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Scare at State Fair: witnesses describe mobs and attacks

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Dbriefed

I would say it is pretty blatant how prime media has ignored this story, and this entire trend. If it wasn't for ATS, I would never have heard about this growing trend, as I have yet to see any mainstream media coverage. A news search only brings up blogs reporting the incident.

Considering this is one of several similar events, it is plain irresponsible for the news to ignore this. It only encourages more of these events. It tell you how much concern our media has for the average person.

Looks alot like a several quiet experiments in group manipulation by the PTB.

edit on 9-8-2011 by poet1b because: add last phrase

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Though I don't condone this act of violence, these kids did this because they were certain that they could get away with it.

The title of this thread says it all....Scare at State Fair....

That is one's first mistake....and that is displaying fear.

I grew up with all types of people in Chicago, Blacks included.

The ones from more impoverished backgrounds had a habit of attempting to take things by force.

There did exist a larger number of Black bullies who would want to bully me but as soon as I began fighting back. They always left me alone.

They'd then go elsewhere seeking easier targets. White or Black.

But the worse thing one can do is show fear. This only fuels a Bullies fury.

Back to the State Fair....

Its really too bad that this had to occur at all places a state fair but people need to fight back and not let these Brats, Black or otherwise get away with this type of behavior.

And that's all it is. Out of control Kids who have gotten away with this throughout their lives, talking back to their Mom and now think that they can get away with this type of behaviour with others.


edit on 9-8-2011 by nh_ee because: typos and edits.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by poet1b

This has been going on for decades. It has devolved to the point that when there are fugitives in most cases they don't even describe them unless they are white. They will even go so far as describe the person including everything but their race. "Young male, 25-35 wearing a blue jacket and red hat seen getting into a late model Honda Accord". Here they are looking for folks and they refuse to give you critical information that might help the folks assist with identifying and capturing them.

In the 1980s when Rupert Murdoch bought the NY Post. He ran a crime blotter in the paper with descriptions of all suspects. Every violent crime in the city every day. If there was no description of the suspect he would indicate that and simply list the neighborhood, e.g. 1300 block of 30th street, Bronx. This was back in the days when there were 2000 murders in NYC/year.

It lasted about two weeks and the pressure groups coupled with the city government forced him to stop it. Bad for business, uncomfortable.

The media has long decided that the public has no right to know the true nature of crime in America.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Yeah, I have seen the same thing.

It even goes deeper. There is a class warfare going on against working class whites. White on blue crime is what I call it. White collar crime is completely ignored, while blue collar crime is regularly over examined. All working class people get thrown in together, including the non-working people classified as blue collar. The crime of a welfare recipient is blamed on everyone in the trenches. We all get to pay for the crimes of a few, while all excuses are provided for the few, punishment is dealt out to everyone else who doesn't completely reform to the system.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:20 PM
It's possible that the Media might be concerned about 'copycat' episodes if they mention this violence on the news.

This type of narcissistic personality loves and craves attention ... even if their mug is plastered all over the TV screen as they are being hauled away in handcuffs and the News depicts them as a 'bad boy'... to them, any attention is better than none ... however they can get their 15 seconds of fame.

I'm not sure, but I do think this is a possibility.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by AGWskeptic
reply to post by rebeldog

Black people in America are far disconnected from any actions of native Africans.

But one only has to look at Nazi Germany or the Spanish Inquisition to see what white people are capable of.

You can't compare Africa to Europe, an education in Africa is living past 6 years old. The only fair comparison would be of Europe before education became universal, like say, before the 2 biggest wars modern man has seen.

You do know that there are large thriving cities and countries in Africa right? You know with a fair economy and all of that. Morocco, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana, and more. That was an incredibly close minded borderline racist statement considering you treated an entire continent like it was a "Feed The Children" commercial.

Where did I say there were no cities? Way to read a bunch into my statement.

I merely stated that blacks in America have almost no connection with African blacks, other than genetics.

And I'm an environment person, I think it shapes a person much more than DNA.

