HE COULD HAVE DONE A LOT MORE, (he also could have stayed out of Libya and Yemen and such) but you can't just entirely pull the plug on full occupations in two developing nations, whether we should be there in the first place or not. The region would fall into instant turmoil, and we'd be b****slapped by the international community. He has no choice.

He's done nothing to lessen it. He's only shifted countries. Not even that, really, as we haven't pulled out of Iraq yet, but we've added Libya, Yemen, and Pakistan. That's an add, not a subtraction.

As for the Bush tax cuts, if I remember correctly, he tried very hard to let them expire, and Congress renewed them anyways.

Veto? Executive order? A loud whistle maybe? Something, anything, would've been better than "I'm impotent to do anything."

Sources for this additional $3.28 trillion would be very helpful, I'm not saying your wrong, just a figure I haven't heard before.'s in the graphic you posted.

Also, I don't understand your comments regarding spending at $4 trillion per year, yet Obama's been in for three and a half, and even with your adjusted $3.28t on top (from the past three years) he's still barely over $4.8t over eight years, projected. That doesn't quite add up to me, but maybe I'm missing something.

Federal spending by function

Total Spending $3.8 trillion


posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by alexbassguy

Coming from people who's most often spoken three words have been "Bush Did It", the irony of this is really rich.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:12 AM
Dear OP...

Anyone with any business skills and leadership experience knows that the leader sets the tone. The leader is not always the driver but the leader sets the course, sets the goals, sets the standards...and then the leader gets out of the way and lets his/her team do what they were chosen to do.

Obama put together his White House team, Obama approved and OK'd the team members not personally screened by him, Obama set the goals or hopefully had some input into where he wanted to see the country going, and Obama set the standards.

Obama presented a vision of healthcare, the tax code and ammendments, the emphasis by the EPA, the FDA, ICE, and any proposals to Congress, the extension or non extension of laws and taxes established under Bush.

Obama...not Bush was going to bring the soldiers home from iraq and Afghanistan...and had a majority in Congress for 2 years to do so and set that endeavor in motion....FAILED.

Obama joined in on Lybia...didn't have real threat from Lybia to US...certainly not as much provocation as Reagan had back in the 1980s with Ghaddaffi...but Obama did...FAILED.

Pushed for and enacted a very unpopular piece of Legislation...HealthCare Bill... despite the overwhelming resistance of the populace... it will even dictate to and hurt the very ones he claimed to help...the under priviledged and poor. Wait until certain treatments are negated because of continued obesity or diabetes is untreated because of unwillingness to change lifestyle and diet...FAILED.

Continuing over regulation of businesses and setting of unreasonable standards...either in conventional makers.. or in the "green industries" which are now dropping left asnd right...or over regulation to established businesses which is why they are not hiring new emlpyees which in turn become governmental liabilities....and new hoops for potential businesses to jump through to even start up...and why they go overseas or simply don't start at all.... high unemployment...FAILED.

EPA/FDA raids on dairies and organic farms...with SWAT tyeams...REALLY? Something a phone call could stop, but no...they are increasing in number. We have real threats from terrorists...drug and gun runners across the mexican Border...mobs and crime...and Obama and the FDA are raiding Amish Farms...FAILED.

If you hade $2million dollars and a business... still did not know all of the impact ObamaCare would have on you and and your employees...did not know the potential of taxes and increases proposed by Obama as punishment for having a $2million dollar business and making a good income...and you didn't see a clear path of recovery encouraging business and consumer confidence...saw the erosion of the QE1...QE2...maybe QE... and saw a leader that was anti business...anti wealth....saw taxes as a means of redistribution of that wealth....

Would you expand your business?

Would you hire new employees? would invest your money...keep some liquidity in the bank and CDs... and look for opportunities overseas.

That my friends is what is happening today.....OBAMA...FAILED.

I do blame Obama...He set the tone...He set the standards.... He set the goals.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Q:1984A:1776

I'm sorry, but when you have the most important job on the planet, and you do the worst job in history (I'd say he's surpassed even Wubya now) you deserve nothing but ridicule and scorn in the very least. I'd say he needs to be tried for treason just like his predecessor.

Interesting. The op clearly stated in his post that it appears that most people are blaming Obama for policies of the Bush era.

It is true, he's not doing a good job at all. But you can't exactly count all the problems Bush dropped in his lap against him. Just as Clinton worked deals before Bush got into office, to make Bush look like a douche, Bush did the same things.

The failed economy? Obama inherited that from the polices of the Bush era, it just happened to finally implode on his watch (by design?) Wars? Ignoring Pakistan, you can thank Bush for those as well.

there are plenty of valid reasons to hate Obama and want to elect someone else, but adding stuff that is literally out of his control, is pretty pathetic.

Since Obama got into office we've had record heat, drought, floods, and all sorts of extreme weather. Is this his fault too? Oh yeah, I forgot hes got HAARP for that.

Obamacare could have been a major pivotal change in the US, but because of partisan bickering, it was gutted and turned into a bill no thinking human could actually support. This isn't O's fault, you honestly think the president has that much power? He's a figure head, the rest of the government has the power, and like a lot of you here, they hate him because he is him and will do whatever it takes to do the opposite of what he wants, regardless if it's the best interest of the US or the world for that matter.

Hate on obama, vote him the hell out, but you've got to stop blaming him for things he has no control over. Any "good" he does won't even be seen until he's into his second term (or out on his ass) anyways.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
LOL! Stop blaming Obama so you can blame a guy who's been out of office for 3 years! Basically all you're doing is dismissing Obama and the Democrats of all blame and then putting all that blame on Bush and Republicans. What a surprise, liberals want to blame Bush and not their guy. Lets make a thread about it!

edit on 22-8-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

People like you make me sad.
Do you really believe that the moment Bush left office, his impact on the country went with him?
Why can't you just read the OP?
It does not say stop blaming Obama for THINGS.
When FOX News still blames Clinton for things, I do not blow a gasket because I understand that presidents make impacts far outlasting their term in office. When FOX news blames Clinton still and then says "DO NOT BLAME BUSH FOR ANYTHING" it is a different story.
You can blame Obama for all kinds of things but to blame him for everything is at your own peril.

Just look at the TEA party. They are so mad at Obama for what BUSH did just before he left office that they cannot wait to elect another Bush. That is what happens when you blame Obama for things Bush did. Good luck with that.

Bush signed TARP.
Lets elect another Bush.

Yeah, it makes tons of sense to blame Obama for EVERYTHING.
How is that blame and shame working out for ya?
edit on 22-8-2011 by Kitilani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:51 AM
Every president in history has blamed the president before him for the mess.

I am not going to defend Osama... I mean Obama... after all, he wanted the job, he got the job, end of story.

Two (personal) things... One, I hope my president is enjoying his vacation on the vineyard while the entire country goes to sh*t. Two, I love the fact that Michelle tells me what to eat... when was the last time she looked at her own fat ass in the mirror?

He is just a puppet anyway. His only agenda was to be the first black president.
Congratulations. Now get the *#%@ out!

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by DisasterButton
For Christ's sake, stop blaming Obama for everything under the sun!


Ok keep looking like an idiot. The OP is 100% correct. Obama has been in there for 3 years. 1 year of it has been completely obstructed by the Right and Tea party.

You can blame whomever you want, but that doesn't make it right.

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