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When is life not worth living anymore?

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posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by davespanners

Even though, just about everyone thinks about it once in a while. I can't imagine a time when I would go through with it. A friend of my sons who wasn't even 24 drove all the way from Illinois to New York and jumped in front of a subway train. He was a very smart young man ( I know ignorance CAN be bliss) but it shocked me,because I know that things almost always get better and if not better then different. His problem was drugs, he was doing a lot of coc aine and that can put you in a very bad place mentally. I know how hard life can be,( I have lived a great deal of my life with pain from a car accident ) and yet I wouldn't trade one of my bad days or any other. I am not afraid of dying, no matter whats at the end of the rainbow. But this is why I would never kill myself......Tomorrow might be the day I help someone else to get through a tough day, tomorrow might be the day I see or learn something important or spectacular. Tomorrow might be the most amazing day of my whole life. life is hard, there is no doubt about it. But it's still a gift. If someone is thinking about killing themselves then it's time to make a change,( and your probably thinking about yourself TOO much) if your life means so little..... then give it away, be in service to others. Thanks for the topic, Earthmuffin33

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Alexander_Supertramp

Unfortunately though for many theistic persons they avidly choose to remain ignorant to the undeniable facts of the universe. One being that living things are literally the universe experiencing itself. The universe is us. Everything is the same sub-atomically. My thoughts are racing too much right now to be able to make any sense to anyone who doesn't already know the things that I would be saying anyway.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

I think I have a tiny inclination of what you're trying to only quarrel is: on a subatomic scale, life and death are (at least to my limited knowledge) inapplicable. You cannot look at subatomic particles and see life or death, only movement/behavior/place, etc. So, thinking about things on that scale really doesn't work for discussing life and death issues when those issues only apply to larger scales. (To make myself more clear: a quark is neither alive nor dead, so to talk of such really has no meaning. However, life and death are in terms of large-scales, like the human body, made up of X amount of quarks. Only when talking about the body can we discuss life and death, even though it is made up of X amount of quarks. Hope that made some kind of sense?!)
edit on 6-8-2011 by Alexander_Supertramp because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Alexander_Supertramp
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

I think I have a tiny inclination of what you're trying to only quarrel is: on a subatomic scale, life and death are (at least to my limited knowledge) inapplicable. You cannot look at subatomic particles and see life or death, only movement/behavior/place, etc. So, thinking about things on that scale really doesn't work for discussing life and death issues when those issues only apply to larger scales. (To make myself more clear: a quark is neither alive nor dead, so to talk of such really has no meaning. However, life and death are in terms of large-scales, like the human body, made up of X amount of quarks. Only when talking about the body can we discuss life and death, even though it is made up of X amount of quarks. Hope that made some kind of sense?!)
edit on 6-8-2011 by Alexander_Supertramp because: (no reason given)

Life is an effect not a cause. Any "importance" of life is based purely upon opinion and has no founding in a physical reality.
edit on 6-8-2011 by Dystopiaphiliac because: Cause not effect.

edit on 6-8-2011 by Dystopiaphiliac because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Life isn't worth living when someone decides it's not worth it. Forget all the BS about "It's selfish" or "A COP OUT!".

This world sucks for the most part. I have a great job, I'm young, yet I still see this world and a parasite colony. I hate to throw generalities, however it's true. The majority of this planet is selfish, violent, hateful... ETC.

When someone want's out for any reason, it's their choice as a resident of this planet.

It might not always be the best decision, but it's MINE, YOURS, and THEIR decision on what happens in their life.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by davespanners

Ithink for me it would have to be if everyone close to you dies/doesn't want to know anymore, having no money and not being able to get a job, becoming critically ill just to top it all off, after going through all that i think suicide would look the best option.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by MamaJ

Suicide is a selfish act.....totally against what I believe. To be selfish and kill yourself is a slap in the face to your loved ones. Its a cowardly act. For anyone to commit such an act is pathetic in my opinion.

I'm surprised to hear something so judgemental coming from you.

Many commit suicide because they want to save their families the terrible burden of medical expenses.

Anyone who can so harshly judge suicide , and put everyone who has ever done it in the pathetic category, is really the pathetic one. Who made you the judge of what is cowardly ,and selfish??? You really have no idea what some people go through , and you really aren't in any position to pass judgements on what is cowardly ,and what is selfish.

You say you are surprised at me "judging". You then Judge me and its ok with you. ??