Yes, parts of Africa are civilized, but large parts are not. Of course that IS the fault of white colonialists.
edit on 9-8-2011 by AGWskeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Don't buy into this crap. They want us to be DIVIDED. It is our duty to STAY UNITED.

We are ALL of us, every single one of us, victims of the crimes and deceit of currently (and not for much longer) in power.

There are two sides only - TPTB and US

Divided, we can be overcome. United we can NEVER be overcome. Unity is the only way forward..

Huh? These kids aren't following orders of anybody but themselves.

The black community better figure out a solution to there wild children soon, or somebody else will. One of these days they'll beat on the wrong truck at a state fair, and old Billy Bob is gonna show them how much damage an AK-47 and 1000 rounds of ammunition can cause to the human body.

I'm telling you, somebody is gonna SNAP if these little mini black teenage mobs don't get reeled in soon.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Now add to this a perhaps deliberate effort to keep things this way, and maybe even tip it further in a violent direction, and it's hard to see how this could end well.

Sadly, there are the millions of black mothers (mostly), and grandmothers, courageously trying to raise their kids right, under the worst of circumstances. But it's a tough row to hoe, when they're surrounded by gangs that are part of a sophisticated drug distribution system, headed by organizations like the CIA.

No, I don't want to stoop to the level of the "apologizers", some who really do need to get a clue, but it is certainly not correct to see these things in a vacuum either.

There is a bigger picture here.

Someone, somewhere, higher up, gets a lot of mileage out of keeping this pot boiling. Not so different from the pot boiling in other areas, such as the Middle East, where Israel never seems to have a moment of true peace, amidst the sea of enemies that they were planted in the center of.

The long-term goal our masters have is what we often call the "New World Order". This is ATS, but I don't see people talking about this like they used to. If our masters get their way, our grandchildren are all going to be working on their big ugly one-world "plantation", probably sooner than we think.


Well spoken! I agree that there is a bigger picture here. TPTB love us cutting ourselves to pieces, the more damage we do to each other - the less clean up they have to do later. We are more alike than we are different, but we spend so much time looking for something to differentiate ourselves from each other. Our hate serves the ones that we should be blaming here-the rich powerful forces that want to kill off us useless feeders. More of our money went to paying to bail out the banks than we spend on SS, welfare, unemployment and most other programs added together. It is all distraction, smoke and mirrors, to keep up looking in the wrong direction.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Jana12

The "news" media has absolutely no right to shield the public from information that could well be relevant to their safety, e.g. where to go and where not to go.

Enough of the media attempting to shape public opinion. Public opinion should be shaped by the truth and the facts on the ground, not via manipulation.

If the truth is reported and that manifests itself in unfortunate incidents, so be it.

We have a right to know the truth, partucularily within our local communities

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:38 PM

edit on 9-8-2011 by summerbreeze.ddp because: could not post the vid from youtube properly

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Jana12

The "news" media has absolutely no right to shield the public from information that could well be relevant to their safety, e.g. where to go and where not to go.

Enough of the media attempting to shape public opinion. Public opinion should be shaped by the truth and the facts on the ground, not via manipulation.

If the truth is reported and that manifests itself in unfortunate incidents, so be it.

We have a right to know the truth, partucularily within our local communities

I agree ... I am saying that (my previous post) may possibly be their reasoning for not airing these violent episodes. Another reason may be costly (slanderous) lawsuits -- portraying Blacks in a negative light ... imagine that.

I am not saying it's smart, as we certainly do have a right to know. But, it's possible that 'copycat' incidents and lawsuits are their reasoning ... however illogical.

If it weren't for this site, as well as others I've participated in over the years, I'd never even know that this organized violence didn't only happen in the town I live in ... ditto for many others as well. I didn't know this had a name until I saw it on a website a few years ago. I first heard of this 'Beat Whitey Night' violence on a site (that Google has since taken down, or as they say, 'pulled the plug', claiming it was a racist hate-site although it WAS NOT) about 5 yrs ago, around the time 'BWN' happened at a street fair-festival in the town I live in.

