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Dan Savage Threatens Rick Santorum in Hilarious Video

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Dan Savage, gay rights activist, sex columnist and creator of the "It Gets Better" project is taking on Rick Santorum again.

First, Santorum calls homosexuals pedophiles. Then Savage asked his readers to Google the word "Santorum". Go ahead, do it. Its pretty gross.

So now Santorum has "a google problem". Not a problem with his views on gay people, but a problem with the associated of his last name it.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:27 PM
OH my god, that was hillarious! How stupid am I?!? I followed Racheal Maddow's recommendation, about a month 1/2 ago, and googled "Santorum." I totally thought that was a real deffinition. Although, I wondered who really needed to define the stuff, I thought "OK, a medical term for a fluid that may cause disease or inflamation."

Oh boy, poor, poor, stupid Rick Santorum. He better stop top flaming gays! HAHA, I wounder what Savage can do with the Bachman's!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Not sure why this posted twice.

Mods if we could delete this one. I have a second thread on this for some reason


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