I have had 4 loved ones commit suicide!!!!! We, the ones left behind are the ones left with the images of blood and a corpse lingering til our last breath. I can tell you my opinion based on my experience alone. You and I will not always agree on matters. Thats life. That does not mean I am right or you are right with an opinion. I am sorry you took such offense but this subject is a touchy one for me and we were asked and I gave my opinion. Do what you may...say what you the end of the day it is not a selfless act and it does not convey love. Love is what I am ALL about my sweet thang.

I had two aunts commit suicide, a boyfriend, and a friend of mine who was doing time in jail. We were all given a "gift of life". This is an act of love. When we kill ourselves for selfish reasons it is not an act of love but an act of fear(the opposite of love).

I do not judge a person that does this.....I find the ACT a pathetic one. There are a lot of songs I connect with based on this act.

I lost a husband lost a child....their siblings watched and listened to him suffer for months before he finally passed. It was AWFUL! There were many days we didn't want to go on with life and It took me about 5 years before I would even walk outside in my own yard looking at the fresh blooms as I once did. At the time I could NOT get the crying and moaning out of my head. Why did God allow this to happen to such a sweet and loving young man. Why couldnt he experience love....driving a car....and WHY did he die on our anniversary and his sisters b day. Could he not have lived ONE MORE DAY???? I was sooooo hurt and sooooooo MAD that I wanted to end my life and get out of this pain and suffering. I have had many pity parties because my life has been nothing but painful experience after the other....always someone dying around me. I could have done it....but I chose to change my way of thinking. I will not tell anyhone its ok just to satisfy someone like you. (No offence)

WE ALL go through pain and suffering. Deal with it.....and move on. The act is a cowardly one and I only hope and pray the ones who are in that state of mind see this and think, "Look at everyone....they are going through or have went through more than I". Its only when you get out of the realm of you think of others and THAT is enough love to keep moving on.

Peace and love to you and yours!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo


posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by davespanners

Hi dave o/

My husband committed suicide 21 years ago. We had been married 6 years and had 3 small kids. He was 35.

He was a binge drinker and violent when drunk, which was often. After 6 years I'd had enough and I took the kids and left for the umpteenth time. I usually went back to him after about a week or two but this time I didn't believe his promises that he would change. I got my own house for me and the kids in the next town, and for 3 months he visited the kids every day, and every one of those days he begged me to come home. But I didn't.

One day, after 3 months of him pleading with me, he came to see us and told me he was asking me to come home for the last time and if I refused, he would leave and wouldn't bother me about it any more. I said no. He left and through the window I watched him walk to his car and drive away. That was the last time I spoke to him and the last time I saw my husband alive.

The next day, the police came to my house to tell me that my husband had been found dead that morning in his car - they told me a hose was connected from the exhaust pipe and to the window, and the car was still running when he was found. He had been there all night and was lying across the back seat, in his hand was a suicide note he'd written on the back of his copy of our Decree Nisi. They said he had been seen drunk in local bars the evening before.

For the longest time I blamed myself for his suicide, if I'd gone back home with the kids he would still be alive and the kids would still have their dad
They missed him dreadfully and were inconsolable, they cried for him every day, my heart broke for them. I lived with the guilt of that for years, and if I'm honest I think I still do.

I still think about it alot, I always have, and it happened 21 years ago, it never goes away. He probably wouldn't have done it if he was sober. Who knows.

I can only speak from the perspective of one who was left behind to pick up the pieces of mine and my kids' lives which were devastated by suicide and could never be the same. It's effect on us will last our lifetimes.

I sometimes wish I'd gone back to him, he wouldn't have done it, and my kids would have had the dad they loved and needed so much.

The unhappiness doesn't end when you take your own life - you just leave it behind for your family to bear and deal with.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 09:50 AM
I remember a story from a psychiatrist about a woman who'd gone through so much bad stuff in her life...he didn't even wanted to start telling about that, it was that bad. One moment she'd had enough and tried to remove the life from her and her sons by setting fire to the house. She lived through it, but her sons died. She went into a psychiatric hospital and roamed the halls always saying 'i want to go to my sons' etc. One weekend she got a weekend off, and staff knew a friend of hers had made preparations in a room to gas herself and they just let her go...