So, this has been going on for some time. One poster here said it has been going on for decades. So, this is not new and it's not an isolated incident.

I would really like to know the real reason why it's never reported on the news. Even if it's a screwed up reason, we still have a right to know.
edit on 9-8-2011 by Jana12 because: typo

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 08:17 PM
If Whites attack Blacks it's a racially motivated hate crime, but simply mentioning race when the roles are reversed is somehow taboo.

Also, I just heard a report from a police friend about this -- another 'raceless' attack that occurred last week - during rush-hour traffic ... Black teens in the NYC Metro area were targeting Whites, pulling people out of cars and beating them. It was never reported on the news or anywhere that we know of. He said that the media didn't want to instill fear in the public.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 08:32 PM
Here is the big question (and maybe I missed it) but where the heck are these things getting organized?

First the one at the WI state fair, and now Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa state fair...

Is the a central website or something that this is all coming from?

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by TheOneYouFearIsRight

Thugs dont use social networks lol seriously, groups of black kids are seeing other groups of black kids do and get away with this stuff. Its going to keep happening.

The annual fair started tonite in my Illinois hometown. Theres not many blacks in the area so I cant see anything happening here. I also dont see many hillbillys standing by and watching, it will turn into a bloodbath. Especially now that there is a beer tent lol

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by TheOneYouFearIsRight
Here is the big question (and maybe I missed it) but where the heck are these things getting organized?

First the one at the WI state fair, and now Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa state fair...

Is the a central website or something that this is all coming from?

'BWN' has actually been going on for well over a decade all over the country but is rarely reported. When this violence is aired, it is downplayed and race isn't mentioned. So, it is perceived as a sort of, kind of, but not quite right, harmless 'boys will be boys' incident with no mention of race.

Imagine if Whites were pulling Blacks out of cars and beating them OR White gangs were going around storming crowds of Black people and beating them. You get the picture ... yet the news reports are downplayed and lumped into the same category as 'the smart dog who called 911 on the auto-dialer and saved his owner'.

These atrocious acts of violence are mostly organized through social networking sites (facebook, twitter, and so on) and gang members and large groups of Black youth can also mass text message in a matter of seconds using their BlackBerry or other device. So, there are several very effective and efficient methods of instant mass communication. By the way, 'effective and efficient methods' that were designed and developed by White people, meaning the Blacks are so stupid, complaining about Whites when they wouldn't even have the technology if it weren't for White folk. Left to their own devices (no pun), they would be nowhere without White people, and would have probably killed each other by now.

The media have been, as ever, conspicuously silent about this and what few media have "reported" on this have, as one might expect, been beyond bending over backward sickeningly politically-correct, sugar-coating this to the no-end max, and dismissing this (with a phony smile) as nothing more than a mere minor incident, if that.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Cryptonomicon

Or more likely, someone is going to start using their car as a mower, and start mowing down black kids.

One guy will start it, then another and a another, and before you know it, there will be a demolition kill derby using black kids as hockey pucks. It is just a matter of time.

Personally, I wouldn't doubt if there is a bigger group higher up in the food chain putting all of this together. There is a lot of racist propaganda making the rounds, and most of it comes from the Nation of Islam. It all indicates that things are probably going to get worse before they get better.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Hockey Pucks? Really?
I am adding this line out of necessity.... I sit here, jaw dropped, amazed, that I have the privilege of sharing web space with my fellow ats'ers.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by ShaunHatfield

LOL, I don't know if you mean this as a compliment or insult.

The sad truth is that I see this as a highly liking ending of these flash mobs.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 10:34 PM
911 calls have been released:

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 01:16 AM
When stuff like this happens, one group on another - don't care what the color is - the group being victimized needs to run and band together - just quit trying to get your car out of the gates or whatever, don't think, don't look, just band together. You can't sit around and wait on the cops to protect you - they come after the fact usually. Keep you a roll of quarters and a sock handy if nothing else.

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