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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by here4awhile

Originally posted by Ramcheck

Originally posted by here4awhile
ok so apparently somebody has found a reason as to why... was disabled
"We have determined that based on the excessive resource utilization your account is not a good fit for a VPS account since not only your VPS is crashing due to the high resource usage but you are also impacting the actual hardware node on which the VPS is created. Unfortunately due to the severe nature of the problem your web service access has been disabled." Sorry, but now server was disabled. I can't pay for dedicate server.
By: Leonid Elenin

this from the other thread...

So all of a sudden he can't pay for his site? sorry but I don't buy it...

it seems rather convenient for this to happen JUST AS PICTURES WOULD BE RELEASED...

Yeah I saw that post on the GLP forum... but that is the only place I could find that on the net. In that post on that forum, and it looks like just a standard message from the web host with bits added imo.

It is actually posted directly on Leonid Elenin's Facebook

I see, well that's that then. Cheers.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by voyger2
it's really upsetting what's (not) happenig around this comet from govermental enteties, because silence and lack of information at this time it's to much, and simultaneus, we observe this kind of cut's in www that are strange.

Until further information i leave here a site from the where you can see a great, and seem's to me, honeste , work of francis about this theme.It could be nothing, but someone is at least given all the information about this.

Pedro - from PT (at Guimarães city where started the foundation of my honorable country).

Originally posted by voyger2
reply to post by here4awhile

you should have an account o youtube (i think that's not the problem?)

i can get to page try again this link

or directly see this three videos on youtube

this one is from another person / investigator that haves an interesting teory from the alignements and herthquakes about this comet or nibiru the dwarf stra that follows elenin

And i really like to add this, first:

Nasa is getting closer (i'm speculating know) to Elenin comet and side efects, trhow out this notice

in this information i would like to pin point this particulary subject " The comet that produced the meteor shower is unknown. It may have last zipped by the sun just a few hundred years ago, or many thousands, researchers said. But it apparently came relatively close to Earth on its last trip through the inner solar system. [Comet Dive-Bombs Sun During Big Solar Eruption]"

About comet dive-bombs sun during big solar euption, i wrote this article

strangely today or yesterday, nasa try's to clear up thing's...

but i'm still with doubt's because of an article published on , where you can read the coment's. You will see that people didn't believe much on the story because they only published a photo 7 days after the event. The picture wasn't so clear how it should be given the means of nasa.
So all this time (about 22 days) nasa releseas, finaly, a video. I could ask, know is that what really happend? Why so much time to show those images?

you decide and think what it could mean ...

edit on 29-7-2011 by voyger2 because: sorry for my bad english

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Ramcheck

even there we can't se theimage ...because it' linked t

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by voyger2

yep so far it seems as if the new images of the comet aren't going to be seen for a while until either nasa provides pics or leonid elenin gets off his butt and posts them somewhere publicly...a place like or facebook...

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by here4awhile

Geez... well I went looking for that missing page on different search engines and found a forum talking about the Vatican and a link to their sculpture.At first I thought it was Mars, replicating the massive canyon there, intil it rotated. It looks like a planet giving birth to its core.... which if I remember correctly, that's what is believed to have happened once before... but it was Earth that gave birth. What an odd piece of art to be displayed in the Vatican.
This.. The " Planet X " / Nibiru of the Vatican !

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by here4awhile

at this point, nasa sholud had had published those images on the web, do to the related effects (earthquakes reletad to alignments) and buzz on internet

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