I think life can become hell. Just where the borderline is differs for each and will always stay questionable.
edit on 6-8-2011 by Richardus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Love is what I am ALL about my sweet thang.

hmmm..then perhaps you should have a little more love towards those who chose to end their lives. I respect the right to your opinion on the subject... but for someone to say consistently in a majority of their posts that love is the key, and the answer to all..I would expect a more loving and forgiving attitude towards suicide instead of..comments like .." its a pathetic cowardly selfish act" That seems very harsh judgement on those who are suffering extremely , and make this choice in an obvious state of distress.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Whateva69
reply to post by MamaJ

It’s all about me, me…me…me, how could they do this to ME. Who’s the selfish one?
What about the poor soul, what about them.

No you are quite wrong.....its never about ME ME ME ME....Experience makes a difference.

Have you found someone dead after they have blown their brains out?

Have you listened to moaning and groaning of a dying child for months?

From MY experience and MY beliefs I will not ever condone this act.

We are here to experience LIFE. We chose to come. We are supposed to LOVE each other As Our Self.

Had my boyfriend (who killed himself) told me what he was going to do should I have told him...ok...Go For It?

I will never tell anyone its ok. Its not. Live and climb the will be stronger than you was before. Love others enough to not put them through the pain and memories of seeing your brains and blood all over the place.

You guys can judge me for an opinion.....thats cool with me. Judge on. I will not waiver my opinion on this. I have seen it, seen what it does to the ones left behind and have been through my own hell with it.

Its just not cool with me

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by davespanners

When we have learned, retained and naturally applied all the lessons required to graduate from this realm where a (limited) physical existence is necessary to generate aforementioned lessons.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by davespanners
This is a question that plays on my mind every so often I should preface the question by saying that I'm not contemplating suicide or anything like that, just posing a question.

What I would like to know is, what for you would make life not worth carrying on with anymore?

Can you ever imagine a point where you would consider suicide as an option, or do you believe that it is never an option however bad life is?

Have you ever been at the point of considering ending your life and if so what made you decide not to go through with it, fear if the unknown, thinking of the people you would leave behind?

Would religion play any part in you making a decision like that and if so, how?

Personally I have been at points in my where I have considered suicide but I have never really been close to going through with it, although I think I could imagine a point, maybe through severe physical or mental disability that I would, things like severe Alzheimer's for example, not being able to remember my own name or family.

I hope this isn't too depressing a question, I know it can be a pretty taboo subject and one that people get very nervous talking about and I don't really know what I hope to gain from asking the question, apart from maybe
some perspective on how other people think.

To know that I am causing more suffering then making solutions. I believe that everyone has those moments in life where we would rather be in another desirable situation so suicide could be one of those minor considerations but for me there's always something deep down that gives me the power and strength I need to keep myself going. I have considered it during my early 20s but I honestly feel that I have a greater purpose so I kept going. I met a wonderful person who was very patient with me and we look after our children. Religion might have had an impact on my decision I've had those images of hell on my mind prior to my contemplation due to my grandmother nailing it into our head.

We live in a society that's against death. Nobody wants to think about it anymore and it's as important as birth but I guess that's just how things are.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by gabby2011

I love and forgive my loved ones....I do not accept the act. You see what I have seen and you would answer a different way. They had plenty to live for. Their mind and heart was hardened. I get it..... but no one needs to end their own life out of selfish reasons because the pain hurts. Life can be hard...we have to keep on movin

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:23 AM
If anything ever happened to my kids and I was facing a life without them - I don't care who finds my bloody skull splattered across the wall.

I will no longer have a reason to breathe.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:28 AM
When I look at the world and what is happening in it, it saddens me terribly. It's not enough for me to know that I and others in my part of the world have just about enough, when I know 2/3 of the world are living in terrible suffering.

Looking at the world, my brothers and sisters everywhere and knowing we are are all held hostage and enslaved by a gang of criminals is often more than I feel I can bear.

I don't want to live in a world where 'normalcy' is war, murder, hatred, exploitaton and unnecessarily inflicted horrendous suffering by a small minority on billions of decent human beings. I absolutely do not consent to that, and if the time comes where suicide is the only way I can register my lack of consent, that's what I will do, but I will put up a real fight before I go.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:32 AM
When you die.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Mallik
When you die.

That's kind of a paradox, unless you can timeslip and tell yourself you are going to die, so just pull the plug.
ANyway I wanted to bump this topic, I feel it's important, as there are many who are just stubbornly set in their prejudgements.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:40 AM
Most people commit suicide when they believe there is no way out of their hopeless situation. Personally, I've never been close to anyone who committed suicide. I guess life is worth not living when you feel like life is not worth living

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I would take my own life if it meant saving the life of one of my family members.

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